Logic Pro for iPad release notes

Learn about the main features of Logic Pro for iPad.

New in Logic Pro for iPad 2.0.1


  • Fixes an issue where Logic Pro could sometimes show unexpected “Disk is too slow” messages when bouncing regions.

Stability and reliability

  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could hang sometimes when creating a region at the playhead position on a Session Player track during playback.

Session Players

  • Resolves an issue where Bass Session Player regions that have been converted to MIDI could revert to Session Player regions after saving and reopening the project.

  • Session Player regions now regenerate immediately when a Chord Group is adjusted in the Inspector.

  • Resolves an issue in which the left hand of the Session Piano Player might not play as expected with the current settings.

  • Resolves an issue in which adding a new Session Player region to a Session Bass track might unexpectedly create a Drummer region.

Sound Library and content

  • Fixes an issue where the Sound Library incorrectly shows 4 badges indicating uninstalled sound packs when everything is installed.

  • When installing sound packs in cases where there is too little free space available, Logic Pro now shows the correct amount of needed space to complete the download.


  • Resolves an issue in Scripter that caused all Program Change events to be sent as Program Change 0.

  • The Studio Bass instrument no longer outputs hiss when the Hum and Hiss slider is set to the lowest value.

  • Half Sustain pedal positions now work as expected in the Studio Piano instrument.

Chord Track

  • The Loop key command now works on Chord Groups.


  • The Cut Time command now shifts Track Based Automation correctly.

Export and bounce

  • Bouncing a folder in place no longer places the bounced region 1 bar to the left of the original position.

Global Tracks

  • The Loop command now works on Arrangement Regions when the Global Tracks are displayed.


  • The Cut Cycle command now creates an Undo step.

Previous versions

Logic Pro for iPad 2.0

New Features and enhancements

  • New AI-enhanced tools join Smart Tempo and the Pitch Correction plug-in to augment your artistry.

  • Bass Player and Keyboard Player join Drummer to complete a set of Session Players — all built with AI making it easy to create performances that respond to your direction.

  • Session Players can follow the same chord progression using Global chord track.

  • Add warmth to any track with ChromaGlow, an advanced plug-in with five saturation models designed to simulate the sound of vintage analog hardware.

  • Use Stem Splitter to separate a stereo audio file into stems for vocals, drums, bass and other parts.

  • Session Players, ChromaGlow, and Stem Splitter also come to Logic Pro for Mac 11 — making it simple to move between projects created in Logic Pro for iPad 2.

  • Play any of six deeply-sampled acoustic and electric basses with Studio Bass.

  • Perform any of three meticulously-sampled pianos with Studio Piano.

  • Loops that contain chord tags will automatically populate the chord track when added to a project.

  • Original multi-track project of Swing! by Ellie Dixon available as in-app demo song.

  • Learn how to get the most from Session Players, ChromaGlow, Stem Splitter, and Sample Alchemy with several new interactive lessons.

  • Bounce in place adds automatic real-time recording for External Instrument regions or tracks that use external hardware using the Logic Pro for iPad I/O plug-in.

  • MIDI generated by supported software instruments and effects can be routed to the input of other tracks for creative layering during playback or recording.

  • Tapping on the icon for a Drum synth now previews the sound.

  • It's now possible to drag and drop patches from the Content Library to Mixer channels.

  • There are now key commands to toggle the Metronome, Show/Hide Automation, Quantize, Show/Hide Global Tracks, and Enable/Disable Groups.

  • There is now a switch to toggle the “only load plug-ins needed for project playback” behavior.

  • It's now possible to drag and drop audio patches directly onto plug-in tiles in the Horizontal Channel Strip.

  • It is now possible to create a duplicate of a currently open project.

  • In pattern edit mode in Beat Breaker, swiping up/down in the pattern slot now loads the previous/next pattern.

  • While renaming channels in the Mixer, there are now left/right arrow controls to confirm the new name of the selected channel, and jump to the previous/next channel to immediately rename it.

Stability and reliability

  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro for iPad could stop responding when creating a large number of Pattern tracks at a time.

  • Logic Pro for iPad no longer quits unexpectedly when opening a project while a FaceTime call is active.

  • Resolves an issue where pinch-resizing the Live Loops grid could cause Logic Pro for iPad to quit unexpectedly.

  • Dragging a 64-bit audio file into Sample Alchemy no longer causes Logic Pro for iPad to quit unexpectedly.

  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro for iPad could quit when performing flex analysis on a long audio file dragged into the project.

  • Resolves an issue where Logic Pro for iPad could quit unexpectedly after creating a pattern region on a Drum Machine Designer track, and then replacing the instrument patch on a selected Drum Machine Designer pad with the same patch.

  • Logic Pro for iPad no longer stops responding when switching between Instrument tracks if Plug-in Details view is open and the new track has no regions.


  • The Playhead now moves more smoothly when being manually positioned.

  • Open projects that are renamed or moved in the Files app now reload properly when returning to Logic Pro for iPad.

  • When a system overload interrupts a recording, Logic Pro for iPad now shows an explanatory dialog.

  • Performance when searching for missing samples in Alchemy is improved.

  • Performance is improved for deleting installed sound packs.

  • Graphic performance is improved while recording.


