BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT UID:679b07de32fd5 DTSTART:20250428T070000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND:20250428T150000Z LOCATION:Geneva\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Trade and Development Commission\, fifteenth session CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary body of th e Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown Covenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and synergies b etween the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-building\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD.Partici pationThe Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Specialized a gencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental organizations (gen eral and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.R egistrationOnline registration is mandatory for all those wishing to atten d the session and is required in order to be included in the list of parti cipants.<\;p>\;The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary bo dy of the Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown C ovenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and syn ergies between the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-buildi ng\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD .<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Participation<\;/strong>\;< \;/h4>\;<\;p>\;The Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD . Specialized agencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental org anizations (general and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Registration<\;/st rong>\;<\;/h4>\;<\;p>\;Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the session and is required in order to be include d in the list of participants.<\;/p>\;\n\nView meeting on\n ion DTSTAMP:20250130T050222Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:679b07de33046 DTSTART:20250429T070000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND:20250429T150000Z LOCATION:Geneva\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Trade and Development Commission\, fifteenth session CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary body of th e Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown Covenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and synergies b etween the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-building\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD.Partici pationThe Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Specialized a gencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental organizations (gen eral and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.R egistrationOnline registration is mandatory for all those wishing to atten d the session and is required in order to be included in the list of parti cipants.<\;p>\;The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary bo dy of the Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown C ovenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and syn ergies between the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-buildi ng\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD .<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Participation<\;/strong>\;< \;/h4>\;<\;p>\;The Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD . Specialized agencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental org anizations (general and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Registration<\;/st rong>\;<\;/h4>\;<\;p>\;Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the session and is required in order to be include d in the list of participants.<\;/p>\;\n\nView meeting on\n ion DTSTAMP:20250130T050222Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:679b07de33057 DTSTART:20250430T070000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND:20250430T150000Z LOCATION:Geneva\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Trade and Development Commission\, fifteenth session CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary body of th e Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown Covenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and synergies b etween the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-building\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD.Partici pationThe Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Specialized a gencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental organizations (gen eral and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.R egistrationOnline registration is mandatory for all those wishing to atten d the session and is required in order to be included in the list of parti cipants.<\;p>\;The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary bo dy of the Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown C ovenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and syn ergies between the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-buildi ng\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD .<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Participation<\;/strong>\;< \;/h4>\;<\;p>\;The Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD . Specialized agencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental org anizations (general and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Registration<\;/st rong>\;<\;/h4>\;<\;p>\;Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the session and is required in order to be include d in the list of participants.<\;/p>\;\n\nView meeting on\n ion DTSTAMP:20250130T050222Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:679b07de33068 DTSTART:20250501T070000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND:20250501T150000Z LOCATION:Geneva\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Trade and Development Commission\, fifteenth session CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary body of th e Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown Covenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and synergies b etween the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-building\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD.Partici pationThe Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Specialized a gencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental organizations (gen eral and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.R egistrationOnline registration is mandatory for all those wishing to atten d the session and is required in order to be included in the list of parti cipants.<\;p>\;The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary bo dy of the Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown C ovenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and syn ergies between the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-buildi ng\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD .<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Participation<\;/strong>\;< \;/h4>\;<\;p>\;The Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD . Specialized agencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental org anizations (general and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Registration<\;/st rong>\;<\;/h4>\;<\;p>\;Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the session and is required in order to be include d in the list of participants.<\;/p>\;\n\nView meeting on\n ion DTSTAMP:20250130T050222Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:679b07de33078 DTSTART:20250502T070000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND:20250502T150000Z LOCATION:Geneva\, Switzerland SUMMARY:Trade and Development Commission\, fifteenth session CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary body of th e Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown Covenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and synergies b etween the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-building\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD.Partici pationThe Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD. Specialized a gencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental organizations (gen eral and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.R egistrationOnline registration is mandatory for all those wishing to atten d the session and is required in order to be included in the list of parti cipants.<\;p>\;The Trade and Development Commission is a subsidiary bo dy of the Trade and Development Board and\, as defined in the Bridgetown C ovenant (para.121)\, will consider the outcomes of expert meetings and syn ergies between the three pillars (research and analysis\; consensus-buildi ng\; and technical assistance) and the work of the subprogrammes of UNCTAD .<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Participation<\;/strong>\;< \;/h4>\;<\;p>\;The Commission is open to all member States of UNCTAD . Specialized agencies\, intergovernmental bodies and non-governmental org anizations (general and special category) are also eligible to participate as observers.<\;/p>\;<\;h4>\;<\;strong>\;Registration<\;/st rong>\;<\;/h4>\;<\;p>\;Online registration is mandatory for all those wishing to attend the session and is required in order to be include d in the list of participants.<\;/p>\;\n\nView meeting on\n ion DTSTAMP:20250130T050222Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR