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EBOOKS / Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering: What You Need to Know Now

Explore how DevOps culture has led to a rise in the adoption of internal developer platforms with this new ebook about platform engineering.
Cover for ebook: Platform Engineering: What You Need to Know Now

Explore how DevOps culture has led to a rise in the adoption of internal developer platforms with this new ebook about platform engineering.


An improved developer experience would have the greatest potential to increase revenue, according to a 2022 Executive Pulse survey by VMware. And there is a strong argument to be made that developer satisfaction comes from a mix of focused, simplified work and a positive culture that supports it. This was supposed to be where DevOps entered the picture to save the day.

However, many believe that the original promises of DevOps have never fully paid off. Organizations are becoming bogged down in the process. It’s taking a toll on developers and the bottom line. This is where platform engineering comes into play, and we are thrilled to announce the release of our comprehensive ebook, “Platform Engineering: What You Need to Know Now.”

In this ebook all about platform engineering, author Jennifer Riggins explores how DevOps culture has led to a rise in the adoption of internal developer platforms. Her work helps readers set off to pave a golden path for developers while creating a better DevEx and ultimately boosting revenue.

With your copy of this new ebook, you’ll learn:

  • Why organizations like yours are adopting platform engineering.
  • What both Devs and Ops love about platform engineering.
  • How to get started with platform engineering.
  • Platform engineering fundamentals and best practices.
  • How to measure the success of platform engineering.

The reviews are in:

“So much information packed in here. Great explanations of platform engineering and platform as a product. I especially appreciate the focus on culture, psychological safety and ways to increase developer joy. Really interesting insight on why we need product management on platform teams. Highly recommended!”

– Lisa Crispin, Co-author, Agile Testing and Holistic Testing books and courses

“(Jennifer Riggins has) captured so much of what we’ve come to see as best practice in Platforms through years of innovation and hard earned experience. Platforms as Products, developer experience, thinnest viable platform, its all there and very well described.”

– Richard Baines, Head of Platforms at HM Revenue & Customs

Get your copy now and let us know what you think!

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