  • Frequency control points in the Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ are now accessible using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now announces the region type when Region Defaults in the Inspector is selected.

  • Fade-in/fade-out mode in Quick Sampler can now be adjusted using VoiceOver.

  • Navigation of the Tempo Track header in Global Tracks using VoiceOver is improved.

  • It's now possible to add loops from the Browser to the Tracks area using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver no longer unexpectedly reads out dashes in loop names as hyphen.

  • Includes various improvements to VoiceOver access in the Browser.

  • VoiceOver support in the Mixer is improved.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces values of the volume fader on the Mixer as “decibels.”

  • Using VoiceOver, it is now possible to adjust a fader on the Mixer and Channel Strip Inspector using a double-tap and hold gesture.

  • VoiceOver now correctly reads out the time values as “seconds” or “milliseconds” rather than “s” or “ms.”

  • VoiceOver can now be used to move the playhead forward and backward.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the Play button in the Control Bar.

  • VoiceOver functionality when using an external keyboard with Logic Pro for iPad has been improved.

  • VoiceOver now announces the selection state of channel strips in the Mixer.

  • The Cycle area is now accessible using VoiceOver.

  • The VoiceOver cursor now switches to the Drum Machine Designer Pad Option menu as expected.

  • VoiceOver now announces a warning when attempting to set a new position for a region when “Lock Time Position” is active.

  • VoiceOver now announces the selection state of items in the Content Browser.

Session Players

  • Newly created regions on Drummer tracks now consistently default to 8 bars.

  • A Drum Machine Designer sub-track selected on a Play Surface now shows as selected when the Drum Machine Designer track stack is opened.

  • Multi Output Drum Kits now correctly output sound as expected.

  • It is now possible to trigger a second crash cymbal in Drum Kit Designer from a keyboard.

  • Changes made to the Drummer editor for a Live Loops cell now take effect when the track containing the cell is not in focus.


  • Adjusting MIDI automation in the Piano Roll no longer sends duplicate events.

  • Delete All Region Automation now works as expected on takes.

  • MIDI Control Change messages now display with their CC numbers in the Region Based Automation view in the Piano Roll editor.

  • Region-based MIDI CC automation no longer appears to be stepped while being dragged up or down in an editor.

Global Tracks

  • Items in Global Tracks are now moved as expected when Insert Silence is used.

  • The Show/Hide state of Global Tracks is now maintained when switching between Live Loops and Tracks view.


  • Double-tapping the cap on a volume slider now resets it to 0 db.

  • It is now possible to re-order plug-ins directly in the Horizontal Channel Strip view.

  • It is now easier to rename channel strips in the Mixer.

  • Channel strip selection indication now remains visible after applying a channel strip type filter.

  • When changing the output assignment for a channel strip, the output label now correctly updates to show the current assignment.

  • The target channel strip for patches dragged from the Sound Library browser is now highlighted.

  • It is now possible to assign a bus as the input for a newly created audio track.

  • Level meters in the Mixer work as expected when loading a new instrument patch.

  • It's now easier to activate the Mixer filter list buttons.

Sampler, Quick Sampler, and Quick Alchemy

  • Sample Alchemy and Quick Sample now immediately reload with the correct content after missing files have been downloaded.

  • Sample Alchemy now offers a dropdown menu to select the target source for the Mod Rack.

  • When dragging an audio file into Sample Alchemy, the Replace Sample or Add Sample prompt now reliably is dismissed when the file is dropped into the plug-in window.

  • The up/down buttons for the Note Value in the FM and Comb Filter in Sample Alchemy now respond to taps as expected.

  • Sample Alchemy's Handle playhead now stays in the visible area when playing in Scrub Play mode when Handle A is near the beginning of the region.

  • When an instance of Quick Sampler on a track is replaced with an instance of Sample Alchemy, the trimmed area of the loaded sample is retained.

  • In Sample Alchemy, the Playheads for Source C and D now appear at the correct positions when the Sources are enabled while a MIDI note is playing.

  • Sample Alchemy now offers a Sync button for the Play mode Speed knob when there is an embedded tempo in the loaded audio file.

  • The Ancient Vocal Chop and Baily Glide plug-in settings for Quick Sampler now open in Classic mode as expected.


  • Units for the Level and Reduction meters in the Compressor, Adaptive Limiter, DeEsser, Expander, and Limiter plug-ins are now labeled as “dB.”

  • The Expansion meter in the Expander plug-in now shows the correct scale.

  • The preset Note Repeater in Scripter now works as expected.

  • Audio Unit extension tiles now show the expected parameters.

  • There are now menu items to copy/paste patterns in Beat Breaker.


  • Projects created in Logic Pro for iPad now reliably prompt to download missing Sound Library assets when opened in Logic Pro for Mac.

  • Markers in projects created in Logic Pro for Mac now retain their colors when opened in Logic Pro for iPad.

  • All Drum Machine Designer settings from projects created on Logic Pro for Mac now load as expected when opened on Logic Pro for iPad.

Live Loops

  • Live Loops cells now play as expected on tracks created using the Duplicate Track with Content command.

  • Quantization now works as expected for Take Regions in Live Loop cells.

  • Live Loop tracks now continue to play in sync when changing between acoustic and electronic Drummers.

Step Sequencer

  • MIDI channel can now be set per step in Step Sequencer.

