

您可通过下方交互式地图工具找到我们的工作地点。点击地图上的蓝色和黄色标出国家和领土,查看国家概况。点击黄色标出的国家和地区,即可查看对应的联合国国家工作队对实现可持续发展目标做出的努力,不同可持续发展目标下具体的联合国机构、基金和方案以及其所在地、资金来源、执行伙伴等信息。信息来源:UN INFO


At the regional level, the Regional Collaborative Platforms (RCP) unite all UN entities working on sustainable development to ensure full coordination of UN regional assets in addressing key challenges that transcend country borders and effectively pool expertise at the service of the specific needs of each country in the region.

The RCPs are chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General and co-chaired by two Vice-Chairs from the Regional Economic Commissions and the United Nations Development Programme.