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SSO President Updates

SSO’s new video series comprised of short videos in which SSO President, Dr. Ronald DeMatteo, shares updates on the society through interviews with fellow SSO leaders and members. 

Latest President Update

CGSO Fellowships with Dr. Sean Dineen

August 29, 2024

SSO/ASBrS Breast Fellowship Programs with Dr. Mediget Teshome

August 29, 2024

Additional President Updates

Introduction to the Series

May 7, 2024

2024/2025 Strategic Initiatives

May 8, 2024

SSO 2024 Recap with Dr. Callisia Clarke
May 15, 2024

Surgical Oncology Insight with Dr. Shishir Maithel

June 3, 2024

Annals of Surgical Oncology with Dr. Kelly McMasters

July 8, 2024

Fellows and Young Attendings Committee Projects with Dr. Marissa Boyle

August 6, 2024

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