I would like to supply the pgf argument of a particular macro call in advance. However I get the error:

Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/test/name=test, active=false' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.

Here is an example:


\newcommand{\args}{name=test, active=false}

    /test/.is family, /test,
    % Here are the options that a user can pass
    default/.style = {
        name = Unnamed,
        active = false,
    name/.estore in = \testName,
    active/.estore in = \testActive,

    \pgfkeys{/test, default, #1}
    name: \testName \\
    active: \testActive \\
    text: #2 \\

    % This works as normal
    \test[name=test, active=false]{ipsum}

    %This gives the following error:
    %Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/test/name=test, active=false' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.

Edit: dexteritas answered the question as stated very quickly, but I was hoping to find a solution for the following problem.

This is a sample of one of many files which I am hoping to simplify:

        \draw ( 0,  0) node[anchor=north east](aa){\TalentBox[tier=5,  width=14em, active=\gritActive,            ranked=\gritRanked,            name=\gritTitle]            {\gritDescription}}
              ( 6,  0) node[anchor=north east](ab){\TalentBox[tier=5,  width=14em, active=\arcanaCasterActive,    ranked=\arcanaCasterRanked,    name=\arcanaCasterTitle]    {\arcanaCasterDescription}}
              (12,  0) node[anchor=north east](ac){\TalentBox[tier=5,  width=14em, active=\gritActive,            ranked=\gritRanked,            name=\gritTitle]            {\gritDescription}}
              ( 0, -5) node[anchor=north east](ba){\TalentBox[tier=10, width=14em, active=\gentlePreserverActive, ranked=\gentlePreserverRanked, name=\gentlePreserverTitle] {\gentlePreserverDescription}}
              ( 6, -5) node[anchor=north east](bb){\TalentBox[tier=10, width=14em, active=\disguiseCastingActive, ranked=\disguiseCastingRanked, name=\disguiseCastingTitle] {\disguiseCastingDescription}}
              (12, -5) node[anchor=north east](bc){\TalentBox[tier=10, width=14em, active=\potentDefilerActive,   ranked=\potentDefilerRanked,   name=\potentDefilerTitle]   {\potentDefilerDescription}}
              ( 0,-10) node[anchor=north east](ca){\TalentBox[tier=15, width=14em, active=\gentlePreserverActive, ranked=\gentlePreserverRanked, name=\gentlePreserverTitle] {\gentlePreserverDescription}}
              ( 6,-10) node[anchor=north east](cb){\TalentBox[tier=15, width=14em, active=\signatureSpellActive,  ranked=\signatureSpellRanked,  name=\signatureSpellTitle]  {\signatureSpellDescription}}
              (12,-10) node[anchor=north east](cc){\TalentBox[tier=15, width=14em, active=\potentDefilerActive,   ranked=\potentDefilerRanked,   name=\potentDefilerTitle]   {\potentDefilerDescription}}
              ( 0,-15) node[anchor=north east](da){\TalentBox[tier=20, width=14em, active=\lingeringSpellActive,  ranked=\lingeringSpellRanked,  name=\lingeringSpellTitle]  {\lingeringSpellDescription}}
              ( 6,-15) node[anchor=north east](db){\TalentBox[tier=20, width=14em, active=\distantSpellActive,    ranked=\distantSpellRanked,    name=\distantSpellTitle]    {\disguiseCastingDescription}}
              (12,-15) node[anchor=north east](dc){\TalentBox[tier=20, width=14em, active=\shapeSpellActive,      ranked=\shapeSpellRanked,      name=\shapeSpellTitle]      {\shapeSpellDescription}}
              ( 0,-20) node[anchor=north east](ea){\TalentBox[tier=25, width=14em, active=\quickenSpellActive,    ranked=\quickenSpellRanked,    name=\quickenSpellTitle]    {\quickenSpellDescription}}
              ( 6,-20) node[anchor=north east](eb){\TalentBox[tier=25, width=14em, active=\dedicationActive,      ranked=\dedicationRanked,      name=\dedicationTitle]      {\dedicationDescription}}
              (12,-20) node[anchor=north east](ec){\TalentBox[tier=25, width=14em, active=\signatureSpellActive,  ranked=\signatureSpellRanked,  name=\signatureSpellTitle]  {\signatureSpellDescription}}

(sample copied from this file: https://github.com/luctius/genesys_dark_sun/blob/master/specialisations/arcana.tex)

I am hoping that I can create for example an \dedicationArgs which together form the arguments for what are the active, ranked and name parameters.

This means that, ideally I would like to avoid putting text directly into the pgfparameter list which are now defined in completely different files.

1 Answer 1


You could define your \args inside pdfkeys with myargs/.style={name=test, active=false} instead of using a macro for that.

Edit: I added a pgfstyle specialstyle witch expects the first part of the name of these commands as parameter (e.g. grit or arcanaCaster). I just defined these commands, so the example works. It automatically sets name and active using the commands.


\newcommand{\arcanaCasterTitle}{Arcana Caster}

    /test/.is family, /test,
    % Here are the options that a user can pass
    default/.style = {
        name = Unnamed,
        active = false,
    name/.estore in = \testName,
    active/.estore in = \testActive,
    myargs/.style={name=test, active=false},
        name=\csname #1Title\endcsname,
        active=\csname #1Active\endcsname

    \pgfkeys{/test, default, #1}
    name: \testName \\
    active: \testActive \\
    text: #2 \\

    \test[name=test, active=false]{ipsum}





enter image description here

  • Thank you for your quick solution. I'm not going to accept it just yet, because the ultimate problem is a bit more difficult. I will update my question.
    – luctius
    Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 9:25
  • This is Perfect!
    – luctius
    Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 9:56

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