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about the dl star

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The DL STAR is a publication of the Office of the Vice Provost for Digital Education (VPDE) and provides articles that highlight and describe emerging innovations within Distributed Learning (DL) communities, both in the military as well as in private industry.

Comments and suggestions are welcome; to submit an article for consideration and publication in the DL STAR please review the Guidelines below. We hope to see your byline in an upcoming issue!

back issues

A complete archive of back issues of the DL STAR can be accessed online.

our tadlp newsletter: the dl star

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  • In this issue:
  • TADLP Director's Message "In Perspective"
  • Article: "21st Century Digital Training Enablers Transform Sustainment Capabilities (Part 1 and Part 2)"
  • Article: "Diagnostic, Advisement, Research, and Technical Team"
  • Article: "Updated VPDE Nomination Process"
  • Article: "Program Management Review 24-1 Summary"


NOTE: For additional guidance, refer to Army University Press Publishing Options, under “Key Considerations and Practical Tips to Get Published”, at URL: https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Publish-With-Us/
  1. Articles are considered on a case by case basis and are subject to editing.
  2. Articles should be approximately 600 to 1200 words and include a title.
  3. To submit your article, e-mail VPDE at usarmy.jble.tradoc.mbx.au-tadlp@mail.mil using the words "DL STAR ARTICLE." in the subject line of your submission e-mail.
  4. Include your first name, last name, and a contact e-mail address in the body of your message. Your name (but not your e-mail) will appear in the newsletter.
  5. We will work with you via e-mail to edit and proof all submissions prior to publication.
  6. Articles should be sent as an attachment, in either Word (.doc or .docx), plain-text (.txt, use Unicode encoding), or rich-text (.rtf) format. Submission sent in pdf format will not be considered.
  7. Related pictures are highly encouraged to be submitted along with your article. Images must fall into one of these categories:
    1. your own work, i.e. you took the photo
    2. freely licensed;
    3. public domain;
    4. fair use.
    Attach images with the same e-mail as your article submission. When appropriate, include a short caption of each image.