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Community Building Team

The Community Building Team focuses on making Tiki better as a community, and coordinates all efforts related to user support, volunteers coordination, welcoming new users, TikiFests, Webinars, etc.

2018-03-02: Some of the items below should be moved to the Dogfood Team. Community building focuses on people, while dogfood team focuses on optimal configuration of the software.

Release responsibilities

  1. Identify new volunteers
  2. Monitor support forums and help identify any blockers & regressions.

Ongoing responsibilities


  • Webinars (guests and content): Occasionally there are special webinars involving multiple presenters. Coordinating such events by making sure all the elements (presentations, chat room animation, etc) are set and ready on time for the event.

Fighting Spam

Make sure people can get in touch with the right people



  • Support forums
  • Answer the general contact us page: on a weekly basis.
    • This contact form should be modified so that it's more like a ticket system
      • Person that contacts us gets a copy of the message
      • Volunteer fills the answer in a box and closes the ticket and the system sends the email out. Thus, the interaction is archived and the message is sent out.
      • Would be nice to have some form replies (ex.: via the toolbar)
        • Thank you for contacting the Tiki community. This is a community of volunteers and we are very proud of providing the FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features. However, there is too much demand (not enough volunteers to offer one-on-one support. Your message has been identified by a volunteer as being a support question. Please repost in the forums where other community members can see it and hopefully reply to it. A benefit is that the reply will be useful to help the next person who has that problem. If you need timely support, you should consider hiring a Consultant.

Community Calendar

  • Organize events, foster local events and make sure Tiki is present in major events
  • Maintain the "official" Tiki Community calendar http://info.tiki.org/tiki-calendar.php
  • Review/add new event submissions that meet the following criteria:
    • A scheduled or planned TikiFest
    • A conference or summit with a Tiki-related presentation or paper
    • A conference or summit with a presentation or paper by a Tiki community member



Inactive members
Inactive members ads83, amarado, CQ, cutewang, Darren, terzis, Ilv, itsaheb, and kyle_kenzo are invited to reactivate membership at any time.


Page Aliases

Community Team