  • Channel and Articulation IDs can now be set per step.

  • Use the Recurrence Cycles and Recurrence Iteration step parameters to control how often a step plays.

  • Step Sequencer now offers a setting to set a step to play every x number of cycles.

  • It is now possible to add multiple steps to Step Sequencer using a Touch and hold gesture.

  • It's now easier to make precise edits when scrubbing parameters in Step Sequencer.

  • Multi-touch can now be used to create ramps between values in a Step Sequencer lane.

  • The Convert to Pattern region command is now available on regions that are more than 4 bars long.

  • Step Sequencer now allows pattern lengths to be added based on 5/4 and 7/8 time signatures.

  • Changing the edit mode while using the Inc/Dec controls in a Pattern Row no longer causes unexpected values.

  • The Step Sequencer Inc/Dec controls now work in Loop Edit mode.

  • All Step Sequencer lanes in Pattern regions converted from Drummer regions are now consistently named correctly.

Track Stacks

  • Setting the Default Region Type for the top level track of a Track Stack now sets it accordingly for all sub-tracks.

  • It is no longer possible to drag audio regions into an open Drum Machine Designer track stack.

  • It's now possible to replace stacked instrument patches that are inside a Summing Stack with single track patches.

Sound Library/ Content

  • Search now works in the Manage Packs window.

  • Dragging an audio patch to an aux channel no longer converts it to an audio track.

  • The preview button in the Sound Library now works as expected when starting playback of selected sound.


  • The file selector now comes up as expected when exporting audio.

  • When bouncing, the bounce length now defaults to the lengths of selected regions when “Entire project length” is disabled.

  • It is now possible to export audio at 88.2 and 96 kHz.

  • Individual tracks are now exported at 24-bit resolution as expected.

  • Realtime and 2nd Cycle Bounce now work as expected.


  • Names on drum pads from GarageBand for iOS/iPadOS now immediately display as expected when opened in Logic Pro for iPad.


  • MIDI recording from AUv3 instruments is more reliable.

Play Surfaces

  • Y-Mapping in Play Surfaces now defaults to Aftertouch with patches that have Polyphonic Pitchbend on.

  • Changes to a Play Surface velocity setting are now retained when switching to another track and then back.

  • Adjusted Velocity Range settings for Play Surfaces are now retained when changing from one Play Surface to another.

  • The Guitar Strips Play Surface now opens with 6 strings visible by default on iPad Air.

  • Velocity settings on locked Play Surfaces are no longer changed when a new patch is loaded.

  • Pads on Drum Machine Designer Playing Surfaces now follow the Reorder by GM Drum Machine Names setting.

  • The piano keys on a Playing Surface now work as expected when scrolling the keyboard while using Stage Manager.

  • Resolves an issue where pads on Drum Machine Designer Playing Surfaces could be duplicated when using the “Reorder pads" command.

Keyboard Support

  • It is now possible to select multiple channels in the Mixer using Shift-right/left arrow with an external keyboard.

  • The Tab key on an external keyboard can now be used to jump between channels while renaming channel strips in the Mixer.

  • The Tab key on an external keyboard can now be used to confirm renaming a selected track and navigate to the previous/next track in the Track List.

  • The Previous Item key command now works as expected.

Apple Pencil

  • Double-clicking the side button of Apple Pencil now toggles edit mode in the horizontal channel strip.


  • It is now possible to resume an uncompleted lesson after leaving it.


  • Performing Undo after you’ve chosen Copy Regions to Live Loops Scene no longer mutes the track.

  • Performing Undo after freezing files now deletes the freeze files as expected.


  • Copying notes in the Piano Roll now immediately updates the region overview in the Tracks area.

  • There is now a Patch Search field in the MIDI section of the Create New Track sheet.

  • Song files with an uppercase .LOGICX file extension now load as expected.

  • Overviews for audio regions with the anchor at a position other than the start of the region are now drawn at the correct positions.

  • It's now easier to move regions to other tracks without shifting their positions on the timeline.

  • Resolves an issue where toggling the Record enabled state of a track while another track is Record enabled could cause the focus to unexpectedly shift to another track.

  • The Inspector now updates correctly when changing the selection from a Global Track object to a region or track.

  • The Playhead now moves to the end of a region as expected when pasted at the Playhead position.

  • The Single Channel Fader button, Inspector button, and Content Browser button are now immediately visible when launching Logic Pro for iPad after it has been closed with the Sound Library open.

  • When the song end marker is dragged to the left of an active Cycle area, the locators are now set to encompass the current last bar of the song, and cycle is turned off.

  • The names of Takes that have been changed are now immediately reflected in the Region Inspector.

Previous Versions

Logic Pro for iPad includes these previous versions.

Logic Pro for iPad 1.1

New Features

  • Deliver a release-ready mix with Mastering Assistant and its professional palette of intuitive sound-shaping tools. Learn more about Mastering Assistant

  • Record live into Quick Sampler to create instruments and drum kits using the built-in microphone or any connected audio device.

  • Interact seamlessly between apps like Voice Memos with added support for Split View and Stage Manager.

  • Select and drag multiple files at once from the Files app to quickly build drum kits or add stems to a project.

  • Instantly audition samples, loops or instruments in the Browser by sliding your finger up or down.

