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Alvy, World's First AI Proctoring Agent

Gen AI-Powered Interviewing and Proctoring Platform

Top Rated & Trusted Online Proctoring

Software on G2

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Talview Hiring and Proctoring

Trusted By

Best Buy
Meta Inc
Cambridge Assessments
City and Guilds
Tata Consultancy Services
HCL Tech

Gen AI-Powered Solution for
Interviewing and Exam Delivery

Remote Proctoring

Live Interview Rooms



Remote Proctoring

Explore the capabilities of our AI-driven remote proctoring to safeguard the integrity of your exams.

  • Secondary camera for a comprehensive view of the test-taker

  • Pick from Automated, Live or Record & Review

  • Highly scalable

Proctoring Platform

Live Interview Rooms

Experience the simplicity of smooth live video interviews on our all-in-one platform.

  • Identify proxy candidates using face and voice authentication

  • Switch to coding editor for instant skill assessment

  • Ensure interview consistency with our real-time builder 

Interview Rooms


Discover the ultimate screening solution with our extensive array of assessments, covering 500+ job-specific skills. 

  • 2,000+ unique assessments

  • Comprehensive assessment library that can be tailored to meet your specific requirements

Online Assessments


Talview's innovative products are engineered for effortless integration across major systems, seamlessly embedding into the infrastructure of leading ATS, LMS, Exam and Meeting Platforms, Calendars and Payment gateways proving a unified experience.

Talview Integrations

Discover What Our Customers Have to Share

Best Buy Speeds Hiring with Talview Video Interviews

Talview Supports Cambridge with AI Proctoring

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We Have Great Achievements to Show



Candidates Assessed and


Happy Recruiters and Exam Administrators


Countries Reached

Why Customers Love Us

"They [Talview] meet our technology needs, but we feel that with them, we don't just have a tech delivery mechanism. We have partners."

Sarah McPherson


"Regardless of who you are, everyone who undergoes this process receives a uniform experience. We have not received any feedback from the thousands of candidates who have completed this process suggesting that it feels mechanized, inhuman, or lacking a personal touch. Such concerns have simply not arisen at all."

Laura Mills


"Speed and scalability… we needed something quickly and that could be rolled out at scale across the globe. In order to meet the demands of our customer. We do have a really good working relationship with Talview. We genuinely have a fantastic experience working with Talview."

Sophie Tattersall

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

"Metro Institute's standout quality lies in its adept protection of our clients' intellectual property through Talview. Talview excels in listening and delivering practical solutions, making them an invaluable, experienced ally for Metro Institute, which has served government agencies for two decades in the testing field."

Kelly Denny

Metro Institute Inc.

"We work hand in hand with Talview to enhance our Remote Proctoring capabilities and to improve our customer test taking journey."

Amy Calliari


"Talview has been an essential part of our online learning product and have helped us to ensure that we meet and exceed our governance requirements. Talview has been a partner throughout online learning development and can’t recommend them enough."

Alberto Lima


"People are really using this opportunity at home to get certified in a variety of things. So, we’ve been very positively impacted by using Talview [proctoring solution] and we’re very happy with the service."

Treena Tomiak-Sicard

Thunder Bay District Health Unit

Unify Your Process with an End-to-End Measurement Platform for Interviewing and Exam Solutions