Change the way your mouse works
To work more comfortably, change the way your mouse responds as you move it.
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Mouse.
Set the sliders. As you adjust the sliders, try moving and clicking your mouse to see the effect of your changes.
Tracking: Adjusts how fast the pointer moves when you drag the mouse.
Double-Click: Adjusts how rapidly you must click for your Mac to recognize a double-click.
Scrolling (if your mouse has a scroll ball or wheel): Adjusts how quickly the pointer moves when you scroll. The scroll ball doesn’t scroll menus or sliders in dialogs.
If you use a Magic Mouse or other device with multiple buttons, you see additional options.
If you have trouble using a mouse, you can turn on Mouse Keys, then use the keyboard or numeric keypad to move the mouse pointer and click.
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, then click Mouse & Trackpad.
Open the Mouse & Trackpad pane for me