var bgLanguage = {"LA_2018BLACKEGG_SIGN_IN":"Sign in","LC_SEARCH":"Search","LC_SEARCH_BANGGOOD":"Search Banggood","LA_SEARCH_EMPTY_TIP":"Please enter the product keyword.","LA_INDEX_RECOMMEND_TAB_NAME_HOME":"Home","LC_CATEGORY":"Category","LA_CART":"Cart","LC_ACCOUNT":"Account","LA_SHOP_ON_BANGGOOD":"Shop on Banggood app","LA_GET_ITEM_FOR_FREE":"Get items for $0","LA_TOP_HOME_1":"APP-ONLY DEALS","LA_TOP_HOME_2":"Win items for $0.01 in APP","LA_TOP_PRODUCT_3":"APP-ONLY DISCOUNTS","LA_TOP_PRODUCT_4":"Get a new user coupon US$3","LA_TOP_PRODUCT_5":"APP-ONLY DISCOUNT","LC_SIGN_IN":"Sign In","LC_HOME":"Home","LC_MY_ACCOUNT":"My Account","LC_MY_ORDERS":"My Orders","LC_MY_WISH_LIST":"My Wish List","LC_MY_COUPONS":"My Coupons","LA_MY_PAGE":"My Page","LA_APP_EXCLUSIVE":"APP Exclusive","LC_LANGUAGE":"Language","LC_CURRENCY":"Currency","LC_LIVE_CHAT":"Live Chat","LC_CONTACTUS":"Contact Us","LA_NEW_USER_TITLE":"New User Benefits","LA_NEW_USER_DESC4":"Get","LA_NEW_USER_GET":"GET","LA_NEW_USER_HELLO":"Hello","LA_STOP_FREE_TIP":"Banggood will perform an upgrade on Free Trial. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.","LA_TERMS_CONDITION":"Terms And Condition","LA_COPYRIGHT":"Copyright \u00a9 2006-2020 Banggood All Rights Reserved.","LA_ABOUT_US":"ABOUT US","LC_ABOUTUS":"About Us","LC_PAGE_NOT_FOUND":"Please go back to the previous page","LC_PAGE_NOT_FOUND_BUTTON":"Go back","LA_LOAD_TIMEOUT":"Action failed, please try again.","LA_NO_ITEMS_FOUND":"No items found","LA_PROSHARE_GER_REWARDED":"Share to your friends","LA_PROSHARE_COPY_LINK":"Copy Link","LA_FASHION_TIPS_1":"Some errors may exist due to hand measure.","LA_UNDERBUST":"Underbust","LA_CUP":"CUP","LA_SIZE_FASHION_1":"*Please note that you should place your order in %s size, however the tags inside the items will show in Asian size.","LA_SIZE_FASHION_2":"


1 Put your foot on the white paper and use the pen to point out the front and back points. The distance between the two points is the normal foot Length.<\/p>

2 The foot of the person are basically symmetrical,which should be based on the larger one.<\/p>

3 It is recommended to buy in the usual size! If the instep is high or the foot are wide and fat,it is recommended to choose one size larger. If the back of the foot are flat or the foot are slender,it is recommended to choose one size smaller.<\/p>","LA_HOW_TO_MEASURE":"How to measure","LP_SIZE_SIZE_CHART":"Size Chart","LA_SELECTED":"Selected","LA_UNAVAILABLE":"unavailable","LA_ADD_AVAILABLE":"available","LS_SHIPPING":"Shipping","LA_SELECT":"Please Select","LW_FORM_TIPS12":"Country\/Region","LA_STATE_PROVINCE":"State\/Province","LA_NEW_USER_RECEIVED_SUCCESS":"Replace successfully","LA_NEW_FREE_GIFT_ADDTOCART_SUCCESS":"Added to cart successfully","LC_OPEN":"Open","LS_SNAPUP_DESC6":"Cancel","LA_WANT_MORE_DISCOUNTS":"Want more discounts?","LA_GO_APP_GET_DEALS":"Go to Banggood APP and get more deals & discounts","LA_GO_TO_APP":"Go to APP","LA_STAY":"Stay","LA_CONFIRM_YOUR_AGE":"Confirm Your Age","LA_AT_LEAST_18":"You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this section.","LA_OVER_18":"I AM OVER 18","LA_UNDER_18":"I AM UNDER 18","LA_COOKIE_CLOSED":"The cookie has been closed. Please open the cookie and refresh the page.","LL_OFFLINE_WARNING":"You are currently offline.","LS_OK":"OK","LC_LOG_IN":"Log in","LC_REGISTER":"Register","LA_RULES":"Rules","LA_CONGRATULATIONS":"Congratulations!","LA_MY_PRIZES":"My Prizes","LC_FREE_SHIPPING":"Free Shipping","LA_SUBMIT":"Submit","LA_LOGIN_SLIDING_TIPS":"Slide the button to the right to complete the puzzle","LL_VALIDATE_FAILED":"Your identifying code is failed.","LL_VALIDATE_SUCCESS":"Your identifying code is success.","LA_PHONE_LENGTH_AND_START_MSG":"Please enter a %d-digit telephone number that starts with the number %s.","LA_INPUT_INCORRECT":"The input format is incorrect.","LA_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE_LEAST_TIP":"Please enter at least %s numbers","LA_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE_MOST_TIP":"Please enter at most %s numbers","LA_SOLDOUT_PURCHASED":"The goods have been sold out, and other goods can be purchased.","LA_EXCLUSIVE_ALLOWANCE":"Exclusive Allowance","LA_ADDRESS_ADD":"Add New Address","LA_NO_ADDRESS":"No Address","LA_ADDRESS_ADD_ADDRESS":"Add a shipping address","LA_ADDRESS":"Address Book","LA_ADDRESS_DEFAULT":"Default","LA_WL_REMOVE_GROUP_SUCCESS":"Delete successfully","LS_AREA_ONLYTIP":"Sorry, only addresses in %s are accepted.","LA_EDIT_SHOPPING_ADDRESS":"Edit Shipping Address","LA_UPDATE_ADDRESS":"Update Address","LA_ADDRESS_CITY":"City","LS_FORM_VN_CITY":"District","LA_WHAT_PCCC":"What is PCCC?","LA_PCCC_WEBSITE":"PCCC(Personal Customs Clearance Code) is the only code to issue customs affairs for residents of Republic of Korea, it can be applied on customs website.","LA_PLEASE_CLICK":"(To apply, please click me<\/a>.)","LA_ADDRESS_MAKE_DEFAULT":"Make this my default address","LA_AFFILIATE_CANCEL":"Cancel","LA_WALLET_AGREE":"AGREE","LA_AFFILIATE_SAVE":"SAVE","LA_ADDRESS_PLACEHOLDER":"Street and number, company name, C\/O","LA_ADDRESS_ADDRESS1":"Address Line %s","LS_FORM_ADDRESS_PLACEHOLDER2":"Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc (Optional)","LA_ADDRESS_NEAREST_LANDMARK":"Nearest Landmark","LA_YOUR_PCCC":"Your PCCC","LA_PCCC":"PCCC","LA_ADDRESS_PCCC01":"PCCC should be a 13-dight numbers starting with P. Such as: P111111111111","LA_YOUR_NATIONAL_ID":"Your National ID","LA_ADDRESS_PCCC02":"The National ID is made up of 13 digital numbers, Such as 1236545565556","LA_JAPAN_LOCAL_TIP":"Japan Direct Mail requires the address to be written in Japanese.","LA_NO_JAPAN_LOCAL_TIP":"Enter an address written in English or go back to your address book to choose one written in English.","LA_ERR_RETRY":"Error,please try again later","LS_ADDRESS_RESELECT_CITY":"Please reselect your city.","LC_LIST_SORT1":"Popular","LA_ADDRESS_STATE":"State \/ Province \/ Region","LA_ADDRESS_CITY_EMPTY":"City can not be empty","LA_ADDRESS_ENGLISH_ONLY":"Please enter English only","LS_SELECT_VN_CITY":"Please select a district","LA_ADDRESS_CITY_TIP":"Please enter %s characters.","LA_COUNTRY":"Country\/Region","LA_CHOOSE_COUNTRY_TIP":"Please choose your Country\/Region.","LA_YOUR_RESPONSIBLE_NAME":"Your Responsible Name","LA_NEED_ARABIC_NUMERALS":"Please don't fill in a Arabic numerals, and you need enter 1-50 characters.","LC_OPTIONAL":"Optional","LA_ADDRESS_EMPTY":"Address can not be empty","LA_125_CHARACTERS":"Please enter 2-125 characters, and include letters and numbers.","LA_ADDRESS_LIMIT_AR_COUNTRY":"Please enter %s characters,and must contain letters.","LA_DS_FULL_NAME":"Full Name","LA_ADDRESS_FULL_NAME_EMPTY":"Full Name can not be empty","LA_ADDRESS_TIP":"Please enter %s characters,and not less than two words.","LS_EMAIL":"E-mail","LL_SIGNUP_YOUR_EMAIL":"Please enter your email.","LA_CHECK_EMAIL_FORMAT":"Please check your email format.","LA_ADDRESS_FORST_NAME":"First Name","LA_ADDRESS_LAST_NAME":"Last Name","LA_ADDRESS_LAST_NAME_CNANOT_EMPTY":"Last Name can not be empty.","LA_ADDRESS_NAME_LIMIT":"Please don't fill in a Arabic numerals, and you need enter 1-35 characters.","LA_BG_M_NATIONAL_DESC_1":"National ID Number","LA_BG_M_IDENTIFY_CARD":"Identify card ID or residence permit ID.","LA_BG_M_NATIONAL_DESC_2":"National ID should be a 10-dight number sarting with 1 or 2.","LA_BG_M_NATIONAL_DESC_3":"Why we need the ID number?","LA_BG_M_ACCORDING_NATIONAL_DESC":"According to the new customs regulations of Saudi Aradia, consignee needs to provide their national ID number to assist in customs clearance. Providing an ID number will reduce the risk of the package being delayed or held in customs.","LA_BG_M_BANGGOOD_NATIONAL_DESC":"Banggood promises your personal information will remain confidential and won]t be shared with any third-party for commercial purpose.","LA_BG_M_PERSONAL_ID":"personal ID","LA_PCCC_NATIONAL_VISA":"PCCC \/ National ID \/ Visa","LA_ADDRESS_ALTERNATE_PHONE":"Alternate Phone Number","LA_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE":"Telephone","LA_PROTECT_INFO":"Your phone number will not be shared with any third parties.","LA_ALTER_PHONE_LENGTH_AND_START_MSG":"Please enter a %d-digit alternate phone number that starts with the number %s.","LA_PLEASE_INPUT_TR_POST_CODE":"Please enter %s digits for postal code","LA_ADDRESS_ZIP":"Zip \/ Postal Code","LA_ADDRESS_ZIP_CODE_EMPTY":"Zip code can not be empty","LA_PLEASE_INPUT_POST_CODE":"Please input a %d to %d digits Zip\/Post Code.","LA_ADDRESS_TR_POST_CODE":"Please enter a 5-digit ZIP \/ Post Code.","LA_INVALID_POSTCODE":"Incorrect ZIP\/Post Code format.","LA_ADDRESS_POST_CODE_ERROR":"ZIP \/ Post Code format is incorrect.","LA_ENTER_STREET":"Please enter the correct street name.","LA_STREET":"Street","LA_ADDRESS_PLEASE_ENTER_CHARACTERS":"Please enter 2-35 characters.","LA_ADDRESS_STATE_NAME_EMPTY":"State name can not be empty","LA_ADD_SHOPPING_ADDRESS":"Add Shipping Address","LA_VERIFY_SUCCESS":"Verify successfully","LA_VERIFY_PHONE":"Verify your phone","LA_VERIFY_CONTACT":"We\u2019ll send you a message including verification code to verify your phone number so that when necessary we can contact you in time.","LA_VERIFY":"Verify","LA_CONFIRM":"CONFIRM","LS_PHONE_VERIFY_MSG1":"Please enter the phone number.","LS_PHONE_VERIFY_MSG2":"Please enter 9 or 10 digits.","LS_PHONE_VERIFY_MSG4":"Please enter the verification code.","LS_PHONE_VERIFY_MSG5":"The verification code is incorrect, please try again.","LA_CLEARENCE_INFO":"Customs Clearance information","LA_CLEARENCE_MAKE_SURE":"Please make sure that the name, passport number,date of issue and other informations are consistent with the passport.","LA_CLEARENCE_PASSPORT":"Passport Number","LA_CLEARENCE_ENTER_PASSPORT":"Please enter your passport number.","LA_CLEARENCE_PASSPORT_LIMIT":"Passport number should be 10 digits.","LA_CLEARENCE_ISSUE":"Date of Issue","LA_CLEARENCE_ENTER_ISSUE":"Please select your passport issurance date.","LA_CLEARENCE_AUTHORITY":"Authority","LA_CLEARENCE_ENTER_AUTHORITY":"Please enter your passport organization in Russian.","LA_CLEARENCE_TAX":"Tax Number","LA_CLEARENCE_ENTER_TAX":"Please enter your tax number.","LA_CLEARENCE_TAX_LIMIT":"Tax number should be 12 digits.","LA_CLEARENCE_BIRTH":"Date of Birth","LA_CLEARENCE_ENTER_BIRTH":"Please select your birthday.","LA_CLEARENCE_AGREE":"I agree that the above information may be used for customs clearance. The information will be strictly protected.","LA_CLEARENCE_AGREE_TIP":"Please note that you will not be able to place an order without agreeing.","LA_CLEARENCE_NEEDED":"Ship from border warehouse, customs clearance is needed.","LA_ADDRESS_COMPLETE_TIP":"To ensure accurate delivery of your order, please confirm and complete your address.","LA_ENTER_CHARACTERS_INCLUDE":"Please enter %s characters that include %i","LA_ENTER_CHARACTERS_INCLUDE2":"Please enter %s characters in %d that include %i","LA_ENTER_CHARACTERS_ARABIC":"Please enter %s characters instead of Arabic numerals","LA_ENTER_CHARACTERS_ARABIC2":"Please enter %s characters in %d instead of Arabic numerals","LA_ENTER_TELEPHONE":"Please enter a %m digit telephone number","LA_ENTER_TELEPHONE_STARTS":"Please enter a %m digit telephone number that starts with the number %p","LA_ENTER_CHARACTERS_IN":"Please enter %s characters in %d","LA_ENTER_CHARACTERS_SUCH":"Please enter %s characters, such as %b-%a","LA_PLEASE_EXCLUDE":"Please exclude %d","LS_XCPFPAN_MSG":"Please enter %s characters","LA_ADDRESS_COMPANY":"Street Address, Company Name, C\/O","LA_APT_OR_SUITE":"Apt Or Suite","LA_IDENTITY_DOCUMENT_TYPE":"Identity Document Type","LA_RUC_MSG":"RUC number should be a 11-digit number","LA_CHOOSE_FORM":"Choose Form","LA_YOUR_DNI":"Your DNI","LA_YOUR_RUC":"Your RUC","LA_BG_M_NATIONAL_DESC_3_TUR":"Why We Need The ID Number?","LA_BG_M_ACCORDING_NATIONAL_DESC_TUR":"According to the new customs regulations, consignee must provide the country with a valid ID number<\/strong>, otherwise the order will not be issued.","LA_BG_M_BANGGOOD_NATIONAL_DESC_TUR":"Banggood promises your personal information will remain confidential and won't be shared with any third-party for commercial purpose.","LA_BG_M_PERSONAL_ID_TUR":"Notional ID Number","LA_BG_M_NATIONAL_DESC_2_TUR":"National ID should be a 11-dight number","LA_ADDR_IN":"Identity Number","LA_ADDR_INSBAN":"Identity Number should be a 13-digit number","LA_ADDR_TURKEY":"The last digit of number can only be 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.","LA_ADDR_WITIN":"What is the Identity Number?","LA_ADDR_ATTNCRCPTCWA":"According to the new customs regulations, consignee must provide the country with a valid ID number<\/strong>, otherwise the order will not be issued.","LA_CEO_POPUP_MSG_6":"About Badges","LA_CEO_POPUP_MSG_3":"Badges you can earn are coming soon","LA_CEO_POPUP_MSG_1":"Badges are related to the community, and users earn badges by creating quality content, completing missions, or by participating in special activities.Specific people will also have their own exclusive badge.","LA_CEO_POPUP_MSG_4":"CEO Badge","LA_CEO_POPUP_MSG_5":"The CEO Badge is owned only by the boss of Banggood.<\/a>","LA_ADDRESS_FIRST_NAME_CNANOT_EMPTY":"First Name can not be empty.","LA_BROWSING_HISTORY":"Browsing History","LA_CUSTOMER_SERVICE":"Customer Service","LA_EXPLORE":"Explore","LA_FLASH_DEAL":"Flash Deal","LA_FLASH_DEALS":"Flash Deals","LA_SEE_ALL_CATEGORY":"See All Category","LA_SETTING":"Setting","LC_DAYS":"Days","LA_QUICK_ACCESS_WISH":"Quick access with","LA_MORE_REGISTER_LOG":"More ways to register and log in","LA_CLICKING_AGREE":"By clicking this button, you agree to our","LA_REGISTER_AND":"and","LA_TERMS_OF_USE":"Terms of Use","LA_REGISTER_POLICY":"Privacy Policy","LA_POLICY_LABELS_TITLE_3":"Quality Guarantee","LA_POLICY_LABELS_TITLE_4":"No Reason Returns","LA_NPWP_DESC1":"Your NPWP number is necessary for customs clearance. If you don't have one, the item can't be cleared smoothly and it may be detained by the Customs.","LA_NPWP_DESC2":"If you don't have a NPWP number, please click %s and the number will be automatically generated.","LA_NPWP_DESC3":"NPWP should be a 15-digit number","LA_NPWP_DESC4":"Get NPWP","LA_NPWP_DESC5":"Please fill in your name first, then the NPWP will be generated automatically.","LA_NPWP_DESC6":"The NPWP was entered repeatedly, please enter it again.","LA_TRY_NOW":"Try Now","LA_TRY_ON":"TRY ON","LA_UPDATE_APP":"Update to the latest version of the APP","LA_EXPERIENCE_AR":"to Experience AR shopping","LA_TITLE_ADD_NEW_VEHICLE":"Add New Vehicle","LA_LABEL_SELECT_VEHICLE":"Select Vehicle","LA_LABEL_CHANGE_VEHICLE":"Change Vehicle","LA_TIPS_MY_VEHICLE":"My Vehicle","LA_TIPS_FILTER_VEHICLE":"Filter for the right parts for your vehicle:","LA_TIPS_CHECK_VEHICLE":"Check if this part fits your vehicle:","LA_LABEL_ADD":"Add","LA_TIPS_WHAT_VEHICLE":"What type of your vehicle?","LA_TIPS_VEHICLE_DELETE":"Are you sure you want to delete your vehicle?","LA_LABEL_VEHICLE_MOTORCYCLE":"Motorcycle","LA_LABEL_CHECK":"Check","LA_TIPS_SEARCH_SVE":"Search vehicle's Engine","LA_TIPS_SEARCH_NRFF":"No results found for","LA_VEHICLE_GARAGE":"Garage","LA_LABEL_VEHICLE_CARTRUCK":"Car & Truck","LA_VEHICLE_VAMAX":"%s vehicles (at maximum)","LA_VEHICLE_MOTOCMAX":"%s motorcycles (at maximum)","LA_VEHICLE_YHASUV":"You have already set up %s vehicles.","LA_VEHICLE_YHASUMT":"You have already set up %s motorcycles.","LA_TIPS_MY_MOTORCYCLE":"My motorcycle","LA_TIPS_SEARCH_VEHICLE":"Search vehicle's %s","LA_DRAINAGE_SOBA":"Shop on Banggood APP","LA_DRAINAGE_GIF":"Get items for","LA_DRAINAGE_OPEN":"OPEN","LA_DRAINAGE_OBA":"Open Banggood APP","LA_DRAINAGE_SSSM":"shop smart & save more !","LA_DRAINAGE_SH":"stay here","LA_DRAINAGE_OPEN_2":"Open","LA_EX_COUPON_ECA":"Expiring Coupon\/Allowance","LA_EX_COUPON_MD":"More Discounts","LA_ADD_CART_IN_ADVANCE":"Add Cart In Advance","LA_SNATCH_CATEGORY1":"Hot","LA_HOME_MORE_TO_LOVE":"More to love","LB_HOMEPAGE_TITLE2":"Coupons","LA_SLASH":"Slash","LA_LIST_FASHION":"Fashion","LC_FLASH_DEALS":"Flash Deals","LA_SOLD":"sold","LA_INDEX_DAILY_FEATURED":"Daily Featured","LC_HOT_CATE":"Hot Categories","LA_VIEW_MORE":"View more","LA_INDEX_RECOMMEND_TAB_NAME_YOU_MAY_LIKE":"You may like","LA_SOLD_CAPITAL":"Sold","LA_ADD_CART":"ADD TO CART","LA_ICON_SNATCH":"Snatch","LE_NEW_USER_ZONE_V4_10":"New User Benefits","THREE_ORDER_NEW_TIP6":"Get","LA_VALID_IN":"LA_VALID_IN","LA_INDEX_THREE_NEW":"Order to get cash back now!","LC_SNATCH_001":"Snatch 0.01 and Slash","LA_GROUP_BUY_2":"Group buy","LA_LIVE":"Live","LA_GAME":"Game","LA_HOME_BANGGOOG_RANKINGS":"Banggood Rankings","LA_NEW_USER_DESC10":"Free Gifts & US$2 Allowance","LA_FREE_GIFTS":"Free Gifts","LC_CLEARANCE":"Clearance","LA_PRICE_DROP":"Price Drop","LA_PICKS_FOR_YOU":"Picks For You","LA_COUPONS_3":"Allowance","LA_COUPONS_2":"Coupon","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_VALIDIN":"Valid in","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_VALID_FOR":"Valid for","LA_DISCOVER_TLP":"Discover The Lowest Price","LA_AF_HOT_SALE":"Hot Sale","LA_ALLOWANCE_SUCCESS":"Get Allowance successful","LA_COPYRIGHT_FRONT":"Copyright \u00a9 2006-","LA_COPYRIGHT_AFTER":"Banggood All Rights Reserved","LA_HOME_BACK_TO_TOP":"Back to Top","LA_HOME_BTN_VM":"View More","LA_TIME_ENDS_IN":"Ends In","LA_DENMARK_POP1":"Notice of Website System Upgrade & Maintenance","LA_DENMARK_POP2":"Dear Danish customers,","LA_DENMARK_POP3":"Banggood will perform an upgrade on our website system recently. To ensure our customer service, if you have any questions about your order during this maintenance period, please contact us by our [Customer Service]<\/span> and [Customer Service Hotline: 001 3235700368]<\/span>. We will reply within 24 hours!","LA_DENMARK_POP4":"Thank you for your kind understanding and continued support of Banggood!","LA_DENMARK_POP5":"3-Sept-21","LA_DENMARK_POP6":"Yes, I Know","LA_UPGRADE_DEALS_M":"Upgrade Deals","LA_SHOPPING_ON_APP":"Shopping on Banggood App","LA_90_OFF":"90% OFF","LA_SMASH_GUIDE_ENTER":"Enter the event from the home page","LA_SMASH_EXIT":"Exit Guide","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_NYB":"New User Benefits","LA_FREE_GIFTS_COUPONT":"Free gifts & 10% off coupons","LA_US4":"US$ 4.00","LA_ORDER_OVER4_1":"Order over","LA_INVITED_NEW_USER_6":"Free Gift","LA_BG_JOIN_LIN_LIST19":"Get it","LA_FREE_GIFTS_COUPONT2":"Free gifts & 12% coupons","LA_VIP_CLAIM_BENEFITS":"Claim Your VIP Benefits","LA_VIP_SAVE_UP":"Save up to 15%!","LA_VIP_DAY_V2":"VIP Day","LA_VIP_MONTHLY_ALLOWANCE":"Monthly Allowance","LA_VIP_FREE_SHIPPING":"Free Shipping","LA_VIP_SERVICE":"VIP Service","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_SSOYFO":"Super savings on your first order!","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_NUB":"New User Bonus","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_US001":"US$ 0.01","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_20OFF":"15% OFF","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_FOOUS30":"For orders over $30","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_US400":"US$ 4.00","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_FOOUS4":"For orders over $4.0","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_CLAIMNOW":"Claim Now","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_UPTO":"Up to","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_UPTO_ALLOWANCE":"Up to %d Allowance","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_UPTO_ALLOWANCE_US30":"US$30","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_1":"At Banggood, we uses cookies and other similar technologies to provide you with essential functionalities and for aggregated statistics.","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_2":"We also use optional cookies for a better experience with:","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_3":"Optimise your navigation experience","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_4":"Measure and analyse the performance of our sites","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_5":"Show you personalised content","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_6":"You can choose not to allow some types of cookies via[Cookie Settings].If you want to learn more about it, you can swipe to the bottom of the page to see the Privacy Policy<\/a>","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_7":"Welcome to Banggood,","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_8":"When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience.","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_9":"Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site and the services we are able to offer.","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_10":"You Allow:","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_11":"Allow and Close","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_12":"Cookie Settings","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_13":"Strictly Necessary Cookies(Required)","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_14":"These cookies are necessary for you to browse our website and use its fundamental services,and they don]t require your consent.These cookies allow us to offer you the essential functions of the website(account access,language used,order played,payment etc),and can also be used for identity verification and security.If you disable them,we will not able to fulfill your basic request.","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_15":"Statistics Cookies","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_16":"These cookies collect anonymous information on your online operation behaviors that help us improve website construction. If you reject these cookies, you may not be able to use certain features of our websites and services.","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_17":"Preferences Cookies","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_18":"These cookies allow us to remember the choices you have made about your preferences, such as what language you prefer. If you reject these cookies, you may feel that the efficiency of browsing the web has decreased.","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_19":"Marketing Cookies","LA_GDPR_POP_TEXT_20":"These cookies carry out personalized activities to advertise products and services which you are interested. 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redemption.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_6":"Get VIP club notifications via email and app.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_7":"Upgrade the membership can get","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_8":"double points","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_9":"(earn 2 points for every","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_10":"spent)Rewards points only valid in 24 hours.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UNLOCK":"unlock","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_11":"Offer 24 hours online service with higher quality.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_12":"Any question about order or logistic will be answered in time.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_13":"Free shipping","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_14":"Save","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_15":"on delivery costs for VIP5 members.Excludes oversized & freight items.","LA_VIP_FAST_REFUND":"Fast Refund","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_17":"VIP5 members' refund process will be completed in 3 hours.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_DESC_18":"It takes 24 hours for other members.","LA_VIP_LEVLES_INFORMATION":"VIP Levels Information","LA_CUSTOME":"Consume","LA_TO_UNLOCK":"to unlock","LA_APP_TASK_CLAIM_IT":"Claim it","LA_VIP_DESC_TEXT1":"Save up to 25%<\/strong>, enjoy exclusive discounts and featured products on the 9th<\/strong> of each month.","LA_VIP_DESC_TEXT2":"Receive up to US$2<\/strong> allowance for all categories and shipping allowance for free<\/strong>.","LA_VIP_DESC_TEXT3":"Save US$8<\/strong> on delivery costs for VIP5 members.","LC_UNDER_PRICE":"Under %s","LC_PREORDER":"Preorder","LC_TH_ORDER_PREORDER":"th order","LA_REVIEW_CUSTOMER_SERVICE":"Customer Service","LA_REVIEW_LOGITICS_SERVICE":"Logitics Service","LA_REVIEW_PRODUCT_RATING":"Product Rating","LA_REVIEW_RATE_NAME5":"Very Good","LA_REVIEW_RATE_NAME4":"Good","LA_REVIEW_RATE_NAME3":"General","LA_REVIEW_RATE_NAME2":"Poor","LA_REVIEW_RATE_NAME1":"Very Poor","LA_REVIEW_SUBMIT":"Submit","LA_REVIEW_TEXTAREA_PLACEHOLDER":"Please input at least 2 characters as the review content.","LA_REVIEW_TOAST1":"Please make sure you agree our Terms and Conditions","LA_REVIEW_TOAST2":"Please select the option you do not like","LA_REVIEW_TOAST3":"Submitted Successfully","LA_REVIEW_PRIVACY_POLICY1":"Please read Banggood's","LA_REVIEW_PRIVACY_POLICY2":"Privacy Policy","LA_REVIEW_SERVICE_RATING":"Service Rating","LA_REVIEW_FIRST_IMG_TIPS":"Choose the best one as the first image for getting more likes from people!","LD_ALL_CATEGORIES":"All Categories","LA_499_CATEGORY_1":"Top Items","LA_499_CATEGORY_2":"Starting at 50% Off","LA_499_CATEGORY_3":"Under US$1.99","LA_499_CATEGORY_4":"Toys Hobbies and Robot","LA_ELECTRONICS":"Electronics","LA_499_CATEGORY_5":"Automoblies & Motorcycles","LA_499_CATEGORY_6":"Clothing","LF_HOME_GARDEN":"Home and Garden","LD_LIGHTS_LIGHTING":"Lights & Lighting","LP_ANNV2018_CAT17":"Sports & Outdoor","LA_OR_LESS":"$4.99 OR LESS","LA_SELECTED_ITEMS":"Selected, quality, best prices items","LA_SORT":"LA_SORT","LA_CANCEL_UPPER":"CANCEL","LA_SORT2":"Sort","LA_COUPON_DEAL_FOLLOW":"The following items","LA_MY_COUPONS_CENTER_COUPON_ENTER_COUPON_DEALS_TITLE":"Coupon Deals","LM_CUSTOMER_VIEWED":"Viewed","LC_WISH_PROMOTION_NAME_3":"Coupons","LA_ORDERS":"Orders","LM_WALLET":"Wallet","LA_VIEW_ALL":"View All","LC_ORDER_STATUS_NAME_PENDING":"Pending","LC_PROCESSING":"Processing","LC_ORDER_STATUS_NAME_SHIPPED":"Shipped","LC_VIP_TASK2_TITLE":"Review","LLC_REGISTER":"Register","LA_ACCOUNT_NOTICE1":"Confirm email address to get \u00a0%s points<\/span>. Confirm","LA_ACCOUNT_NOTICE2":"Get your new user benefits.","LA_ACCOUNT_NOTICE3":"Get rewards for your 3 orders.","LC_POINTS":"Points","LM_MY_BGPAYS":"My BGpay","LM_CUSTOMER_FUN_WAYS":"Fun Ways To Save","LM_CUSTOMER_GET_IT_FREE":"Get it Free","LM_CUSTOMER_GROUP_BUY":"Group Buy","LM_CUSTOMER_SNATCH":"$0.01 Snatch","LM_CUSTOMER_GET_10_OFF":"Get 10% off","LM_SERVICES":"Services","LC_ADDRESS_BOOK":"Address Book","LC_CONTACT_US":"Contact Us","LM_MY_REVIEWS":"My Reviews","LA_SETTINGS":"Settings","LA_MY_TICKETS":"Return\/Repair list","LI_SERVICE_ITEM5":"Affiliate","LA_RETURN_REPAIR":"Return\/Repair","LA_CHECK_IN":"Check in","LA_VIP_BENIFIT":"VIP Benefit","LA_HELP_CENTER":"Help Center","LM_ACCOUNT_NEW_SERVICE":"Service","LM_ACCOUNT_NEW_SETTING":"Setting","LM_ACCOUNT_NEW_BGPAY":"BGpay","LC_CUSTOMER_SURVEY":"Customer Survey","LA_USERCENTER_DISCOUNT_CARD":"Discount Card","LA_AFTER_SALE":"After-Sale","LH_MENU_T_NEW_USER_BENEFITS":"New User Benefits","LA_NEWUSER_SAVING":"Super savings on your first item!","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL":"Identity Appeal","LA_ANSWER_TOTAL":"Total %d answers","LA_ANSWER_SINGLE":"Total 1 answer","LA_QUESTION_NONE":"Nobody has asked a question yet.","LA_NO_MATCH_RESULT":"There are 0 matching results for you search.","LA_TRANSLATE_SHOW_ORIGINAL":"Show Original","LA_TRANSLATE_TEXT":"Translate","LC_RECENT_SEARCHES":"Recent Searches","LC_DO_NOT_LOGIN":"Please login before operation.","LA_ASK_QUESTION":"Ask your question","LA_ASK_SUBMIT":"SUBMIT","LA_ASK_EMPTY":"Content cannot be empty.","LA_ASK_LIMIT":"Please input at least 2 characters.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_CUSTOMER_SERVICE":"customer service","LA_ASK_QUESTION_PLACEHOLDER":"Ask other users who have purchased and they will answer for you...","LA_ASK_QUESTION_NOTE":"Note","LA_ASK_QUESTION_NOTE1":"You can contact the","LA_ASK_QUESTION_NOTE2":"for any question regarding the product.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_NOTE3":"Ask the question in English to get the answer faster.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_NOTE4":"Keep your question short and to the point.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_CHECK_TEXT":"I want the seller to respond","LA_ASK_QUESTION_CONFIRM":"Confirm","LA_ASK_QUESTION_SUCCESS":"Success","LA_ASK_QUESTION_ALERT1":"Tip: If your question is about orders. Contact","LA_ASK_QUESTION_ALERT2":"to get a faster reply.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC1":"Resubscribe","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC2":"you'll get this first answer email.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC3":"To unsubscribe, you can't get our instant notification any more.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC4":"Unsubscribe","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC5":"You will receive a E-mail when the first answer replied","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC6":"To unsubscribe, you can]t get our instant notification any more.","LA_ASK_QUESTION_DESC7":"Get to [ my page>question>subcribe [ to restart.","LA_QUESTION_DETAIL":"Question Detail","LA_ANSWER_TITLE":"Answers","LQ_ANSWER_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_APP_5":"Submitted successfully","LQ_ANSWER_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_M_5":"Check awaiting answers to see more people who need help","LQ_CHECK_NOW":"Check Now","LQ_SUBSCRIBE":"Subscribe","LQ_ANSWER_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_M_6":"Subscribe to \"Invite Answer\" emails and use your knowledge to help more people with product questions. By subscribing you'll also earn the \"Helpful Badge\"<\/span>!","LC_SUBMIT_ANSWER_MSG_ALERT_TITLE":"ANSWER A QUESTION","LC_SUBMIT_ANSWER_MSG_ALERT_CONTENT":"1.Unless you are officially authorized, please do not include an affiliate link in the answer; otherwise, your affiliate account will be suspended.

