The-DA-Ranger-Group's avatar


~The Vic Mignogna Fan Club~
Years Ago

Comments 7.6K

anonymous's avatar
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DemonicRexx's avatar
Hey, make sure you set your group admin permissions to "Subject to Vote" or "Are Not Allowed". There has been two notorious group hijackers for over a month now who apply as a co-founders, delete all the artwork in the gallery and favorites, and replace it with gore, scat and porn.
As an example:…
(the NSFW stuff has since been removed but the gallery has been wiped out)
SpellboundFox's avatar
Is this group still active? I haven't seen any updates for months. If you're going to close it, I would appreciate an alert about it.
CrazyTrainFromHell's avatar
Hello, fellow Rangers! May I just say that I am honored to join you guys after joining the Rangers on Facebook and I've always been supportive of Vic during my years watching anime and having my chance to meet him at Comic-Con conventions. After seeing all of your amazing work that you've done for him on here and seeing videos presenting your work to him, I have been dreaming of joining you guys to show all my support for the most amazing man on Planet Earth and without Vic, I wouldn't have been so addicted to anime, getting to know Vic and his characters and meeting him in person. So, I just wanna thank you guys for having me join this incredible group and I sure can't wait to get to know every single one of you since I've already met a couple great people from this group including one good friend I've met, SpeedyAlchemist.
MadiiCake's avatar
The dA Rangers merged with the main Rangers. Petal would (and should) be aware of this. Sorry about the confusion ^u^ Again, happy to have you as a Ranger
CrazyTrainFromHell's avatar
It's all good. Thanks for telling me. 😊 Again, it feels good to be a Ranger.
MadiiCake's avatar
Welcome to the Rangers ^u^ Glad to have you join!