Anthony Arkin
Anthony Arkin was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. In the early stages of his Hollywood career, Arkin acted in comedies like "Full Moon High" (1981) and "Hollywood Ending" (2002) starring Isaac Mizrahi. He had a part on the television special "Necessary Parties" (PBS, 1988-89). He worked in television in his early acting career as well, including parts on "100 Centre Street" (A&E Network, 2000-02) and "Deadline" (Bravo, 2000-01). His film career continued throughout the early 2000s and the 2010s in productions like "Pipe Dream" (2002), the Michael Risley drama "Revolution #9" (2002) and "Anything Else" (2003). He also appeared in "Neal Cassady" (2007) with Tate Donovan. He also played parts in television during these years, including roles in "The Good Wife" (CBS, 2009-2016) and "Blue Bloods" (CBS, 2010-). Arkin most recently appeared in "Madoff" (2016).