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Cover part of an axis with color

I need to color (in red in my example) part of the vertical axes: with the code below it does not work. I think it must be a problem related to the "priority" because if I ask to draw an ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How to highlight the outline of a Venn diagram (in two ways)?

Take this code: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} % Define the circles with transparency and borders \begin{scope}[opacity=...
Simd's user avatar
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Inline math font size significantly smaller (or larger) than surrounding text font size when using uarial

I'm having trouble with the font size of (inline) math compared to the standard text size. The mathematical expressions have a font size that is visibly smaller than the surrounding text's size. Here ...
Photon's user avatar
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Column breaks in distant languages (Pali or other quite uncommon languages)

I have just discovered that there can be problems with column breaks in a document if the language in question has not been installed as a package. In my case, it is Pali language. So I am not aware ...
Schnabel's user avatar
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Multiple figures, same caption and grouped figure numbers

I use the minipage environment and the caption package in order to obtain side by side figures in the same line, as shown in the MWE below: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{caption} \...
Eder's user avatar
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Beamer drawing shadow over top of the frame in Overleaf on iPad Chrome Browswer

So I went to recompile a presentation from 6 months ago on overleaf. Overleaf is running in the Chrome Browser for iPad OS 17.6.1. It compiled perfectly 6 months ago, but now the shadows are on top of ...
Jacob Garcia's user avatar
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Beamer presentation with markdown + pandoc, Navigation sidebar

I'm trying to create a beamer presentation using pandoc + markdown. I want a sidebar that displays the sections of my presentation. Something like this (desired output, not mine): If I click on any ...
PuzzleheadedSoup-98's user avatar
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Annotation And \textcite Not Interacting Well

The following is part of my document's preamble. \usepackage[style=authoryear, citestyle=apa, hyperref=true, backend=biber, sorting=anyt]{biblatex} \addbibresource{sample.bib} \setlength{\bibparsep}{....
Kai Le's user avatar
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How to use BibLaTeX to mimic RevTeX's hyperlinks in bibliography?

RevTeX has a bibliography style in which the DOI's and URL's of an entry are converted to hyperlinks. Notably, however, these hyperlinks do not appear with the DOI or URL as text, but with the other ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
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TOC starts on page 2 but it says it starts on page 3

I am trying to fix my TOC (in German its "Inhaltsverzeichnis"). It starts on page 2 (roman format) and is 2 pages long (end is on page 3). in the TOC it says it starts on page 3. Normally it ...
Simon Mertens's user avatar
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How to remove the first blank page?

When compiling this document, the very first page is blank. I tried to remove with some trick like \vspace{} but it didn't work. I also check around here, and tried \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage but ...
Henry's user avatar
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Why is the plot not showing the horizontal shifting?

I am trying to plot two sinusoids where one is a horizontal shift of the other using this code. \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots, amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, xspace,tikz} \begin{...
DJJerome's user avatar
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References output coming in alphabetical order but not as per my cite

I am using overleaf . In bibtex file @inproceedings{1, title={Hybrid software and system development in practice: waterfall, scrum, and beyond}, author={Kuhrmann, Matthias and Münch, Jürgen and ...
Na Mu's user avatar
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How reduce space between items in a list and space between text and list

So for one of my uni projects, I have to rewrite an old book of LIE ALGEBRAS into LaTeX code. I'm currently working on a paragraph with lists, but I don't know how to reduce the space between the ...
Nico Murania's user avatar
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start sections on odd pages and customise blank even pages

I want that new sections in my document start on odd pages only and if it has to skip a page because it is even, then i want to have headers and footers blanked. In my MWE, not sure why these skipped ...
user1850133's user avatar
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