Commands for dictating text on Mac
When you dictate text, you can use commands to format text and enter punctuation, capital letters, and symbols (including symbols for math, currency, and more). The commands listed below are always available while you’re dictating text.
Additionally, in some languages you can insert emoji using dictation—for example, say “heart emoji” or “car emoji.” For supported languages, Dictation also adds certain punctuation automatically as you dictate.
If you want to enter text and control your Mac by speaking commands, instead of using a keyboard, mouse, or trackpad, you can use Voice Control. When Voice Control is on, you use Voice Control to dictate text; standard macOS Dictation isn’t available.
Command | Result |
apostrophe | ‘ |
open bracket | [ |
close bracket | ] |
open parenthesis | ( |
close parenthesis | ) |
open brace | { |
close brace | } |
open angle bracket | < |
close angle bracket | > |
colon | : |
comma | , |
dash | – |
ellipsis | … |
exclamation mark | ! |
hyphen | - |
period/point/dot/full stop | . |
question mark | ? |
quote | “ |
end quote | “ |
begin single quote | ‘ |
end single quote | ‘ |
semicolon | ; |
Command | Result |
ampersand | & |
asterisk | * |
at sign | @ |
backslash | \ |
forward slash | / |
caret | ^ |
center dot | ・ |
large center dot | ● |
degree sign | ° |
hashtag/pound sign | # |
percent sign | % |
underscore | _ |
vertical bar | | |
Command | Result |
new line | Starts a new line. |
numeral | Formats the next phrase as a number. |
roman numeral | Formats the next phrase as a Roman numeral. |
new paragraph | Starts a new paragraph. |
no space on | Formats the next phrase without spaces. |
no space off | Resumes default spacing. |
tab key | Moves the cursor to the next tab stop. |
Command | Result |
caps on | Formats the next phrase in Title Case. |
caps off | Resumes the default case lettering. |
all caps | Formats the next word in ALL CAPS. |
all caps on | Formats the next phrase in ALL CAPS. |
all caps off | Resumes the default case lettering. |
Command | Result |
equal sign | = |
greater than sign | > |
less than sign | < |
minus sign | - |
multiplication sign | x |
plus sign | + |
Command | Result |
dollar sign | $ |
cent sign | ¢ |
pound sterling sign | £ |
euro sign | € |
yen sign | ¥ |
Command | Result |
smiley face | :-) |
frowny face | :-( |
winky face | ;-) |
cross-eyed laughing face | XD |
Intellectual property
Command | Result |
copyright sign | © |
registered sign | ® |
trademark sign | ™ |