  • Free Hybrid Textures Sample Alchemy pack includes a collection of 70 patches and over 80 loops built from found sounds flipped into creative playable instruments.


  • Rubber-band selecting now adds to the existing selection when the Multiple Selection button is engaged.

  • Swipe gestures on audio Preview buttons now trigger preview.

  • It is now possible to pin the current level in the Region Inspector.

  • It is now possible to have both the Browser and Inspector view open when using Logic Pro with an external display.

  • Includes enhancements to row creation in Step Sequencer.

  • It is now possible to record directly into Quick Sampler.

  • There is now an inspector for configuring Mixer Groups.

  • It's now possible to stop freezing tracks.

  • It's now possible to copy and paste plug-ins in the Plug-in area.

  • Pinch to zoom is now available in the Step Sequencer editor.

  • Logic Pro for iPad now supports the trackpad on attached keyboards.

  • 32-bit (float) audio recording is now supported.

  • A new track can now be created by dragging a region below the last track in the Tracks area.

  • There is now a Group Clutch to activate or deactivate all Groups.

  • A Redo button is now available as a Mode button in the control bar.

  • The Automation control in the Track header now offers a menu for turning parameters on or off.

  • Press-holding numeric input buttons now causes the value to increment/decrement repeatedly.

Stability and reliability

  • Improves stability with AUv3 Extensions.

  • Copy/pasting Noise Gate between mixer channels no longer causes Logic to quit unexpectedly.

  • Improves stability when tapping multiple times on the same pop-over button.


  • Performance is improved when toggling Track Stacks.

  • Scrolling in the Piano Roll using an external device is now smoother.

  • Resolves an issue where the alert Not enough free memory might be displayed when closing a project.


  • In the Channel EQ and Linear Phase EQ, VoiceOver now properly announces values of the Gain slider in decibels (dB) and indicates the final set value after an adjustment.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the name of Channel EQ as a header.

  • The Group header in the Mixer is now accessible with VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver no longer reads the load progress indicator in the control bar as an unlabeled button.

  • VoiceOver now provides feedback when creating events with the Brush Tool.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces sharp (#) symbols in the Pitch Correction plug-in.

  • VoiceOver now announces the Input, Reduction, and Output Level Meter controls in the Compressor plug-in.

  • VoiceOver now reads the status of the playhead in the key pad and scroll wheel editor in the display.

  • VoiceOver now announces the name and position of cells in the Live Loops grid.

  • VoiceOver now announces the state of the switch on the divider to toggle between the Live Loops grid and the Tracks area.

  • The menu bar is now accessible using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now announces the Freeze, Record, and Input Monitoring buttons in the Track Header.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces names of percussion symbols in the Drummer Editor.

  • Interactions with the Lock Settings in the Drummer editor now work correctly.

  • VoiceOver now correctly identifies controls in the control bar as pop-up buttons.

  • It's now possible to edit settings in the Fretboard Play Surface using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now announces the project title when interacting with the Actions menu when the project name is collapsed.

  • Fixes an issue where VoiceOver focus could jump to the Close Project button when double-clicking on a plug-in preset.

  • VoiceOver now reads out the values of resize handles for plug-in windows relative to the group window size.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the status of Live Loops cells.

  • The X-Position handle in Sample Alchemy is now accessible using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now announces the status of the download progress indicator.

  • VoiceOver now announces the correct value when setting the Root Key in Quick Sampler.

  • Play Surfaces now offer VoiceOver accessibility support.

  • It's now possible to insert notes into the Piano Roll using VoiceOver

  • VoiceOver can now adjust the start and end times of notes in the Piano Roll.

  • VoiceOver now announces the labels of controls in the Playing Surface chord picker.

  • VoiceOver now announces the labels for the Trim Handles in Sample Alchemy.

  • VoiceOver now announces Track Icons.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the Grid Stop Button in Live Loops.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the label for Scene Triggers, as well as their number.

  • Values for dragged steps in Step FX are now announced by VoiceOver.

  • Ties in Step FX can now be toggled using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now announces newly set values on elements in the Region/Track Inspector as soon as the swipe gesture is stopped.

  • It is now possible to adjust the Decay/Slice Length value in the Track Inspector with VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver can now edit the Name in the Track / Region Inspector.

  • Plug-in sliders can now be adjusted with VoiceOver using a double-tap, hold, then drag gesture.

  • Send knobs in the Plug-ins area can now be adjusted with VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the Send selector as a pop-up button.

  • VoiceOver now announces the Project Key Signature correctly.

  • The Mixer Controls bar is no longer announced as Track Header by VoiceOver.

  • For tracks in Track Stacks, VoiceOver now announces that they are part of a stack.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the Download Progress indicator in the Sound Library.

  • Fixes an issue where VoiceOver focus could jump to the menu bar after adding an Instrument to a Mixer channel.

  • The Number Pad and Jog Wheel can now be adjusted with VoiceOver using a double-tap, hold, then drag gesture.

  • In the Synchronizations settings, VoiceOver now correctly reads out delay values in milliseconds

  • VoiceOver now announces incoming MIDI events in the MIDI display.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces available options for the Time Signature denominator drop-down menu in the Project settings.

  • The Enable Performance Record button is now announced by VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the More buttons as pop-up buttons.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the step number in Pattern Regions that contain more than 16 steps.