2.A good answer can help a lot of people. Please answer based on the question

3.Answer questions to earn the helpful badge.","LC_A_ANSWER_QUESTION":"A good answer can help a lot of people. Please answer based on the question.","LA_QUESTION_DETAIL_DESC1":"Follow","LA_QUESTION_HELPFUL":"helpful","LT_SUBMIT_TICKETS":"Return\/Repair","LT_SELECT_ITEM":"Please select item","AND_SETTING_CONTACT_ORDER_NUMBER":"Order Number","LT_SELECT_QUESTION":"Please select a question type","LA_QUESTION1":"Question","LA_EXPECTED_SOLUTION":"Expected solution","LA_PLEASE_MESSAGE":"Please input message","LA_DETAILS_2_1000":"Please describe the problem in details, 2-1000 characters required","LT_UPLOAD":"Please upload the pictures","LA_UPLOAD_VIDEOS":"Please upload the videos","LA_VIDEO_URL":"Video Url","LT_FILL_NAME":"Please fill out your name","LW_FORM_FIELD1":"Your Name","LT_FILL_EMAIL":"Please leave your email address","LC_EMAIL_ADDR":"Email Address","LA_FILL_REQUIRED_FIELDS":"Please fill in the required fields","LA_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS":"Enter a valid email address","LT_CONTENT_1000":"2-1000 characters are required for the content","LA_TICKET_DETAIL":"Ticket Detail","LA_TCICKET_STATUS":"Tcicket Status","LSC_ORDER_NO":"Order No","LA_MOTO_ORDER_NAME":"Name","LW_FORM_TIPS5":"Email","LA_TICKET_NO":"Ticket No","LA_QUESTION_TYPE":"Question Type","LA_EXPECT_SOLUTION":"Expect solution","LA_TRACKING_NUMBER1":"Tracking number","LA_FEED_FLOW_LESS":"Less","LA_FEED_FLOW_MORE":"More","LW_FORM_TIPS8":"Message","LA_BACK_GROUP_YES":"Yes","LA_BACK_GROUP_NO":"No","LA_LEAVE_A_REPLY":"Leave a reply","LA_CLOSE_THE_QUESTION":"Close the question","LA_AFFILIATE_RATE":"Rate","LA_UPLOAD_TRACKING":"Upload the tracking number","LA_TICKET_RESLOVED":"Ticket resloved","LA_RECEIVE_UPDATES":"Once you close this ticket, you will not receive any updates of it","LA_RESOLVED_UPDATES":"Once you click ticket resolved button, you will not receive any updates of it","LA_RATE_TICKET":"Rate for the ticket","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_1":"Did this response solve your problem?","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_2":"How satisfied are you with the customer service?","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_3":"Which aspect we need improve?","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_4":"Attitude of customer service","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_5":"Banggood Guarantee policy","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_6":"Quality of product","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_7":"Speed of shipment","MYOS_BG_APP_CATEGORY_NEW2185":"Others","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_8":"More helpful advice would be appreciated.","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_9":"Please input at least 1 characters as the review content.","LA_TICKETS_SCORE_10":"Please fill out all the required content before submitting the review.","LA_SELECT_YOUR_ORDER":"Select your order","LA_CONTACT_US_SELECT_TYPE":"Please select the question type","LA_RECALL_STATUS":"Status","LA_CREATE_TICKET_TIME":"Create ticket time","LA_START_1":"Start","LA_END_1":"End","LA_UPLOAD_TRACKING_NUMBER":"Please upload the tracking number.","LA_OK_TEXT":"OK","LA_TICKETS_SEARCH_KEY":"Product ID \/ Return\/Repair NO","LA_CHOOSE_REASON_CLOSE":"Please choose the reason why close this ticket","LA_CLOSED":"Closed","LB_NEXT":"Next","LA_TICKETS_RATED":"LA_TICKETS_RATED","LA_TICKETS_1":"Refunded Amount","LA_TICKETS_2":"Detail","LA_TICKETS_3":"Refund Detail","LA_TICKETS_4":"Refund Amount","LA_TICKETS_5":"Refund Route","LA_TICKETS_6":"Refund Progress","LA_TICKETS_7":"Please refer to this link for refund arrival time","LA_TICKETS_8":"Speedy Refund","LA_TICKETS_9":"Privilege Introduction: we offer flash return service for VIP members, the refund will be made to you first once you return the product and upload the package code. You don]t need to wait till the package is delivered.","LA_TICKETS_10":"Use Instruction","LA_TICKETS_11":"Flash return process: submit return request\u2192application verified\u2192return the product and upload the package code\u2192refund processing\u2192product return to the warehouse\u2192product inspection","LA_TICKETS_12":"Normal return process: submit return request\u2192application verified\u2192return the product and upload the package code\u2192product return to the warehouse\u2192product inspection \u2192refund processing","LA_TICKETS_13":"VIP5 quick review","LA_TICKETS_14":"Privilege Introduction: for the refund which meet the permission, we offer quick verification process for VIP5, the refund will be made within 3 hours. The actual time of receipt refund depends on your payment institution.","LA_TICKETS_15":"VIP5 Quick refund process: apply for a refund(at most $800) \u2192application verified within 3 hours\u2192 refund returned to the payment institution","LA_TICKETS_16":"Normal refund process: apply for a refund(at most $100) \u2192 application verified within 3 days \u2192 refund returned to the payment institution","LSC_CART_EMPTY":"Your shopping cart is empty.","LA_REC_JUST":"Just For You","LA_DIRECT":"Direct","LA_INVALID_PRODUCTS":"Invalid Products","LA_SHOPCART_COUPON_TITLE":"Allowance & Coupon","LA_RECALL_GET_ALL":"Get All","LS_SHOPCART_CHECKOUT":"Checkout","LC_DISCOUNT":"Discount","LS_DEL_SELECTED_ITEMS":"Are you sure to delete the selected items?","LS_CLEAR_INVALID_ITEMS":"Are you sure to clear all the invalid items?","LA_YES_CAPITAL":"YES","LA_NO_CAPITAL":"NO","LA_SHARE_COUPON_YES":"Yes","LC_PLEASE_SELECT_PRODUCTS":"Please select the products","LA_SHOPPING_CART_1":"More like this","LA_SHOPPING_CART_2":"Similar items","LA_SHOPPING_CART_3":"No Data!","LA_SHOPPING_CART_4":"Go to shopping cart","LS_CLEAR_ALL":"Clear All","LA_CHECK_OUT_PAY_PAL":"Check out with","LA_FREEGIFT_CHANGE":"Each user can only receive one Free Gift and you have selected one. Do you want to change it?","LA_SUBTOTAL":"Subtotal","LA_PROMOTION_DISCOUNT":"Promotion Discount","LA_TOTAL_DISCOUNT":"Total Discount","LR_WRITE_REVIEW_FIELD4":"Review","LR_RE_NO_DATA":"The first person who reviews this product will receive 20 BG points.","LA_NO_REVIEWS_CURRENTLY":"No reviews currently.","LA_WRITEREVIEW_POP1":"Only buyers who purchased the product can review.","LA_CONFIRMED_POINTS":"You have confirmed that the product(s) had been received. Write a review to get %s Banggood Points.","LA_WRITE_REVIEWS":"WRITE REVIEWS","LA_CUSTOMER_QA":"Customer Q&A","LA_SEE_ALL_ANSWERS":"See all %s answers","LA_ALL_TRANSLATED_TEXT":"A part of the review has been auto-translated.","LA_ALL_NOT_TRANSLATE_TEXT":"Review can be auto-translated","LA_LUCKY_DRAW":"Lucky Draw","NEW_ZONE_V3_EXPIRES":"Coupons expires","NEW_ZONE_V3_EXPIRES2":"Coupons expired in","LA_RECOMMEND_FOR_YOU":"Recommend For You","LS_SNAPUP_DESC1":"Rules","LA_NEW_USER_GIFT_TITLE":"New User Gifts","LA_NEW_USER_GIFT_GET":"Get Now","LA_NEWUSER_IN_CART":"Already in Cart","LA_NEWUSER_ADD_ITEM":"Add a regular item","LA_PLACE_ORDER":"Place your order","LA_CHOOSE_ANOTHER":"You can choose another","LA_NEWUSERS_10":"Enjoy Free Gift with Order over","LA_NEWUSERS_11":"Expire","LA_NEWUSERS_1":"New User's","LA_NEWUSERS_2":"Exclusive Bonus and Free Gift","LA_NEWUSERS_3":"Get Them All","LA_NEWUSERS_4":"Best Seller Rank","LA_NEWUSERS_NEW_1":"According to sales and sale volume in 30 days","LA_NEWUSERS_6":"New Users' Hot","LA_NEWUSERS_7":"All Users' Hot","LA_NEWUSERS_8":"Discount Price","LA_NEWUSERS_9":"Only available in your first order","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS34":"Allowance","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_FREE_GIFT":"Free Gift","LA_RECALL_RECOMMEND_TITLE3":"Flash Deals","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT4":"Received","LA_NEWUSERS_12":"Daily Hot Sale","LA_NEWUSERS_13":"Unreceived","LA_NEWUSER_V2_CO":"Choose one!","LA_NEWUSER_V2_SD":"Super Deals","LA_NEWUSER_V2_UTATGA":"Use the allowance to get an extra $4 off!","LA_NEWUSER_V2_US4":"US$4","LA_NEWUSER_V2_SM":"See More","LA_NEWUSER_V2_FP":"Featured Products","LA_NEWUSER_V2_SASWT":"Shop and save with the 15% off allowance!","LA_NEWUSER_V2_20OFF":"15% OFF","LA_NEWUSER_V2_FROM":"From $0.01","LA_NEWUSER_V2_TEBISFYFO":"The exclusive bonus is available for your first order.","LA_NEWUSER_V2_FAC":"For All Categories","LA_NEWUSER_V2_OOUS4":"Orders over US$4.01","LA_NEWUSER_V2_HTU":"How to use","LA_NEWUSER_V2_FPC":"For Partial Categories","LA_NEWUSER_V2_OOU3":"Orders over US$30.00, capped at US$20.00","LA_NEWUSERS_NEWUSERS":"New User's","LP_AF_COUPON_AFTER_COLLECTION":"Valid for %s days after collection","LA_NEWUSER_EYEAL":"Enjoy your exclusive allowance!","LA_NEWUSER_REGISTER_TO_GET":"Register to Get","LA_TWO_THREE1":"2nd Order Bonus","LA_TWO_THREE2":"Only available for your 2nd order","LA_TWO_THREE3":"How to use bonus","LA_SHARE_COUPON_USE":"Use","LA_TWO_THREE4":"Your Exclusive Bonus","LA_TWO_THREE5":"Only available for your 3rd order","LA_TWO_THREE6":"Pick for you","LA_TWO_THREE7":"Under $30","LA_TWO_THREE8":"Under $70","LA_TWO_THREE9":"Free Shipping","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE1":"We are glad to tell you that you have finished your first purchase on, please take your 2nd Order Bonus now.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE2":"You can get your 2nd Order Bonus on this activity page: 2 Allowances ($30-$6 & $70-$15) and a category coupon ($100-12% OFF).","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE49":"You can choose your 2nd Order Bonus on this avtivity page: one of the 2 Allowances ($30-$5 or $70-$12) and a category coupon ($100-12% OFF).","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE52":"Allowance(Including Shipping allowance) applies to all categories, which can be used with promo, points and coupons(Except BG-Subsidized Coupon).","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE4":"It will be deducted directly during payment.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE5":"Coupon applies to the specific category, please refer to the detailed page.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE6":"You can check the details of the allowances and coupons you have claimed in \"Account-My coupons\".","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE7":"You will get up to US$11bonus when you finish your 2nd order, place the order now!","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE41":"Notes","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE59":"One order can apply one allowance only, which means other allowances can't be used together.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE60":"Allowances and coupons of 2nd Order bonus apply to the second order only.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE9":"The 2nd order bonus is valid for 7 days after claiming, please use it as soon as possible before its expiration.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE10":"If you refund your order, the relevant bonus will be invalid.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE11":"APP users shall update the latest version to claim the bonus.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE12":"Statement","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE13":"The allowance and coupon in 2nd Order Bonus shall comply with the terms and conditions of Banggood Coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Banggood.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE14":"During the activity, if the user has violated the rules(including but not limited to cheating claiming, false transactions, disrupting the system, attacking network, etc), Banggood has right to revoke the relevant illegal transactions, recover the benefits, and disqualify the illegal users from participating in this activity. For any loss has been caused, Banggood will reserve the right to pursue further compensation from illegal users.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE15":"In the event of force majeure(including but not limited to huge natural disasters, event that shall be stopped or adjusted under the order of government, large amount of cheating in the event, serious network attack or system malfunction), Banggood has right to cancel, modify or suspend this activity.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE16":"We are glad to tell you that you have finished your 2nd order on, please take your exclusive bonus now.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE17":"You can get Your Exclusive Bonus on this activity page: 2 Allowances ($30-$4 & $70-$11).","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE50":"We are glad to congratulate on you that you've finished your 2nd order on Please Choose your exclusive bonus now.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE51":"You can choose your exclusive bonus on this avtivity page: one of the 2 Allowances ($30-$3 or $70-$7).","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE18":"You can check the details of the allowances you have claimed in \"Account-My coupons\".","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE19":"Allowances of the Your Exclusive Bonus apply to the third order only.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE20":"The Exclusive Bonus is valid for 7 days after claiming, please use it as soon as possible before its expiration.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE21":"The allowance in Your Exclusive Bonus shall comply with the terms and conditions of Banggood Coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Banggood.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE22":"How to use bonus","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE23":"There are","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE43":"two allowances","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE44":"and","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE54":"one coupon","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE46":"in the 2nd order Bonus. Allowance can be used with the coupon.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE24":"What is the Allowance?","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE25":"The Allowance is a special way of saving extra money on your\u00a0orders.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE55":"Allowance(Including Shipping allowance) applies to all categories, which can be used with promo, points and coupons(Except BG-Subsidized Coupon).","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE27":"What is the Coupon?","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE28":"Coupon is a kind of discounts for purchase.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE29":"You can use coupons issued by Banggood when you purchase products from our website or APP to reduce the cost of your order.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE56":"The coupon in the 2nd order bonus can be used for the particular categories, subject to the page display.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE31":"How to use the bonus?","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE32":"Claim allowance and coupon","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE33":"Check the available coupon and allowance at checkout","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE34":"Apply the available coupon","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE57":"Finally, you have applied the discount. Enjoy it!","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE36":"in the Exclusive Bonus.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE37":"How to use the Allowance?","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE38":"Get the allowance and purchase the item. Discount will be applied at checkout.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE39":"The available allowance has been chosen.","LA_TWOTHREE_RULE40":"Allowance discounts are automatically applied at checkout.","LA_OVER_REDUCE_RULE":"Rules","LA_FREE_TRIAL_7":"Record","LC_NO":"NO","LA_LUCK_DRAW_BUTTON":"GO","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_CONFIRM":"Confirm","LA_VIP_CLUB_CHECK_IT":"Check it","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE1":"1.What is Check-in?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE2":"Check-in is an activity applied to some customers only, where users continuously check-in to get free prizes.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE3":"2.How do I sign up for the Check-in activity?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE4":"Users need to have a successful order (except for Slash and Grouping)","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE5":"Only when a user signs up for Check-in and chooses a free prize or a free allowance as the final reward, it is considered to be a successful participation.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE6":"3.Activity rules","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE7":"What if a user forget to check in?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE8":"User can replenish check in by completing tasks, but the times of replenishing check-in is limited.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE9":"When I am participating in the check-in activity, I return the product I have ordered, can I continue to participate in the check-in activity?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE10":"No, you can't. Because the activity only applies to the customer who has completed at least one successful order during the past 180 days.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE11":"If the days I forget to check-in is longer than the days I replenish it, can I continue to participate?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE12":"No, the check-in will be terminated and the prize will not be available. You will need to select a new prize and start again.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE13":"Can I participate in the check-in activity repeatly?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE14":"No, users cannot repeat their participation when they have received one allowance or one prize.Or you cannot continue to participate even if you fail 5 consecutive missions.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE15":"4.Prize distribution rules","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE16":"How do I get a prize after I have successfully checked in?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE17":"Allowance is automatically issued.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE18":"User need to submit a prize application on the activity page, and it will be shipped automatically after the successful application (the cycle is 7 working days)","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE19":"The logistics info of the prize can be viewed in Personal Center - My Orders.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE20":"What if the product hasn't been received for more than one month after the successful application?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE21":"Please contact customer service to verify the specific situation.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE22":"What if the item is out of stock?","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE23":"If an item is out of stock, it will be compensated by another item of the same grade or an allowance.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE24":"5.Other Rules","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE25":"Activity entrance will be closed at a certain time:","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE26":"If you choose the product as a reward, the entrance will be closed 30 days after the product is confirmed to be received.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE27":"If you choose the allowance as a reward, the entrance will be closed 7 days after the allowance is issued.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE28":"After winning, if you do not receive the prize for the reason other than Banggood, you will be considered as giving up automatically. For example, it is necessary for winners to collect their prizes within 7 days, otherwise, they will be considered as automatic forfeit.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE29":"During the activity period, Banggood has the right to change or adjust the rules according to the actual condition, and the relevant information shall be subject to the activity rules published on this page. If there are force majeure factors, such as network attacks, hacking, data leakage and other reasons that cause the activity can not continue, Banggood has the right to terminate the activity.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE30":"During the activity period, if the user violates the principle of honesty and trustworthiness or there are violations (such as cheating to receive), Banggood will disqualify the user from winners, for who has redeemed the prize, Banggood has the right to ask the user to return the prize, and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE31":"Each user can only use 1 account to participate in the activity (the same email address, cell phone number, mobile device, bank card, payment account and other information are considered as the same account). During the activity, if the user changes the account, the relevant prize obtained by the previous account cannot be synchronized.","LA_STSIGNIN_RULE32":"Cumulative order amount exceeds $70.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT1":"Prize details","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT2":"Select a prize","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT3":"Click to get","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT4":"Continuous check-in","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT5":"Get Free Prize","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT6":"Commodity","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ALLOWANCE":"Allowance","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT7":"Check in & Get Free Prize","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT8":"Check-in","LC_SAVE_MONEY_CARD_DAY_TITLE":"day","LC_DAY":"Day","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT9":"Remaining attendance:","LC_SAVE_MONEY_CARD_DAYS_TITLE":"days","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT10":"Check in Now!","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT11":"Re-check-in opportunity:","LA_TIMES":"times","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT12":"The number of supplementary signatures is insuffici","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT13":"Congratulations!","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT14":"One re-check-in has been finished.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT15":"Turn on check in reminder","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT16":"Congratulations, you have got the accelerator card.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT17":"Notification","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT18":"Are you sure to give up the chance to receive free prizes?","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT19":"Back to Check-in","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT20":"people have received it","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT21":"Network exception, please try again !","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT22":"Refresh","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT23":"Missing check-in","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT24":"By completing the check-in task, you will have the opportunity to re-check-in. Otherwise, you cannot continue to check in.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT25":"Place an order","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT26":"Search favorite products","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT27":"Browse selected products 15s","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT28_1":"You should check in for","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT28_2":"consecutive days to get a free prize.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT29_1":"Are you sure to select this","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT29_2":"allowance?","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT30":"Tips: Prize cannot be changed after confirmation!","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT31":"Keep checking-in tomorrow to get an accelerator card!","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT32":"Re-check-in opportunity is insufficient, you can't complete the current check-in, please check-in again.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT33":"We are very sorry that the activity has ended!","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT34":"You have not completed your first order.You're not qualify for the participation!","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT35":"Your reward is empty~","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT36":"Successfully get free prizes","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT37":"Instructions for receiving:","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT38":"Prizes will be issued after the review is passed.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT39":"When the review is passed, you can check the logistics status in \"personal center - order\". There may be a delay of the status update, please wait patiently.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT40":"If you have any questions, please contact customer service.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT41":"The page will be closed 30 days after the receipt is confirmed","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT42":"The right to interpret the activity belongs to Banggood.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT43":"Valid","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT44":"Prizes will be distributed in 10 minutes","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT45":"Are you sure to select this item?","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT46":"Missed","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT47":"How to get it for free?","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT48":"Re-check-in opportunity is insufficient, you can't complete the current check-in, please check-in again.","LA_AWARDED":"Awarded","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT49":"Prizes will be issued after the review is passed","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT50":"The allowance will be credited within 10 minutes after it is earned, if it is not credited in time, please contact customer service.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT51":"You can check your earned allowance in the Account - coupon.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT52":"This page will be closed 3 days after the payment has been made.","LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT53":"The right to explain the event belongs to Banggood.","LA_LA_STSIGNIN_TEXT54":"No more merchandise","LA_STSIGNIN_NEW_PCYEA":"Please choose your exclusive allowance!","LA_STSIGNIN_NEW_CONEA":"Choose one Allowance","LA_STSIGNIN_NEW_EYB":"Enjoy your Bonus","LA_STSIGNIN_NEW_EYALL":"Enjoy your allowance!","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS1":"Free Gift","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS2":"1.New Users are registered users who have never placed an order on","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS14":"$1 Group Buy(App Only)","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS15":"1.Each New User can participate only once.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS16":"2.Every Group needs at least 2 participants to unlock the discounted price.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS17":"3.Once a group is started, it must unlock the price within 48 hours; otherwise, the order is canceled, and the payment is refunded.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS18":"From now on US$20 Coupons pakage was replaced with US$2 Allowance, which can be superimposed with coupons and promo items. Who have used previous US$20 Coupons can't get the US$2 Allowance.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS19":"1.The US$2 Allowance is only available to Registered Users within 30 days of registering.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS20":"2.New Users can receive each New User Allowance only once.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS21":"3.Only one allowance can be redeemed per order.","NEW_USER_ZONE_RULE_TIPS22":"4.Complete details of received Allowance is available in \"My Account-My Coupons\".","LA_NEW_USER_ZONE_LANG_RULE_1":"New User Zone Rules","LA_NEW_USER_ZONE_LANG_48":"Banggood reserves all rights","LA_NEW_USER_RULE_FREE_GIFT_NEW_1":"New user should be a registered user who has never placed any order on","LA_NEW_USER_RULE_FREE_GIFT_NEW_2":"Each new user can only receive one free gift; all accounts created\/accessed on the same device will be counted as one user.","LA_NEW_USER_RULE_FREE_GIFT_NEW_3":"New users who select a free gift must pay for their order within 7 days; otherwise, the free gift offer will expire and it will no longer be available.","LA_NEW_USER_RULE_FREE_GIFT_NEW_4":"If the order containing the free gift is canceled, the free gift will also be canceled.","LA_NEW_USER_RULE_FREE_GIFT_NEW_6":"The order containing the gift must include at least US$1 worth of other items; otherwise, the gift will be canceled.","LA_NEW_USER_RULE_FREE_GIFT_NEW_7":"Shipping fee of the free gift is born by new user.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULES":"Rules","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_BENEFIT":"New Users Benefits","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_ALLOWANCE":"US$2 Allowance","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC1":"Per new user can only get one allowance that can be used in whole site, with a validity of 30 days.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC2":"New user can choose a free gift when placing the first order.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC3":"TIPS: Allowance and Free Gift can't be applied to a single order.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_ABOUT":"About New User","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC4":"New user is the one who has never placed an order on Banggood.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC5":"1. Allowance is for New Users only and can be received only once.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC6":"2. Allowance can be overlapped with any other discounts(except free gift), the validity is 30 days.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC7":"3. Only one allowance can be redeemed per order.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC8":"4. Complete details of received Allowance is available in \"My Account-My Coupons\".","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC9":"1. Each new user can only receive one free gift; All accounts created\/accessed on the same device will be counted as one user.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC10":"2. Free gift is limited to the first order which cannot be used with US$2 allowance and US$1 group buy.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC11":"3. New users who select a free gift must pay for their order within 7 days; Otherwise, the free gift offer will expire and it will no longer be available.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC12":"4. If the order containing the free gift is canceled, the free gift will also be canceled.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC13":"5. The order containing the gift must include at least US$1 worth of other items; Otherwise, the gift will be canceled.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC14":"6. Shipping fee of the free gift is born by new user.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_RIGHT":"\u00a9Banggood reserves all rights","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_MOREACTIVITY":"More Activitives","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_ONECENT":"One Cent Snatch","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_SLASH":"Slash","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_INVITE":"Invite Friends","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_CHECK":"Check It","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC15":"Get Lucky Draw Chance","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC16":"Exchange Free Items","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_DESC17":"To Earn Bonus","LA_NEW_INDEX_NEWUSER_TEXT1":"LA_NEW_INDEX_NEWUSER_TEXT1","LA_NEW_INDEX_NEWUSER_TIPS":"LA_NEW_INDEX_NEWUSER_TIPS","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_ALLOWANCE":"Allowance","LA_WHO_HAS_NEVER_AN_ORDER_ON_BANGGOOD":"LA_WHO_HAS_NEVER_AN_ORDER_ON_BANGGOOD","LA_ORDER_THAT_IS_UNPAID_CANCELED_OR_CLOSED":"LA_ORDER_THAT_IS_UNPAID_CANCELED_OR_CLOSED","LA_NEW_USER_OF_SNATCH_AND_SLASH":"LA_NEW_USER_OF_SNATCH_AND_SLASH","LA_NEW_USER_A_GROUP_ORDER_BUT_FAILED":"LA_NEW_USER_A_GROUP_ORDER_BUT_FAILED","LA_THE_NEW_ALLOWANCE_AND_COUPONS":"LA_THE_NEW_ALLOWANCE_AND_COUPONS","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME1":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME1","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME2":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME2","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME3":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME3","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME4":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME4","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME5":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME5","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME6":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME6","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME7":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME7","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME8":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME8","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME9":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME9","LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME10":"LA_THE_BEST_SELLER_RANS_VOLUME10","LA_NEW_USER_FREE_GIFT":"Free Gift","LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST1":"LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST1","LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST2":"LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST2","LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST3":"LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST3","LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST4":"LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST4","LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST5":"LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST5","LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST7":"LA_CONTAINING_THE_GIFT_MUST7","LA_BANGGOOD_RESERVES_NEW_USER_RIGHTS":"LA_BANGGOOD_RESERVES_NEW_USER_RIGHTS","LA_BANGGOOD_THE_REMOVE_RECLAIM":"LA_BANGGOOD_THE_REMOVE_RECLAIM","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_TEXT2":"LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_TEXT2","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW1":"Tips: New users can only enjoy Free gift or the allowance and coupons.