Stronger together: Uruguay, a model of sustainable development
The UN has been working with Uruguay for more than 70 years. Over several decades, Uruguay has actively taken part in developing global agendas, and it tends to be one of the first nations to ratify international treaties and agreements regarding the promotion and protection of human rights.
Over 15 agencies, funds and programmes have an active presence in the country. By convening the UN family and all our partners and galvanizing all the support around the SDGs, and leveraging our new independence and additional capacities, we are working towards meeting the requirements of the 2030 Agenda within a specific timeframe as set out in the UN Cooperation Framework 2021-2025.
Our coordinated, multidimensional and data-centric approach has been drawing attention to the opportunities and challenges that we are tackling to improve production, employment quality, education, health and the environment on daily basis.
A few weeks ago, UN Secretary-General António Guterres sounded the alarms: “The viability of our societies depends on leaders from government, business and civil society uniting behind policies, actions and investments that will limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius,” he expressed after the publication of the IPCC Working Group 1 Report. To address this situation, Guterres outlined Our Common Agenda.
Faced with this reality, it is urgent to revitalize multilateralism and adapt the United Nations to a new era. By walking the talk, we are committed to leaving no one behind in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Uruguay is a key player in this massive endeavor.
Unlike other countries in the LAC region, Uruguay is today a dynamic country with high levels of security, efficiency, transparency and well-being. However, in a fast-moving and ever-changing world, there are multiple challenges ahead: such as the inclusive recovery from the multiple impacts of COVID-19, the transition towards a greener, more digital and resilient economy, closing the educational gaps, conquering more effective gender equality, ensuring a humane management of people on the move, and more.
During 2020 alone, the United Nations managed to mobilize US$ 36.6 million in Uruguay, according to the UN Annual Results Report in Uruguay. Forty-three per cent was directed towards more inclusive social development in health, education and social policies with a strong component on addressing inequalities.
Uruguay has built a proud tradition of taking part in peacekeeping missions by engaging thousands of troops in complex operations in different corners of the world and deploying numerous civilian experts in South-South organizations and initiatives. It is also an ally in boosting more effective multilateralism, which the planet urgently needs.
Not in vain, Uruguay has become an example for Latin America of a stable democracy, paved on social inclusion and political stability. Uruguay is recognized as a member of the list of 23 full democracies in the world, according to the Democracy Index 2020, published by The Economist, as of February 2021. Therefore, on its own merits, Uruguay can aspire to become a universal model of sustainable development that keeps undertaking coherent and coordinated actions towards 2030 and beyond. Facing the new breath of air for the UN mandates, Uruguay and the United Nations are bound to moving forward in their active partnership.
Written by Pablo Ruiz Hiebra, UN Resident Coordinator in Uruguay. To learn more about the United Nations' work in Uruguay, please visit: To learn more about the results of our work with data and beyond, please read the latest UNSDG Chair Report on DCO.