SuperGirlSwag's avatar


I came, I saw, I was perky
386 Watchers462 Deviations
Hello, it's me :D
Feature for all the good people who donated points for DeviantsGallery



the shadow of a pure white bell by tsukushifan




Masters of the Sea by LeenaHill


Magnolienblueten by JeanNetti


(scary) #BAE by helldump


It was a dark and stormy night (cyanotype) by MidnightTiger8140


First days of autumn... by ZielinskiMaciej








Ocean Blossom by Catlaxy


Rose Silk by kwalart



Goodnight Kiss by Michawolf13


I hope I didn't miss anyone :)

anonymous's avatar
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Hello darlings!!!
How is 2016 treating you so far?
I hope all is well :heart:
So, I got myself a Instagram (weird I know) and was wondering if you got any and if you post your art there...
If you do, come and say hi to Super_Girl_Swag007  

Love and hugs

anonymous's avatar
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Here's the feature for all those who donated for DeviantsGallery !!!
I picked the ones that fell in my eye

Xena: Warrior Princess by DanielGreyS

FFIII by DanielGreyS

Dragon Tattoo by DanielGreyS

Well, I love daisy's so here we go

 What Lies Beneath by Blue-Koi
Rose 5 by Blue-Koi

Poison by Blue-Koi

Electric Rush by Blue-Koi

Cars another weakness of mine

1966 Cadillac by bullethead321

Week 27 by bullethead321

Earth Day 2012 by bullethead321

1955 Ford Fairlane Victoria by bullethead321

One of my fav singers, she had to be in the feature 
Mariah Carey by KitaMikichi

Pride as a Beyblader by KitaMikichi
For Years and Years by KitaMikichi


What can I say ? I love vampires :)


Ohh, I :heart: this guy! After the cutie Elf of course 
Aragorn by IronMandy
The Hobbit project: Thorin Oakenshield by IronMandy

Iron Maiden - killers by IronMandy

And probably my favorite thing ever - the sky
Sunrise dragon passes by Mogrianne
Canada geese in sunset water by Mogrianne

A Star Rises by Mogrianne
Sunset with waterfowl by Mogrianne
Clouds burning by Mogrianne

And that's a wrap!!!
Till the next time!
Yours truly

anonymous's avatar
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Here's the feature for all those who donated for DeviantsGallery !!!
I picked the ones that fell in my eye

Xena: Warrior Princess by DanielGreyS

FFIII by DanielGreyS

Dragon Tattoo by DanielGreyS

Well, I love daisy's so here we go

 What Lies Beneath by Blue-Koi
Rose 5 by Blue-Koi

Poison by Blue-Koi

Electric Rush by Blue-Koi

Cars another weakness of mine

1966 Cadillac by bullethead321

Week 27 by bullethead321

Earth Day 2012 by bullethead321

1955 Ford Fairlane Victoria by bullethead321

One of my fav singers, she had to be in the feature 
Mariah Carey by KitaMikichi

Pride as a Beyblader by KitaMikichi
For Years and Years by KitaMikichi


What can I say ? I love vampires :)


Ohh, I :heart: this guy! After the cutie Elf of course 
Aragorn by IronMandy
The Hobbit project: Thorin Oakenshield by IronMandy

Iron Maiden - killers by IronMandy

And probably my favorite thing ever - the sky
Sunrise dragon passes by Mogrianne
Canada geese in sunset water by Mogrianne

A Star Rises by Mogrianne
Sunset with waterfowl by Mogrianne
Clouds burning by Mogrianne

And that's a wrap!!!
Till the next time!
Yours truly

anonymous's avatar
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So these are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules 
2. Each person has to share 13 things about themselves. 
3. Answer the 13 questions asked to you and invent 13 questions the people you tag will have to answer. 
4. Choose 13 people 
5. Go to their page to inform them that they are tagged. 
6. Not something like "you are tagged if you read that." 
7. You have to legitimately tag 13 people. 
8. You can't say that you don't do tags. 
9. Tag-backs are allowed! 
10. YOU MUST MAKE A JOURNAL ENTRY. NO COMMENT. Unless you're commenting about the actual entry. 
11. You have to finish within a week. If not; you'll have to do whatever the creator tells you to. Art, rp, etc.
12. Be creative with the title, no "I got tagged." 
13. Cussing is ALLOWED. 

13 things about moi
Wow that's a lot ....
Let's see

1. I'm crazy
2. Not many people know this but I am a psychologist lol 
3. I love to write but I hate typing 
4. I love any kinda of transport (I've said that somewhere already, many times actually) 
5. Loving the experiments I do with my hair 
6. Gah, I really don't know what else to say about myself.... Ok, I'm Gemini if anyone's interested in that 
7. Freedom is always a top priority to me
8. I am very, very selfish
9. The more old I get more I am socially awkward
10.  And oh I love music! Shocker!!! (Who doesn't?) Apparently my dear neighbors lol after all the AC/DC, MM, KISS etc. gigs I play home heheh
11. I love spending time on my own (did I mention awkward ? )
12. I have 2 godsons (no kids on my own lol)
13, Last thing..... Hmm, .... I think I am a good friend. That's the only good quality I can find 
Now your questions:

1. If you've read my works, which is your favourite and why? (Shameless self-promotion) - I can't pick fave because in each piece I find something for myself or for my own inspiration 
2. What would have to be your favourite book series?
Harry Potter I suppose 
3. When did you first start creating art?
When I was a child. Though I doubt my poems could be called art back then. They hardly can be called art now :lol: 
4. Do you play any instruments?
People's nerves 
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where?
6. Do you believe in God?
7. How's the weather down your way?
8. Favourite Disney movie?
9. Favourite artist on DeviantArt? (Feel free to tag them later)
All of my friends and watchers.... I don't watch people for no reason
10. Have you ever fallen in love?
Nope, it's all about sex and passion (Kidding. Not really) 
11. Do you have a muse that inspires your work?
12. Do you create spontaneously, or deliberately?
13. Ever heard of Coheed and Cambria?
Can't say that I had 

My 13 questions?? What I am supposed to ask ??

1. Favorite place to spend time alone?
2. Favorite band/singer?
3. Do you believe in marriage?
4. Family in one word?
5. Love at first sight - true or false? 
6, Favorite genre of movies?
7. Got any significant other?
8. What's your goal in this life?
9. Do you believe in reincarnation ?
10, Bike or car?
11, Pizza or pasta?
12.  What do you know about Ukraine?
13. One word to describe world 

and peeps that I'm tagging 


anonymous's avatar
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Donators Feature by SuperGirlSwag, journal

Instagram anyone ? by SuperGirlSwag, journal

Feature for DeviantsGallery Donators!!! by SuperGirlSwag, journal

Feature for DeviantsGallery Donators!!! by SuperGirlSwag, journal

I am being interrogated lol by SuperGirlSwag, journal