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Thomas Franke
Photographer from The Netherlands
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A single tomato on a white background
A mushroom sitting on top of a white table
A group of potatoes sitting on top of a white table
A single pomegranate on a white background
A single pomegranate on a white background
A single potato on a white background
A watermelon sitting on top of a white table
A single tomato on a white background
Two red peppers cut in half on a white surface
An avocado cut in half on a white surface
A single lemon on a white background
A slice of lime sitting on top of a white table
A group of mushrooms sitting on top of a white table
A group of four tomatoes sitting on top of each other
An orange sitting on top of a white table
A pineapple sitting on top of a white table
A watermelon sitting on top of a white table
A white mushroom sitting on top of a white table
Two red peppers cut in half on a white surface
Three lemons sitting next to each other on a white surface
A single tomato on a white background
A slice of lime sitting on top of a white table
A group of four tomatoes sitting on top of each other
A single potato on a white background
A pineapple sitting on top of a white table
A white mushroom sitting on top of a white table
Two red peppers cut in half on a white surface
A single lemon on a white background
A group of mushrooms sitting on top of a white table
A group of potatoes sitting on top of a white table
A single pomegranate on a white background
A watermelon sitting on top of a white table
A single tomato on a white background
Three lemons sitting next to each other on a white surface
A mushroom sitting on top of a white table
A single pomegranate on a white background
An orange sitting on top of a white table
A watermelon sitting on top of a white table
Two red peppers cut in half on a white surface
An avocado cut in half on a white surface
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