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Awesome image zoom plugin for images in posts/pages and for WooCommerce products.
Priority: high
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Awesome image zoom plugin for images in posts/pages and for WooCommerce products.

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WP Image Zoom
Priority: high
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WP Image Zoom

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For applying the zoom on an image on a page/post from within a page builder, you need to add the "zoooom" CSS class to the image. Here are screenshots on how to do this with the most popular page builders: * Gutenberg - <a href="">screenshot</a> * WPBakery - depending on the page builder's version: 1) <a href="">screenshot</a> with the "large" or "full" for the Image Size setting. Or 2) <a href="">screenshot</a>. * Page Builder by SiteOrigin - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Elementor Page Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a>. It works with all the Image Size options, except Custom. * Beaver Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Divi Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> (used by the Divi theme) * Avia Layout Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> (used by the Enfold theme) * Fusion Page Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Brizy Page Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Tatsu Page Builder - <a href="">screencast</a> The zoom works alright only with Image elements. Unfortunately, trying to apply the zoom on an image gallery will make the zoom work only on the first image of the gallery. With the WP Image Zoom Pro the zoom can also be applied on image galleries. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
For applying the zoom on an image on a page/post from within a page builder, you need to add the "zoooom" CSS class to the image. Here are screenshots on how to do this with the most popular page builders: * Gutenberg - <a href="">screenshot</a> * WPBakery - depending on the page builder's version: 1) <a href="">screenshot</a> with the "large" or "full" for the Image Size setting. Or 2) <a href="">screenshot</a>. * Page Builder by SiteOrigin - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Elementor Page Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a>. It works with all the Image Size options, except Custom. * Beaver Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Divi Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> (used by the Divi theme) * Avia Layout Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> (used by the Enfold theme) * Fusion Page Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Brizy Page Builder - <a href="">screenshot</a> * Tatsu Page Builder - <a href="">screencast</a> The zoom works alright only with Image elements. Unfortunately, trying to apply the zoom on an image gallery will make the zoom work only on the first image of the gallery. With the WP Image Zoom Pro the zoom can also be applied on image galleries.

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Using the plugin with a page bulider You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Using the plugin with a page bulider

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The zoom should work fine with all the images on the default WooCommerce gallery, but some themes replace entirely the gallery with a <a href="">Owl Carousel</a> or a another gallery/carousel/slider. Note that this plugin doesn't change the gallery, it only tries to add a zoom to the present gallery and we cannot guarantee compatibility with each gallery/carousel/slider implementation out there. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
The zoom should work fine with all the images on the default WooCommerce gallery, but some themes replace entirely the gallery with a <a href="">Owl Carousel</a> or a another gallery/carousel/slider. Note that this plugin doesn't change the gallery, it only tries to add a zoom to the present gallery and we cannot guarantee compatibility with each gallery/carousel/slider implementation out there.

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The zoom will show up only on the first image on my WooCommerce gallery You have to log in to add a translation. Details
The zoom will show up only on the first image on my WooCommerce gallery

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When both the <strong>Black Studio TinyMCE Widget</strong> and the "Site Builder by SiteOrigin" plugins are installed on the website, then the WP Image Zoom button doesn't show up in the Edit Post and Edit Page editor. But you can still apply the zoom if you manage to add the "zoooom" CSS class to the image. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
When both the <strong>Black Studio TinyMCE Widget</strong> and the "Site Builder by SiteOrigin" plugins are installed on the website, then the WP Image Zoom button doesn't show up in the Edit Post and Edit Page editor. But you can still apply the zoom if you manage to add the "zoooom" CSS class to the image.

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<p>Apply the zoom from Page Builder by SiteOrigin, the Image Widget</p> You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<p>Apply the zoom from Page Builder by SiteOrigin, the Image Widget</p>

Screenshot description.

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Demo photo from under CC0 Public Domain license You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Demo photo from under CC0 Public Domain license

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Does it work with caching plugins ? You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Does it work with caching plugins ?

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Your visitors will be able to see the beautiful details of your images. This will improve your users' experience and hopefully also your revenue. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Your visitors will be able to see the beautiful details of your images. This will improve your users' experience and hopefully also your revenue.

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Zoom within Lightboxes and Carousels You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Zoom within Lightboxes and Carousels

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<strong>4 Zooming Types</strong> - Inner zoom, Round lens, Square lens and outer zoom (with Zoom Window). You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<strong>4 Zooming Types</strong> - Inner zoom, Round lens, Square lens and outer zoom (with Zoom Window).

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Features You have to log in to add a translation. Details

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Awesome image zoom for images in posts/pages and for WooCommerce products You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Awesome image zoom for images in posts/pages and for WooCommerce products

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