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Markus Winkler
Photographer from Germany I'm interested how you are using my photos, let me know!
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A black and white photo of a dining room table
A scale with a bowl on top of it
A yellow and white trolley car traveling down a street
A close up of some food on a tray
A produce section of a grocery store filled with fruits and vegetables
A chandelier in a church with a lot of candles
A black and white photo of people walking down a street
An aerial view of a village with a mountain in the background
A close up of a metal object on a street
A wooden bench sitting in front of a building
A black and white photo of a dining room table
A yellow and white trolley car traveling down a street
A close up of some food on a tray
An aerial view of a city with a soccer field
A view of a city with a red tower in the background
A view of a city from a tall building
Two candles sitting on top of a bamboo stick
A fountain with chopsticks and a bamboo stick sticking out of it
A scale with a bowl on top of it
A produce section of a grocery store filled with fruits and vegetables
A chandelier in a church with a lot of candles
A black and white photo of people walking down a street
An aerial view of a village with a mountain in the background
A wooden bench sitting in front of a building
A yellow and white trolley car traveling down a street
An aerial view of a city with a soccer field
A close up of a metal object on a street
Two candles sitting on top of a bamboo stick
A black and white photo of a dining room table
A close up of some food on a tray
A produce section of a grocery store filled with fruits and vegetables
A black and white photo of people walking down a street
A view of a city with a red tower in the background
A view of a city from a tall building
A fountain with chopsticks and a bamboo stick sticking out of it
A scale with a bowl on top of it
A chandelier in a church with a lot of candles
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