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Use widgets, shortcodes, and/or template tags to easily retrieve and display custom field values for posts or pages.
Priority: high
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Use widgets, shortcodes, and/or template tags to easily retrieve and display custom field values for posts or pages.

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Get Custom Field Values
Priority: high
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Get Custom Field Values

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If you aren't able to include scripts in your posts (i.e. you don't have the 'unfiltered_html' capability), then the shortcode builder is not available to you. Only those with the editor or administrator role (except on Multisite) or the super administrator role can make use of this plugin's shortcode. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
If you aren't able to include scripts in your posts (i.e. you don't have the 'unfiltered_html' capability), then the shortcode builder is not available to you. Only those with the editor or administrator role (except on Multisite) or the super administrator role can make use of this plugin's shortcode.

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Programmatically, see the developer documentation for the <code>get_custom_field_values/show_metabox</code> filter for how to completely (or selectively) disable the shortcode builder. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Programmatically, see the developer documentation for the <code>get_custom_field_values/show_metabox</code> filter for how to completely (or selectively) disable the shortcode builder.

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Optional: Use the provided shortcode within posts or wherever shortcodes are supported. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Optional: Use the provided shortcode within posts or wherever shortcodes are supported.

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Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or install the plugin code inside the plugins directory for your site (typically <code>/wp-content/plugins/</code>). You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Install via the built-in WordPress plugin installer. Or install the plugin code inside the plugins directory for your site (typically <code>/wp-content/plugins/</code>).

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The shortcode provided is <code>[custom-field]</code>, which has a number of attributes to customize its behavior and output. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
The shortcode provided is <code>[custom-field]</code>, which has a number of attributes to customize its behavior and output.

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These are the hooks provided by the plugin: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
These are the hooks provided by the plugin:

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As an overview, these are the template tags provided the plugin: You have to log in to add a translation. Details
As an overview, these are the template tags provided the plugin:

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Developer documentation can be found in <a href=""></a>. That documentation covers the numerous template tags, hooks, and shortcode provided by the plugin. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Developer documentation can be found in <a href=""></a>. That documentation covers the numerous template tags, hooks, and shortcode provided by the plugin.

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<code>get_custom_field_values/show_metabox</code> : Filter to customize if the shortcode builder metabox is shown. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<code>get_custom_field_values/show_metabox</code> : Filter to customize if the shortcode builder metabox is shown.

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<code>get_custom_field_values/can_author_use_shortcodes</code> : Filter to customize if post author can make use of the 'custom_field' shortcode. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<code>get_custom_field_values/can_author_use_shortcodes</code> : Filter to customize if post author can make use of the 'custom_field' shortcode.

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<code>c2c_get_custom_field_values_post_types</code> : Filter to customize the post types that should support the shortcode builder metabox. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<code>c2c_get_custom_field_values_post_types</code> : Filter to customize the post types that should support the shortcode builder metabox.

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<code>c2c_get_custom_field_values_shortcode</code> : Filter to customize the name of the plugin's shortcode. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<code>c2c_get_custom_field_values_shortcode</code> : Filter to customize the name of the plugin's shortcode.

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<code>c2c_get_recent_custom()</code> : Template tag for use outside "the loop" and applies for custom fields regardless of post. You have to log in to add a translation. Details
<code>c2c_get_recent_custom()</code> : Template tag for use outside "the loop" and applies for custom fields regardless of post.

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