Calm OceansTakeMeToAnotherPlace on DeviantArt

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TakeMeToAnotherPlace's avatar

Calm Oceans



A yacht sailing through a gorgeous still sea, off the Welsh coast. The lighting was so beautiful, it made for a very peaceful photograph.

Other square format photographs

Just Breathe - [link]

Calm Oceans - [link]

Oriental Sunlight - [link]

Moonlight Tranquility - [link]

The Power Of Flight - [link]

Wasteland - [link]

Halogen Haven - [link]

Sunset Silhouette - [link]

Tower Of Power - [link]

My gallery is copyright © Luke Rudd "TakeMeToAnotherPlace". All rights reserved. My work may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or uploaded in any way without my written permission. My work is not public domain.
Image size
3447x3447px 4.89 MB
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Wafflley123's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

oh... my... goose...

I want this so bad. You have no idea.

The detail on the ship. The pure serenity of the whole picture.

I am typing this extremely slow, just waiting for me to fully grasp how beautiful this is.

I'm starting to run out of words to describe your art!

So all in all, it is gorgeous beyond comprehension.

How you got this is beyond me, but i do know that out of all the pictures i have ever seen on this website, yours have touched me the most deeply. I love your art. And i've only seen 3 pieces. You are amazing.