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW2":"Allowance and Coupons","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW3":"There are one allowance and four coupons prepared for new users which can only be used in new users] first order. The $4 allowance can be used in the whole site with coupons. The 4 coupons can only be used in certain categories. All the allowance and coupons are valid for 7 days.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW4":"Each new user can choose 1 free gift when placing the first order over $5.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW5":"Detailed Rules","LA_NEW_USER_ABOUT_NEW_USER2":"About New User","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW6":"New user is the one","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW7":"who has never placed an order on Banggood.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW8":"who only has orders that are unpaid, cancelled or closed.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW9":"who has only placed orders of Snatch and Slash.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW10":"who has started a group order but failed.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW11":"The Allowance and Coupons","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW12":"The $4 Allowance and the four coupons can be used by New Users only.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW13":"The 12% off coupon of Computers & Office should be used in an order over $80 with a validity of 7 days, which can be used for up to $50.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW14":"The 10% off coupon of Toys Hobbies and Robot should be used in an order over $80 with a validity of 7 days, which can be used for up to $50.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW15":"The 12% off coupon of Tools should be used in an order over $60 with a validity of 7 days, which can be used for up to $30.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW16":"The 12% off coupon of Consumer Electronics should be used in an order over $60 with a validity of 7 days, which can be used for up to $30.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW17":"The $4 Allowance can be overlapped with any other discounts (except free gift) with a validity of 7 days.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW18":"Only one allowance can be redeemed per order.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW19":"Complete details of received Allowance and coupons is available in \"My Account-My Coupons\".","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW20":"Once the first order of a new user is placed, the rest of unused coupons or allowance in new user benefits can not be used anymore unless the first order is closed or canceled.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES21":"The Best Seller Rank is decided by sales and sales volume in 30 days.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES22":"Each new user can only receive one free gift in the first order over $5; all accounts created\/accessed on the same device will be counted as one user.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES23":"Free gift is limited to the first order which cannot be used with US$4 allowance.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES24":"New users who select a free gift must pay for their order within 3 days; otherwise, the free gift offer will expire and it will no longer be available.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES_NEW25":"If the order containing the free gift is canceled, the free gift will also be canceled.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES26":"The order containing the gift must include other items over US$5 ; otherwise, the gift will be canceled.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES27":"Shipping fee of the free gift is born by the new user.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES28":"Daily Hot Sale is decided by sales of Free gifts.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES29":"Banggood reserves all the rights.","LA_NEWUSERZONE_RULES30":"If users have any violations (including but not limited to using cheat software like crawler software, auxiliary tools and ID changer tools, using abnormal ways to visit our website, against our system, register temporary accounts, login ID, enjoy new user benefits and make a deal), risk accounts derived from model and technical analysis, Banggood reserves all the rights to remove a user and reclaim the benefits.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_1":"US$4.00 Allowance","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_2":"Valid for 48h after collection<\/br>For all categories<\/br>For orders over US$4.01<\/br>","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_3":"15% OFF Allowance","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_4":"Valid for 48h after collection<\/br>For partial categories<\/br>For orders over US$30.00<\/br>","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_5":"$0.01 New User Bonus","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_6":"Cannot be used with allowance or coupon<\/br>one $0.01 product per new user","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_7":"About New User Benefits","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_10":"About New User","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_11":"New user is the one","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_12":"who has never placed an order on Banggood.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_13":"who only has order that is unpaid, canceled or closed.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_14":"who has only placed Slash orders.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_15":"who has started a group order but failed.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_16":"If users have any violations (including but not limited to using cheat software like crawler software, auxiliary tools and ID changer tools, using abnormal ways to visit our website, against our system, register temporary accounts, login ID, enjoy new user benefits and make a deal), risk accounts derived from model and technical analysis, Banggood reserves all the rights to remove a user and reclaim the benefits.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_17":"How to Use ?","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_20":"15% off allowance is capped at US$20.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_21":"All New User Benefits are only available for New User's first order.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_22":"Each order can only use one allowance.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_23":"Allowance(Including Shipping allowance) applies to all categories, which can be used with promo, points and coupons(Except BG-Subsidized Coupon). It will be deducted directly during payment.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_24":"New User Benefits is available in certain countries currently. New User from other countries\/regions interested can stay tuned for updates.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_25":"Banggood Statement","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_26":"The allowance in New User Benefits shall comply with the terms and conditions of Banggood Coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Banggood.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_27":"During the activity, if the user has violated the rules(including but not limited to using cheat software like crawler software, auxiliary tools, and ID changer tools, using abnormal ways to visit our website, against our system, register temporary accounts, login ID, enjoy new user benefits and make a deal, cheating claiming, false transactions, disrupting the system, attacking the network, etc), Banggood has right to revoke the relevant illegal transactions, recover the benefits, and disqualify the illegal users from participating in this activity. For any loss that has been caused, Banggood will reserve the right to remove a user and reclaim the benefits, and pursue further compensation from illegal users.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_28":"In the event of force majeure(including but not limited to huge natural disasters, events that shall be stopped or adjusted under the order of government, large amount of cheating in the event, serious network attack or system malfunction), Banggood has right to cancel, modify or suspend this activity.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_29":"How to Use allowance ?","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_30":"About New User Bonus","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_31":"All New User Bonus are only available for New User's first order.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_32":"New User Bonus is available in certain countries currently. New User from other countries\/regions interested can stay tuned for updates.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_33":"The allowance in New User Bonus shall comply with the terms and conditions of Banggood Coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Banggood.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_34":"During the activity, if the user has violated the rules(including but not limited to using cheat software like crawler software, auxiliary tools, and ID changer tools, using abnormal ways to visit our website, against our system, register temporary accounts, login ID, enjoy new user bonus and make a deal, cheating claiming, false transactions, disrupting the system, attacking the network, etc), Banggood has right to revoke the relevant illegal transactions, recover the benefits, and disqualify the illegal users from participating in this activity. For any loss that has been caused, Banggood will reserve the right to remove a user and reclaim the benefits, and pursue further compensation from illegal users.","LA_NEWUSER_ZONE_RULE_35":"Allowance(Including Shipping allowance) can be used with promo, points and coupons(Except BG-Subsidized Coupon). It will be deducted directly during payment.","LA_HISTORY_ON":"On","LA_SELECT_ALL":"Select All","LA_ADD_TO_WISHLIST_101":"Add to Wishlist","LA_MONEY_BOX_1":"Money Box Game of Banggood","LA_MONEY_BOX_2":"Hi! My friends, come and play games with me and get free items!","LA_MONEY_BOX_3":"Are you sure to give up this chance of getting free products?","LA_MONEY_BOX_5":"You have successfully exchanged the coupon.","LA_MONEY_BOX_6":"When your exchange is approved, we will send you an email to get your delivery address. Please wait patiently.","LA_MONEY_BOX_7":"Coupon has been collected into your account. Use Now!","LA_MONEY_BOX_8":"You are late, this product has been snapped up.","LA_LEAVE":"Leave","LA_SIGN_PLAY":"Sign in to play","LA_CHECKINDX":"CHECK-IN","LA_FAILE_EXCHANGE":"Failed to exchange!","LA_MONEY_BOX_9":"Step 1 Printing BG-Cash","LA_MONEY_BOX_10":"Participate in the game you will get a cash printer.","LA_MONEY_BOX_11":"The cash printer can print BG-Cash continuously, it can print one sheet per second. Once the printing capacity is reached, it will stop printing. At this time BG-Cash should be deposited to the game account so that the cash printer can print BG-Cash again.","LA_MONEY_BOX_12":"When a certain number of BG-Cash is printed, the cash printer will be upgraded and its printing capacity will be increased.","LA_MONEY_BOX_13":"Step 2 Completing Tasks to Get More BG-Cash","LA_MONEY_BOX_14":"Click 'Cash Task' button to enter into the task module. Completing tasks to get more BG-Cash.","LA_MONEY_BOX_15":"There are some daily tasks listed: check in daily, invite friends to participate in the game, browse activity page for 20s, browse products, place an order. Complete these daily tasks you can get extra BG-Cash.","LA_MONEY_BOX_16":"Step 3 Using BG-Cash to Exchange Free Items","LA_MONEY_BOX_17":"The goods and coupons on the exchange center can be exchanged for free with BG-Cash.","LA_MONEY_BOX_18":"Once you redeem free product successful, you will receive an email. After filling in the address, please wait patiently to receive your item.","LA_MONEY_BOX_19":"Complete Tasks, Earn More Cash","LA_MONEY_BOX_20":"Double rewards for inviting new users","LA_MONEY_BOX_21":"Exchange Rules","LA_MONEY_BOX_22":"How to exchange free items?","LA_MONEY_BOX_23":"User use BG-Cash to purchase the redemption qualification. Once the qualification is obtained, user can directly redeem goods and coupons without paying additional fees.","LA_MONEY_BOX_24":"Obtaining the qualification does not mean user can absolutely get free goods, only the user who redeems first can get it first. The qualification that has not been redeemed will automatically become invalid.","LA_MONEY_BOX_25":"BG-Cash cannot be returned once being deducted.","LA_MONEY_BOX_26":"How to send goods and coupons?","LA_MONEY_BOX_27":"Coupons will be collected into your account immediately","LA_MONEY_BOX_28":"Goods will be verified by Banggood within 3 days. After\u00a0approval the user will get an email to submit the address. Then the order will be placed and user can receive their free goods later. For delivery, please ensure your email address is valid.","LA_MONEY_BOX_29":"Other important rules","LA_MONEY_BOX_30":"Each user can redeem 1 physical product during per session, while there is no limitation on coupons.","LA_MONEY_BOX_31":"When the redemption of current session begins, the previous session will automatically end.","LA_MONEY_BOX_32":"Apple Customer, Inc., is not affiliated with Banggood and do not endorse this activity.Banggood reserves all rights to interpret above rules.","LA_MONEY_BOX_33":"Records","LA_MONEY_BOX_34":"Successful","LA_MONEY_BOX_35":"Failed","LA_MONEY_BOX_36":"No successful records.","LA_MONEY_BOX_37":"No failed records.","LA_MONEY_BOX_38":"After the approval of the order, we will send you an email to record the order. Please wait patiently.","LA_MONEY_BOX_39":"Money Box","LA_MONEY_BOX_40":"Level","LA_MONEY_BOX_41":"Cash Printing","LA_MONEY_BOX_42":"Deposit","LA_MONEY_BOX_43":"Printing capacity","LA_MONEY_BOX_44":"Cash Task","LA_MONEY_BOX_45":"Cash Exchange","LA_MONEY_BOX_46":"Collect BG-Cash, exchange for free products.","LA_MONEY_BOX_47":"HOW TO PLAY","LA_MONEY_BOX_50":"My cash","LA_MONEY_BOX_51":"Exchange More","LA_MONEY_BOX_52":"Hot Events","LA_MONEY_BOX_53":"Skip","LA_MONEY_BOX_54":"The cash printer will print money automatically.","LA_MONEY_BOX_55":"Click to deposit cash to your game account.","LA_MONEY_BOX_56":"Complete cash tasks will earn more BG-Cash.","LA_MONEY_BOX_57":"Use cash to exchange items for free.","LA_MONEY_BOX_58":"Novice guide","LA_MONEY_BOX_59":"Operate frequently. Please try again later.","LA_MONEY_BOX_60":"Exchange Center","LA_MONEY_BOX_61":"Printing cash, get free products","LA_MONEY_BOX_62":"Pcs Limit","LA_MONEY_BOX_63":"Waiting","LA_MONEY_BOX_65":"Free to get","LA_MONEY_BOX_66":"Succeed","LA_BLACKFRIDAY2019_TIP3":"Play Now","LA_CONGRATULATION":"Congratulation","LA_PRODUCTS":"Products","LA_COST":"Cost","LE_NEW_USER_ZONE_V4_5":"Allowance","LA_PRODUCT_SHARE_PROMPT_TITLE_NEW":"Share to your friends","LA_CASHBACK_RULES_TITLE":"Rules","LC_SOLD_OUT":"Sold Out","LA_EXCHANGE":"Exchange","LA_MONEY_BOX_67":"BG-cash cannot be returned once being deducted. Still use %s cash to get qualificaton of exchanging items?","LA_COUPON_DETAILS":"Coupon Details","LA_STARTS_IN":"Starts in","LC_NO_POSTAL_SERVICES_TIP":"No Postal Services","LA_ALLOWANCES":"Allowances","LA_ALLOWANCE_DETAILS":"Allowance Details","LA_MONEY_BOX_68":"You have successfully exchanged the allowance.","LA_MONEY_BOX_69":"Allowance has been collected into your account. Use Now!","LA_MONEY_BOX_70":"Allowance can be superimposed with promo, coupons, and points.","LA_MONEY_BOX_71":"Get check-in reminders every day.","LA_MONEY_BOX_72":"Get reminders 5 minutes before the exchange starts.","LA_OPEN_NOTIFICATION":"Open Notification","LA_NOTIFICATION_SETTING":"Notification Setting","LA_CHECK_IN_NOTICE":"Check-in Notice","LA_REMIND_CHECK_IN":"Remind me to check-in every day.","LA_EXCHANGE_NOTICE":"Exchange Notice","LA_REMIND_EXCHANGE":"Remind me 5 minutes before the exchange starts.","LA_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESSFULLY1":"Open notification successfully!","LA_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESSFULLY2":"Open check-in notification successfully!","LA_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESSFULLY3":"Close check-in notification successfully!","LA_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESSFULLY4":"Open exchange notification successfully!","LA_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESSFULLY5":"Close exchange notification successfully!","LA_SET_NOTIFICATION_HERE":"You can set notification here.","LA_MONEY_BOX_73":"How To Play","LA_MONEY_BOX_74":"Event Description","LA_MONEY_BOX_75":"It is a get-free-item activity that provided by Banggood. Users can purchase redemption chance with the activity banknotes and use that chance to grab free item.","LA_SNATCH_HOW_TO_PLAY":"How to play?","LA_MONEY_BOX_76":"How to earn activity banknotes and upgrade your level?","LA_MONEY_BOX_77":"Print banknotes with \"banknote printer\"","LA_MONEY_BOX_78":"Participate in daily activities","LA_MONEY_BOX_79":"Use \"prop cards\"","LA_MONEY_BOX_80":"How to exchange free items?","LA_MONEY_BOX_81":"Purchase redemption chance with activity banknotes","LA_MONEY_BOX_83":"Cautions:","LA_MONEY_BOX_84":"Activity banknotes consist of banknotes printed by banknote printer, task rewards, and activity prop rewards.","LA_MONEY_BOX_85":"1. The quantity of banknotes is restricted by the level of printer. The higher the level, the higher the print capacity, the more banknotes will be printed every time. The printer will be stopped when banknotes reach its largest print capacity, please deposit your money asap.","LA_MONEY_BOX_86":"2. Task rewards can be obtained by participating in daily tasks. The more tasks you complete, the more activity banknotes you can obtain.","LA_MONEY_BOX_87":"3. Prop cards can be obtained by upgrading the level of banknote printer.","LA_MONEY_BOX_88":"The prizes are classified as coupons and physical prizes. Coupons can be directly redeemed to your account. It takes about 2-3 days to review it. If it is found that you have cheated, your redemption will be denied. If your cheat multiple times, you can]t participate this activity any more.","LA_MONEY_BOX_89":"Other important rules?","LA_MONEY_BOX_90":"1. If you have any questions about the physical prizes, such as review denied, please contact us within 30days from the redemption date. If you fail to do so, you will be considered as giving up the prize.","LA_MONEY_BOX_91":"2. When the current redemption begins, the previous redemption will automatically end.","LA_MONEY_BOX_92":"3. Sometimes we'll change the rules and prizes based on the game influence, it won't affect the prizes that have been earned.","LA_MONEY_BOX_93":"If you have any doubt or question please contact us. Apple Customer, Inc., is not affiliated with Banggood and does not endorse this activity.","LA_MONEY_BOX_94":"Banggood reserves all rights to interpret above rules","LA_MONEY_BOX_95":"Cash Tasks","LA_MONEY_BOX_96":"Accelerator Card","LA_MONEY_BOX_97":"Capacity","LA_MONEY_BOX_98":"Check-in Remind","LA_MONEY_BOX_99":"EXCHANGE CENTER","LA_MONEY_BOX_100":"Use %s cash to get the prize.","LA_MONEY_BOX_101":"Unstart","LA_MONEY_BOX_102":"You have successfully exchanged the product.","LA_MONEY_BOX_103":"We need to confirm your exchange. When the exchange is approved, we will send you an email to get your delivery address.","LA_MONEY_BOX_104":"We need to confirm your exchange. When the exchange is approved, we will send you your prize.","LA_MONEY_BOX_105":"You haven't exchanged the products yet.","LA_MONEY_BOX_106":"Visible in \"My Orders\" after Audit approved","LA_MONEY_BOX_107":"Get qualification successfully!","LA_MONEY_BOX_108":"Use other shipping address","LA_MONEY_BOX_109":"DEPOSIT","LA_MONEY_BOX_110":"Open\u00a0the\u00a0notification,\u00a0get\u00a0remind\u00a0to\u00a0check-in\u00a0every\u00a0day.","LA_MONEY_BOX_111":"The system will alert you 5 minutes before the exchange begins.","LA_MONEY_BOX_113":"Not available","LA_MONEY_BOX_114":"Review Processed","LA_MONEY_BOX_115":"Review approved","LA_MONEY_BOX_116":"Review Denied","LA_MONEY_BOX_117":"You are currently low on banknotes and can earn more by participating in the campaign.","LA_MONEY_BOX_118":"Wait a moment","LA_MONEY_BOX_119":"Redemption results are being announced, please do not close","LA_MONEY_BOX_120":"Go earn banknotes","LA_MONEY_BOX_121":"Collect banknotes, exchange for free products.","LA_MONEY_BOX_122":"The banknote printer will print money automatically.","LA_MONEY_BOX_123":"Click to deposit banknotes into your game account.","LA_MONEY_BOX_124":"Complete tasks to earn more banknotes.","LA_MONEY_BOX_125":"Use banknotes to exchange item for free.","LA_MONEY_BOX_126":"Coupons are directly issued to the account, and item will be shipped when the review is approved","LA_MONEY_BOX_127":"Play Money Box Game, earn as much banknotes as possible.","LA_MONEY_BOX_128":"Use banknotes to exchange for free products and coupons.","LA_MONEY_BOX_129":"4. Each user can only redeem one physical prize per event, and only one physical prize can be successfully redeemed within 7 days.When redeeming prizes, the consumed banknotes are not refundable whether you win or not.","LA_MONEY_BOX_130":"Browse products 20s<\/span>","LA_MONEY_BOX_131":"Order for %s","LA_MONEY_BOX_132":"The highest level of Money box game is 40, and each level corresponds to a different printing capacity. The higher the level, the more banknotes can be printed each time.","LA_MONEY_BOX_133":"LEVEL","LA_MONEY_BOX_134":"The banknotes will be expired on 1st<\/span> of every month, you can get a big \"prop card\"<\/span> by playing the game.","LA_MONEY_BOX_135":"5. The banknotes will be expired on 1st of every month, you can get a big \"prop card\" by playing the game.","LA_MONEY_BOX_136":"Banknotes reset every month","LA_MONEY_BOX_137":"Your banknotes are about to expire, please use it asap.","LA_MONEY_BOX_138":"Get a big \"prop card\"<\/span> by playing the game on 1st<\/span> of every month.","LA_MONEY_BOX_139":"Abundant reward every month","LA_MONEY_BOX_140":"Congrats! You get an accelerator card. Use it quickly.","LA_MONEY_BOX_141":"No records!","LA_MONEY_BOX_142":"Display the last 50 records","LA_MONEY_BOX_143":"Account balance","LA_MONEY_BOX_144":"(Get one piece on 1st of every month.)","LA_MONEY_BOX_145":"TOP","LA_MONEY_BOX_146":"Turn on money printer check-in notifications to remind you to pick up your banknotes every day","LA_MONEY_RANKING_1":"Money Ranking","LA_MONEY_RANKING_2":"Money Ranking Game","LA_MONEY_RANKING_3":"Do tasks.earn bankontes.The top user will get free gfits.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_4":"No ongoing activities","LA_MONEY_RANKING_5":"What is Money Ranking Game?","LA_MONEY_RANKING_6":"Money Ranking Game is a game that players are ranked according to the quantity of banknotes generated during the event period. The prizes will be awarded based on their ranking.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_7":"How to participate the event?","LA_MONEY_RANKING_8":"Login to the app firstly.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_9":"Winning Records","LA_MONEY_RANKING_10":"Prizes will be issued after Review approved","LA_MONEY_RANKING_11":"All winning records","LA_MONEY_RANKING_12":"Show only the latest 50 records","LA_MONEY_RANKING_13":"All winning records","LA_MONEY_RANKING_14":"Sorry! You cannot join the Money Ranking.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_15":"Orders with confirmed harvest within 90 days","LA_MONEY_RANKING_16":"Cannot win consecutive prizes","LA_MONEY_RANKING_17":"Please wait a moment, we are checking the previous awards.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_18":"The current ranking has begun, immediately participate in the ranking to win the prize!","LA_MONEY_RANKING_19":"Sign up successfully!
The use of banknotes during the event does not affect the ranking, only the number of banknotes generated is recorded.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_20":"Hourly data updates","LA_MONEY_RANKING_21":"Winning users will be ranked at the end of the list","LA_MONEY_RANKING_22":"Your ranking gets a prize","LA_MONEY_RANKING_23":"Add the address to receive","LA_MONEY_RANKING_24":"Prizes will be shipped to you after Review approved","LA_MONEY_RANKING_25":"Then sign in to play game on the ranking page.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_26":"Note: You can see the event entrance on the game page of the App only.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_27":"Requirements for participation","LA_MONEY_RANKING_28":"You must have ordered from us(confirmed receipt) within 90 days before the event starts.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_29":"You can't win the prize for two times in a row.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_30":"How to get more banknotes?","LA_MONEY_RANKING_31":"Printing money through the game.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_32":"Do some tasks.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_33":"The ranking situation will be updated once an hour during the campaign period.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_34":"Final ranking will be showed in the award record.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_35":"The event is ranked according to the quantity of banknotes generated during the event period. And the banknotes you used won't affect the ranking. For example, if you get a total of 1 million banknotes and use 500,000 during the campaign period. The ranking is based on 1 million banknotes that are generated.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_36":"How can I get the event gift?","LA_MONEY_RANKING_37":"The top \"??\" will get the prize, more details of the prize please refer to the announcement.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_38":"After winning, if you do not receive the prize for the reason other than Banggood, you will be considered as giving up automatically. For example, the user needs to claim the prize within 3 days after winning the prize. If the prize is not claimed within the time limit, it will not be issued.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_39":"The logistics info of the prize can be viewed in Personal Center - My Orders.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_40":"After winning, if you do not receive the prize for the reason other than Banggood, you will be considered as giving up automatically. For example, it is necessary for winners to collect their prizes within 7 days, otherwise, they will be considered as automatic forfeit.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_41":"Warm tips","LA_MONEY_RANKING_42":"There are ?? prizes in total, and the top ?? users in the ranking will get the gifts. In case of the same number of banknotes, the ranking will be decided by the order of registration.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_43":"The ranking of the prizes that can be obtained in each issue is subject to the announcement.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_44":"During the campaign period, Banggood has the right to change or adjust the rules according to the actual condition, and the relevant information shall be subject to the campaign rules published on this page. If there are force majeure factors, such as network attacks, hacking, data leakage and other reasons that cause the activity can not continue, Banggood has the right to terminate the activity.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_45":"During the activity period, if the user violates the principle of honesty and trustworthiness or there are violations (such as cheating to receive, swipe banknotes, etc.), Banggood will disqualify the user from winners, for who has redeemed the prize, Banggood has the right to ask the user to return the prize, and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_46":"Each user can only use 1 account to participate in the activity (the same email address, cell phone number, mobile device, bank card, payment account and other information are considered as the same account). During the activity, if the user changes the account, the relevant prize obtained by the previous account cannot be synchronized.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_47":"If a winner violates honesty and trustworthiness or commits a violation, the winning qualification will be cancelled and the ranking will be postponed.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_48":"For any questions during the event, please contact Banggood customer service by logging into the app.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_49":"If the product cannot be delivered for some reasons like out of stock and logistic problem, the customer service will provide other choices for compensation. If the customer does not accept it, it will be regarded as a waiver.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_50":"How can I know the current ranking?","LA_MONEY_RANKING_51":"My Ranking","LA_MONEY_RANKING_52":"Winning Records","LA_MONEY_RANKING_53":"JOIN IN","LA_MONEY_RANKING_54":"For No.%s","LA_MONEY_RANKING_55":"No.%s","LA_MONEY_RANKING_56":"You can win a prize after being on the list,Reducing banknotes doesn't affect rankings","LA_MONEY_RANKING_57":"Can be viewed in the winning records","LA_MONEY_RANKING_58":"If players sign up for the Moneybox Ranking from March 6th to March 12th on March 7th, the counting time of banknotes will start from March 6th.","LA_MONEY_RANKING_59":"Under review","LA_MONEY_RANKING_60":"Reviewed","LA_MONEY_RANKING_61":"Review failed","LA_MONEY_RANKING_62":"The event has not started","LA_PROPS":"Props","LA_CP_UNUSED":"Unused","LA_EVENT_NU_SHOP_NOW":"SHOP NOW","LA_WALLET_COMPLETED":"Completed","LA_PARTICIPATE":"Participate","LA_UNWINNED":"Unwinned","LA_AVATAR":"Avatar","LA_BANKNOTES":"Banknotes","LA_CAPITAL_RANKING":"RANKING","LA_PRINT_TEXT1":"Click to deposit cash to your game account.","LA_PRINT_TEXT2":"Complete cash tasks will earn more Cash.","LA_PRINT_TEXT3":"Use cash to exchange items for free.","LA_PRINT_TEXT4":"Join the MoneyRanking game and get free gfit","LA_NEW_USER_ZONE_LANG_73":"GET IT","LG_BTN_CHECKIN":"Check-in","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_40":"Ranking","LA_RAIDERS":"Raiders","LA_CP_MY_POINTS":"My Points","LA_MY_POINTS_HISTORY":"History","LA_BG_POINTS":"BG points","LA_POINTS_RULES":"Points Rules","LA_MORE":"MORE","LA_HOW_TO_GET_MORE_POINTS":"How to get more points?","LA_GET_POINTS_TIPS_1":"Confirm e-mail address","LA_GET_POINTS_TIPS_2":"Post text review","LA_GET_POINTS_TIPS_3":"Post review including a photo","LA_GET_POINTS_TIPS_4":"Post video of a product","LA_GET_POINTS_TIPS_5_1":"Place an order","LA_GET_POINTS_TIPS_5_2":"1 USD = 1 BG Point","LA_HOW_TO_USE_POINTS":"How to use points?","LA_USE_POINTS_TIPS_1":"Exchange points for discount during checkout.","LA_USE_POINTS_TIPS_1_1":"100 BG Points = 1 USD","LA_EXCHANGE_POINTS_FOR_COUPONS":"Exchange points for coupons","LA_POINTS_EXPIRE_TIPS":"%d points will expire on %s","LA_HOW_TO_GET_POINTS_TAB":"How to get points","LA_HOW_TO_USE_POINTS_TAB":"How to use points","LA_GET_RULES_1_1":"Post text reviews for purchased items.","LA_GET_RULES_1_2":"Post reviews with photos for purchased items.","LA_GET_RULES_2":"Post videos of a product.","LA_GET_RULES_3":"When confirming your e-mail address.","LA_GET_RULES_3_1":"When confirming your e-mail address.","LA_GET_RULES_3_2":"(You will receive 50 points only after verifying your e-mail address. You will not be awarded Banggood points for each time in which you modify your e-mail address.)","LA_DOUBLE_POINTS":"Double points","LA_GET_RULES_4":"The first person to review or upload an image or video.","LA_USE_RULES_1":"You can exchange points for discounts:","LA_USE_RULES_2":"(Ordinary users can deduct up to 15% of the price of the goods)","LA_USE_RULES_4":"Points can not be used in the following scenarios:","LA_USE_RULES_4_1":"Flash deals products;","LA_USE_RULES_4_2":"Products at unbeatable prices;","LA_USE_RULES_4_3":"Coupons;","LA_USE_RULES_4_4":"Drop-shipping orders;","LA_USE_RULES_4_5":"Products with a promo tag;","LA_USE_RULES_5":"The validity period of the points","LA_USE_RULES_6":"The 2nd anniversary of BG points is valid for the longest period. For example, all points earned during 2017 will be cleared at 2019.01.01.0:00.","LA_GET_RULES_5":"Every dollar you spend on purchasing our products will result in %s (1USD = 1 Banggood point),with the exclusion of shipping fees.","LA_1_BANGGOOD_POINT":"1 Banggood point","LA_USE_RULES_3":"You can exchange points for Coupons, click on %s to see more.","LA_COUPONS":"coupons","LA_POINTS_HISTORY":"Points history","LA_COMFIRM_EMAIL_TIPS":"You have no points yet.Confirm your email address to get 50 points.","LA_COMFIRM_NOW":"Confirm Now","LC_EXCHANGE_TITLE":"Exchange for Coupons","LC_USE":"Use","LC_NOMORE":"No more","LC_YES":"YES","LC_SURETEXT1":"Are you sure that use","LC_SURETEXT2":"points to exchange for the coupon?","LC_OK":"OK","LA_REDEEM_COUPON_TOAST1":"This coupon has run out. Please try again tomorrow in 10: 00-24: 00 (UTC+8).","LA_REDEEM_COUPON_TOAST2":"Daily Grab will be held in 10:00-24:00 (UTC+8) everyday, come back later.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RULE1":"Access to the event page everyday, you will have one chance to play the lucky draw. If you successfully invite one friend for assistance, one more chance will be added. Each user can get no more than 5 chances to play the lucky draw. The final interpretation of the event belongs to BG Bee;","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RULE2":"Definition of successful friend-assistance: your friend click the link that you shared to log in or register BG Bee, he can assist by the link after the successful registration. One user can assist the same person for only one time during the event;","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RULE3":"The chances of lucky draw shall be used during valid period. It will be automatically deleted after expiration. If user do not use the chance during valid period, it is deemed to have given up automatically.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RULE4":"If someone win the cash reward, the reward will be accumulated and displayed on the event page. If there isn't any abnormal motion detected by system, the cash reward will be collected to your BG Bee \"Active Amount\" within 3 working days (you can withdraw to your PayPal, withdraw rules please see the BG Bee APP \"withdraw\", If you don't have a BG Bee APP, please download and log in to check); if someone win the physical reward, our staff will email the winner for confirmation, and then arrange to send the prize.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RULE5":"If we find that someone cheats on getting chances of lucky draw, his qualification will be canceled and the reward won't be released. If we detect an egregious violation, we'll suspend your BG Bee account.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_CHECK_MY_ACCOUNT":"Check my account","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_EMPTY_TIP":"No reward record yet...","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_ASSIST_TIP":"Your friend invite you to participate in the lucky draw, which need your assistance.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_STEP1":"share link","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_STEP2":"someone registers","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_STEP3":"get lottery chances","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_STEP4":"win prizes","LA_BEE_REGISTER_PLACEHOLDER1":"Email address","LA_BEE_REGISTER_PLACEHOLDER2":"Password","LA_BEE_REGISTER_PLACEHOLDER3":"Confirm Password","LA_BEE_REGISTER_ERROR1":"Invalid email address format","LA_BEE_REGISTER_ERROR2":"Please use the correct and valid email address","LA_BEE_REGISTER_ERROR3":"Password cannot be empty.","LA_BEE_REGISTER_ERROR4":"Please make sure the password is consistent.","LA_BEE_REGISTER_TIP3":"Congratulations on your successful registration!","LA_BEE_REGISTER_TIP4":"The email address has been registered","LL_SIGNUP_PASSWORD_6_20":"Please enter password between 6-20 characters.","LA_REGISTER_TIP_2":"Please make sure you agree to our Terms and Conditions.","LA_BEE_REGISTER_NO_ACCOUNT":"No Account?","LA_BEE_REGISTER_HAVE_AN_ACCOUNT":"Have an account?","LA_REGISTER_AGREE":"I agree to Banggood","LA_REGISTER_TERMS":"Terms & Conditions","LA_BEE_REGISTER_CREATE_ACCOUNT":"Create Account","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_ASSISTANCE_SUCCESSFUL":"Assistance successful","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_INVITED":"Invited","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC1":"Friends Assist Record","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC2":"Get more chances","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC3":"Get chances","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC4":"Thanks for your anticipation! Good luck next time.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC5":"The event has ended. Please look forward to the next event.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC6":"The event is under maintenance, please try again later.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DESC7":"Your account mailbox has not been activated and cannot be shared temporarily.
