Tumult Hype Privacy Policy

We take the privacy of information submitted to us seriously. Our general philosophy is to collect as minimal amount of information as possible to reduce risk. Collecting personal and usage data is intended to provide better service to you as well as statistics we can use to improve our products.

Our goal is for you to trust our business and to create a great app to express your creativity. We have no desire in making money off of your personal information nor do we want to put any of your private information at risk.


  • Before collecting personal information, we will identify the purpose for which it is intended.
  • We will not sell or distribute your personal information to a third party unless we have your permission or are required to do so by law. We do use third party services for limited purposes which have their own policies; please see below.
  • We will protect personal information by commercially reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  • When we change our privacy policy in a meaningful way, we will post notice on our website along with the updated policy.

Content Authored in Tumult Hype Application

  • We do not put any analytics into exported/previewed HTML. We do not know what you create.
  • Because content made with Tumult Hype can contain arbitrary HTML, documents may call out to other servers. It is your responsibility to know what your documents are doing, including documents that you did not create but may have downloaded online.
  • Some features we create, such as Google Fonts, may require network access to download resources. These will always be opt-in.
  • Using the "Official CDN" will require fetches from our third party CDN provider, jsdeliver.

Tumult Hype Application Communication to Tumult

  • If you choose, "Collect anonymous usage data to improve Hype," a limited amount of information such as your hardware configuration will be sent to Tumult. We use our own servers and app to aggregate this data; it is not sent to a third party. You are welcome to request samples of what is currently sent (though as it is anonymous we cannot know what you personally sent).
  • Checking for updates will cause our servers to be queried with the minimal amount of information to know which update to vend such as the Tumult Hype and OS version.
  • Hype has various feedback mechanisms allowing you to report a bug, crash, or make general comments. These require initiation on your part.

Mailing Lists

  • We will not send you mass or promotional emailings unless you have joined our mailing list. Our mailing list covers major Tumult releases and news and is infrequent.
  • You can unsubscribe at any time through buttons located at the bottom of the emails from lists that you have joined. Unsubscribes take effect immediately.

Third Party Services

We use some third party services as described below:

  • Apple Mac App Store: This service hosts the Hype Application, manages payments, and allows for sending reviews. This is through your Apple ID account.
  • FastSpring: This service handles direct "Tumult Store" purchases and processes credit card and other payment data, along with needing address information.
  • Microsoft App Center: This service stores and analyzes crash logs, when they have been explicitly sent.
  • DiscourseHosting: This service operates our forums.
  • Front: This service operates our customer support software and stores emails that have been sent to addresses such as contact, support, betafeedback, and others at our domain name.
  • Google Analytics: This service is used to track and report website traffic.
  • Google Forms: This service is used for periodic and optional customer surveys

Retention and Deletion

  • Any information is kept as long as it is deemed useful to the company. It may be periodically deleted to reduce risk.
  • You are welcome to send us emails requesting what information is still retained.
  • You are welcome to send us emails requesting we delete any information that is still retained.

Question or concerns? Please email contact@tumult.com.