1. You are required to inform me when you have used my stock. You must provide me with a link to your art either via a comment or note. (DO NOT rely on the Mention system, it is buggy and I don't always get the notification.)
2. You are required to credit me in your artist's comments box on the deviation. Provide a link back to my account. (Example: "Model:
3. Purchased model stock and all non-model stock (background, object, animal, texture etc) can be used outside of DeviantArt in a non-commerical venture providing clear credit is given, with a link back to my account. Non-purchased model stock (if you recieved exclusive stock in a contest, or downloaded my model stock before my account went premium, must adhere to the rules in this following link: fav.me/d3xpot9 )
4. Do not submit your work to the Photography gallery.
5. All non-purchased work must be sufficiently edited. I reserve the right to tell you to remove any image that
does not fulfill the requirements stated below. (See Usage) All purchased work submitted for commercial use
request must be sufficiently editted. (See Usage.)
6. My stock is for art purposes only. It is not to be redistributed as a raw stock image, editted and resubmitted
as stock, used in premade background stock, nor any of my rules or copyright infringed in any way. For what is and is not allowed see Usage below.
7. Commercial use of my stock is subject to terms and conditions, I require a set fee for commercial use of my
stock. Details here: fav.me/d3ych28
8. My nude/anatomy reference material comes with its own set of additional rules. See Anatomy below.
You can use my stock for any form of art you can think of, traditional and digital painting, drawing, sculpture,
photomanipulation/photomontage. You do not need my permission to use my stock within the bounds of DeviantArt.
What you cannot use my stock for however, is for retouches, resubmitting as stock or a raw stock image, and
nothing where the subject is racist, pornographic, sexist, or hateful in any way. (Gore, macabre and horror I am
fine with. Bring on the gore!)
It is important to note that your art must be that. Art. It must be sufficiently editted otherwise I will get you
to remove the image as a breach of rule 5. Example: Just adding a filter/colour/blur/high contrast/lensflare
effect/black+white, just cropping the image, adding text just changing the hair/eye/skin colour, just editting out
flaws (retouching) or adding pointy ears/teeth/a tail. Make it your own, otherwise it is still mine. My stock can
also not be used as the preview for PhotoShop Actions, or posted as a raw stock image on any other site. For
tutorials, send me a note prior to making the tutorial to obtain my permission. I do not allow my stock to be used in premade background stock.
My model stock is now Premium. Which means it cannot be used unless purchased. If you have downloaded my stock before 29/07/2013, before it went premium, my old stock rules must be followed: fav.me/d3xpot9
If you have purchased it, ignore that link and adhere to these rules. (The ones you're reading now )
As of 29th July 2013 my Model Stock has gone PREMIUM. This means you cannot use my Premium Model stock without purchasing it. However, this does come with perks. Purchased model stock can be used outside of DeviantArt in a non-commercial capacity without my prior permission and providing credit for stock is given.
Non model stock (background/object/animal/texture) can also be used outside of DeviantArt in a non commercial capacity providing clear credit for stock is given. Using my stock in any graphics on another website is counted as commercial use and my commercial use rules do apply. (Note me to obtain prior permission for use in website graphics)
Stock where the model is not me (I am the main model on this account) cannot be used outside of DeviantArt, nor can it be used in any commercial venture.
Nude model stock is not premium, and you must still obtain my PRIOR permission before posting it outside of
DeviantArt. I will not allow nude model stock used in a photomanipulation/photomontage outside of DeviantArt. Send me a note and I will get back to you asap. In your note, include a link to the website (your profile on the
website if applicable), that it is the nude stock you will be using, and in what capacity. Do not upload my nude
stock to any image-hosting website, if you need to send me a preview, use DA scraps. If you are working to a
deadline for the nude-stock and need it posting outside, include "URGENT DEADLINE" (if it is urgent) or "DEADLINE 29/09/2013" in the title of the note.
Yes I do provide nude references for life drawing practice. As you might be able to tell, these are all in packs
and have been password protected, and unfortunately for you real artists out there, the full preview of the image won't be available in the preview of the pack. This is because I have had to go to extra lengths to try to avoid the perves who are adding my resource to what I like to call their wankography collection. I have no wish to be in there. I am trying to provide a serious tool for artists learning anatomy or simply needing a nude reference, as I understand the need for life models as an artist myself. So I have had to password protect all my nude and topless stock images to save myself from going insane. I do not wish for any more comments from perverts whose only wish is to tell me exactly what they'd like to do to me. Call me a prude if you wish, but I have no wish to hear about your sexual fantasies or fetishes. they have no place in my life.