Please download the [BG BEE] app to activate it!","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_GET_CHANCES":"You get %s additional chances.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RECORD_DESC1":"Total prizes","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RECORD_DESC2":"Valid prizes","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RECORD_DESC3":"Pending","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RECORD_DESC4":"Active","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RECORD_DESC5":"Expected activation time","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_RECORD_DESC6":"We will contact you soon if you win a physical prize.","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DOWNLOAD_DESC1":"Download BG Bee and Check my account!","LA_BEE_LOTTERY_DOWNLOAD_DESC2":"Download BG Bee","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_1":"Affiliate Ranking Plan","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_2":"Battle for the honor","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_3":"Rules","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_4":"Sales Amount Ranks In Top 10","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_5":"My Valid Sales (Current Month)","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_6":"My Tier","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_7":"The Gap Between Top10 And You","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_8":"History list","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_9":"Ranking","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_10":"E-mail","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_11":"Month Of Enquiry","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_12":"Only one month can be selected at a time.","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_13":"End in","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_19":"The tier is based on your affiliate level at the begining of the month.","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_20":"OK","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_21":"All affiliates could rank by the total sales volume in the whole months. The higher the sales volume, the higher the ranking is.","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_22":"In the affiliate system, affiliates who are at the same level will be automatically assigned to the same tier to rank.","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_23":"The ranking chart will be refreshed when the new month starts, affiliates can check the history ranking chart by \"History list\".","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_24":"Banggood reserves all rights to terminate or modify this activity.","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_25":"Copy Successfully!","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_26":"Raised Commission Categories","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_27":"Category","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_28":"Commission","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_29":"Operation","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_30":"Get Link","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_31":"Coming Soon","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_32":"Raised Commission Products","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_33":"Popular","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_34":"New","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_35":"You are not a Banggood Affiliates yet, Join us to Earn Money, Right Away!","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_36":"Note","LA_AFF_COMMON_RANKS_37":"Mobile affiliate is under construction, please sign up on web browser. Sign up now","LA_ALLOWANCE_DESC1":"For all Promo, excludes Snap Up items.","LA_FOR_ALL_2":"For all warehouse,all products","LB_TRANSFER_PAGE_DESC4":"Expires","LA_CODE":"Code","LA_MORE_COUPONS_TITLE":"More Coupons","LA_MYCOUPON_HOLIDAY_HAVE_NO_URL":"The coupon is not supported","LA_COUPONS_1":"All","LA_COUPONS_4":"Available","LA_COUPONS_5":"Used","LA_COUPONS_6":"Unavailable","LA_COUPONS_7":"Get More Coupons","LA_COUPONS_8":"Recommend","LA_COUPONS_9":"Hottest","LA_COUPONS_10":"You may also like","LA_COUPONS_11":"Sorry, no products were found","LA_COUPONS_12":"Total","LA_COUPONS_13":"Go to Cart","LA_COUPONS_14":"Coupon ID","LA_COUPONS_15":"You have no used copon yet.","LP_GET_ALLOWANCE_COUPON_SUCCESSFULLY":"Get allowance successfully","LA_SHOPCART_ALLOWANCE_ID":"Allowance ID","LA_MY_COUPON_EXCLUSIVE":"BG-Subsidized Coupon","LA_MY_COUPON_EXCLUSIVE_TIP":"BG-Subsidized Coupon can not be used with all kinds of Allowance.","LA_MY_COUPON_ALLOWANCE_TIP":"All kinds of Allowance can not be used with BG-Subsidized Coupon.","LP_OVER_REDUCE_SALES_EVENTS":"Sales & Promotions","LM_ANNI2018NEWUSER_STEP3":"Products","LA_DS_TOTAL":"Total","LA_GO_SHOPPING_CART":"Go to shopping cart","LA_SELECTED_GOODS":"Selected Goods","LA_NO_PRODUCTS":"No products, please add products","LA_RULE_TITLE":"Free Shipping Rules","LA_RULE_REQUIREMENT":"Free Shipping Requirement","LA_RULE_ORDER_PRICE":"Order price requirement","LA_RULE_WAREHOUSE":"Warehouse requirement","LA_RULE_SHIPPING_METHOD":"Shipping method requirement","LA_RULE_PRODUCT":"Product requirement","LA_RULE_TIPS":"Free Shipping Tips","LA_RULE_TEXT_1":"Package]s containing items that are not part of the FREE SHIPPING are not eligible for free or discounted shipping.","LA_RULE_TEXT_2":"If the specified shipping method is not available for the PACKAGE, it is not eligible for FREE SHIPPING.","LA_RULE_TEXT_3":"If a package meets the requirements of the FREE SHIPPING, the shipping discount will be displayed when placing the order.","LA_NO_DATA_BACK_CART":"Back to Cart","LA_BOTTOM_GO_CART":"Go to Cart","LA_LIST_NO_MORE_ITEM":"No More Items","LA_OVERREDUCE_SOLD":"sold","LA_OVERREDUCE_SOLD_OUT":"Sold Out","LC_UPGRADE_CATEGORIES":"Categories","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE1":"Order price: at least %s","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE2":"Warehouse from","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE3":"Total order weight: less than 2kg","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE4":"Free Standard Shipping on orders over US$39.99; Free Banggood Priority Shipping on orders over US$59.99; Free Banggood Expedited Shipping on orders over US$99.99.","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE5":"Free Standard Shipping or Free Banggood Priority Shipping on orders over US$49.99; Free Banggood Expedited Shipping on orders over US$99.99.","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE6":"If the order contains an item that isn't eligible for free shipping, it is not qualify for FREE SHIPPING.","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE7":"If the specified shipping method is not apply to the PACKAGE, it is not eligible for FREE SHIPPING.","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE8":"If a package meets the FREE SHIPPING requirements, FREE SHIPPING will be displayed when placing the order.","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE9":"The buyer should bear the return shipping costs for free shipping products, and the buyer should bear the shipping and return shipping costs for non-free shipping products.","LA_LADDER_FREE_SHIPPING_RULE10":"Free return services will be offered to the buyer if return is caused by the platform.","LC_PLACE_ORDER":"Place Order","LA_ADD_SHIPPING_ADDRESS":"Please add your shipping address","LA_ADD_ADDRESS":"Please add your shipping address!","LA_RESPONSIBLE_NAME_YOU":"Please enter Your Responsible Name to ensure the item can be easily delievered to you.","LS_PHONE_NUMBER_TIPS":"Please provide your real phone number to ensure the package can be easily delivered to you.","LA_ORDER_PREVIEWS":"Order Previews","LS_INSURANCE":"Insurance","LS_TARIFF_INSURANCE":"Tariff Insurance","LS_BROKEN_SCREEN_SERVICE":"Broken Screen Service","LS_SHIPPING_DISCOUNT":"Shipping Discount","LSC_SHIPPING_FEE":"Shipping Fee","LA_WALLET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE":"Available Balance","LA_PLACEORDER_TAX_FREE":"TAX FREE","LS_PAYMENT_INFO":"Payment Information","LA_USING":"Using","LA_POINTS_AVAILABLE":"points (160 points available)","LC_BOX_ADDRESS_MSG":"Postal Box address can't shipping by CNEMS,EMS and Expedited Shipping.","LA_PAYPAL_REFERENCE_TRANSACTION_MSG5":"You are applying for PayPal One-click payment.","LA_PAYPAL_REFERENCE_TRANSACTION_MSG6":"You are canceling PayPal One-click payment application.","LA_MORE_METHOD":"More Methods","LST_POINTS":"Points","LC_COUPONS":"Coupons","LA_ALLOWANCE":"Allowance","LA_SHIPPING_INSURANCE":"Shipping Insurance","LS_WHOLESALE_DISCOUNT":"Wholesale Discount","LSC_BUNDLE_DISCOUNT":"Bundle Discount","LS_DROPSHIP_DISCOUNT":"Dropship Discount","LS_ACCESS_DISCOUNT":"Accessories Discount","LS_GIFTCARD_DISCOUNT":"Gift Card Discount","LA_GST_TAX":"Goods and Services Tax","LS_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT":"Discount amount","LA_HALF_PRICE_DISCOUNT":"Half price discount","LS_INDIA_GOVT_TAX_INFO":"India Govt. Tax includes GST, Import Tariffs, TCS and so on.","LS_INDIA_GOVT_TAX":"India Govt.Tax","LA_ONLINE_PAY_DISCOUNT":"Online Payment Discount","LP_EARN":"Earn","LSC_GRAND_TOTAL":"Grand Total","LS_BG_POINTS":"Banggood points","LA_DX_PLACE_ORDER":"PLACE ORDER","LS_BROKEN_SCREEN_SERVICE_PRESENTATION":"compensates you if the device's screen is accidentally broken.","LA_MORE_DETAILS":"More Details","LS_BROKEN_SCREEN_SERVICE_TIP":"You get %s for each device with a broken screen.","LA_SHIPPING_METHOD":"Shipping Method","LA_POINTS_NOT_ENOUGH":"Sorry, your points are not enough, please re-select the item.","TITLE_EACHINE_DS_WS_SHOW":"Sorry! The brand products of eachine are not available for dropshipping.","LS_CRIMEA_MSG":"Sorry,we do not ship to Crimea.","LA_ENTER_CORRECT_STREET":"Please enter the correct street.","LA_MOBILE_NUM":"Mobile number to confirm cash on deliver.","LA_SWITCH_CURRENCY_PAYMENT":"Switch your currency into %s before using %d payment","LA_SWITCH":"Switch","LA_REJECT_CANCEL":"Cancel","LA_OVER":"Over","LA_SHOPPING":"Shopping","LAF_NO_DATA":"No data","LC_CONTINUE":"Continue","LA_GIVE_UP":"Give up","LA_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT_ERROR":"Payment error! Please try again.","LA_ONLINE_PAYMENT":"Online Payment","THREE_ORDER_NEW_TIP4":"Cash Back","LW_PAGE_FIELD8":"Payment Method","LA_EDIT_PAN":"Edit PAN","LA_PAYABLE_AMOUNT":"Payable Amount","LA_PAY_NOW":"Pay Now","LA_AVAILABLE_BALANCES":"Available balances","LA_CHOOSE_YOUR_BANK":"Choose Your Bank","LA_BGPAY_ACTIVATE":"Activate","LA__SELECT_PAYMENT":"Please select payment method.","LA_ENTER_10_CHAR":"Enter 10 characters","LA_INVALID_PAN":"Invalid PAN","LA_PLEASE_INPUT_PAN":"Please Input PAN","LA_CC_SECURITY_CODE":"Security Code","LC_PAY":"Pay","LA_INSTALLMENT":"Installment","LA_AUTHENTICATE_VER":"Authenticate this payment by completing bank verification in","LA_WISHLIST_UNAVAILABLE":"Unavailable","LC_CLEAR":"Clear","LSC_SHIPPING_ADDRESS":"Shipping Address","LA_M_CZ_CONTENT_DESC_4":"Privacy Policy","LA_PO_NA":"None Applied","LA_PO_PC":"Promo Code","LA_PO_PACKAGE":"Package","LA_PO_AGREE":"By placing your order, you agree to Banggood's","LA_PO_AGREE_NEW_1":"Your personal data will be used only to process your order. For more details, please see","LA_PO_CO":"Check Out","LS_OR":"or","LA_PO_OS":"Order Summary","LA_PO_TP":"Total Payment","LA_GIFT_CARD":"Gift Card","LA_SEND_TO":"Send to","LA_CONTINUE_SHOPPING_MSG":"Continue Shopping","LA_DOES_INDIA":"This site doesn't ship to India. If the order is still required, please go to","LA_I_AGREE":"I agree","LO_VIP_DISCOUNT":"VIP Discount","LA_FREE_TFPCNPIFSA":"The following products can not participate in free shipping activity.","LA_BG_SUBSIDIZED_COUPON":"BG-Subsidized Coupon","LA_SALES_TAX":"Sales Tax","LA_BADGES":"Badges","LA_MY_MISSION":"My Mission","LA_COMMENTS":"Comments","LA_QUESTIONS":"Questions","LQ_COMMUNITY_VISIT_MSG":"[*****'s profile is not visible You can visit other users or return to your profile","LA_ANSWER":"Answer","LA_NO_SOLUTION":"No solution?","LA_CLICK_HERE":"Click here!","LC_REVIEW_MSG_6":"Submitted successfully!","LA_COMMUNITY_FAILED_MSG":"Failed to submit, please try again.","LC_REVIEW_MSG_1":"Please input at least 2 characters as the review content.","LC_REVIEW_MSG_2":"Please input 2 to 2000 characters as the review content.","LA_ANSWER_EMAIL_MSG_1":"We sincerely invite you to subscribe to the Invite Answer email !","LA_ANSWER_EMAIL_MSG_2":"If you subscribe, we will invite you via email to answer questions people have about products. By subscribing you]ll also earn the \"Helpful Badge\"!","LA_ANSWER_EMAIL_MSG_3":"Help others and be happier!","LA_SHOP_NOW":"Shop Now","LP_CONGRATULATIONS":"Congratulations","LA_ORDERINFO_TOTAL":"Total","LC_ORDER_STATUS_NAME_REVIEW":"Review","LA_MISSION_EMPTY_MSG_1":"No products awaiting reviews, visit Banggood's homepage and shop now!","LA_AWAITING_REVIEWS":"Awaiting Reviews","LA_AWAITING_ANSWERS":"Awaiting Answers","LA_ORDER_ON":"Order No:","LA_HELPFUL_BADGE":"Helpful Badge","LA_HELPFUL_BADGE_LEVEL":"Helpful Badge Level","LA_ABOUT_BADGES":"About Badges","LA_BADGE":"badge","LA_MY_BADGES":"My Badges","LA_ALLOW_MY_PAGE":"Allow public access to \"my page\"","LA_INVITE_ANSWER":"Subscribe to \"Invite Answer\" emails","LA_SUBSCRIBE_INVITE_ANSWER":"You can subscribe or unsubscribe from the \"Invite Answer\" email feature by clicking here.","LA_GOT_IT":"Got It","LA_REPLY":"Reply","LA_MYFOLLOW_DESC1":"Following","LA_MYFOLLOW_DESC2":"following","LA_MYFOLLOW_DESC3":"Follow","LA_MYFOLLOW_DESC4":"NO MORE","LA_MYFOLLOW_DESC5":"Unfollow","LA_MYPAGE_FOLLOW":"Following","LA_MY_PAGE_REVIEW_101":"You have not reviewed any products you have ordered. Write a review now.","LA_LIVES":"Lives","LA_WATCH_LIVES":"Watch lives","LA_LIVE_EMPTY_TIP":"No live categories followed","LA_RF_TITLE":"Successful Reviews","LA_RF_THANK":"Thank you for submitting this review","LA_RF_AFTER":"After the evaluation is approved","LA_RF_TO_USE":"To Use","LA_RF_GET_MORE":"Review get more points","LA_RF_REVIEW":"Review","LA_RF_POINTS":"Points","LD_RECOMMEND_FOR_YOU":"Recommend for you","LD_MORE_BRANDS":"More Brands","LD_MORE_ITEMS":"More Items","LD_EXPLORE":"explore","LA_VIP_TASK_TITLE1":"30-day benefit for New VIP Member","LA_VIP_TASK_QUESRION1":"How to receive the benefits?","LA_VIP_TASK_STEP1":"Step1:","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT11":"Become Banggood VIP(the first order has been completed and shipped) and visit\u00a0 VIPCLUB or VIP Gift Page to collect 200 Points which can be used to redeem $2 Allowance worth 700points.","LA_VIP_TASK_STEP2":"Step2:","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT12":"Complete the second order and visit\u00a0 VIPCLUB or VIP Gift Page to receive the 2nd benefit.","LA_VIP_TASK_STEP3":"Step3:","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT13":"Complete the third order and visit\u00a0 VIPCLUB or VIP Gift Page to receive the 3rd benefit.","LA_VIP_TASK_QUESRION2":"How long time?","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT14":"The Benefit is valid for 30 days from the date of receiving the first benefit.","LA_VIP_TASK_QUESRION3":"Other important rules","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT15":"1. Each reward is limited to one per user. Every new VIP user have 2 chances to get extra points reward.","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT16":"2.If the order is canceled, the points will be withdrawn.","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT17":"3.If the order is canceled or refunded, the points reward will be removed.","LA_VIP_TASK_CONTENT18":"4.Points you received can be found in \"My Account-My Points\".","LA_VIP_ALERT6_TEXT":"It]s a pity that you didn]t complete the task but we will give you 100 points","LA_VIP_ALERT4_TITLE":"200 Points Received","LA_VIP_ALERT4_TEXT":"30-day benefit for New VIP Member","LA_VIP_ALERT_REDEEM_NOW":"Redeem Now","LA_VIP_ALERT3_TITLE":"Redeem Allowance","LA_VIP_ALERT3_TEXT":"you got 200 points which can be used to exchange $1 allowance","LA_VIP_ALERT1_TITLE":"$2 Allowance for New VIP Member","LA_VIP_ALERT1_TEXT":"200 Points received which can redeem $2 allowance which worth 700 points","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT1":"Birthday Gift","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT2":"DOUBLE YOUR POINTS","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT3":"WITH SHOPPING ON BIRTHDAY","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT4":"Ends in","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT5":"Rules","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT6":"Birthday Gift Rules","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT7":"1. Target Members: VIP1\/2\/3\/4\/5 members who have completed filling in [My Profile] can enjoy the birthday privilege","LA_VIP_BIRTHDAY_TEXT8":"2. Points will be rewarded on the basis of the actual amount you paid, rewarded points will be issued after your order has been shipped.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT1":"Level-UP Rewards","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT2":"DOUBLE YOUR POINTS","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT3":"WITH SHOPPING","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT4":"Get It","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT5":"Level-UP Rewards Rules","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT6":"1. Target Members: VIP2\/3\/4\/5 members who have upgraded to a higher level.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT7":"2. Enjoying the bonus of 1 times more points for shopping within 24 hours after receiving.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT8":"3. Points will be rewarded on the basis of the actual amount you paid, rewarded points will be issued after your order has been shipped.","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT9":"Banggood","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT10":"Return","LA_VIP_LEVEL_UP_TEXT11":"Points","LA_SHARE_COUPON_RULES_TITLE_M":"Collection rules","LA_SHARE_COUPON_VIEW":"View","LA_SHARE_COUPON_GET":"Get","LA_SHARE_COUPON_GS":"Get Successfully","LA_SHARE_COUPON_AYSYWTE_M":"Are you sure you want to exchange","LA_SHARE_COUPON_PFTA_M":"points for this allowance?","LA_SHARE_COUPON_RULES_1_M":"Click the [get] button, the coupon will be successfully saved to your account. You can find all coupons and allowances that have been collected in Account-Coupons.","LA_SHARE_COUPON_RULES_2_M":"Sometimes you may not be able to collect the coupon because it is restricted to limited group, quantity or time. Please abide by the Banggood coupon rules, first come first get.","LA_SHARE_COUPON_RULES_3_M":"After coupons and allowances have been successfully collected, please abide by the Banggood coupon using rules and follow the coupon usage tips on the payment page.","LA_SHARE_COUPON_RULES_4_M":"If there is any violation of the rules when collecting and using coupons and allowances(cheating, malicious cashing-out, fake transactions, etc.), the user will be disqualified from collecting coupons, and the illegal transaction will be cancelled to recover all coupons and allowances(including used and unused coupons). You shall be investigated for legal responsibility when necessary.","ARTICLES_PRIVACY_POLICY_TITLE":"Privacy Policy","ARTICLES_TERMS_CONDITION_TITLE":"Terms And Condition","LM_HISTORY":"History","LA_M_PRIVACY_1":"We sincerely recommend you to agree and remain your agreement in order to provide better products and services for you.","LA_M_PRIVACY_2":"Please select the specified functions that you would like to authorize","LA_M_PRIVACY_3":"Personal services and personalized recommendations.","LA_M_PRIVACY_4":"We will use your basic information, behavioral information, trading Information and access information to ensure that you can enjoy our personalized services and recommendations as well as the secure shopping experiences.","LA_BUY_SAVE":"SAVE","LA_M_PRIVACY_6":"The normal use might be affected with your cancellation, please make your confirmation again","LA_HELP_CENTER_SST":"Self-service Tool","LA_HELP_CENTER_SV":"Survey","LA_HELP_CENTER_EYQH":"Enter your questions here","LA_HELP_CENTER_SOLVED":"Solved","LA_HELP_CENTER_UNSOLVED":"Unsolved","LA_HELP_CENTER_TYFYF":"Thank you for your feedback!","LA_HELP_CENTER_TYFYFWWIASAP":"Thank you for your feedback, we will improve as soon as possible!","LA_HELP_CENTER_VS":"View Solutions","LA_HELP_CENTER_NO_RESULT":"Sorry,we haven't found the relevant content for the time being. It's suggested to adjust the keywords to search aggain.\"","LA_HELP_CENTER_MORE":"More","LM_HELP_CENTER_MANAGE_ORDERS":"Manage Orders","LM_HELP_CENTER_SETTING":"Setting","LA_EDIT_PROFILE":"Edit Profile","LM_HELP_CENTER_CHANGE_EMAIL":"Change Email","LA_VIP_PRIVILEGES":"VIP Privileges","LA_SHIPPING_METHODS_NO":"This\u00a0warehouse\u00a0cannot\u00a0ship\u00a0to\u00a0your location","LA_SHIPPING_QUICK_FIND":"Quick\u00a0Find","LA_SHIPPING_WAREHOUSE_NEW":"Warehouse","LA_SHIPPING_SHIPTO":"Ship\u00a0to:","LA_SHIPPING_SHIPFROM":"Ship\u00a0From:","LA_SHIPPING_METHODS_NEW":"Shipping\u00a0method(s)","LA_SHIPPING_TIME_NEW":"Shipping\u00a0time","LA_SHIPPING_TRACKING_NEW":"Tracking\u00a0information","LA_PAGE_SUBMIT":"Submit","LA_SUGGESSTIONS":"Suggestions","LA_PLEASE_SELECT_REASON":"Please select the reason","LA_TELL_US_IMPROVEMENT":"Please tell us if you have any suggestions for improvement.","LF_TOPICS":"Topics","LA_CHANGE_EMAIL_PEYEA":"Please enter your email address","LA_CHANGE_EMAIL_CEA":"Change Email Address","LA_CHANGE_EMAIL_FINISH_TIP":"Please check your original email address inbox for an activation link.After you change the email address, your info will also be synced in the new address.","LA_CHANGE_EMAIL_SUBMIT":"Submit","LA_CHANGE_EMAIL_HOME":"Home","LA_SETTING_INDEX_POINTS":"Complete your profiles, you can get 5 points","LA_ACCOUNT_SETTINGS":"Account Settings","LA_CHANGE_PASSWORD":"Change Password","LA_PAYPAL_REFERENCE_TRANSACTION_ONE_CLICK":"PayPal One-click payment","LC_SIGN_OUT":"Sign Out","LC_SIGN_OUT_ALERT_TITLE":"Sure to Sign Out?","LC_SIGN_OUT_ALERT_TIP":"If you sign out, you will not receive any order, delivery, or promotion alerts.","LA_PAYPAL_REFERENCE_TRANSACTION_MSG7":"This function can only be turned on when you place an order with PayPal","LA_NICK_NAME":"Nickname","LA_GENDER":"Gender","LA_BIRTHDAY":"Birthday","LC_PF_CUSTOMER_NICKNAME_EMPTY":"Please input your nickname.","LA_WALLET_EMAILS":"Email","LA_MOBILE_NUMBER":"Mobile Number","LA_BIND":"Bind","LA_NEWSLETTER":"Newsletter subscription includes store news,new products,special offers,and other promotional announcements.","LA_SAVE":"Save","LC_PF_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER_EXISTING_PASSWORD":"Existing Password","LC_PF_CUSTOMER_PASSWORD_IILEGAL":"Please enter password between 6-20 characters.","LC_PF_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER_NEW_PASSWORD":"New Password","LA_RE_PASSWORD":"Re-enter password","LA_RE_PASSWORD_DIFFERENT":"The password you twice input are different.","LA_FEMALE":"Female","LA_MALE":"Male","LA_EDIT_GENDER":"Your gender and birthday information can be edited only once, are you sure you would like to make this change?","LA_ACCOUNT_SETTING_1":"My Photo","LA_ACCOUNT_SETTING_4":"Education Level","LA_ACCOUNT_SETTING_5":"Industry","LA_ACCOUNT_SETTING_6":"Edit Profile","LA_SETTING_NICKNAME_TIPS_1":"100 characters most.","LA_SETTING_NICKNAME_TIPS_2":"Your public name will be visible on your public profile page and elsewhere on Banggood.","LA_SETTING_NICKNAME_TIPS_4":"Nickname can not contain special characters.","LA_SETTING_BIRTHDAY_TIPS_1":"You can only edit your birthday once.","LA_SETTING_BIRTHDAY_TIPS_2":"Your birthday is connected to your VIP benefits, so please confirm your edited birthday is right.","LA_SETTING_BIRTHDAY_TIPS_3":"Set Your Birthday","LA_SETTING_BIRTHDAY_TIPS_4":"Please enter your birthday.","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_BTN_1":"E-mail me","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_BTN_2":"Change your email","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_1":"We have send an activation link to","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_2":". Please check it in your email address inbox.","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_3":"Email address","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_4":"Verify your email, we will send an activation link to your email address.","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_5":"Please enter your address. We will send an activation link to your email address.","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_6":"Edit E-mail","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_TIPS_7":"New E-mail","LA_SETTING_EMAIL_CHANGE":"Change","LA_SETTING_SET_NOW":"Set Now","LA_SETTING_VERIFIY_NOW":"Verify Now","LA_SETTING_NO_NUMBER":"Invalid Mobile Number","LA_SUBSCRIBE_WHATSAPP_ERROR_TIP2":"Please enter a valid phone number.","LQ_COMMUNITY_QUALITY_STATUS_MSG_2":"Subscribe successfully.","LA_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUCCESSFULLY":"Unsubscribe Successfully.","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_ACCOUNTS":"Social media accounts","LA_YOUR_SOCIAL_MEDIA_ACCOUNTS":"Your Social media accounts","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_TIPS1":"Once subscribe, you'll be able to:","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_TIPS2":"Track your order status","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_TIPS3":"View billing and shipping information","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_TIPS4":"Get extra exclusive discount and promotions","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_DESC1":"Bind your WhatsApp","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_DESC2":"We are sorry to see you go. If you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive:","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_DESC3":"Order and shipping information","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_DESC4":"The latest promotions and hot products","LA_SOCIAL_MEDIA_DESC5":"Exclusive benefits","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT1":"We are so sorry that we could not provide further service for you and thank you for your support all the time. Before deleting your account, the following conditions must be verified to ensure your account security.","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT2":"You voluntarily give up all virtual assets and benefits in your Banggood account.","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT3":"There are not any uncompleted orders in your account.","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT4":"By deleting account, I voluntarily give up all virtual assets in Banggood account and agree with","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT5":"Terms of Banggood Account Deletion","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT6":"Request Account Deletion","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT7":"Confirm to delete the account","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT8":"There are still unused gift card, BGPay balance, points and coupons in your current account. If you decide to delete the account, all virtual assets and benefits in this account will be useless and lost, thanks for your understanding.","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT9":"Confirm and delete","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT10":"Sorry, account can't be deleted","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT11":"We are sorry that your account cannot be deleted due to the following reasons","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT12":"Uncompleted Order(s)","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT13":"There's (an) uncompleted order(s) in your account. Please reapply the deletion when the order(s) is finished.","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT14":"Back to Account setting","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT15":"Your account has been deleted","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT16":"Back to Homepage","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT17":"Verify Your Identity","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT18":"Please enter the 4-digit verification code sent to","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT19":"Resend","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT20":"VERIFY EMAIL","LA_DELETE_ACCOUNT21":"Haven't received? Resend","LA_ONE_CENT_SNATCH":"One Cent Snatch","LA_SNATCH_NOTICE_NEW":"Pay 5 points or $0.01 to draw the prize. No need to team up!","LA_SNATCH_MY_SNATCH":"My Snatch","LA_SNATCH_RULES":"Snatch Rules","LA_SNATCH_SNATCH_NOW1":"Snatch Now","LA_COMING_SOON_TEXT":"Coming Soon","LA_SNATCH_TIT1":"Snatch","LA_REMIND":"Remind","LA_SNATCH_WINNIT_LIST":"Winners list","LA_LUCKY_NUMBER":"Lucky Number","LC_RECOMMEND":"Recommend","LA_SNATCH_JOINED":"%s joined","LA_SNATCH_PRIZE":"%s prize","LA_GROUPED_TEXT":"Grouped","LC_ORDER_STATUS_NAME_JOIN_SNATCH":"Join Snatch","LA_SHARE_IT":"Share it","LA_FRIENDS_JOIN":"Friends join","LA_CHECK_SNATCH_RESULT":"Check snatch result","LA_SNATCH_SHARE_TO_FRIENDS":"Share to friends","LA_SNATCH_RESULT":"Snatch result","LD_SHARE":"Share","LA_SNATCH_RULE_TITLE":"Get more lucky tickets","LA_SNATCH_RULE1":"How to play","LA_SNATCH_RULE2":"'Snatch' has been updated. As long as you participate in Snatch successfully, you can get the lucky draw chance. The more lucky tickets you get, the more likely you'll win.","LA_SNATCH_RULE3":"Click 'Snatch' to join","LA_SNATCH_RULE4":"Pay $0.01 or 5 points to get one more lucky ticket.","LA_SNATCH_RULE5":"Share to social media","LA_SNATCH_RULE6":"Share to social media to get one more lucky ticket.","LA_SNATCH_RULE7":"Invite friends to join 'Snatch'","LA_SNATCH_RULE8":"If your friend join 'Snatch' successfully, both of you will get a lucky ticket. More friends join, more tickets you will get.","LA_SNATCH_RULE9":"Place order to get lucky tickets","LA_SNATCH_RULE10":"Place an order over $5 during the activity, each item you snatched will be awarded one lucky ticket.","LA_SNATCH_RULE11":"Draw the lucky winner of 'Snatch'","LA_SNATCH_RULE12":"The winners will get the prize with free shipping. If you did not win, your payment will be refunded into your BGpay account. Points used are non-refundable.","LA_SNATCH_RULE13":"'Snatch' is only available on the Banggood mobile APP.","LA_SNATCH_RULE14":"Each user can snatch up to 3 times in each activity.","LA_SNATCH_RULE15":"Prizes are drawn 1 hour after the event ends.","LA_SNATCH_RULE16":"There are limits to the number of lucky tickets you can get by placing orders and inviting friends. The specific limitations can refer to page tips.","LA_SNATCH_RULE17":"Minors are not allowed to participate in these events.","LA_SNATCH_RULE18":"The player should follow the instructions on the page. If there is an abnormal error such as the product fails to be issued and the activity cannot continue, the player is not considered to successfully participate in the activity.","LA_SNATCH_RULE19":"Due to no postal services, customers in some countries will not be able to participate in 'Snatch'. Thank you for your understanding.","LA_SNATCH_RULE20":"Banggood reserves the right to remove a user and cancel a prize if we suspect the related account has used unfair practices to gain an advantage over other 'Snatch' users.","LA_SNATCH_RULE21":"If Snatch users have any violations (including but not limited to using cheat software like crawler software, auxiliary tools and ID changer tools, using abnormal ways to visit our website, against our system, register temporary accounts, login ID, take part in activity, make a deal), and risk accounts derived from model and technical analysis, Banggood reserves the right to remove a user and cancel the prizes.","LA_SNATCH_RULE22":"Apple Computer, Inc., is not affiliated with Banggood or One Cent Snatch and do not endorse this activity.","LA_SNATCH_RULE23":"The right to interpret this event belongs to Banggood.","LA_SNATCH_OVER17_TITLE":"Are you over 17?","LA_SNATCH_OVER17_TEXT":"The law does not allow us to provide these activities to the minor.","LA_SNATCH_JOIN_APP":"Please join via APP","LA_SNATCH_JOIN_APP_MSG":"Only APP users can join the snatch, please open APP and check again.","LA_PRIZE":"Prize","LA_GROUP_BUY_IT":"Buy It","LA_SNATCH_TITLE1":"The Process of Snatch","LA_SNATCH_PRODUCT_DETAIL":"Product Detail","LA_GROUP_BUY_VIEW_DETAILS":"View Details","LA_COMMING_SOON":"Coming Soon","LA_REMIND_ME":"Remind me","LA_REMINDED":"Reminded","LA_SNATCH_INVITE_JOIN":"Invite friends to join","LA_MY_LUCKY_TICKETS":"My lucky tickets","LA_SNATCH_TICKET_TIP":"The more lucky tickets you get, the more likely you'll win!","LA_SNATCH_IN_THE_LOTTERY":"In the lottery","LA_SNATCH_LOSING_LOTTERY":"Losing lottery","LA_SNATCH_WINNING":"Winning","LA_SNATCH_ENDED":"Ended","LA_SNATCH_SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESSFUL":"Subscribed successfully! Stay tuned, we will inform you before it start.","LA_SNATCH_NO_PERMISSION":"Sorry, no permission!","LA_SNATCH_SYSTEM_TIPS":"Please turn on your System Notification for sending you a reminder.","LA_WALLET_GO":"Go","LA_SNATCH_ALERT_NOTIFY_TIP1":"Please enable us to send you the \"snatch\" alert.","LA_SNATCH_CLICK_OPEN_PROMOTION":"Click to open the Promotion Notification.","LA_SNATCH_HOW_TO_GET":"How to get","LA_SNATCH_TICKET_TIPS_TITLE":"Tips\u00a0to\u00a0get\u00a0more\u00a0lucky\u00a0tickets","LA_SNATCH_TICKET_TIPS1":"Share to social media to get one more lucky ticket.","LA_SNATCH_TICKET_TIPS2":"Invite friends to join to get more lucky tickets.","LA_SNATCH_TICKET_TIPS3":"Place order to get more lucky tickets. (Each item you snatched will be awarded one lucky ticket.)","LA_SNATCH_ALL_LUCKY_TICKETS":"All lucky tickets","LA_SNATCH_CHECK_LUCKY_NUMBER":"Check lucky number","LA_SNATCH_TO_SNATCH":"Go to Snatch more","LA_SNATCH_INVITE_TEXT":"Hey friend, come help me please! You'll also get a chance to win this prize.","LA_SNATCH_JOIN_LIMIT_TIP":"Oops! You exceed the participation limit of 3 times.","LA_SNATCH_SHARE_TITLE1":"Invite friends to join the snatch.","LA_SNATCH_SHARE_TITLE2":"Place an order.","LA_SNATCH_PLACE_AN_ORDER_TIPS":"If you place an order,each item you snatched will be awarded one lucky ticket.","LA_JOIN_SNATCH_TO_HELP":"Join Snatch to help","LA_SNATCH_ALREADY_JOINED":"Oops! You already joined!","LA_GET_MORE_LUCKY_TICKETS":"Get more lucky tickets","LA_VIEW_OTHER_ACTIVITIES":"View other activities","LA_ACTIVITY_IS_OVER":"Oops! The activity is over.","LA_SNATCH_WINNING_LIST_TITLE":"Winners List of $0.01 Snatch","LA_RECORDS":"Records","LA_YOU_WON_THE_SNATCH":"You won the snatch!","LA_YOUR_LUCKY_NUMBER_WAS":"Your lucky number was:","LA_SNATCH_UPDATE_APP":"App Update Available","LA_SNATCH_UPDATE_APP_MSG":"Optimized the payment process of 'Snatch', offered better user experience.","LA_UPDATE_NOW":"Update Now","LA_UNRECEIVED":"Unreceived","LA_SNATCH_TICKET_TIPS4":"Completing the first share can get a lucky ticket.","LA_SNATCH_EVENT_CLOSED":"The event is currently closed","LA_ABOUT_US_MIDDLE_TITLE1":"Quality and Savings","LA_ABOUT_US_MIDDLE_TITLE2":"Global Warehouse","LA_ABOUT_US_MIDDLE_TITLE3":"Fast and convenient logistics","LA_ABOUT_US_MIDDLE_TITLE4":"Payment Security","LA_ABOUT_US_MIDDLE_TITLE5":"Professional service and product warranty","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE1":"Comprehensive quality control","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE2":"Strict selection of suppliers","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE3":"Affordable prices","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE4":"Popular brands","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE5":"International Payment","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE6":"Banggood Wallet","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE7":"Local Payment","LA_ABOUT_US_IN_TITLE8":"Support multi-currency transactions","LA_ABOUT_US_SERVICE_INFO1":"DOA product guarantee","LA_ABOUT_US_SERVICE_INFO2":"No reason Return\/Exchange","LA_ABOUT_US_SERVICE_INFO3":"Quality guarantee for most items","LA_ABOUT_US_SERVICE_INFO4":"Free repair for specific items","LA_ABOUT_US_BIG_TITIE":"About Banggood","LA_ABOUT_US_NEW_TITLE":"Global Leading Online Shop","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC8":"Founded in 2006 in Guangzhou, Banggood is a global leading direct-to-consumer online retailer, providing well-selected products that are highly cost-effective to 66 million+ registered users, with a global reach in North America, Europe, Asian Pacific, South America, and Middle East. In 2021, Banggood APP emerges as one of the Most Downloaded Shopping App in Europe according to App Annie, an authoritative app analytics platform.