DVD Studio Pro 3 - Technical Specifications
DVD Studio Pro 3 - Part Numbers | |
Retail | M9498Z/A |
Upgrade from DVD Studio Pro | M9541Z/A |
Minimum hardware requirements
A Macintosh computer with a 733 megahertz (MHz) or faster PowerPC G4 processor with an AGP graphics card
8 megabytes (MB) of video memory (32 MB recommended)
256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended)
For application installation: DVD drive, 4.4 gigabytes (GB) of disk space
For writing finished projects to disc: Apple SuperDrive or other DVD recorder
For transporting projects on tape to a replicator (suggested for DVD-9 projects): DLT drive
For transporting projects on disc that contain copy-protection or dual-layer features to a replicator: Authoring DVD drive
Minimum software requirements
Mac OS X v10.3.2 or later
QuickTime 6.5 or later
Source material requirements
Edited video files in MPEG-1, MPEG-2, or QuickTime format
Edited audio files in PCM, AIFF, MPEG-1 Layer 2, AC-3, DTS, or QuickTime format
Video creation or editing software, such as Final Cut Pro, or any video and audio editing programs that support QuickTime