Now that I've got that out of the way: to get my password you have to note me (I will NOT give out the password in a comment, any request for the password in a comment will simply be ignored.) with the title Password Request, and state whether or not you want the nude password or the shoe/foot ref password (Yes, the fetishists made me password protect those too).
I will go through your gallery and your favourites. I will not give out the password to anyone with only
photography in their gallery. I will not give out the password if either your gallery or faves are empty. I will
not give out the password if there are any (what I like to call) tit shots, vagina shots, ass shots or feet
pictures in either gallery or your favourites. If you don't have alot of deviations in your gallery, your request
will also be denied. I reserve the right to deny anyone I see fit, and I will not tell you why. Don't think me
abrupt if I just reply with "Request denied". A denial is non-negotiable. Do not start an argument with me about
this. You will not win. Also, do not think you can flatter your way into getting the password, and as soon as you get it, I do not want to be hearing your personal opinions on my bodytype. That is negating the entire point of me protecting this images in the first place, and I'll only get hacked off with you.
Once given the password you are entering into an agreement with me not to share the password with any other
deviant. All nude stock requires my prior permission before posting outside of DA or being used commercially,
(send me a note). However, you cannot use my nude stock outside of DeviantArt in a photomanipulation/photomontage.
And, as always, credit and notify me when you have used it, no submitting to photography gallery, and nude stock is subject to my Sufficiently Edited rule.
I require a fee for commercial use, conditions apply. I require credit where possible but understand if it's not.
Note me with details of how you want to use my stock in a commercial capacity and include as much detail as
possible. I can only authorise commercial use of stock where I am the model. You need my permission prior to
selling. However, prints on DeviantArt are fine. You cannot sell work using my stock unless it is sufficiently editted. Full details, including prices can be found here:
fav.me/d3ych28 Please note, if you have purchased my premium stock commercial charges do still apply.
Anyone found using my stock in a commerical capacity without my permission will be penalised.
Making your art available as a print on DeviantArt is fine, you do not need my permission, unless you have done
very little to the image (in which case, I will be asking you to remove it as it is insufficiently editted).
I do not tolerate any kind of theft. Under no circumstances are you allowed to redistribute my raw stock image as a resource on ANY website, pass off my work as your own photography/art or upload to any image-sharing website.Any artwork or image found to break any of my rules stated here I will get removed, if you refuse to delete any offending image yourself, I will take further action. If you are selling any of my stock without my prior permission I will take action and demand compensation for the theft of my images.
Can be used only by those deviants who have won it in a contest. Anyone in possession of this stock still needs to adhere to my stock rules (the original rules for non premium model stock). My exclusive stock can be found in my Exclusive folder in my main gallery. tasastock.deviantart.com/galle…
If you want to send me a prop/costume, feel free to get in touch with me via note. As is, I am using the profit
from my premium resources to fund what props and costumes/material/make up I deem fit. If there is some costume in particular you would like me to do a set with, note me and we will see what we can do. Depending on the costume and its price you may have to fund it. Props and costume suggestions are subject to my personal opinion, I don't have to purchase them, if I don't personally see much of a use for it I won't be looking into getting it.
Nude model stock is not premium, and you must still obtain my PRIOR permission before posting it outside of
DeviantArt. I will not allow nude model stock used in a photomanipulation/photomontage outside of DeviantArt. Send me a note and I will get back to you asap. In your note, include a link to the website (your profile on the
website if applicable), that it is the nude stock you will be using, and in what capacity. Do not upload my nude
stock to any image-hosting website, if you need to send me a preview, use DA scraps. If you are working to a
deadline for the nude-stock and need it posting outside, include "URGENT DEADLINE" (if it is urgent) or "DEADLINE 29/09/2013" in the title of the note.
Yes I do provide nude references for life drawing practice. As you might be able to tell, these are all in packs
and have been password protected, and unfortunately for you real artists out there, the full preview of the image won't be available in the preview of the pack. This is because I have had to go to extra lengths to try to avoid the perves who are adding my resource to what I like to call their wankography collection. I have no wish to be in there. I am trying to provide a serious tool for artists learning anatomy or simply needing a nude reference, as I understand the need for life models as an artist myself. So I have had to password protect all my nude and topless stock images to save myself from going insane. I do not wish for any more comments from perverts whose only wish is to tell me exactly what they'd like to do to me. Call me a prude if you wish, but I have no wish to hear about your sexual fantasies or fetishes. they have no place in my life.