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC9":"Growing with over 100,000 reliable suppliers, Banggood now offers up to 30 categories and 1,000,000 superior-quality products from consumer electronics, home appliance, tools, sports, to clothing.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC10":"Moreover, Banggood devotes to improving customer service, including establishing a logistics and fulfillment system, to provide a 7\/24 professional service to customers.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC11":"Our History","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC12":"ABOUT BANGGOOD","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC13":"Global Leading Online Shop","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC14":"Was founded and launched","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC15":"Reached 10 million registered members","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC16":"Hit 35 million users and 400k shipments per month","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC17":"BG Express shipping service was established in UK, Germany, USA and Belgium, etc.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC18":"US warehouse and logistic system was established","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC19":"Became Top 50 Brands in China","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC20":"Marked BrandZ\u2122 Top 50 Chinese Global Brand Builders","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC21":"Our Core Pillars","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC22":"Supply Chain","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC23":"Fulfilments & Logistics","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC24":"Customer Service","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC25":"Payment","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC26":"Banggood's lean supply chain sources products directly from well-selected manufacturers, working closely with over 3,000 top quality brands.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC27":"37<\/span> Global Warehouses","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC28":"5<\/span> Self-managed Logistics Express","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC29":"Our 37 global warehouses, international shipping partnerships, and well-developed logistics system enables us to deliver orders to you efficiently.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC30":"Professional providing excellent service","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC31":"Phone-Call","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC32":"Banggood offers professional\u00a0customer service\u00a0in multiple languages, including English, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Thai, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Turkish, Korean and Arabic, just to make sure that you're in good hands.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC33":"Banggood offers more than 40 different secure payment methods, from Cash on Delivery to Credit Card, your payment is safe, secure and convenient.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC34":"Relationships Feedbacks & Communities","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC35":"User Insight","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC36":"With a relentless focus on consumers happiness, Banggood invests in building relationship via its platforms by providing a convenient shopping experience and considerate service.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC37":"Our Footprint","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC38":"Banggood expands global footprint, delivering entertaining experiences customised to each user.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC39":"Mission","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC40":"Provide best goods and professional service for customers, focus on creating value for customers.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC41":"Vision","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC42":"Become top e-commerce platform in the world.","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC43":"Our Mission & Vision","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC44":"Meet Our Team","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC45":"WE ARE","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC46":"The end","LA_ABOUT_US_DESC47":"Press Releases","LA_CONTACT_ONLINE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE":"Online customer service","LA_CONTACT_INTRODUCTION1":"We provide assistance 24\/7 for your pre-sales questions.","LA_CONTACT_CALL_US":"Call us","LA_CONTACT_OFTTIME":"Office time: Mon. - Fri. from 3:00 PM to (next day) 8:00 AM - UTC+8","LA_CONTACT_OK":"OK","LA_CONTACT_CALL_TIME1":"UTC+1 8:00 AM - <\/br>(next day) 01:00 AM","LA_CONTACT_CALL_TIME2":"UTC - 6 1:00 AM - 6:00 PM","LA_CONTACT_CALL_TIME3":"UTC+8 3:00 PM - <\/br>(next day) 8:00 AM","LA_CONTACT_LIVE_CHAT":"Live chat","LA_NAV_SIGN_IN":"SIGN IN","LA_NAV_REGISTER":"REGISTER","LL_PASSWORD":"Password","LL_FORGOT_PASSWORD":"Forgot password?","LA_SING_IN":"SIGN IN","LA_NEW_TO_BANGGOOD":"New to Banggood?","LL_SIGNUP_EMAIL_FORMAT":"Please check your email format.","LA_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST":"No Existing Account","LM_BUTTON_REGISTER":"Register","LC_NOT_NOW":"Not Now","LA_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST_TIP":"This email is not registered to an account. Register now to get new user gifts.","LA_MOBILE_COUPONS":"This mobile number is not registered to an account. Register now to get new user gifts.","LA_MOBILE_LOGIN_ERROR3":"Please enter your mobile number","LA_USE_NUMBER_REGISTER":"Use your Mobile Number<\/span> to register","LA_USE_EMAIL_REGISTER":"Use your Email<\/span> to register","LA_REGISTER_AGREE_NEW":"I agree to","LA_REGISTER_TIP_3":"Please make sure you agree to our Privacy Policy.","LA_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_EXIST":"Exisiting Account","LA_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_EXIST_TIP":"This email is already registered to an account. Please sign in or use another email to register.","LA_POINTMALL_SIGN_IN":"Sign In","LL_ENTER_VERIFY_CODE":"Enter Code","LA_VERIFICATION_CODE":"Verification Code","LA_SEND_CODE":"SEND CODE","LA_RESEND_AFTER":"Resend after
%s sec","LL_SIGNUP_VERIFY_CODE":"Please enter verification code.","LA_MOBILE_COUPONS_2":"This mobile number is already registered to an account. Please sign in or use another mobile number to register.","LA_LINKEMAIL_LINK_TO_EMAIL":"Link to Email","LA_LINKEMAIL_FOR_YOUR_ACCOUNT":"For your account security, please enter your email address to create a new account.","LA_PASSWORD_SPACES":"Your password cannot contain spaces.","LA_GET_FREE_GIFT2":"Register to get $0.01 items with Free Shipping !","LA_2021_aff_activity_57":"Email","LA_PASSWORD_SHOULD":"Password should contain 6 to 20 characters of lower cases and figures.","LA_USER_MOBILE_SIGN":"Use your Mobile Number<\/span> to sign in","LA_USE_EMAIL_SIGN":"Use your Email<\/span> to sign in","LA_SEND_CODE2":"Send Code","LA_REGISTER_SUCCESSFULLY":"Register successfully","LA_REGISTER_M_EMAIL_THE_LAST_STEP":"The Last Step","LA_REGISTER_M_EMAIL_PLCS_ENTER_CODE":"Please enter the 4-digit verification code sent to","LA_REGISTER_M_EMAIL_MODIFY_MSG":"Modify email address","LA_REGISTER_M_EMAIL_VERIFY_EMAIL_BTN":"Verify Email","LA_REGISTER_M_EMAIL_NOT_RECEIVED_RESENT":"Not received? Resend","LA_REGISTER_M_EMAIL_RESEND":"Resend","LA_GET_FREE_GIFT3":"Register to get $0.01 items with Free Shipping !","LA_FORGOT_PASS":"Forgot Password","LA_NUMBER_SMS":"Enter your mobile number below. We'll send SMS to you,and you can reset your password","LL_FORGET_DESC":"Enter your e-mail address below and we'll send you an e-mail message containing your new password.","LA_NEXT":"NEXT","LL_SEND_NOW_CAPITAL":"SEND NOW","LA_VERIFICATION_SENT":"Verification code has been sent to","LA_PLEASE_PASSWORD":"Please enter the code and set a password","LA_WALLET_NEW_PASSWORD":"New Password","LN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD":"Confirm Password","LL_PASSWORD_DIFFERENT":"Password and Reenter Password has to be same","LA_ENTER_YOUR_PASSWORD":"Enter your new password","LA_CONFIRM_YOUR_PASSWORD":"Confirm your new password","LN_RESET_PWD_CHANGE_NOW":"Change Now","LA_PWD_REMIND":"The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again","LA_ENTER_CHAR":"Please enter your password between 6-20 characters","LA_PASSWORD_SUCCESS":"Your new password has been set successfully","LA_CLICK_LOGIN":"Click here to login","LA_ORDER_OVER":"Order over","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT1":"Activity Ends in","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT2":"Activity Starts in","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT3":"Use","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT4":"Get","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT6":"We are sorry you don't have encough points","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT7":"Insufficient level to enjoy VIP exclusive discount.","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT8":"VIP Early Access","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT9":"Rules","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT10":"Get","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT11":"points","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT13":"Sold Out","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT14":"Order Over","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT15":"Continue shoping","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT16":"To earn points","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT17":"Are you sure that use","LA_VIP_DAY_LANDING_TEXT18":"points to exchange for the coupon?","LA_BONLINE_PAYMENT":"Banggood Online Payment","LA_PAY_INSTALLMENTS":"Pay in installments","LA_SECURE_PAYMENT":"100% Secure Payment","LA_SELECT_ADDRESS":"Select address","LA_TELEPHONE_REQUIRED":"Telephone is required","LA_QIWI_LIMIT_PAYMENT":"Tips: Qiwi payment has a limit of 60,000RUB.If your order is over 60,000RUB,split items into multiple orders or use another payment method.","LA_ENTER_6_DIGITS":"Please enter 6 or more digits","LA_NETWORK_REFRESH":"Network error, please refresh the page","LA_DELIVERY_ADDRESS3":"Delivery Address","LA_PACK_UP":"Pack up","LA_ENTER_8_16_CHARACTERS":"Enter 8-16 characters","LA_FORGET_PASSWORD":"Forget Password","LA_PERMANENT_ACCOUT_PAN":"Permanent Account Number(PAN)","LA_SNATCH_ORDER_DETAILS":"Order Details","LA_CC_ORDER_ITEMS":"items","LD_SELECT":"Select","LA_WITHDRAW_ENTER_BGPAY_PASSWORD":"Enter BGpay password","LA_XMAS_CARD18":"OK","LA_WALLET_PWD_RULE":"Enter 8-16 characters combined with letters and numbers.","LA_ARE_YOU_LEAVE":"Are you sure to leave?","LA_IF_LEAVE":"If you leave, your order will be cancelled.In order to receive your items earlier, please pay as soon as possible.","LA_PASSWORD_FREE_PAYMENT":"LA_PASSWORD_FREE_PAYMENT","LA_BR_DEBIT_CARD_ERR2":"3d-secure: Authentication failed. Please use an alternative payment method or try with another card.","LA_LEARN_MORE2":"Learn More","LA_PAYMENT_PCI_REMEMBERPOP_TITLE":"Secure and Faster online payment","LA_PAYMENT_PCI_REMEMBERPOP_TIP1":"Won't store any sensitive infomation.","LA_PAYMENT_PCI_REMEMBERPOP_TIP2":"Pay faster at the next time.","LA_PAYMENT_PCI_REMEMBERPOP_TIP3":"Only when pay successful can it be remembered.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS1":"Invite Friends","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS2":"Invite Your Friends To","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS3":"Earn Coupon & Allowance","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS4":"Bonus","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS5":"1. Share with your friend to get a","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS6":"coupon","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS7":"US$3","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS8":"2. Earn","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS9":"10% off","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS10":"for each order over US$10 with your link.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS11":"Invite Your Friends","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS12":"Rules","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS13":"1.Once you share the link with your friends, you will get a coupon of US$3 off orders over US$20 with a validity period of 7 days.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS14":"2.Each account can only receive one coupon which can be used in whole site except for some products.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS16":"4.If your friends successfully register from your link they will get a new user gift package.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS17":"5.Allowance can be used with promo, coupon and points.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS18":"6.Only one allowance can be used per order which can be redeemed for US$3 at most.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS19":"My Invitation","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS20":"10% off allowance","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS21":"Total invitation","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS22":"Pending","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS23":"Received","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS24":"Invalid","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS25":"No invite yet","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS26":"Tips","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS27":"1.Each allowance can deduct up to US$3.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS28":"2.Allowance can be used with promo, coupon and points.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS29":"3.Only 1 allowance can be used for each order.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS30":"Welcome to Banggood","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS31":"Your friend","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS32":"shares a Banggood gift pack with you, come and get it!","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS33":"US$2.00","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS35":"US$0.00","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS36":"Free Gift","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS37":"US$1.00","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS39":"Register & Get it","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS40":"1.When you successfully register and sign up in Banggood, you will get a new user gift package including new user free gift and allowance.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS41":"2.Each account can only receive one new user gift package.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS42":"3.When you successfully register by this link and place the first order over US$10 in 60 days, the friend who invited you will get a 10% off allowance.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS43":"4.Banggood reserves all rights.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS44":"You are already a Banggood user Invite Your Friends To","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS45":"Top Sellers","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS46":"3. For every friend that successfully registered from your link and placed their first order over US$10 in 60 days, next day you'll get a 10% off allowance with a validity period of 30 days.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS47":"7. If you cancel the order that uses an allowance or a coupon, allowance or coupon can]t be returned.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS48":"8. Banggood reserves all rights.","LA_INVITE_FRIENDS49":"Hey friends! I would like to send you a Banggood new user gift package. I have found a lot of items with low cost and high quality in Banggood, I believe you can also enjoy shopping here. Come on! Join us to get your gifts!","LA_INDEX_NEWUSER_US4AND20OFF":"US$4","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_1":"Download BG Bee and Get Cashback !","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_2":"Check-in to Get Cashback!","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_3":"Rules","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_8":"Log in now","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_9":"and Get Cashback","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_10":"My bags","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_11":"Total available cashback amount","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_12":"End time in this round:","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_13":"My lucky bag record","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_14":"open all","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_15":"Expire time","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_16":"No Lucky bag record yet...","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_17":"Use Cashback Amount","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_18":"New user after registration,","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_19":"you and your friend will get one lucky bag!","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_20":"Assistance successful!","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_21":"you can also get a lucky bag.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_22":"Congratulations on getting","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_23":"Only used in the event page of the app","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_24":"Welcome to BG Bee!","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_25":"New user gift for you!","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_26":"You have reached the maximum amount of available cashback accumulation, please use it before opening the lucky bag","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_27":"Cashback is a time-limited rewards benefit that BG Bee irregularly offers to its users.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_28":"Check in on the event page everyday, you can get a lucky bag. If your friend successfully registered through your sharing or if your friend assist you successfully, you can also get a lucky bag. Open the lucky bag you will find a cashback quota that can be used on purchasing products on the event page. These cashback quota will be cleared regularly, please use it asap. If you don]t use it within the validity period, it is deemed to have voluntarily given up the chance to draw a lottery.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_29":"Definition of successful assistance from friends: share assistance link to friends, and friends can click on the link to log in or register to give assistance through the link. Each helper can only help the same person one time during the event.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_30":"The available \"cashback quota\" in the account can be returned after purchasing the product on the activity page. The maximum amount that can be returned in a single time is subject to the prompt on the product details page. When the available \"cashback quota\" in the account is less than the maximum returnable amount of the product, all available \"cashback amount\" in the account will be returned.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_31":"The arrival time of cashback is the same as current arrival time of commission, the cashback will be returned to your BGBEE account. (You can check on the [Account] page.)","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_32":"You can only get cashback for ONE single product, you won't get cashback for extra products you order (either from this campaign or other products.)","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_33":"If the order hasn't paid, if you want to cancel the order, issue a refund or return, if the transaction is failed, the cashback will be failed. Please finish the payment asap after placing the order.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_34":"If we find someone is cheating in this activity, he will be disqualified and we won't offer him the reward. Even his BG Bee account will be suspended if it is serious.","LA_BEE_CASHBACK_35":"PS: please note that your invitation code must be verified by verifying your email account before taking part the activity.","LC_DOWNLOAD":"Download","LA_NO_COMMENTS":"No comments","LA_OPEN_BG_APP":"Open \"Banggood\" APP","LA_ALLOW":"Allow","LB_LIKE":"Like","LA_SALEBRAND_LOGO_TEXT":"Global leading online shop","LA_SALEBRAND_TITLE":"PASSION SHOPPING ON BANGGOOD","LA_SALEBRAND_REGISTER_NOW":"Register Now","LA_SALEBRAND_DOWNLOAD_APP":"Download APP","LA_SALEBRAND_SHOP_NOW":"Shop Now","LA_SALEBRAND_MORE_FUN":"More Fun","LA_SALEBRAND_FUN_TEXT1":"Banggood Live","LA_SALEBRAND_FUN_TEXT2":"Free Coupons","LA_SALEBRAND_FUN_TEXT3":"$0.01 Snatch","LA_SHOP_YOUR_PASSION_SLOGAN":"SHOP YOUR PASSION","LA_SUMMER_SALE_BTN":"Summer Sale","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT1":"Copy Code","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT2":"Ran out","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT3":"Get","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT5":"See product detail","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT6":"Description","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT7":"Add to Cart","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT8":"Buy Now","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT9":"The coupon has been automatically collected for you.","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_TEXT10":"Coupon has been ran out.","LA_COUPON_FOR_GOODS_PRICE_AFTER":"Price after coupon:","LP_PAYDROP_TITLE1":"Exclusive Allowances","LP_PAYDROP_TITLE2":"Save Money Gifts","LP_PAYDROP_TITLE3":"Pay with PayPal+Allowances","LP_PAYDROP_TITLE4":"First 50 Pcs Up To 80% OFF","LP_PAYDROP_TITLE5":"Price Drop Ends Soon","LP_PAYDROP_TITLE6":"Add Cart In Advance","LA_APP_PUSH_18AA":"18th Anniversary Allowances","LA_APP_PUSH_F59O":"First 50Pcs Only","LA_APP_PUSH_LPOIS":"Lowest Price Only in Sept.3-10","LA_APP_PUSH_APWP":"Allowances+Pay with PayPal","LA_FREE_TRIAL_1":"Free Trial","LA_FREE_TRIAL_2":"Write Reviews","LA_FREE_TRIAL_4":"Current Products","LA_FREE_TRIAL_5":"Next Round","LA_FREE_TRIAL_6":"Rules","LA_FREE_TRIAL_8":"More top picks","LA_FREE_TRIAL_9":"Already Applied","LA_FREE_TRIAL_10":"Apply For Free","LA_FREE_TRIAL_11":"Please join via App","LA_FREE_TRIAL_12":"Only APP users can apply the free trial, please open APP and check again.","LA_FREE_TRIAL_13":"Open App","LA_FREE_TRIAL_14":"How to Apply?","LA_FREE_TRIAL_15":"View Details","LA_FREE_TRIAL_16":"Win and confirm address","LA_FREE_TRIAL_17":"Review and answer","LA_FREE_TRIAL_18":"You can find Free trial in","LA_FREE_TRIAL_19":"Account > Fun ways to save","LA_FREE_TRIAL_20":"Applied","LA_FREE_TRIAL_21":"Apply","LA_FREE_TRIAL_22":"Product Details","LA_FREE_TRIAL_23":"Avaliable","LA_FREE_TRIAL_24":"Applicants","LA_FREE_TRIAL_50":"Step 1: Apply for free","LA_FREE_TRIAL_51":"You can improve your win rate by writing product reviews and answering questions you've made on Banggood.","LA_FREE_TRIAL_52":"Step 2: Win the trial","LA_FREE_TRIAL_53":"It takes 3 days to select the winners. Check the APP notification or email after the \"free trial\" ends.","LA_FREE_TRIAL_54":"Step 3: Review & Answer","LA_FREE_TRIAL_55":"After you have received the free item, please write a specific review and answer three questions.","LA_FREE_TRIAL_56":"won the Free trial","LA_FREE_TRIAL_57":"Reminded","LA_FREE_TRIAL_58":"Remind","LA_GIFTCARD_NO":"Card NO.%s","LA_ORDER_NO":"Order NO.%s","LA_GIFTCARD_ERROR3":"The card number should consist of letters and digits","LA_GIFTCARD_ERROR4":"Please enter the correct card number","LA_GIFTCARD_ERROR5":"PIN can not be blank","LA_GIFTCARD_TITLE":"My E-Gift Cards","LA_WALLET_BALANCE":"Balance","LA_AMOUNT":"Amount","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC1":"Buy New Card","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC2":"Gfit Card Rules","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC3":"E-Gift Cards Detail","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC4":"Valid Thru","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC5":"Available countries","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC6":"Binding Card","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC7":"Gift card Number","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC8":"Gift card PIN","LA_GIFTCARD_DESC9":"No transaction history","LA_GIFTCARD_GUIDE1":"1. Order &Pay","LA_GIFTCARD_GUIDE2":"2. Review your order","LA_GIFTCARD_GUIDE3":"3. Send the card number and PIN to the recipient","LA_GIFTCARD_GUIDE_TITLE":"Purchasing a gift card","LA_VIP_CLUB2_1":"Congratulations!","LA_VIP_CLUB2_2":"You can use the coupon now, or check it in my benefit.","LA_VIP_CLUB2_3":"Use Now","LA_VIP_CLUB2_4":"Learn more","LA_VIP_CLUB2_5":"Points Mall - Save up to15%","LA_VIP_CLUB2_6":"Daily Check-in","LA_VIP_CLUB2_7":"Balance","LA_VIP_CLUB2_8":"Points","LA_VIP_CLUB2_9":"Go","LA_VIP_CLUB2_10":"Super Discount","LA_VIP_CLUB2_11":"VIP DAY","LA_VIP_CLUB2_12":"participants","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_1":"Meet Banggood VIP","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_2":"The membership that saves you more time & money.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_3":"Sign in","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_4":"Become VIP by just placing 1 order (over $1)","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_5":"Learn more","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_6":"VIP Benefits","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_7":"VIP DAY","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_8":"For all VIP levels","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_9":"Save up to 25%<\/span>, earn and redeem points or more offers.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_10":"Only valid in 24 hours on the 9th of each month.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_11":"Shopping Benefits","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_12":"Redeem $2<\/span> allowance, save 15% on fashion and points","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_13":"Get VIP club notifications via email and app.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_14":"Level-up Rewards","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_15":"VIP2 unlock","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_16":"Upgrade the membership can get double points (earn 2<\/span> points for every US$1<\/span> spent)","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_17":"Rewards points only valid in 24 hours.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_18":"VIP Service","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_19":"VIP4 unlock","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_20":"Offer 24 hours online service with higher quality.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_21":"Any question about order or logistic will be answered in time.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_22":"Free Shipping","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_23":"VIP5 unlock","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_24":"Save $3<\/span> on delivery costs for VIP5 members.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_25":"Excludes oversized & freight items.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_26":"Fast Refund","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_27":"VIP5 member]s refund process will be completed in 3<\/span> hours.