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Tidelift for threat intelligence 

Get better at identifying indicators of compromise associated with open source software. 

For most modern organizations, balancing cybersecurity threats and technology innovation is a complex challenge, and threat intelligence plays an important role in helping lower cybersecurity risk for organizations building software applications. 

Because over 90% of modern applications contain open source software, having an open source component to your threat intelligence strategy is now critical for improving cybersecurity outcomes. 

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Addressing the threat intelligence gap for open source software with Tidelift 

Undertaking threat intelligence analysis for open source software is challenging. To begin with, there are many sources of threat intelligence data on the internet, and data quality is often unreliable. Meanwhile, different ecosystems like Java, JavaScript, and Python often have different practices and standards, and certain aspects of threat analysis just can’t be done accurately enough without direct information and guidance from open source maintainers. 

Tidelift is taking a unique approach to solve this challenge by partnering with the maintainers of thousands of the most-relied-upon open source packages and paying them to implement industry-leading secure software development practices and document the practices they follow. The result is a unique source of cross-ecosystem threat intelligence that organizations use to minimize cybersecurity risks. Organizations are using Tidelift’s threat intelligence data for:

Threat intelligence insights


  • Proactive security measures: The main aim is to shift from a reactive to a proactive security approach. By understanding potential threats before they manifest, organizations can prepare defenses or strengthen existing ones against specific types of attacks.

  • Informed risk management (remediating tech debt): Threat intelligence provides detailed insights into the nature and frequency of potential threats, helping organizations prioritize and manage their cybersecurity risks more effectively. This includes understanding which assets are most at risk and deploying resources more strategically to protect them.

  • Reduced security costs: By preventing attacks before they occur, organizations can save on the substantial costs associated with data breaches, including remediation costs, fines, and reputational damage.

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Additionally Tidelift’s partnered maintainers are required to review and address existing and new vulnerabilities impacting their projects. As part of this work, they provide detailed threat insights that help identify false positive vulnerabilities, the actual impact capability, specific affected methods and access patterns, and available workaround and remediation measures. 

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CVE review


Read how EMPLOYERS Insurance is using Tidelift to eliminate technical debt and security vulnerabilities