  • VoiceOver now navigates the Mixer channels in the correct order.

  • When moving between multiple pages of pattern steps in the Step Sequencer editor, VoiceOver now announces the page number.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces new tempo values set in the display.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the Instrument Patch and Audio Patches buttons in the Sound Library as pop-up buttons.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the disclosure triangle at the end of menu rows in the Browser.

  • VoiceOver now announces the octave range value on drum pads in Drum Machine Designer.

  • VoiceOver now announces new Flex values set using the double-tap, hold, then slide gesture in the Inspector.

  • VoiceOver now announces the selection state of selected filter buttons in the Sound Library.

  • VoiceOver now announces information about regions created using Capture Recording.

  • VoiceOver now announces the active/inactive state of scale mode in Play Surfaces.

  • VoiceOver support in Live Loops is improved.

  • Setting start and end points of a sample in Quick Sampler is now accessible using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces the Preview button in the Browser.

  • VoiceOver now announces full information about selected tracks and channel strips rather than just the track number.

  • VoiceOver now properly announces MIDI note numbers that contain the minus sign (-) for the Key Limit setting in the Track Inspector.

  • VoiceOver now announces the channel type filter buttons in the Mixer.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces an Input Monitoring button when navigating to the right from the Record button on a mixer channel strip.

  • VoiceOver now correctly announces newly created sends on channel strips.

  • VoiceOver now reads out both Cent and Hertz values when interacting with the Tune value in Project Settings > Tuning.

  • VoiceOver now announces the state of cells that are queued for playback.


  • Subscribing to Logic Pro now works correctly on networks using a VPN.

Sampler, Quick Sampler, and Sample Alchemy

  • Switching between Sample Alchemy and Quick Sampler on a channel strip now preserves the loaded sample.

  • Quick Sampler now displays a waveform between the start and end markers in the Mini view.

  • Changes to the configuration of the Play view in Sample Alchemy are now retained when moving from Motion or Trim view and then back to Play.

  • Changes made to the Start/End points in Quick Sampler patches are now retained when a session is closed and then re-opened.

  • Modulation assignments to Playback Speed in Sample Alchemy are now retained when a project is reloaded.

  • In Sample Alchemy's Play/Loop mode, the playhead no longer gets stuck when dragging to the left over the anchor point.

  • A Sample Alchemy track can now be created directly from Quick Sampler.

  • When a sample is divided into slices in Quick Sampler, turning on GATE now shows the ADSR envelope for all slices.

  • Resolves an issue where Sample Alchemy could sometimes stop outputting audio after recording motion to a modulation destination.

  • Motion recording in Sample Alchemy now immediately starts when a pre-selected handle is moved if no motion is already recorded.

  • Samples added to Sample Alchemy from the Files app are now correctly found when the project is reloaded.

  • The default setting for Slices-Equal divisions in Quick Sampler is no longer one greater than the actual number of slices created.

  • Dragged fade-in and fade-out markers in Quick Sampler no longer get stuck at previously set loop points when loop is disabled.

  • In Sample Alchemy, Motion sequences no longer produce clicks at loop points if Axis Y is assigned to volume modulation.

  • The ruler length in Sample Alchemy no longer is extended if a recording is shorter than 8 beats.

  • Sample Alchemy offers additional LFO modulation options.

  • Sample Alchemy now offers a mode for dragging both loop start and end handles simultaneously to maintain the current loop length.

  • Envelope stages in Quick Sampler can now be adjusted by grabbing lines between the handles.

  • Reverse in Sample Alchemy now only affects the areas of the sample between the start and end markers.

  • Improves compatibility of sample-based plug-ins with certain WAV files that do not follow the RIFF specification.

  • The Waveform menu in Quick Sampler now indicates whether the waveform is set to bipolar or unipolar.

  • Inactive Sources in Sample Alchemy are no longer available for selection in the Source menu.

  • Changes made to the Mod Matrix targets in Sample Alchemy are now immediately shown in the UI.

  • Sample Alchemy content added from the Sound Library no longer clips in the Mixer at default values.

Beat Breaker

  • Beat Breaker no longer continues to display audio waveforms after they have been cleared from the buffer.

  • The De-click parameter in Beat Breaker now works correctly.


  • It is now possible to record-arm multiple tracks in the Mixer with a swipe gesture.

  • Changes made to the input gain when connected to compatible audio interfaces are now recognized by Logic Pro.

  • Toggling bypass of plug-ins and sends now works reliably after the Mixer is hidden and then shown again.

  • It's now possible to assign a channel strip to multiple Groups.

  • It is now possible to adjust the volume levels of multiple selected tracks with the Track Header volume control.

  • It's now possible to bypass plug-ins and sends in the Mixer setup mode.

  • MIDI plug-in slots no longer resize unexpectedly when bypassed.

  • Double-Tapping to reset multiple selected faders or knobs in the Mixer now sets all of them to 0 db.

  • Tracks created by dragging blue Apple Loops into the Tracks area now are set to 0 dB as expected.

  • Fixes an issue where turning off a channel strip’s solo button using the Vertical Channel Strip Inspector could also turn off solo on other soloed tracks.

  • Resolves an issue where plug-ins could show as dimmed in the Mixer when the slot is long-pressed.