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_28":"It takes 24 hours for other members.","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_29":"VIP Points Redemption","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_30":"Daliy Exchange","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_31":"Save","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_32":"Points Deal","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_33":"Select a free gift and place an order to become VIP","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_34":"Choose your New User Bonus to enjoy VIP benefits","LA_VIP_CLUB_NEW_USER_36":"Use your New User Bonus to become VIP","LA_CHALLENGE_WORTH":"worth","LA_CHALLENGE_TEXT1":"Points Challenge","LA_CHALLENGE_TEXT5":"Use 40 points to join the challenge of checking in for 7 consecutive days and get extra 80 points if you succeed.","NEW_ZONE_V3_DIALOG_WORD6":"Congrats!","LA_PA_T1":"Check in Rules","LA_PA_T2":"Notify","LA_PA_T3":"Spend 40 points to earn 80 points","LA_PA_T4":"Join challenge in APP","LA_PA_T5":"APP Active Path","LA_PA_T6":"Points Challenge Rules","LA_PA_T7":"It costs you 40 points to join the challenge of checking in for 7 consecutive days, and get 80 points if you succeed.","LA_PA_T8":"You can also get daily check-in reward during the challenge.","LA_PA_T9":"Points won't be returned if you fail.","LA_PA_T10":"Check In Success","LA_PA_T11":"Check it in My coupons","LA_PUAV":"Please upgrade the app version","LA_VIP_NEW_EXPLORE":"explore","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_5CB":"5% Cash Back","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_ONLY":"VIP 3 Only","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULES":"Rules","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_STEP1":"1.Join","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_STEP2":"2.Order & Pay","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_STEP3":"3.Confirm & Cash Back","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_PAYMENT":"Payment deductible","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_FREE_JOIN":"Free Join","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_TOTAL":"Total Cash back","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_DETAILS":"Details","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_STATUS1":"Cash back:","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_STATUS2":"Processing:","LA_CASHBACK_ORDER_BACK":"Cash back","LA_CASHBACK_ORDER_PROCESSING":"processing","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_DAYALLOWANCE":"Daily Allowance","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_ALLOWANCETIP":"Use allowance to buy cashback goods","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_LEFT":"left","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_NOMORE":"No More","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_ACTIVITYRULES":"Activity rules:","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_TOPTITLE":"5% Cash Back, Up To $100","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_5LOWER":"5% cash back","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_1":"Only VIP3 are allowed to take part in this activity. You need to click to sign up and activate BG pay. After participating, you can get cashback once you place an order.","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_2":"During the activity period, for the items on this page only, you can get a 5% cash back on the transaction amount of the items in 7 days after confirming receipt, and the system will automatically send the cashback to your BG PAY. You can check it via Account - Wallet - My BGpay.","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_3":"The calculation of the cashback rate is subject to the actual payment, and the cumulative cashback is up to $100.","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_4":"If there is a refund, Banggood will deduct the cashback amount of this activity from the BG wallet after the refund was successful processed.","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_5":"BGpay reward cannot be withdrawn, and it can be combined with PayPal during checkout.","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_6":"If any cheating or violation of fairness of the event is found, Banggood has right to cancel the customer]s qualification to participate in the activity or deduct the cashback amount. Banggood reserves all rights to interpret the activity rules.","LA_VIP3_CASHBACK_RULE_7":"For example, if you purchased from this page and spent $100, you can get $5 cashback in 7 days after confirming the receipt. If you want to refund this order, the $5 cashback will be deducted from your BGpay.","LA_BEE_TOPGOODS_DESC2":"Download BGBEE!","LA_BEE_TOPGOODS_DESC3":"Easy Share,Easy Earn!","LA_BEE_TOPGOODS_DESC4":"Spceial offer","LA_BEE_TOPGOODS_DESC5":"The event has ended, thank you for your support.","LA_BEE_TOPGOODS_DESC6":"This activity is limited to in-app operations, please download the app first.","LM_TEMPLATE_NAV_CHOOSE":"Choose the tabs","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_1":"Affiliate Venue","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_2":"Participate in this activity and win more bonuses!","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_3":"Applied","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_4":"Apply","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_5":"The Total Money You Will Get","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_6":"Bonus","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_7":"Commission","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_8":"Total","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_9":"You need to join banggood affiliate program first!","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_10":"OK","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_13":"Received reward points for checking in:","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_14":"Congratulations on getting a chance to earn bonus reward.","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_15":"Before the end of the event, you can earn double reward as long as your sales increment is more than","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_16":"Commission:","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_17":"Code:","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_18":"Get Link","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_19":"Please apply for the activity first!","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_20":"More Events","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_21":"More Joining Bonus For You","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_22":"PROMOTE DEPOSIT ORDER","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_23":"GET UP TO","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_24":"BONUSES","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_25":"Go","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_26":"Affiliates","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_27":"Honor List","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_28":"Promote and guide customer to pay deposits","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_29":"Remind customer to pay balance","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_30":"Get Reward + Commission","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_34":"Get a badge of honor","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_35":"Sales orders during the event","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_36":"Sales volume during the event","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_37":"Share","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_38":"Rules","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_39":"Time:","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_41":"Deposit Order Qty","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_42":"E-mail","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_43":"Ranking Reward","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_44":"Description","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_46":"Times","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_47":"Sales Goal(Y-X)","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_48":"Bonus to Win($)","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_64":"1.\u00a0When the Summer Prime Sale starts, all affiliates can apply for participation from Jun. 21 16:00 to Jul. 10 16:00.","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_65":"2.\u00a0Based on the quantity of Valid Orders from Jun. 21 16:00 to Jul. 10 16:00, affiliates rank in Top 10 will get the corresponding privileges and benefits.","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_66":"3.\u00a0What privileges and benefits can affiliate get:","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_67":"-Top 10 Trophy","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_68":"-Banggood Culture Clothes","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_69":"-Tier Benefits Protection","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_70":"-Commission Increasing (TOP1-TOP3: Commission in August will increase by 2%; TOP4-TOP10: Commission in August will increase by 1%)","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_71":"4.\u00a0The prizes will be given in 14 weekdays after the activity ends.","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_73":"Ranking Reward Description","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_74":"Steps to Earn Commissions","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_75":"Promote and guide customer to pay deposits","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_76":"Remind customer to pay balance","LA_AFF_ACTIVITY_77":"Get Reward + Commission","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_2":"Participate in this activity and win more bonuses!","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_3":"Hit Sales Growth Bonus","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_4":"Sales Goal(Y-X)","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_5":"Bonus to win($)","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_6":"Super Order Allowance","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_7":"Promote the products below to get an extra order allowance","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_12":"Snap up limited quotas of increasing","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_13":"commission during 11. 11 shopping trigger stage, only 40 quotas! First come first served.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_14":"Grab now","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_15":"Congratulations on getting the 11.11 sale bonus.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_16":"If you order during the period from Nov.10th 16:00 to Nov.12th 16:00(UTC+8), you'll get another","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_17":"11.11 Sale Total Orders","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_18":"11.11 Sale Total Volume","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_19":"Estimated Bouns","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_28":"Welcome to participate in the even of getting 2021 Black Friday Banggood Affiliate's Hit\u00a0Sales\u00a0Growth\u00a0Bonus. All affiliates can get the corresponding bonus according to the tier their sales growth reached. Different tiers have different commissions and bonuses. Please read the detailed rules.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_29":"1. This event will take effect from 16:00 on Nov.23rd to 16:00 on Nov. 28th. The sales during the event period are compared with those during the Nov.7th-Nov.12th 16:00 period.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_30":"2. Participants of this event are all affiliates. To participate in this event, you need to apply on the event page. Activity application time is Nov.8th-Nov.28th 16:00","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_31":"3. The newly registered affiliate defaults to Standard. When the player upgrades during this period, the reward method will remain unchanged","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_32":"4. The bonus will be given in 15 working days after the event ends.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_33":"Welcome to participate in the 2021 Banggood Affiliate Double 11 & Black Friday Sale. All affiliates can get different CPA bonus according to their order amount.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_34":"1. Activity time: 11.10 16:00 -11.12 16:00, 11.23 16:00-11.28 16:00","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_35":"2. All affiliates can participate in this event. You can get up to $300 CPA bonus both on Double 11 and Black Friday. If it is over the max bonus, they can't get other bonus any more.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_36":"3. Any order that includes the designated item can get a CPA bonus. If the designated item is returned and refunded, it is considered as an invalid order. The bonus will be given in 15 days after the event ends.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_37":"1. The time of honor list: November 8th 16:00-November 28th 16:00","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_38":"2. Ranking rules: the ranking is based on the quantity of new customers, more new customers you bring will get higher ranking.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_39":"3. You can share the honor list to your social media, such as FB\/YTB\/INS and other related accounts. You need to return to the event page after sharing with one click.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_40":"4. Affiliates who are on our list can get trophies and Banggood T-shirts","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_41":"The event has not started yet, it will start from Nov.8th 16:00 - Nov,28th 16:00 (UTC + 8)","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_42":"commission","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_43":"Number of new customers","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_44":"User code","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_45":"Surprise honor","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_46":"Earn 50 points by daily checking in. Get 100 points in\u00a011.11 shopping trigger stage,Small Peak Sales stage\u00a0and\u00a0Super big sale Trigger stage.","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_47":"Black Friday Total\u00a0Orders","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_48":"Black Friday Total Volume","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_49":"My Sales Honor","LA_AFF_2021_DOUBLE_50":"Final Spurt! The last wave of +1% Commissions will be released on Nov. 10th 00:00 (UTC+8)","LA_AFF_MARCH_1":"Earn Up to $1500<\/span>","LA_AFF_MARCH_2":"Spring sale incentive Campaign","LA_AFF_MARCH_3":"Banggood Affiliate Program","LA_AFF_MARCH_4":"Sale Tips (Check-In)","LA_AFF_MARCH_5":"Earn 50 points by daily checking in. Get 100 points in","LA_AFF_MARCH_6":"Share Pre-sale, Earn Deposits","LA_AFF_MARCH_7_1":"Pay The Deposit","LA_AFF_MARCH_8_1":"Deposit Order Amount","LA_AFF_MARCH_9_1":"Pay The Balance","LA_AFF_MARCH_10_1":"Deposit Order sale","LA_AFF_MARCH_11_1":"Earned Bonuses:","LA_AFF_MARCH_12":"Get Link","LA_AFF_MARCH_13":"Promote the selected products to get an extra order allowance","LA_AFF_MARCH_14":"Sale Total Orders :","LA_AFF_MARCH_15":"Sale Total Volume :","LA_AFF_MARCH_16":"Estimated Bounses :","LA_AFF_MARCH_17":"Hit the Sales Growth Target","LA_AFF_MARCH_18":"1. When the Spring sale starts, all affiliates can apply to participate in the event fromMar. 14 16:00 (UTC+8)<\/span> .","LA_AFF_MARCH_19":"2. Share the link of deposit pre-sale promotion to guide your customer to make an order from Mar. 14 16:00 to Mar. 26 16:00 (UTC+8)<\/span>.","LA_AFF_MARCH_20":"3. The order can be completed in just 2 steps. These steps can be summarized as the first payment of the deposit and the second payment of the balance. Deposit Sale Activities Period:<\/span> Pay The Deposit: Mar. 14 16:00 - Mar. 23 16:00 (UTC+8) Pay The Balance: Mar. 23 16:01- Mar. 26 16:00 (UTC+8)","LA_AFF_MARCH_21":"4. The reward amount of the campaign is based on the deposit amount (Up to $3)<\/span> that needs to be paid for the product.","LA_AFF_MARCH_22":"5. Affiliates can earn bonuses after customers successfully pay the balance.","LA_AFF_MARCH_23":"6. Bonuses rewards will be issued within 15 workdays after the Spring Sale ends.","LA_AFF_MARCH_24":"1. When the Spring sale starts, all affiliates can apply to participate in the event from Mar. 18 16:00 (UTC+8)<\/span> .","LA_AFF_MARCH_25":"2. Sale volume between Feb. 18 16:00 to Feb. 26 16:00<\/span> and Mar. 18 16:00 to Mar. 26 16:00<\/span> are compared, different affiliates are assigned different incremental goals, which you can get the bonus.","LA_AFF_MARCH_26":"3. All the affiliate Membership levels will be locked before the campaign starts (Mar. 14 16:00)<\/span> , and the reward plan will remain unchanged.","LA_AFF_MARCH_27":"4. Affiliate Points will be awarded within 15 working days after Spring Sale.","LA_AFF_MARCH_28":"1. When the Spring sale starts, all affiliates can apply to participate in the event from Mar. 23 16:00 (UTC+8)<\/span> .","LA_AFF_MARCH_29":"2. Promote the selected items with different sales prices will receive different rewards for each order from Mar. 23 16:00 - Mar. 26 16:00<\/span>.","LA_AFF_MARCH_30":"3. Affiliates can get up to $400<\/span>CPA bonuses. Refer higher value Items, reward more bonuses.","LA_AFF_MARCH_31":"4.Any order that includes the designated item can get a CPA bonus. If the designated item is returned and refunded, it is considered as an invalid order.","LA_AFF_MARCH_32":"5. Extra income will be issued within 15 working days after Spring Sale.","LA_AFF_MARCH_33":"Order amount (X)","LA_AFF_MARCH_34":"Bonus per order ($)","LA_AFF_MARCH_35":"The event has not started yet, it will start from 14th,Mar 16:00 - 26th,Mar 16:00(UTC + 8)","LA_SCHEDULE":"Schedule","LM_UPCOMING":"Upcoming","LA_WATCH_AGAIN":"Watch Again","LA_LIVE_DESC1":"Recommendations for you","LA_LIVE_DESC2":"Thanks for following!","LA_LIVE_DESC3":"You have followed %s categories. You can check the lives followed via My Page - My Following. We will send you a notification when the live starts. If you don't want to receive it, you can cancel the follow.","LA_LIVE_DESC4":"Don't remind me again","LA_LIVE_DESC5":"Follow successful","LA_LIVE_DESC6":"No\u00a0more\u00a0lives","LA_FOLLOWING":"Following","LA_NO_LIVES":"No lives","LA_DEPOSIT_PRICE_STORM_ORDER_IS_HERE":"Saver Deposit Sale order is here!","LA_ORDER_INFORMATION_CHANGED":"Order information has changed","LA_SORRY_DISCOUNT_INFORMATION":"Sorry, the discount has expired, we have updated your order information.","LSC_PROCEED_CHECKOUT":"Proceed to Checkout","LA_CANCEL_ORDER_2":"Cancel Order","LA_TAG_SIZE_TIPS":"Reminder: The actual size are subject to the tag size","LA_CONFIRM_ADDRESS":"Confirm Address","LA_TOTAL_GOODS":"Total Goods","LA_POSTAL_CODE":"Postal Code","LA_TELEPHONE":"Telephone1","LA_MOTO_ORDER_ADDRESS":"Address","LA_CAN_RESULT_COD":"Notice: Refusing to receive a COD order can result in you being unable to use COD in the future.","LA_IT_IS_EMPTY_HERE":"It is empty here!","LA_THERE_IS":"There is","LA_SAVER_DEPOSIT_SALE":"Saver Deposit Sale order, click to view","LA_NEW_USER_ZONE_LANG_2":"MORE","LA_IF_YOU_QUESTIONS":"If you have any questions, please contact us","LA_I_KNOW":"I Know","LA_DID_RECEIVE_ORDER":"Did you receive your order?","LA_SAVER_SALE_ORDER":"Saver Deposit Sale order","LA_APOLOGIZE_AND_COM":"Apologize and Compensate","LA_WE_APOLOGIZE_STILL":"We apologize for the delay in shipping your order, if you still want to wait for it or if it hasn't been shipped in %d days, we'll give you the following compensation.","LA_YES_I_WAIT":"Yes, I want to wait","LA_PATIENCE_SHIPS":"Thanks for your patience. Points will be added when the item ships or in %d days if it still hasn]t shipped.","LA_NO_REFUND":"No, I want to refund","LA_WAIT_ORDER_SHIPPED":"You only need to wait %d days or wait for the order to be shipped to get %s points. Do you still need to wait?","LA_PATIENCE_ISSUED":"Thanks for your patience. Points will be issued when the item ships or in %d days later.","LA_ORDER_REFUND_POPTITLE":"Are you sure you want a refund?","LA_ORDER_REFUND_TXT":"The product is in high demand among our customers. Are you sure to cancel?","LA_ORDER_REFUND_NOKEEP":"No, keep the order.","LA_ORDER_REFUND_YESCANCEL":"Yes, cancel.","LR_WRITE_REVIEW_PRODUCT_TITLE":"Product Information","LA_AFFILIATE_COPY":"Copy","LA_LIKE_CANCEL_ORDER":"Are you sure you would like to cancel this order?","LA_TRACK_NO":"Track NO","LA_WALLET_STATUS":"Status","LA_VERIFICAR":"Verificar","LA_AGENT_NAME":"Agent Name","LA_AGENT_CONTACT":"Agent Contact","LA_LOCAL_TRACKING_NUMBER":"Local Tracking number","LA_AGENT_TRACKING_WEBSITE":"Agent Tracking website","LA_COPIED_SUCCESS":"Copied Successfully!","LC_SHIPPING_FEE_TIPS":"The freight covers the shipping fee of all orders included in this parent order. So we will not be able to return the freight to you if there are some orders included in this parent order being under shipping. We sincerely wish you could understand this.","LA_SHIPPING_TIME":"Shipping Time","LA_ORDERS_HIDDEN":"You can restore orders on the desktop version of our site by navigating to my orders>deleted orders.","LA_SUBSCRIBE_WHATSAPP_TIPS":"Once subscribe,you'll be able to:","LA_SUBSCRIBE_WHATSAPP_TIPS_1":"Track your order status","LA_SUBSCRIBE_WHATSAPP_TIPS_2":"View billing and shipping information","LA_SUBSCRIBE_WHATSAPP_TIPS_3":"Get extra exclusive discount and promotions","LA_SUBSCRIBE_WHATSAPP_ERROR_TIP":"Please enter the correct Whatsapp account;","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_1":"Provide the best service for Bulk Purchases","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_2":"Support Pick-up","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_3":"Lowest Price","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_4":"Bulk Purchase Application Form","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_7":"Detailed Description","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_8":"Here are more informations about this item.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_9":"Activity Time","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_10":"Oct. 15 - Dec. 15","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_11":"Warehouse","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_12":"Payment Method","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_13":"Paypal or Bank Transfer","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_14":"Benefit","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_15":"Sufficient Inventory, High Quality, Lowest Price","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_16":"Hot Selling Products Related To This Program","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_17":"Please contact us to get the full version of the product list with the factory price.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_18":"1. Warehouses in other regions are gradually opening self-pickup functions.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_19":"2. We will try our best to meet the requirements, such as certificates\/ labels, etc.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_20":"3. The final price may change, the specifics are subject to communication.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_21":"4. If you have any suggestions or comments, or other product needs, please contact","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_22":"About Banggood","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_23":"Banggood specialize in cross-border export e-commerce for more than 10 years. All stocks of our products are carefully selected from suppliers in more than 100 regions in China, ensure that we provide you with high-quality and inexpensive products. Banggood corporate with many International logistics companies to reduce our shipping cost, to ensure you will get the lowest price.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_24":"Congratulations on your successful application.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_25":"We will contact you by email within 24 hours, Please check your email.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_26":"The application failed.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_27":"You have exceeded the number of applications. Thank you for your support.","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_28":"Name*","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_29":"Country\/Region*","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_30":"Telephone Number*","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_31":"Email*","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_32":"Warehouse*","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_33":"Message","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_34":"Apply","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_35":"Ok","LA_WS_PICK_UP_PRODUCT_36":"Statements","LW_FORM_FIELD_NEW_TIP1":"Please enter your name.","LW_FORM_FIELD_NEW_TIP2":"Please don't fill in a Arabic numerals,and you need enter 1-70 characters.","LW_FORM_FIELD_NEW_TIP3":"Please enter 6-15 digits only","LW_FORM_FIELD_NEW_TIP4":"Please enter your Email.","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_1":"Exclusive Offer","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_2":"Price After Coupon","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_3":"Expires","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_4":"Buy Now","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_5":"Get and Use the Coupon","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_6":"This coupon is only for","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_7":"Notice","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_8":"Featured Deals","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_9":"Continue To Buy","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_10":"Return","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_11":"Copy And Use It","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_12":"Coupon Code","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_13":"Login in","AFFILIATE_EXCLUSIVE_14":"You have not logged in yet, log in now and receive the coupon!","LA_AFF_AFTER_REGISTER_DESC10":"Welcome to Affiliate","LA_AFF_AFTER_REGISTER_DESC4":"Banggood Affiliate Program will provide you with more multiple and exclusive services","LA_AFF_AFTER_REGISTER_DESC5":"More Commission","LA_AFF_AFTER_REGISTER_DESC6":"More Activities","LA_AFF_AFTER_REGISTER_DESC7":"Banggood affiliate program currently does not support mobile access. Please open with your computer !","LA_EMD_LANDING_SORRY":"Sorry","LA_EMD_LANDING_CONGRATULATIONS":"Congratulations","LA_EMD_LANDING_DESC_RECEIVED_COUPON":"You have successfully received the coupon.","LA_EMD_LANDING_BTN_USE_NOW":"Use Now","LA_EMD_LANDING_DESC_EXPIRED":"this coupon has been expired.","LA_EMD_LANDING_BTN_VIEW_COUPON":"View more coupon","LA_EMD_LANDING_DESC_NO_COUPON":"you have no coupons right now.","LA_M_CALENDAR_ADVENT_CALENDAR":"Advent Calendar","LA_M_CALENDAR_BEST_SELLER":"Best Seller","LA_M_CALENDAR_GAME_DESC":"* This activity only applies to German, Italian and French areas","LA_M_CALENDAR_CONGRATULATION_GET_COUPON":"Congratulations! you got it successfully.","LA_M_CALENDAR_SOLD":"Sold","LA_REQUEST_REFUND":"Request Refund","LC_ORDERINFO_NO":"Order No","LA_REFUND_METHOD":"Refund Method","LA_SELECT_METHOD":"Please select refund method","LA_REFUND_REASON":"Refund Reason","LA_SELECT_REFUND":"Please select refund reason","LA_WARM_TIPS":"Warm Tips","LA_REFUNDS_MOIFIED":"Refunds cannot be reversed or modified.","LA_PAYMENT_RETURNED":"Any payment, points applied in the order will be returned after the order has been successfully canceled.","LA_EMAIL_REFUND_PROCESSED":"We will email you when the refund is processed. If you refund to BGpay, full details of the credit will also be emailed to you.","LA_BGPAY_REFUNEDE":"Payments made with BGpay can only be refunded to the same BGpay account.","LA_APPLY_REFUND":"Apply Refund","LA_ORDER_REQUEST_REFUND":"Request Refund","LA_ORDER_REFUND_PROCESSING":"Refund Processing","LA_ORDER_REFUND_COMPLETED":"Refund Completed","LA_ORDER_USE":"Use","LA_ORDER_PP_PLACEHOLDER":"Please enter your PayPal email address. (eg:","LA_ORDER_DESC_OPT":"Description(Optional)","LA_ORDER_EVIDENCE_OPT":"Refund Evidence(Optional)","LA_ORDER_IMG_TIP":"Please ensure that the picture is within 2M.Compatable Formats: jpg, png, bmp.","LA_ORDER_WARM_TIP_1":"Once the order is cancelled, it cannot be restored;","LA_ORDER_WARM_TIP_2":"After the order refund is completed, the coupons, allowances, etc. will be returned to the original account.","LA_ORDER_PP_ERROR_1":"Please enter your PayPal account number.","LA_ORDER_PP_ERROR_2":"Please enter the correct PayPal account number.","LA_ORDER_DESC_PLACEHOLDER":"Please to enter description.","LA_ORDER_SELECT_FILES":"Select Files","LA_ORDER_APPLICATION_TIME":"Application Time","LA_ORDER_DESC":"Description","LA_ORDER_EVIDENCE":"Refund Evidence","LA_ORDER_REFUND_INSTRUCTION":"Refund and payment instructions:","LA_ORDER_INSTRUCTION_1":"1.After the refund is successful, the actual payment amount will be returned according to the return method you selected.","LA_ORDER_INSTRUCTION_2":"2.After the refund is successful, it will be received within one working day at the earliest. The refund method is designed for credit card\/installation payment\/bank card, which may be delayed due to the bank processing time.","LA_ORDER_INSTRUCTION_3":"If you have any questions, please","LA_INVITE_LANDING_PAGE_TITLE":"$0 Lottery","LA_INVITE_DETAIL_WINNING":"Winning","LA_INVITE_DETAIL_LOTTERY_DESC":"Lottory instructions: This lottery will consume one chance to draw, and each prize can only use one chance to draw.","LA_INVITE_DETAIL_SHARE_MAIN_TITLE":"Come to the free draw","LA_INVITE_DETAIL_SHARE_SUB_TITLE":"I'm playing Banggood free draw, come and join me.","LA_INVITE_DETAIL_CHECK_EMAIL":"Congratulation!Please check your email and fill in your address to get it.","LA_INVITE_DETAIL_IVIT_DESC":"Invitation instructions: Invite any new friends to draw, if your friends win you can also win.","LA_INVITE_POP_RULE":"Rules","LA_INVITE_POP_ACT_TIME":"Activity Time","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_1":"Activity Introduction","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_2":"This campaign is an invitation pulling free prize draw by Banggood. During the campaign period, users can invite new users to join the draw byinviting them on thecampaign page. After you invite your friends to win the prize through the link you share, you can all win the prize.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_3":"Participation process","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_4":"1. Select your favorite prize to initiate the sweepstakes invitation.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_5":"2. Your friends will automatically form a team with you after they register as new users through the link you share.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_6":"3. After the group is successful, your friends will automatically participate in the lottery, and you will get the prize if any of your friends wins the prize.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_7":"4. The friend you invite must be a new user who has never registered with banggood before in order to team up with you for the lucky draw.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_8":"Other rules","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_9":"1. Each person has 3 free chances to win each prize, and you can only use one free chance to win each prize.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_10":"2. If you win a prize with the free lucky draw opportunity and your invited friend also wins, you will not be rewarded with the prize repeatedly.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_11":"3. After you win the prize, please claim the prize within 7 days, if you do not claim the prize after that time, it will be considered as your automaticabandonment. In order to ensure that you can receive the winning email, please ensure the authenticity of your account email.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_12":"4.For users who participate in the activity in any improper way, including but not limited to violating the legitimate rights and interests of third parties,cheating, disrupting the system, implementing network attacks, bulk registration, registering accounts with machines, simulating clients with machines, or participating in the activity with other fraudulent behaviors, banggood platform has the right to cancel their participation in the activity and not to issue the rewards obtained from the activity, etc.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_13":"If you have any questions, please contact us.","LA_INVITE_RULE_POP_14":"Apple has nothing to do with this activity, and all prizes are provided by Banggood. Banggood reserves all rights to interpret the above rules.","LA_GAME_INVITE_LOTTERY_ERROR_1":"The event has ended","LB_HOMEPAGE_CHECKIN":"Check-in","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK":"MoneyBox Check in","LA_TO_BE_REPEATED_TOMORROW":"To be repeated tomorrow","LA_CHECK_IN_COMPLETED":"Check-in completed","LA_CHECK_IN_OVER":"Check-in is over","LA_CHECK_IN_SUCCESS":"Check-in Success","LA_EVENT_TIME":"Event Time","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC1":"$15 Allowance","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC3":"Replacement Cards","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC4":"You get cashback for checking in","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC5":"The amount is automatically issued to your BG pay account","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC6":"You get allowance for checking in","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC7":"You get coupon for checking in","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC8":"Check-in Success","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC9":"Retroactive signature completion","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC10":"Prize Draw","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC11":"in your BG PAY wallet","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC13":"Continuous check-in,Receive up to $15 Allowance","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_1":"1. Activity Form","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_2":"\u2460 During the event period, users can obtain corresponding rewards by signing in on this page when they participate in the money printing machine channel game.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_3":"2. How to participate in the Check-in?","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_4":"\u2460 Enter Money Box Game through Banggood App and enter the activity page of check-in to accumulate the number of times after successful sign-in. Note: The number of times of check-in at the task center cannot be accumulated.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_5":"\u2461 You need to participate through the Banggood App.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_6":"\u2462 During the event (UTC-6)2022-08-31 03:00 - 2022-09-13 03:00, you can only get rewards by checking in.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_7":"3. What are the rewards for participating?","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_DESC12":"Not signed in for 12 consecutive days","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_8":"\u2460 You will receive an allowance on the 2nd\/5th\/9th\/12 consecutive days of check-in.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_9":"\u2461 After 12 consecutive days of check-in, you will get a chance to win a prize of Allowance cashback up to $15.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_10":"4. Other rules","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_11":"\u2460 During the campaign period, if a user violates the principle of honesty and trustworthiness or commits irregularities (e.g. cheating to receive, swiping banknotes, etc.), the Stick Valley platform will disqualify the user from receiving the goods, and Stick Valley has the right to request the user to return the goods that have been redeemed, and reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_12":"\u2461Banggood reserves the right to change or adjust the activity rules according to the actual situation of the operation, and the relevant information shall be subject to the activity rules posted on this page. In the event of force majeure factors, such as network attacks, hacking, data leaks, etc., that prevent the event from continuing, Bar Valley reserves the right to terminate the event.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_13":"\u2462 Each user can only use 1 account to participate in the campaign (the same email address, mobile phone number, mobile device, bank card, payment account and other information are considered the same account). If you change your account during the campaign, the rewards from your previous account will not be synchronised.","LA_RETURN_CASHBACK_RULE_14":"\u2463 For any queries during the event, please visit the app and contact Banggood Customer Service.","LA_TOMORROW":"Tomorrow","LG_NOT_ACT_TIME":"Not at event time","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_LIST_TITLE":"Smash Eggs","LA_RECALL_GIFT_300":"Gift > $300","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_LIST_RECORD":"Record","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_TASK_INFO_TITAL":"Get smash chances","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_LIST_TASK_BUTTON":"view more","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_LIST_GO":"Go","LA_INDEX_REC_FOR_YOU":"Recommendations For You","LA_BANGGOOD_RECALL_RULES_TITLE":"How to find activities?","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_RULE":"

