Things that inspire me; scripture, old photos of people, old paper, new paper, good coffee polluted to perfection, literature, fabric, Christmas, vintage Santas, old toys, buttons, broken jewelry, glue, any form of adhesive, my children, my crazy ex-mother, my grandmother who loved me, art, antique and vintage childrens books, the color red, the creative energy of animes and toons here on DA, comfortable socks, flourishes, God's creation, yard sales, ATC's, craftsman homes, medicine, broken people, photoshop, education, textures
Now for the terms of use from this profile:
These textures are free to use
If you use any of the stocks please credit this DA ID
** Barring the usage of images with work that promotes or idealizes illegal activities, not restricted to but including; violence, drug use/abuse, abuse of animals, children, women, and men (I guess that covers all people and includes babies), this includes "cub porn".
** No manips of and including magical themes such as witches, warlocks, wizards, witch doctors, mermaids, dragons, elves, or other mythological creatures or related subjects such as black magic, voodo, or satan worship.
** You may not claim ownership of any of these images.
** You may not redistribute the individual image(s) without a significant contribution of your own.
** You may never resell these images, even with a commercial license.