  • It is now possible to rename Aux channels in the Plug-ins area.

  • Input buttons on channel strips are no longer active when there is no input source available.

  • The Vertical Channel Strip now consistently shows the correct levels as the signal decays.

  • Fixes an issue where bypassing a plug-in in the Mixer could cause the view to unexpectedly scroll down.

  • Resolves an issue where audio track inputs with external audio hardware could sometimes change from mono to stereo when browsing patches.

  • It is now possible to copy/paste plug-ins in songs originally created in GarageBand for IOS/iPadOS.

  • When multiple channels in the Mixer are selected, deselecting the currently focused channel now moves the focus away from it.

  • The Level Meter now shows true peak values.

  • Double-Tapping a Send knob now sets it to 0dB as expected.

Plug-ins and extensions

  • All built-in instrument plug-ins and AUv3 Extensions instruments now display available multi-out versions in the selection drop-down.

  • Match EQ now shows the resulting curve after match is applied.

  • Tiles in the Plug-ins area for AUv3 Extensions now immediately update to show changes when new presets are loaded.

  • It's now possible to open the full UI of a plug-in with a single tap on its Plug-in Tile.

  • Details in the Plug-in area Track view now updates when a plug-in is replaced.

  • It is now possible to save a user-defined default preset for each plug-in.

  • Plug-in User Preset folders no longer appear to be empty the first time they are accessed.

  • Fixes an issue where tapping a menu in the Details view of a plug-in could unexpectedly toggle the plug-in selection.

  • Resolves an issue where swapping or removing plug-ins on the Stereo Out channel strip in the Plug-in Tracks view could disable edit mode.

  • Copy/paste of plug-in settings is now available in the plug-in Details view.

  • A visual indication is now given to show when plug-in side chaining is inactive because of Low Latency Mode.

  • The Modifier and Modulator MIDI AUv3 Extensions now retain Output Event definitions after inserting an AUv3 plug-in and then duplicating the track or reloading the project.

  • Recording MIDI from the Arpeggiator plug-in now works after recording some MIDI, removing the plug-in, and then reinserting it.

  • Changing the order of plug-ins in a channel strip during playback no longer causes an audible glitch.

  • It is now possible to reorganize the order of plug-in during recording in the Plug-in Tracks view.

Plug-in tiles

  • New patches dragged to Drum Machine Designer pads are now immediately reflected in Plug-in tiles.

  • A selected track no longer scrolls out of view after closing the details view for a plug-in when in Plug-In Tracks view.

Play Surfaces

  • Play surfaces now offer a Chromatic scale mode.

  • Minimum recorded velocities from a Play Surface are no longer higher than the minimum value set in the Play Surface settings.

  • The Rotary Speed in the Rotary Cabinet plug-in can now be adjusted using a Playing Surface.

  • Keys on Playing Surfaces no longer get stuck when closing a pop-up menu with a multi-touch gesture.

  • Chord Strips can now be controlled from an externally connected keyboard.

  • Velocity response when switching between Playing Surfaces is now consistent.

Step Sequencer

  • Step Sequencer rows set to a specific MIDI channel no longer send preview notes on other channels when tapped.

  • There is now an option to automatically zoom the view so that all visible sub rows are sized to fit the screen.

  • It's now possible to drag and drop an audio file into Step Sequencer on a Drum Machine Designer track.

  • Pitches are now assigned to rows in ascending order when a MIDI region is converted to a Pattern region.

  • Randomizing step on/off for a note or automation row with mono mode enabled now only randomizes the row type selected.

  • Fixes an issue where the touch zone to add/remove subrows could be reduced after a subrow is added and vertical auto-zoom is enabled.

  • It's now easier to drag and drop samples into Step Sequencer patterns containing many subrows to create new kit pieces in Drum Machine Designer.

  • The Edit Mode for Pattern Regions created on Logic Pro for Mac is now maintained when the project is opened on Logic Pro for iPad.

  • In Velocity mode, a short tap on two steps in the same row in Step Sequencer no longer causes Auto-zoom to trigger and get stuck on.

Sound Library and Browser

  • The Presets view of the Browser now shows content correctly the first time it's opened.

  • When creating a new Software Instrument track, the Patch Browser now filters according to the Software Instrument chosen for the track.

  • Fixes an issue where the Browser button could be unexpectedly disabled if the New Track Sheet is dismissed without adding any tracks.

  • Tapping a patch in the Browser after enabling Hot Swap now loads the patch into the current channel strip.

  • Preview in the Browser now stops when a loop is dropped into the project.

  • The Drum Machine Designer tag is now applied to user created Drum Machine Designer patches.

  • When a category in All Filters is expanded, the view now scrolls down to the expanded category.

  • All kit pieces in the Percussionists sound pack now preview as expected.

  • The Browser now immediately accounts for browsing history in suggestions for content.

Drummer/Drum Machine Designer

  • The Drum Machine Designer Kit Piece menu now shows drum kit names to differentiate pieces with the same names from different kits.

  • Samples and Patches can now be drag and dropped onto Drum Machine Designer.

  • Switching the Character in Drummer no longer also changes the Patch in cases where there's more than one region on the track.

  • Dragging an audio sample onto a Drum Machine Designer pad that is not currently hosting a sample now replaces the previous sound with the dragged sample.