\u2460Activity entrance<\/p>

PC terminal \/ mobile terminal can be accessed by clicking the figure - \"egg\" in the lower right corner<\/p>

\u2461 Introduction to smashing golden eggs<\/p>

1. You can smash golden eggs once a day<\/p>

2. If the chance is used, you can get more chances by doing tasks. There are 8 chances to smash the golden egg if you finish all tasks every day. The details are as follows.<\/p>

3. Chances will be cleared at 0:00 every day<\/p>

\u2462 Golden egg smashing task<\/p>

During activity period, each user has a chance to smash the golden egg everyday. When the chance is used, doing some tasks can get you more chances. The task details are as follows:<\/p>

a. Signing in (1 time a day). Signing in for 7 consecutive days will get you 7 extra chances to smash the golden egg.<\/p>

b.Learning about the rules of smashing golden eggs (1 time a day)<\/p>

c. Looking for your favorite products (3 times a day)<\/p>

d. Enter from the activity entrance to smash golden eggs (once a day)<\/p>

e:Visit the banknote printer game (1 times a day)<\/p>

f.Visit FD channel for 10s (1 chances to smash the egg)<\/p>

g.Visit top sellers for 10s ((1 times a day)<\/p>

\u2463 About bgpay<\/p>

1. Bgpay is similar to cash. It can be directly deducted and used on the payment page, which apply to all product categories and can be used at any time. It won]t be cleared.<\/p>

2. The cashback will be returned to the bgpay system automatically and it is not withdrawable. It can be combined with PayPal during payment.<\/p>

3. You need to activate before using bgpay to pay. Please complete the activation with the instructions of bgpay.<\/p>

4. Users who have obtained bgpay can view the balance in the personal center.<\/p>

2. View cashback by PC: login in Banggood - small icon in the upper right corner of the homepage - my account - my assets - BGpay; View cashback by App: login in Banggood - account - BGpay<\/p>

\u2464 Warm tips<\/p>

1. The activity period is 15 days. Log in to the account and click \"hammer\" to participate in the game.<\/p>

2. Users who have won the physical award will be contacted by customer service within 3 days after the event. Please fill in the address within 3 days after receiving the email, and banggood will deal with it as soon as possible.<\/p>

2. For users who have won the physical award, we will contact them within 3 days after the event. And the should fill in the address as soon possible within 3 days after receiving our contact. Banggood will process it within 3 working days after receiving the information.<\/p>

4. This activity is exclusive. Forwarding, sharing and playing on behalf of others are invalid. If it is found that there are illegal operations such as forwarding, sharing and playing on behalf of others, it will be disqualified.<\/p>

5. During the event, boodgood has the right to change or adjust the event rules according to the actual situation of the operation. The relevant information shall be subject to the event rules published on this page. If the activity cannot continue due to force majeure, such as network attack, hacker attack, data leakage and so on, boodgood has the right to terminate the activity.<\/p>

6. If you have any questions during the activity, you can log in to the app and contact banggood customer service.<\/p>

7. Banggood reserves the right of final interpretation.<\/p>","LA_GROUP_MY_RECORD":"My Records","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_DATE":"Date","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_SIGN_HINT":"You can get 7 chances of smashing golden eggs on the seventh day","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_RULE_TASK":"

1. The prizes for smashing golden eggs are physical award(over $200) and cashback($0.1-$77). <\/p>

2. We will contact the winners in 3 days after the event. They should fill in the address in 3 days after receiving our contact. Banggood will process it in 3 working days after receiving the information.<\/p>

3. Winners that have got bgpay can view the balance in their accounts. Cashback can be directly deducted in payment, which apply to all product categories and can be used at any time.<\/p>

4. View cashback by PC: login in Banggood - small icon in the upper right corner of the homepage - my account - my assets - BGpay; View cashback by App: login in Banggood - account - BGpay<\/p>","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_GUIDE_BUTTON":"Get It","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_RETAIN_DIALOG_TITLE":"Soon to win prize","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_RETAIN_CRUEL":"Leave","LA_BGONGOOD_RECALL_RETAIN_STAY":"Stay","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_RETAIN_DIALOG_SUBSCRIBE":"Subscribe to tomorrow's event reminders (one reminder only)","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_GUIDE_DIALOG_SKIP_ALL":"Skip all","LA_SMASH_GOLDEN_EGGS_GUIDE_DIALOG_DAILY_CHECK_IN":"Daily Check in (1\/1)","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_EXCLUSIVE_SELECTION":"Exclusive selection","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_CANNOT_JOIN":"You cannot participate in this event","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ALL":"Discounts for all items","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ALL_RENEW":"Renew to get discounts","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE":"Rules","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ALLOWANCE_USED_COUPON":"Allowance can be used with coupons.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ACTIVE_CON_TITLE":"How to enjoy benefits","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_STEP_1":"Step 1","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_STEP_1_CON":"Purchase the Discount Card","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_STEP_2":"Step 2","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_STEP_2_CON":"Claim benefits on the channel page","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_STEP_3":"Step 3","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_STEP_3_CON":"Apply coupons & allowances during check-out","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ALERT_TITLE":"Warm Notice","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_LALERT_CON":"Please indicate that you have read and agree to the Discount Card","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_CON":"Terms and Conditions","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ALLOWANCES":"Allowances","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_CONPOUS":"Coupons","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_CONPOU":"Coupon","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_WORTH":"Worth","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_ENDED_TIME":"This week will be ended at","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_BODY_TITLE":"Discount Card","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RENEW":"Renew","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_SAVED":"You have saved","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_VIEW_MORE":"View More","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_PACK_UP":"Pack Up","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_Q_1":"Can the Discount Card really help me save money?","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_Q_2":"I'm worried. Will the Discount Card be automatically charged for renewal?","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_Q_3":"Can I unsubscribe from the Discount Card?","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_Q_4":"Can the 16 vouchers be collected at one time?","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_A_1":"Yes, I purchased it for the $8 allowances. Place just one order with an allowance and a coupon can help me get back the cost.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_A_2":"Don't worry. For me, it was not automatically charged for renewal. The renewal needs to purchase it again. Anyway, it helps me save a lot.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_A_3":"The Discount Card is valid within 30 days after it is opened, and no refund is allowed. After I opened it, I will pay back the bill, and I will consider continuing to open it later.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_A_4":"No, there are 16 vouchers within 30 days after activation, and only 4 vouchers per week can be received. The discount is so powerful and can be received every week, which is very practical.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_DISCUSSIONS":"Discussions","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_AFTER_COLLECTION":"after collection","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_GET_IT":"Get it","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RECEIVED_SUCCESSFUL":"Received successfully","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_TITLE":"Discount Card Rules","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_AGREE":"Agree","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_1":"Effective from March 29, 2022","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_2":"1.Eligible Member","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_3":"This project is currently in the testing stage and only some users are invited to join it. More users will be invited to join the project, please stay tuned.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_4":"2.How To Participate","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_5":"Purchase Discount Card - Receive Benefits - Enjoy Benefits - Money Saving","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_6":"(1)Purchase Discount Card","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_7":"A.How To Purchase:","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_8":"After logging to your Banggood account, you can enter the \"Discount Card\" page to purchase the Discount Card. Once the payment has been successfully finished, you can claim the benefits contained in the Discount Card.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_9":"B.Validity for Collection:","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_10":"The benefits are valid for 30 days from the date you purchased the Discount Card. For example, if you purchase a Discount Card at 0:00 on November 1, 2021, the validity period will expire at 23:59 on November 30, 2021. After the expiration date, the benefits contained in the Discount Card will not be available for collection.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_11":"(2)Receive Benefits","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_12":"A.You Will Get:","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_13":"After purchasing the Discount Card, you can claim 16 pieces of allowances and coupons during the validity period, which is worth $116. And you can claim 4 pieces of them per week.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_14":"B.How To Claim: The benefits need to be collected before use.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_15":"During the validity, you can log to your Banggood account,and enter the \"Discount Card\" page to collect the allowances and coupons.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_16":"C.Tips For Collection:<\/span>The validity period of collecting benefits is 30 days and they will be issued every week.<\/span>You get 7 days to claim them during the first 3 weeks, and 9 days to claim them during the last week. The specific time is subject to the time indicated on the page.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_17":"D.How To Check:<\/span>The allowances and coupons will be saved to your account immediately once you claim them. And you can view them through \"My Account\" and \"My Coupon\" page. If they haven]t been saved to your account for a long time, please contact customer service.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_18":"(3)Enjoy Benefits","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_19":"A.How To Use: <\/span>You can select the coupons and allowances from Discount Card for deduction when placing an order.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_20":"B.Tips For Use:","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_21":"-Allowances and coupons apply to all categories and all items.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_22":"-Allowances can be used with coupons or promo.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_23":"-Coupons cannot be overlapped at the same time with promo.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_24":"C.Validity For Use: <\/span>After you receive the coupon or allowance in Discount Card, it should be used in 1 day<\/span>, or it will become invalid after the expiry date.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_25":"3.Refund","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_26":"(1)Once the Discount Card is purchased, no refunds, returns or cancellations are allowed.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_27":"(2)When the order that used the allowance or coupon has been cancelled, the allowance or coupon will be returned to the account directly if it is within the validity period. If it is expired when returning to the account, then it is invalid directly.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_28":"4.Statement","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_29":"(1)The use of coupons and allowances in Discount Card shall comply with the terms and conditions of Discount Card, the terms and conditions of coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on the Banggood.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_30":"(2)During the event, if the user violates the rules (including but not limited to that you are considered or suspected to be engaged in fraud or other illegal activities), Banggood has rights to cancel the relevant illegal transactions, revoke the benefits, and cancel the eligibility of the participating in the project of the Discount Card.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_31":"(3)Banggood shall not be liable if we are unable to perform its obligation under these Discount Card T&Cs, due directly or indirectly to Force Majeure, the failure of any computers, machines or communication systems, industrial disputes, wars, Act of God, those events which could not be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, are inevitable, or anything outside the control of Us or Our servants and\/or employees.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_RULE_POP_CON_32":"(4)The platform can make changes or adjustments to the rules of the program according to the actual holding of this program, and the relevant changes or adjustments will be announced on the page. You are therefore advised to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes that we have made.","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_1":"

Effective from March 29, 2022<\/p>

These terms and conditions apply to the [Discount Card] purchased on These terms and conditions ([Discount Card T&Cs]) govern your participation in the Discount Card Programme (the Program). By purchasing or using Discount Card, you agree to be bound by these terms of Discount Card, and other terms and policies stipulated on the Banggood website and\/or Banggood app, including but not limited to TERMS<\/a> and PRIVACY<\/a>.<\/p>


Banggood reserves the right to change, modify, add or amend the terms and conditions of Discount Card at any time. We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of these modifications and updates. But you are responsible for regularly reviewing this page to obtain timely notice of such amendments.<\/p>

1.Eligible Member<\/p>

This project is currently in the testing stage and only some users are invited to join it. More users will be invited to join the project, please stay tuned.<\/p>","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_2":"

2.Purchase of Discount Card<\/p>

A)Eligible members can purchase [Discount Card] by entering into the activity page of [Discount Card]. After the user has successfully purchased, he can enjoy the benefits contained in the card.<\/p>

B)The normal retail price of Discount Card is US$2.69. Banggood may change the benefits and subscription fees of Discount Card due to the development of the market and business. The specific subscription fees and benefits will be dependent on the actual activity page.The Discount Card that you purchased before the validity period will not be affected, but if you need to continue to purchase when the Discount Card expires, you need to select and pay again according to the benefits and\/or fee standards that have become effective after the adjustment.<\/p>

C)The purchase is deemed to be a successful purchase after the user has successfully paid according to the prompts on the \"Discount Card\" activity page. The Discount Card is valid for 30 days from the date of purchasing.<\/p>

D)Once paid, the cost of purchasing the Discount Card is non-refundable, either in whole or in part.<\/p>

3.Use of Discount Card<\/p>

A)After purchasing the Discount Card, you will be eligible to receive the allowances or coupons displayed on the activity page of Discount Card, which can be used for order settlement to save money.