Now that I've got that out of the way: to get my password you have to note me (I will NOT give out the password in a comment, any request for the password in a comment will simply be ignored.) with the title Password Request, and state whether or not you want the nude password or the shoe/foot ref password (Yes, the fetishists made me password protect those too).
I will go through your gallery and your favourites. I will not give out the password to anyone with only
photography in their gallery. I will not give out the password if either your gallery or faves are empty. I will
not give out the password if there are any (what I like to call) tit shots, vagina shots, ass shots or feet
pictures in either gallery or your favourites. If you don't have alot of deviations in your gallery, your request
will also be denied. I reserve the right to deny anyone I see fit, and I will not tell you why. Don't think me
abrupt if I just reply with "Request denied". A denial is non-negotiable. Do not start an argument with me about
this. You will not win. Also, do not think you can flatter your way into getting the password, and as soon as you get it, I do not want to be hearing your personal opinions on my bodytype. That is negating the entire point of me protecting this images in the first place, and I'll only get hacked off with you.
Once given the password you are entering into an agreement with me not to share the password with any other
deviant. All nude stock requires my prior permission before posting outside of DA or being used commercially,
(send me a note). However, you cannot use my nude stock outside of DeviantArt in a photomanipulation/photomontage.
And, as always, credit and notify me when you have used it, no submitting to photography gallery, and nude stock is subject to my Sufficiently Edited rule.
I require a fee for commercial use, conditions apply. I require credit where possible but understand if it's not.
Note me with details of how you want to use my stock in a commercial capacity and include as much detail as
possible. I can only authorise commercial use of stock where I am the model. You need my permission prior to
selling. However, prints on DeviantArt are fine. You cannot sell work using my stock unless it is sufficiently editted. Full details, including prices can be found here:
fav.me/d3ych28 Please note, if you have purchased my premium stock commercial charges do still apply.
Anyone found using my stock in a commerical capacity without my permission will be penalised.
Making your art available as a print on DeviantArt is fine, you do not need my permission, unless you have done
very little to the image (in which case, I will be asking you to remove it as it is insufficiently editted).
I do not tolerate any kind of theft. Under no circumstances are you allowed to redistribute my raw stock image as a resource on ANY website, pass off my work as your own photography/art or upload to any image-sharing website.Any artwork or image found to break any of my rules stated here I will get removed, if you refuse to delete any offending image yourself, I will take further action. If you are selling any of my stock without my prior permission I will take action and demand compensation for the theft of my images.
Can be used only by those deviants who have won it in a contest. Anyone in possession of this stock still needs to adhere to my stock rules (the original rules for non premium model stock). My exclusive stock can be found in my Exclusive folder in my main gallery. tasastock.deviantart.com/galle…
If you want to send me a prop/costume, feel free to get in touch with me via note. As is, I am using the profit
from my premium resources to fund what props and costumes/material/make up I deem fit. If there is some costume in particular you would like me to do a set with, note me and we will see what we can do. Depending on the costume and its price you may have to fund it. Props and costume suggestions are subject to my personal opinion, I don't have to purchase them, if I don't personally see much of a use for it I won't be looking into getting it.
Retouches of my stock are NOT allowed. What I mean by a retouch is when you are practicing airbrushing/digital makeup/photoshop imaging effects, anything where you are just taking the image to practice making it look better but not doing anything else other than editting out any "flaws". Example: getting rid of pores/stray hairs/spots/making my face thinner or nose thinner (that was always a popular one) changing the eye colour. Example of a retouch here: dafne-1337art.deviantart.com/a… (Kindly allowed by the artist to be used as an example) I understand the need with society being what it is but you cannot use my stock to practice. If you are going to retouch my stock as part of a photomontage image(collection of many photos to create one image) you are working on, that is fine. In the past I did allow retouches, but my rules changed on 20th November 2010. Any retouches submitted after this date are a breach of my stock rules.
I do not usually take requests, I will however take commissions, information can be found here:
Please note, it is a request, not a demand. I don't HAVE to do whatever you want. Anything pornographic or fetish
related will not be taken on. I will take on a commission, but you will have to pay. Keeping it exclusive to you
will also cost more, otherwise it will be uploaded as stock for everyone else to use. I reserve the right to
refuse to take on any commission. I do not take fetish requests. Details found in the link above.