  • Changing the root note of a sample assigned to a Drum Machine Designer pad in Quick Sampler no longer changes the output note of the pad.

  • Multi output routing in Drum Kit Designer now works reliably for all presets.

  • The selection menu in the menu bar now immediately updates when a new patch is dragged to Drum Machine Designer.

  • When adding pieces to an empty Drum Machine Designer patch, the kit pieces are sorted into ascending order as expected.


  • MIDI alias regions in projects originally created in Logic Pro for Mac now show data and play back as expected when the project is opened in Logic Pro for iPad.

Live Loops

  • Live captured Live Loops performances now play back in time at tempos other than 120 BPM.

  • Fixes an issue where the Loop Length of a Live Loops cell could not be extended beyond the Cell Length.

  • New cells created by scrubbing Loop Length in the Cell Inspector now have the correct length.

  • Scrolling the Live Loops grid horizontally is now easier.

  • Drummer cells are no longer changed to MIDI cells when dragged to a different cell in the Live Loops grid.


  • Writing Region-based automation to an audio region that already contains Region-based automation past the current region end no longer gives unexpected results.

  • The “Do you want to move Track Automation data?” alert is no longer shown when moving a region on a track where all automation has been deleted.

  • The automation values shown in the Track Header readout now match the values at the current Playhead position.

  • Automation mode selectors in Plug-in tiles now show Touch and Latch modes for Region-based automation.

  • There are now additional options for deleting track automation and region automation.

  • Changes to automation drawn in Touch mode are now immediately visible when the fader is released.

  • When automation is first selected in a track, the edit mode is now enabled.


  • Take folders now display the number of takes they contain.

Apple Pencil

  • The details view of a plug-in can now be opened by tapping on a Plug-in Tile with Apple Pencil.

  • Double tapping the side of Apple Pencil now toggles between function modes in various areas of Logic Pro for iPad.

  • Resolves an issue where short taps with Apple Pencil on Inc/Dec controls could sometimes be interpreted as drag gestures.

  • Performance when long-pressing with Apple Pencil on a slider to expand a row is improved.

  • Performance is improved when triggering Live Loops scenes with Apple Pencil.

  • Apple Pencil now works when editing cells in the Live Loops grid.

Flex Time and Flex Pitch

  • Overviews of regions that are flexed after having been reversed now update as expected.


  • Going to the Lesson Browser now stops playback.

  • It's now possible to open a lesson while another one is open.

Key Commands

  • Global Key Commands like Play/Stop are now available from external keyboards while App Settings are open.


  • In an empty project, adding a file with a different sample rate than the project now triggers a dialog asking whether to change the sample rate of the file or the project.

  • Audio files can now be dragged directly from the Files app into the Step Sequencer editor.

  • When a file is drag and dropped onto the Track header to create a new track, previously selected tracks are now de-selected.

  • The default region type for tracks created by dragging Apple Loops into the Tracks area or Live Loops grid now matches the loop type.

  • Audio files dragged from the Files app in Stage manager mode now import correctly.

  • Multiple items can now be dragged onto Track headers or the Tracks area.

  • It's now possible to drag multiple samples onto Drum Machine Designer pads.

  • The Time Signature track now updates when a MIDI file with a different time signature is imported.


  • It is now possible to export uncompressed audio at sample rates other than the song sample rate.

  • Fixes an issue when exported songs could include song information when the Write Song Information option is turned off.

  • Export All Tracks as Individual Audio Files is now possible when Cycle mode is enabled.

  • Export All Tracks as Individual Audio Files now works for a selected range in a project.

  • The Bounce dialog no longer shows - 9 1 1 1 for both the start end positions of a bounce if Entire Project Length and Cycle are both deactivated.

  • MIDI notes at the beginning of a bounce are now reliably included in the bounced file.


  • Undo now works after recording to a Software Instrument track.

  • Undo is now available in the Step FX plug-in Step Sequencer.

  • Drum Machine Designer no longer plays a sine wave after Undo is performed after replacing a sound with a preset from the Sound Library.

  • Undo now works correctly with Stereo panners on channel strips.

  • The Live Loops grid now updates when Undo is performed after changing the order of tracks.

Settings and global

  • Choose how MIDI 2.0 data is displayed from the MIDI Data Display As pop-up menu in Settings > App Settings > View.

Global Tracks

  • Auto Snap now works correctly in odd time meters.

External hardware support

  • Pinch to zoom gestures in the Tracks area now work with an externally attached trackpad.

  • Pinch to zoom with external trackpads now works in the Live Loops grid.

  • Settings for Play Surfaces can now be adjusted with a connected mouse or track pad.

  • Newly connected MIDI devices are now reliably detected.


  • A pinned Region Inspector now remains visible when notes are selected in the Piano Roll Editor.

  • Velocity adjustments to notes in the Piano Roll Editor now give audible feedback while editing.

  • Touch-holding a note in the Piano Roll Editor now displays its current velocity.

  • Selected MIDI notes outside the current region borders can now be deselected.

  • MIDI Editors now offer increased resolution for values when using MIDI 2.0.

  • Moving multiple selected notes across several regions in the Piano Roll Editor no longer can unexpectedly cause some notes to be deleted.


  • It is now possible to split regions from a context menu in Split Mode.