B)After purchasing the Discount Card, you can log in Banggood and enter the activity page of [Discount Card] from the [Personal Center] to collect allowances and coupons, which will valid for 24 hours after collecting.<\/p>

C)Once the allowances and coupons of Discount Card are collected, they will be credited to your account. You can review on the page of [My coupons].<\/p>

D)Allowances can be used with coupons.<\/p>","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_3":"


A)The Discount Card can only be used on the Banggood website.<\/p>

B)Each coupon or allowance of Discount Card can only be used once within the specified validity period.<\/p>

C)The use of coupons and allowances shall comply with the terms and conditions under the Discount Card, Banggood coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Bangood.<\/p>

D)If a user who purchases a Discount Card hasn]t used the allowances or coupons during the valid period permitted under these Discount Card T&Cs, they will be forfeited. Banggood is not obligated to replace those allowances or coupons in any manner.<\/p>

E)In case of cancellation of orders where coupon or allowance is used, the refundable amount of the order and the refundable denomination of the coupon are subject to the information on the consumer refund page. If the coupon or allowance is returned within the validity period, it can only be used within the validity period and will become invalid after the expiration date; if it is returned after the original validity period, the coupon and allowance will be directly invalidated and cannot be used. In such situation, Banggood is not obliged to replace the coupons and allowances to user.<\/p>

F)Allowances and coupons of Discount Card are only limited to the users who purchase the Discount Card. Resale, transfer and sharing of allowances and coupons are strictly prohibited.<\/p>

G)Coupons and allowances of Discount Card are non-replaceable if lost, stolen, destroyed, duplicated, tampered with or other misappropriated or fraudulently used.<\/p>

H)We reserve the right to verify the validity of any Discount Card coupons or allowances and to declare null and void any Discount Card coupons or allowances that in Our opinion has been stolen, duplicated, tampered with, broadcasted inappropriately, or which is suspected to have been misappropriated or fraudulently obtained or used. In that event, we will charge full price for the products purchased on that sales transaction.<\/p>

I)We shall not be liable or responsible for any fraud or unsuccessful transactions made using Discount Card coupons or allowances.<\/p>

J)Banggood retains the right to cancel or reject your use of any coupon or allowance for reasonable reasons, including but not limited to what it believes or suspects you to engage in fraud or other illegal activities.<\/p>","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_4":"

5.Validity Period and Refund<\/p>

A)Validity Period of Discount Card: The Discount Card is valid for 30 days from the date of activation. After the expiration date, the benefits contained in the Discount Card will expire.<\/p>

B)Validity Period of Allowances and Coupons: valid in 24 hours from the time of collection.<\/p>

C)Once the discount card is purchased, no refunds, returns or cancellations are allowed.<\/p>","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_5":"


A)We reserve the right to modify and\/or suspend the Programme, its benefits (including but not limited to coupons, allowances etc.) and other Discount Card features (including these Discount Card T&Cs) at any time with or without giving Users prior notice. This includes changes to, among others:<\/p>

(i) Discount Card Benefits;
(ii) Discount Card eligible member;
(iii) Membership enrolment criteria; and
(iv) Applicable membership fees.

B)In the event of a suspension of the Programme or Discount Card account, users may not be able to use some or all of the benefits under the Programme during the suspension period. In the case of a termination and\/or suspension of a Discount Card account, we will NOT be liable to users for any unused coupons and allowances or other Discount Card benefits.<\/p>

C)We reserve the right to:
Terminate the Program for any reason whatsoever by informing Users as well as on our platform. In such an event, Users will be given 30 (thirty) calendar days to use their Discount Card benefits from the purchasing date, (i)and upon the expiry of the said period of 30 (thirty) calendar days, any benefits unused will be forfeited and invalidated;
(ii)To validate and check user participation or details at any time. In the event the user is unable to provide the appropriate evidence\/information as requested by Banggood for validation purposes, the user will lose the Discount Card coupons and allowances entirely and no replacement will be offered by Banggood;
(iii)In the event of fraud or attempted fraud by the user and\/or by the user]s inappropriate use of Programme (including but not limited to the use of the Programme benefits for business or resale purposes). The user will not be entitled to either claim or hold Banggood responsible for any rejection, delay, suspension, confiscation or cancellation of any Discount Card coupons and allowances to the user.
(iv)Completely delete specific users] data from Our database if the users] use of Discount Card is terminated for any reason whatsoever.<\/p>

D)We shall not be liable for any system malfunction, system failure, or disruption in accessing to Discount Card, or any consequences, direct or indirect, arising from the same.<\/p>","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_6":"

8.General Terms and Conditions<\/p>

A)If for any reason any aspect of this Program cannot be executed as planned, including due to computer viruses, communication network failures, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond Banggood]s control, Banggood may cancel, terminate, modify, and \/ or suspend the Program and Banggood shall not be responsible to Users.<\/p>

b)In addition to other limitations and exclusions in Discount Card t&cs, in no event will we or our directors, officers, employees, agents or other representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, or any other damages of any kind, arising out of or related to the program.TOTAL LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, WILL NOT WILL NOT EXCEED THE LAST COST YOU PAID FOR PURCHASING DISCOUNT CARD.<\/span>These exclusions and limitations of liability will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law and will survive cancellation or termination of your Discount Card membership.<\/p>

C)Banggood shall not be liable if we are unable to perform its obligation under these Discount Card T&Cs, due directly or indirectly to Force Majeure, the failure of any computers, machines or communication systems, industrial disputes, wars, Act of God, those events which could not be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, are inevitable, or anything outside the control of Us or Our servants and\/or employees.<\/p>

D)Banggood reserves the right to disqualify any User in the event of non-compliance with any provisions of the Program or other terms and conditions stated in these Discount Card T&Cs.<\/p>

E)In the event of any questions or complaints regarding the Program, please notify Banggood via contacting Customer Service and Banggood]s decision regarding any complaint is final and binding on the User.<\/p>

F)These Discount Card T&Cs shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Hong Kong without regard to its conflict of law provisions. <\/p>

G)In case of any discrepancy in the content between the English and other non-English language versions of these Official Rules, the English version shall prevail.<\/p>","LA_DISCOUNT_CARD_TERMS_POP_CON_7":"


a)Any invalid, unenforceable, or illegal terms under the policy of Discount Card terms, redemption terms, privacy policy and any other terms that customers may agree to or accept, shall be implemented as much as possible according to their will and shall not affect the enforceability of other terms. These terms shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.<\/p>

b)Any disputes or claims relating to Discount Card shall be resolved under the disputes TERMS<\/a> of Banggood. <\/p>","LA_DISCOVER_NEW_TITLE":"Discover New","LA_PREMIERE_EVERY_WED":"Premiere Every Wed.","LA_DISCOVER_NEW_RELEASES":"New Released","LA_DISCOVER_PREORDER":"Preorder","LA_DISCOVER_TOP_NEW_RANKING":"Top New Ranking","LA_DISCOVER_THE_NEW_TREND":"The New Trend","LA_DISCOVER_RECOMMENDED_NEW":"Recommended New","LA_DISCOVER_LIKES":"Likes","LA_DISCOVER_NEW_STAR":"NEW STAR","LA_DISCOVER_GRANDLY_NEW":"Grandly New","LA_DISCOVER_UPCOMING_NEXT_WED":"Upcoming Next Wed 16:00(UTC+8)","LP_BOOK_ARRIVE_ON":"Arrive On","LA_DISCOVER_NEW1":"Grandly New Realeased","LA_DISCOVER_NEW3":"Subscribed","LA_DISCOVER_NEW4":"Latest New Released","LP_BUY_NOW":"Buy Now","LA_DISCOVER_NEW5":"On-Sale Time","LA_DISCOVER_NEW6":"Remind Me","LA_DISCOVER_NEW7":"New Star","LA_DISCOVER_NEW8":"On-Sale Time","LA_DISCOVER_NEW9":"Please allow your system notification first.","LA_DISCOVER_NEW10":"Go to settings","LA_DISCOVER_NEW11":"New Released Subscribe","LA_DISCOVER_NEW12":"Subscribe Banggood New Released","LA_DISCOVER_NEW13":"Get an early-bird price now","LA_DISCOVER_NEW14":"Note: by unsubscribing we mean that you just cancel the subscription of New Released, Banggood daily notifications are not included.","LA_DISCOVER_NEW15":"Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?","LA_DISCOVER_NEW16":"Don't cancel","LA_DISCOVER_NEW17":"Confirm cancellation","LA_DISCOVER_NEW18":"New Released Reminder","LA_DISCOVER_NEW19":"You'll receive an email alert if this item goes on sale","LA_M_CZ_EMAIL_BOX":"Email","LA_FIRST_NPCS_SUBSCRIBE_DESC2":"Change email","LA_OR":"Or","LA_DISCOVER_NEW20":"You'll be able to:","LA_DISCOVER_NEW21":"Receive an email alert if this item goes on sale","LA_DISCOVER_NEW22":"Get extra exclusive discount and promotions","LA_DISCOVER_NEW23":"Please check your email format.","LA_DISCOVER_NEW24":"Please enter a valid phone number.","LA_DISCOVER_NEW25":"Please select the notification method.","LA_DISCOVER_NEW26":"You have subscribed! We'll notify you before launching the new product.","LA_LOCAL_TEXT":"Local Warehouse, faster and cheaper","LA_HINT_TIPS":"There is no local warehouse in your area. Here are items you can order with the fastest shipping time.","LA_SPECIAL_TITLE":"Special Selection","LA_STANDARD_TITLE":"Top Standard Delivery Items","LC_INVOICE_YES":"Yes","LC_INVOICE_NO":"No","LA_APPEAL_APPLICATION":"Appeal Application","LA_DEAR_CUSTOMER":"Dear customer","LA_ORDER_FOLLOWING_I":"In order to verify your payment, please file an appeal according to the following instructions.","LA_CUSTOMER_ID":"Customer ID","LS_ORDERS_NO":"Order NO","LA_IDENTITY_ID_CARD":"Proof of Identity (ID card, Driver's license, Passport)","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_1":"Note: Clearly visible photo of your ID card\/passport\/driver's license. (PNG, JPG, BMP, within 2M).","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_2":"Please provide your ID card\/passport\/driver's license.","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_3":"Payment Documentation(Credit card)","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_4":"Note: Please make sure the last four digits of the credit card are clear. (PNG, JPG, BMP, within 2M)","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_5":"There is no order to choose, please confirm whether the account number is correct.","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_6":"Please chose the order number to file an appeal.","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_SUBMITTED":"Appeal Submitted","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_7":"We will process your appeal within 1-3 business days, please pay attention to the latest results of the appeal center.","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_8":"View Case Details","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_9":"The page information will be cleared after leaving. Do you want to leave?","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_10":"Order Appeal","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_11":"Appeal Detail","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_12":"Submit Appeal","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_13":"All messages and files uploaded to BGshop will be used for identity verification purposes only. If you encounter any problems, please feel free to","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_14":"contact us","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_15":"Proof of Identity","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_16":"Note: For security reasons, we advise you to conceal the middle digits of your card number. Please make sure that the card holder]s name, the card issuing bank and the last four digits of the card number are clearly visible.","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_17":"Appeal History","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_18":"Appeal Time","LB_ORDERS_ORDERS_ID":"Order ID","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_19":"Appeal Status","LA_IDENTITY_APPEAL_20":"It is empty here!","LM_COPY":"Copy","LA_CC_CARD_EXPIRED_DATE":"Expiration Date","LA_2021_aff_activity_26":"Copy Successfully!","LA_COPY_ERRPR":"copy error!","LA_PAYMENT_REFERENCE":"Payment Reference","LA_SHOPPER_NAME":"Shopper Name","LA_MERCHANT":"Merchant","LA_ENTITY":"Entity","LA_LOSS_RECALL1":"WELCOME BACK TREATS","NEW_ZONE_V3_BOTTOM_TAB1":"Benefits","LA_LOSS_RECALL2":"No min. spend","LA_LOSS_RECALL3":"Buy now with","LA_LOSS_RECALL4":"Click to get all","LA_LOSS_RECALL5":"Agree to the","LA_LOSS_RECALL6":"Terms of Use","LA_LOSS_RECALL7":"Recommended for you","LA_AFTER_DISCOUNT":"After discount","LC_SHIPMENT_TOP_TITLE":"Shipping","LA_LOSS_RECALL8":"Pick For You","LA_LOSS_RECALL9":"Hot New Releases","LA_LOSS_RECALL10":"Please agree to the Terms of Use","LP_SPECIAL_DEALS":"Special Deals","LA_LOSS_RECALL15":"Allowance benefits have expired and can be purchased again","LA_LOSS_RECALL16":"Valid for 7 days from purchase date.","LA_LOSS_RECALL17":"Pay","LA_LOSS_RECALL18":"to Get All","LA_LOSS_RECALL11":"Are you sure to give up the purchase?","LA_LOSS_RECALL12":"To Buy","LA_LOSS_RECALL13":"Benefits Worth","LA_LOSS_RECALL14":"Buy now","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT1":"Participants","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT2":"This activity is only for some users who are invited, the range of participants will be updated at any time, please stay tuned.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT3":"The welcome back treats are exclusive benefits for users who are invited, which include two product allowances and a shipping allowance, the specific discount is subject to the page.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT4":"All allowances of the welcome back treats can be applied with the promotion, points and coupons. It can be directly deducted during the checkout.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT5":"Please see the following instructions of the allowance, the specific use is subject to the actual settlement:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT6":"A.The low threshold product allowance:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT7":"Apply to all categories,","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT8":"except tablet pc","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT9":"can be deducted as cost during checkout.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT10":"B.The high threshold product allowance:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT11":"Apply to some categories","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT12":"except tablet pc\/Mini PC\/Laptops & Netbooks\/Electric Bicycle Batteries\/ Electric Bicycle Motor\/Scooter Batteries\/Scooters & Wheels Accessories","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT14":"C.The no min. spend shipping allowance:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT15":"Apply to all categories and all shipping methods; can be deducted as shipping cost during checkout.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT16":"The details of allowances you have claimed can be checked at \"My account - My coupon\".","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT17":"One order can only apply an allowance","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT18":"other allowances can]t be used together.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT19":"The welcome back treats are valid for 48 hours after claiming","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT20":"please use it as soon as possible before its expiration.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT21":"If the order that has applied the welcome back allowance is returned, the allowance will be returned to your account if it is within the validity period. If the allowance is expired at the time of return, it will be invalid directly.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT22":"Special Announcement","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT23":"The welcome back allowances shall comply with the terms and conditions of Banggood Coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Banggood.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT24":"During the activity, if the user has violated the rules(including but not limited to cheating claiming, false transactions, disrupting the system, attacking network, etc), Banggood has right to revoke the relevant illegal transactions, recover the benefits, and disqualify the illegal users from participating in this activity. For any loss has been caused, Banggood will reserve the right to pursue further compensation from illegal users.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT25":"In the event of force majeure(including but not limited to huge natural disasters, event that shall be stopped or adjusted under the order of government, large amount of cheating in the event, serious network attack or system malfunction), Banggood has right to cancel, modify or suspend this activity.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT26":"Definition:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT27":"Purchase:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT28":"After you purchase the welcome back treats, the allowances will be sent to your account.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT29":"The welcome back treats are valid for 7 days after purchasing","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT30":"and it will automatically expire at the expiry date, please use it as soon as possible.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT31":"How to check:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT32":"After you purchase the welcome back treats, The allowances can be checked at \"My account - My coupon\". If it isn't saved to your account, please contact the customer service.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT33":"How to use:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT39":"All allowances of the welcome back treats can be applied with the promotion, points and coupons. It can be directly deducted during the checkout.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT34":"other allowances can't be used together. Please see the following instructions of the allowance, the specific use is subject to the actual settlement:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT35":"Return and refund:","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT36":"Once the welcome back treats is purchased, it can't be returned, refunded or canceled","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT37":"The cost you spent on welcome back treats cannot be partially or fully refunded. Please use it before its expiration.","LA_LOSS_RULE_TEXT38":"Special announcements","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT1":"Welcome Back Treats Terms and Conditions","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT2":"Effective from 2022\/09\/26","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT3":"These terms and conditions apply to the \"Welcome Back Treats\" purchased on These terms and conditions (\"Welcome Back Treats T&Cs\") govern your participation in the Welcome Back Treats Programme (the Program). By purchasing or using Welcome Back Treats, you agree to be bound by these terms of Welcome Back Treats, and other terms and policies stipulated on the Banggood website and\/or Banggood app, including but not limited to TERMS and PRIVACY.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT4":"BY AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAM, YOU AGREE TO THESE WELCOME BACK TREATS T&CS.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT5":"Banggood reserves the right to change, modify, add or amend the terms and conditions of Welcome Back Treats at any time. We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of these modifications and updates. But you are responsible for regularly reviewing this page to obtain timely notice of such amendments.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT6":"Eligible Member:","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT7":"The Programme is currently in the testing stage and only some members are invited to participate. There will be more users invited to join the Programme, please stay tuned.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT8":"Purchase of Welcome Back Treats:","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT9":"A. Eligible members can purchase \"Welcome Back Treats\" by entering into the activity page of \"Welcome Back Treats\". After the user has successfully purchased, he can enjoy the benefits contained in it.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT10":"B. The normal retail price of Welcome Back Treats is US$1. Banggood may change the benefits and subscription fees of Welcome Back Treats due to the development of the market and business. The specific subscription fees and benefits will be dependent on the actual activity page.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT11":"C. The Welcome Back Treats that you purchased before the validity period will not be affected, but if you need to continue to purchase when the Welcome Back Treats expires, you need to select and pay again according to the benefits and\/or fee standards that have become effective after the adjustment.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT12":"D. The purchase is deemed to be a successful purchase after the user has successfully paid according to the prompts on the \"Welcome Back Treats\" activity page. The Welcome Back Treats is valid for 7 days from the date of purchasing.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT13":"E. ONCE PAID, THE COST OF PURCHASING THE WELCOME BACK TREATS IS NON-REFUNDABLE, EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT14":"Use of Welcome Back Treats","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT15":"A. After purchasing the Welcome Back Treats, the allowances displayed on the activity page of Welcome Back Treats will be saved to your account directly, which can be used for order settlement to save money.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT16":"B. Once the allowances of Welcome Back Treats are sent, they will be credited to your account. You can review on the page of \"My coupons\".","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT17":"C. Allowances of the Welcome Back Treats can be used with promotions, points and coupons.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT18":"Limitation","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT19":"A. The Welcome Back Treats can only be used on the Banggood website.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT20":"B. Each allowance of Welcome Back Treats can only be used once within the specified validity period.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT21":"C. The use of allowances shall comply with the terms and conditions under the Welcome Back Treats, Banggood coupons and any other relevant terms and conditions specified on Banggood.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT22":"D. If a user who purchases the Welcome Back Treats hasn't used the allowances during the valid period permitted under these Welcome Back Treats T&Cs, they will be forfeited. Banggood is not obligated to replace those allowances or coupons in any manner.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT23":"E. In case of cancellation of orders welcome back allowance is used, the refundable amount of the order and the refundable denomination of the allowance are subject to the information on the consumer refund page. If the allowance is returned within the validity period, it can only be used within the validity period and will become invalid after the expiration date; if it is returned after the original validity period, the allowance will be directly invalidated and cannot be used. In such situation, Banggood is not obliged to replace allowances to user.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT24":"F.Allowances of Welcome Back Treats are only limited to the users who purchase the Welcome Back Treats. Resale, transfer and sharing of allowances are strictly prohibited.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT25":"G.Allowances of Welcome Back Treats are non-replaceable if lost, stolen, destroyed, duplicated, tampered with or other misappropriated or fraudulently used.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT26":"H.We reserve the right to verify the validity of any Welcome Back Treats and to declare null and void any Welcome Back Treats that in Our opinion has been stolen, duplicated, tampered with, broadcasted inappropriately, or which is suspected to have been misappropriated or fraudulently obtained or used. In that event, we will charge full price for the products purchased on that sales transaction.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT27":"I.We shall not be liable or responsible for any fraud or unsuccessful transactions made using Welcome Back Treats.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT28":"J.Banggood retains the right to cancel or reject your use of Welcome Back Treats for reasonable reasons, including but not limited to what it believes or suspects you to engage in fraud or other illegal activities.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT29":"Validity Period and Refund","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT30":"A. Validity Period of Welcome Back Treats: IT IS VALID FOR 7 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASING. AFTER THE EXPIRATION DATE, THE BENEFITS CONTAINED IN THE WELCOME BACK TREATS WILL EXPIRE.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT31":"B.Once the welcome back treats is purchased, it can't be returned, refunded or canceled. The cost you spent on welcome back treats cannot be partially or fully refunded. Please use it before its expiration.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT32":"Termination","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT33":"A. We reserve the right to modify and\/or suspend the Programme, its benefits (including but not limited to coupons, allowances etc.) and other Welcome Back Treats features (including these Welcome Back Treats T&Cs) at any time with or without giving Users prior notice. This includes changes to, among others:","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT34":"(i) Welcome Back Treats;","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT35":"(ii) Welcome Back Treats eligible member;","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT36":"(iii) Welcome Back Treats purchase criteria; and","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT37":"(iv) Applicable fees of Welcome Back Treats.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT38":"B.In the event of a suspension of the Programme or Welcome Back Treats account, users may not be able to use some or all of the benefits under the Programme during the suspension period. In the case of a termination and\/or suspension of the account of Welcome Back Treats, we will use reasonable endeavours to notify users that how we will amend their unused Welcome Back Treats and other benefits.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT39":"C.We reserve the right to:","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT40":"(i) Terminate the Program for any reason whatsoever by informing Users as well as on our platform. In such an event, Users will be given 7 calendar days to use their Welcome Back Treats from the purchasing date, and upon the expiry of the said period of 7 calendar days, any benefits unused will be invalidated;","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT41":"(ii)To validate and check user participation or details at any time. In the event the user is unable to provide the appropriate evidence\/information as requested by Banggood for validation purposes, the user will lose the Welcome Back Treats entirely and no replacement will be offered by Banggood;","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT42":"(iii)In the event of fraud or attempted fraud by the user and\/or by the user's inappropriate use of Programme (including but not limited to the use of the Programme benefits for business or resale purposes). The user will not be entitled to either claim or hold Banggood responsible for any rejection, delay, suspension, confiscation or cancellation of any coupons and allowances to the user.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT43":"(iv)Completely delete specific users' data from Our database if the users' use of Welcome Back Treats is terminated for any reason whatsoever.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT44":"D.We shall not be liable for any system malfunction, or disruption in accessing to Welcome Back Treats, or any consequences, direct or indirect, arising from the same.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT45":"Disputes","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT46":"A. Any invalid, unenforceable, or illegal terms under the policy of Welcome Back Treats terms, redemption terms, privacy policy and any other terms that customers may agree to or accept, shall be implemented as much as possible according to their will and shall not affect the enforceability of other terms. These terms shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT47":"B.Any disputes or claims relating to Welcome Back Treats shall be resolved under the disputes TERMS of Banggood.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT48":"General Terms and Conditions","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT49":"A. If for any reason any aspect of this Program cannot be executed as planned, including due to computer viruses, communication network failures, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond Banggood's control, Banggood may cancel, terminate, modify, and \/ or suspend the Program and Banggood shall not be responsible to Users.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT50":"B.In addition to other limitations and exclusions in Welcome Back Treats t&cs, in no event will we or our directors, officers, employees, agents or other representatives be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, or any other damages of any kind, arising out of or related to the program. OUR TOTAL LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, WILL NOT WILL NOT EXCEED THE LAST COST YOU PAID FOR PURCHASING WELCOME BACK TREATS. These exclusions and limitations of liability will apply to the fullest extent permitted by law and will survive cancellation or termination of Welcome Back Treats.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT51":"C.Banggood shall not be liable if we are unable to perform its obligation under these Welcome Back Treats T&Cs, due directly or indirectly to Force Majeure, the failure of any computers, machines or communication systems, industrial disputes, wars, Act of God, those events which could not be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, are inevitable, or anything outside the control of Us or Our servants and\/or employees.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT52":"D.Banggood reserves the right to disqualify any User in the event of non-compliance with any provisions of the Program or other terms and conditions stated in these Welcome Back Treats T&Cs.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT53":"E.In the event of any questions or complaints regarding the Program, please notify Banggood via contacting Customer Service and Banggood's decision regarding any complaint is final and binding on the User.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT54":"F.These Welcome Back Treats T&Cs shall be governed by and construed under the laws of Hong Kong without regard to its conflict of law provisions.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT55":"G.In case of any discrepancy in the content between the English and other non-English language versions of these Official Rules, the English version shall prevail.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT56":"This activity is only for some users who are invited, and the range of participants will be updated at any time. Please stay tuned.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT57":"The welcome back treats are exclusive benefits for users who are invited.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT58":"You can only choose one of them to use if there is more than one allowance.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT70":"Allowance(Including Shipping allowance) applies to all categories, which can be used with promo, points and coupons(Except BG-Subsidized Coupon). It can be directly deducted during the checkout.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT60":"The details of allowances you have claimed can be checked at \"My account - My coupon\".","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT61":"The specific discount is subject to the page.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT62":"One order can only apply an allowance.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT63":"The welcome back treats are valid for %s hours after claimed.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT67":"Please use it as soon as possible before its expiration.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT68":"If the order that has applied the welcome back allowance is refunded, the allowance will be returned to your account if it is within the validity period. If the allowance is expired at the time of return, it will be invalid directly.","LA_LOSS_TERMS_TEXT69":"72","LA_FB_RETURN":"Return","LA_UN_SHOPCART_TITLE":"Cart Alert","LA_UN_SHOPCART_YASTSYG":"We are sorry to see you go...","LA_UN_SHOPCART_WAGTSYA":"We are glad to see you again!!","LA_UN_SHOPCART_YAA":"YOU ARE ALREADY","LA_UN_SHOPCART_RF":"Registered for","LA_UN_SHOPCART_PURCHASED":"Purchased","LA_UN_SHOPCART_SAVED":"saved","LA_UN_SHOPCART_ONBANGGOOD":"On Banggood","LA_UN_SHOPCART_YCSGSOATE":"You can still get special offers at the earliest possible time form shopping cart email.If you want to unsubscribe, click 'Unsubscribe'.","LA_UN_SHOPCART_US":"Unsubscribe successfully!","LA_UN_SHOPCART_YWNLRE":"You will no longer receive email about shopping cart. Also you can click 'Resubscribe' to resubscribe the Cart Price Cut Alert.","LA_UN_SHOPCART_RS":"Resubscribe successfully!","LA_UN_SHOPCART_NYCGSIA":"Now You can get special offers at the earliest possible time form shopping cart email.","LA_UN_SHOPCART_GOTOSHOP":"Go to shop","LA_DEAR":"Dear","LA_UN_SHOPCART_SPECIAL":"SPECIAL TIPS","LA_UN_SHOPCART_AUYWNRAP":"After unsubscribing, you will not receive any promotional information related to the items in your shopping cart.","LA_UN_SHOPCART_DYCTU":"Do you confirm to unsubscribe?","LA_UN_SHOPCART_LE_ME_THINK":"Let me think"};