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Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.
Priority: high
Faça backup, restaure ou migre seu site WordPress para outro host ou domínio. Agende backups ou execute manualmente. Migre em minutos. Details
Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.

Short description.

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UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin
Priority: high
UpdraftPlus: Plugin de backup e migração WP Details
UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin

Plugin name.

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Non-English translators are provided by volunteers, and does not give plugin developers control over their translations; thus relying on them is at your own risk; UpdraftPlus cannot guarantee that translations from the original English are accurate. Tradutores de outros idiomas são fornecidos por voluntários, e o não dá aos desenvolvedores de plugins controle sobre suas traduções; portanto, confiar neles é por sua conta e risco; o UpdraftPlus não pode garantir que as traduções do inglês original sejam precisas. Details
Non-English translators are provided by volunteers, and does not give plugin developers control over their translations; thus relying on them is at your own risk; UpdraftPlus cannot guarantee that translations from the original English are accurate.

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<a href="">Easy Updates Manager</a>. Take control of updates. Lots of features for free, and a Premium version with even more - over 300,000 users. <a href="">Gerenciador de atualizações fáceis/a>. Assuma o controle das atualizações. Muitos recursos de graça, e uma versão Premium com ainda mais - mais de 300.000 usuários. Details
<a href="">Easy Updates Manager</a>. Take control of updates. Lots of features for free, and a Premium version with even more - over 300,000 users.

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The full suite of plugins from Team Updraft and friends O conjunto completo de plugins da equipe Updraft e amigos Details
The full suite of plugins from Team Updraft and friends

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If migration is all you require, and for simple single site migrations the free plugin will likely be enough to meet your needs. If you have additional needs around backups e.g. the ability to backup before updates, if you require more remote storage locations or if you have a WordPress multisite then we recommend UpdraftPlus Premium for the additional benefits that it brings. Se a migração for tudo o que você precisa, e para migrações simples de um único site, o plugin gratuito provavelmente será o suficiente para atender às suas necessidades. Se você tiver necessidades adicionais em torno de backups, por exemplo, a capacidade de fazer backup antes das atualizações, se você precisar de mais locais de armazenamento remotos ou se você tiver um multisite WordPress, então recomendamos o UpdraftPlus Premium pelos benefícios adicionais que ele traz. Details
If migration is all you require, and for simple single site migrations the free plugin will likely be enough to meet your needs. If you have additional needs around backups e.g. the ability to backup before updates, if you require more remote storage locations or if you have a WordPress multisite then we recommend UpdraftPlus Premium for the additional benefits that it brings.

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Both free and Premium plugins include a built-in search-and-replace engine to replace old strings with the new location. Tanto os plugins gratuitos quanto os Premium incluem um mecanismo de busca e substituição integrado para substituir strings antigas pelo novo local. Details
Both free and Premium plugins include a built-in search-and-replace engine to replace old strings with the new location.

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Migrating in the free plugin involves downloading the backups from the source site then uploading these to the destination site. A migração no plugin gratuito envolve baixar os backups do site de origem e depois enviá-los para o site de destino. Details
Migrating in the free plugin involves downloading the backups from the source site then uploading these to the destination site.

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To find the backup log: there are links to download the logs on the UpdraftPlus settings page in the plugin - or you may be emailed it. Failing that, FTP into the directory wp-content/updraft and look for it there. Para encontrar o log de backup: há links para baixar os logs na página de configurações do UpdraftPlus no plugin - ou você pode recebê-los por e-mail. Caso contrário, faça FTP no diretório wp-content/updraft e procure por ele lá. Details
To find the backup log: there are links to download the logs on the UpdraftPlus settings page in the plugin - or you may be emailed it. Failing that, FTP into the directory wp-content/updraft and look for it there.

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Before you get in touch, please ensure that you have read through our &lt;a href="&gt;FAQs and that you’ve updated to the latest release of our plugin. Antes de entrar em contato, certifique-se de ter lido nossas &lt;a href="&gt;FAQs e de ter atualizado para a versão mais recente do nosso plugin. Details
Before you get in touch, please ensure that you have read through our &lt;a href="&gt;FAQs and that you’ve updated to the latest release of our plugin.

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UpdraftPlus Premium customers can log a ticket directly with our support and development teams via the <a href="">UpdraftPlus support hub</a>. Os clientes do UpdraftPlus Premium podem registrar um tíquete diretamente com nossas equipes de suporte e desenvolvimento por meio do <a href="">hub de suporte do UpdraftPlus</a>. Details
UpdraftPlus Premium customers can log a ticket directly with our support and development teams via the <a href="">UpdraftPlus support hub</a>.

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Search existing topics on the WordPress support forum or post a new one. Our support and development teams check and respond to queries everyday. Pesquise tópicos existentes no fórum de suporte do WordPress ou publique um novo. Nossas equipes de suporte e desenvolvimento verificam e respondem a consultas todos os dias. Details
Search existing topics on the WordPress support forum or post a new one. Our support and development teams check and respond to queries everyday.

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If you’re struggling to backup, migrate or restore there’s help available. Se você estiver com dificuldades para fazer backup, migrar ou restaurar, há ajuda disponível. Details
If you’re struggling to backup, migrate or restore there’s help available.

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When it comes to migration, what does the premium plugin do that the free plugin can't? Quando se trata de migração, o que o plugin premium faz que o plugin gratuito não pode? Details
When it comes to migration, what does the premium plugin do that the free plugin can't?

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How do I install the UpdraftPlus backup &amp; migration plugin? Como instalo o plugin de backup e migração UpdraftPlus? Details
How do I install the UpdraftPlus backup &amp; migration plugin?

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