Avatar of user Sam LaRussa
Sam LaRussa
Hobbyist photographer with an interest in taking photos of pretty much anything. My Unsplash account is mainly photos of industrial or obscure subjects.
a group of buildings with trees in front of them
a high angle view of a farm
a bunch of power lines that are in the dirt
white smoke coming out from factory
white wind turbines on brown field under blue sky during daytime
white and red van parked near bare trees during daytime
train rail in the middle of the forest
leafless tree on green grass field under blue sky during daytime
cars on road during daytime
white and blue truck on road during nighttime
white and blue wooden door
cars on road near bridge during daytime
a bunch of power lines that are in the dirt
white wind turbines on brown field under blue sky during daytime
train rail in the middle of the forest
cars on road during daytime
white and blue wooden door
a group of buildings with trees in front of them
a high angle view of a farm
white smoke coming out from factory
white and red van parked near bare trees during daytime
leafless tree on green grass field under blue sky during daytime
white and blue truck on road during nighttime
cars on road near bridge during daytime
a high angle view of a farm
white wind turbines on brown field under blue sky during daytime
white and red van parked near bare trees during daytime
cars on road during daytime
cars on road near bridge during daytime
a group of buildings with trees in front of them
a bunch of power lines that are in the dirt
leafless tree on green grass field under blue sky during daytime
white and blue wooden door
white smoke coming out from factory
train rail in the middle of the forest
white and blue truck on road during nighttime
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