April 2021
ALDI continues to uphold human rights in the canned tuna supply chain
The ‘Business & Human Rights Resource Centre’ (BHRRC) ranked the ALDI SOUTH Group in their 2021 survey as one of the top five global retailers or manufacturers due to our approach to human rights in the canned tuna supply chain.

Tuna is one of the most lucrative fish in the world and the growing demand for canned tuna, has seen worldwide sales increase. Yet the fishers who provide us with the tuna face human rights issues such as human trafficking, debt bondage and withheld wages. Supermarkets have a responsibility to ensure that their supply chains are preventing these abuses.

The new BHRRC report ‘All at sea: An evaluation of company efforts to address modern slavery in pacific supply chains of canned tuna’ shows that whilst there is still much to be done, through initiatives like the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability, ALDI is making positive progress. We are on the right path and implement measures necessary to tackle the issues.

Human rights are one of the international focus areas of our Global Sustainability Strategy and ALDI is committed to respecting human rights and improving living and working conditions throughout all our high priority supply chains.

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