Use iCloud with projects in GarageBand on Mac
Using iCloud, you can keep your GarageBand projects up to date across devices. You can save GarageBand projects to iCloud as well as retrieve GarageBand projects from iCloud. You can also import GarageBand for iOS projects from iCloud.
Note: To import GarageBand for iOS projects, you need to ensure that iCloud is turned on in GarageBand for iOS. More information is available online at the iCloud website or via iCloud Help.
Save a new project to iCloud
In GarageBand on Mac, choose File > Save As.
If you want to rename the project, select the name in the Save As field, then enter a new name.
Choose iCloud from the Where pop-up menu.
Click Save.
Move an existing project to iCloud
In GarageBand on Mac, choose File > iCloud > Open iCloud Song.
Click iCloud in the upper-left corner of the iCloud for GarageBand dialog.
Drag a GarageBand project from the Finder into the iCloud for GarageBand dialog.
Click Done.
Open an existing project from iCloud
In GarageBand on Mac, do one of the following:
Choose File > Open, then choose iCloud.
Choose File > iCloud > Open iCloud Song.
In the iCloud for GarageBand dialog, select the project you want to open.
Click Open.
Import a GarageBand for iOS song
In GarageBand on Mac, choose File > iCloud > Import GarageBand for iOS Song.
In the Import GarageBand for iOS Song dialog, select the song you want to import.
Click Import.
When you import a GarageBand for iOS song, a dialog asks if you want to save the current project, and the file opens as a new project. If the imported song contains a Remix FX track, the Remix FX automation appears on the Master track.
Import a Music Memos file
In GarageBand on Mac, choose File > iCloud > Import Music Memos File.
In the Open File dialog, select the Music Memos file that you want to add.
A Music Memos file can be one of the three following types:
Audio file: An unchanged, uncompressed idea.
Mixdown: A stereo mix including backing tracks.
GarageBand project: An editable GarageBand project with separate tracks for the idea and each backing instrument.
Do one of the following:
If the selected file is an audio file or a mixdown: click Import.
If the selected file is a GarageBand song: click Open.
When you import a Music Memos audio file or mixdown, the file is added to a new track at the playhead position. When you import a Music Memos GarageBand project, a dialog asks if you want to save the current project, and the file opens as a new project.