Trolls not welcome in this community. If you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Likewise, if all you can think of saying is your personal opinion on my tits/arse or general body type, keep it to
yourself. I have no interest in your opinion. If you're looking for some happy time, go look at porn, it's what
it's there for.
I accept only CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I must make this clear. Don't just tell me something is crap. constructive
criticism is " is good, but isn't as strong, have you tried maybe to fix that?" not just "that's crap." I get
really annoyed at those comments. Leaving a catty comment leaves the way open to receive a catty reply.
I also do not want to hear your opinions about my body unless i specifically ask for it. Which I won't. I also don't wish to hear any opinions about my tattoos, or that I have ruined my body. MY BODY. Not yours.
And I DO NOT in any way, which to hear about your fetish. Of any kind. In any way. No. Call me a prude if you wish but I do not want to be dragged into your fantasy world, likewise your fetish has no place here on deviantart. I came here for art, not amateur porn. Move along.
Unless stated otherwise, the model is me. As for make up, again everything is done by myself unless stated
otherwise. Any wounds shown are fake unless the description is something like "right.. well.. this is how this
I will not reply to your question via email. I have enough work to do to answer comments on here without making extra work for myself.I have added deviants to facebook and msn before. Doesn't mean I will do it with everybody. If you really, reeeeally want me on either you can ask. But if we don't chat, or if it's you constantly chatting to me and getting one-word answers... well.. I think that answers the question really.
Still confused?
Haven't answered your question?
SEE MY FAQ: tasastock.deviantart.com/journ…
Commercial Use and Commission Information: fav.me/d3ych28
Non-Premium Model Stock Usage Rules: fav.me/d3xpot9
Retouches of my stock are NOT allowed. What I mean by a retouch is when you are practicing airbrushing/digital makeup/photoshop imaging effects, anything where you are just taking the image to practice making it look better but not doing anything else other than editting out any "flaws". Example: getting rid of pores/stray hairs/spots/making my face thinner or nose thinner (that was always a popular one) changing the eye colour. Example of a retouch here: dafne-1337art.deviantart.com/a… (Kindly allowed by the artist to be used as an example) I understand the need with society being what it is but you cannot use my stock to practice. If you are going to retouch my stock as part of a photomontage image(collection of many photos to create one image) you are working on, that is fine. In the past I did allow retouches, but my rules changed on 20th November 2010. Any retouches submitted after this date are a breach of my stock rules.
I do not usually take requests, I will however take commissions, information can be found here:
Please note, it is a request, not a demand. I don't HAVE to do whatever you want. Anything pornographic or fetish
related will not be taken on. I will take on a commission, but you will have to pay. Keeping it exclusive to you
will also cost more, otherwise it will be uploaded as stock for everyone else to use. I reserve the right to
refuse to take on any commission. I do not take fetish requests. Details found in the link above.
Trolls not welcome in this community. If you can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Likewise, if all you can think of saying is your personal opinion on my tits/arse or general body type, keep it to
yourself. I have no interest in your opinion. If you're looking for some happy time, go look at porn, it's what
it's there for.
I accept only CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I must make this clear. Don't just tell me something is crap. constructive
criticism is " is good, but isn't as strong, have you tried maybe to fix that?" not just "that's crap." I get
really annoyed at those comments. Leaving a catty comment leaves the way open to receive a catty reply.
I also do not want to hear your opinions about my body unless i specifically ask for it. Which I won't. I also don't wish to hear any opinions about my tattoos, or that I have ruined my body. MY BODY. Not yours.
And I DO NOT in any way, which to hear about your fetish. Of any kind. In any way. No. Call me a prude if you wish but I do not want to be dragged into your fantasy world, likewise your fetish has no place here on deviantart. I came here for art, not amateur porn. Move along.
Unless stated otherwise, the model is me. As for make up, again everything is done by myself unless stated
otherwise. Any wounds shown are fake unless the description is something like "right.. well.. this is how this
I will not reply to your question via email. I have enough work to do to answer comments on here without making extra work for myself.I have added deviants to facebook and msn before. Doesn't mean I will do it with everybody. If you really, reeeeally want me on either you can ask. But if we don't chat, or if it's you constantly chatting to me and getting one-word answers... well.. I think that answers the question really.
Still confused?
Haven't answered your question?
SEE MY FAQ: tasastock.deviantart.com/journ…
Commercial Use and Commission Information: fav.me/d3ych28
Non-Premium Model Stock Usage Rules: fav.me/d3xpot9