Show nearby transit options in Maps on Mac
If you frequently ride transit, you can add Nearby Transit to your favorites to show transit options, including locations and departure times, near you.
Add Nearby Transit to favorites
In the Maps app on your Mac, move the pointer over Favorites in the sidebar, then click the Add button .
Below Siri Suggestions, click Nearby Transit.
To remove Transit from your favorites, Control-click it in the sidebar, then choose Remove from Favorites.
View transit options near you
In the Maps app on your Mac, click Transit (in the sidebar below Favorites).
If your favorites aren’t showing, click the arrow .
Click a transit line, then do any of the following:
See other routes: Click the route (if available), then choose another route from the menu.
See other departure times: Click the departure time (if available), then choose another time from the menu.
See stops: Scroll through the Stops section. To see stops before the one closest to you, click More.
Pin a line: Scroll down, then click Pin Line. The transit line now appears at the top of the Nearby Transit window.
Remove a pin: Scroll down, then click Unpin Line.
View on map: Scroll down, then click View on Map. The map view zooms in or out to show all the stops after your current location.
Get directions to the transit stop: Scroll down, then click Get Directions.
When you get transit directions, you may be able to see the fare.