  • The Split Head may now be positioned by tapping directly on a region.

  • Right-Clicking an attached track pad now opens a context menu.

  • The full position of a region can now be copied from the inspector.

  • Resolves an issue where the playhead could sometimes be hidden by the track header when moving focus to the Tracks area.

  • Fixes an issue where the Cycle area could be hidden sometimes by the track header when focus is moved to the Cycle.

  • Selecting global track events no longer removes the Pin from a pinned Region Inspector.

  • Q-AntiFlam is now available when Smart Quantize is selected in the Region Inspector.

  • Double-Tapping at the bottom of the track list now creates a new track as expected if the currently selected track is in a Track Stack.

  • Tuning for Software instruments can now be adjusted in increments of 1/10 cent when using numeric input.

  • When splitting a MIDI region, there is now a dialog asking how to handle notes that overlap the split point.

  • The Play from Selected Region command now works as expected.

  • Fixes an issue where tracks are created if a held finger is dragged away from a tile in the Create a New Track window.

  • The MIDI > Bluetooth screen in App Settings now offers an Edit button.

  • The swipe-right gesture can now be used to navigate to higher levels when searching the Sound Library in the Browser.

  • Dragging up on the Controls View bar now opens Play Surfaces.

  • When the Project Sample Rate is changed. audio waveforms in the Track area now update.

  • Settings for Customize Track Header, Global Tracks and Component Filter in the Mixer are now persistent when creating new projects.

  • The project end marker now moves to the right to accommodate pasted regions that extend past the previous project end.

  • The visible position of the Playhead now account for audio latency compensation.

  • The Brush tool now reliably creates automation nodes with the first tap.

  • Disabling Q-Reference on a track in the Track Editor now also visibly disables it for other tracks in the same Group.

  • Setting Flex & Follow as a region default now works as expected.

  • Fixes an issue in which dragging a loop from the Browser into the Tracks Area with Plug-in Tracks view open could cause unexpected scrolling.

  • The Tap Tempo button now triggers on press rather than release.

  • When creating a new Pattern or MIDI track using a specific instrument, the Type menu in the New Track window now updates to Presets as expected.

  • Logic Pro for iPad now launches as expected when there is a poor internet connection.

Logic Pro 1.0.1

Fixes a stability issue when adjusting the Transform pad in Alchemy while using Logic Pro for iPad on iPadOS 17.

Logic Pro 1.0

Creative interface optimized for iPad

  • Play powerful software instruments and interact expressively using Multi-Touch.

  • Navigate large complex projects with pinch-to-zoom and swipe-to-scroll.

  • Quickly shape and tweak your sound using Plug-in Tiles.

  • Fine-tune MIDI and audio using intuitive Multi-Touch editors.

  • Discover powerful features and strengthen your skills with integrated guided Lessons.

  • Roundtrip capabilities let you open projects in Logic Pro for Mac or Logic Pro for iPad.1

  • Connect any Bluetooth keyboard to access powerful key commands.

  • Create precision edits and detailed track automation with Apple Pencil.

All-new Browser

  • Quickly access all Logic Pro sounds from a single location.

  • Easily discover inspiring sounds with a predictive filtering system.

  • Audition any sound in the Browser before adding it to your project.

  • Use the Sound Library to access an expanding collection of free sound packs containing royalty‑free loops, samples, and instruments.

Professional instrument and effects plug-ins

  • Create music with a massive collection of powerful software instruments including sophisticated synthesizers, realistic acoustic instruments, and modeled vintage keyboards.

  • Shape your sound using high quality effects like vintage EQs and compressors, high-end reverbs, and creative multi-effects.

  • Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics.

  • Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Audio Units.2

Beat making and production tools

  • Radically reshape and reshuffle audio with Beat Breaker, a new sophisticated time and pitch manipulation effect.

  • Use Sample Alchemy, a sample manipulation instrument that uses Multi-Touch, to transform audio into entirely new malleable sounds.

  • Chop or loop any sample into a playable instrument using Quick Sampler.

  • Build and play custom drum kits using samples and plug-ins with Drum Machine Designer.

  • Create drum beats, bass lines, and melodic parts, and reshape sounds over time using Step Sequencer.

  • Use Live Loops to capture inspiration and quickly build arrangements by mixing and matching loops, samples, and your recordings.

  • Create authentic acoustic, electronic, or hip-hop drum tracks using Drummer, a virtual session player and beat producer.

  • Record external instruments or microphones by connecting an audio interface or MIDI device.3

Full-featured pro mixer

  • Shape a mix using channel strips with volume faders, pan controls, plug-ins, sends, and precision automation.

  • Mix naturally with Multi-Touch by moving multiple faders at once.

  • Use the meter bridge to navigate an overview of all track levels — even with hundreds of tracks.

  • Create Track Stacks to organize and simplify mixing large projects.

Massive library of sounds

  • Build kits and sampler instruments with over 6,300 samples of drums, vocals, sound effects, and more.

  • Over 4,800 instrument and effects patches.

  • More than 9,000 loops in a wide range of styles.

1. Requires Logic Pro 10.7.8 or higher and macOS Monterey 12.3 or higher

2. Requires compatible third-party Audio Units Extensions apps from the App Store

3. Logic Pro for iPad supports any class-compliant audio interface or MIDI device

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