JavaScript Client Library
@supabase/supabase-jsView on GitHubThis reference documents every object and method available in Supabase's isomorphic JavaScript library, supabase-js
. You can use supabase-js
to interact with your Postgres database, listen to database changes, invoke Deno Edge Functions, build login and user management functionality, and manage large files.
To convert SQL queries to supabase-js
calls, use the SQL to REST API translator.
Install as package
You can install @supabase/supabase-js via the terminal.
Install via CDN
You can install @supabase/supabase-js via CDN links.
_10<script src=""></script>_10//or_10<script src=""></script>
Use at runtime in Deno
You can use supabase-js in the Deno runtime via JSR:
_10 import { createClient } from 'jsr:@supabase/supabase-js@2'
Create a new client for use in the browser.
You can initialize a new Supabase client using the createClient()
The Supabase client is your entrypoint to the rest of the Supabase functionality and is the easiest way to interact with everything we offer within the Supabase ecosystem.
- supabaseUrlRequiredstring
The unique Supabase URL which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard.
- supabaseKeyRequiredstring
The unique Supabase Key which is supplied when you create a new project in your project dashboard.
- optionsOptionalSupabaseClientOptions
_10import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'_10_10// Create a single supabase client for interacting with your database_10const supabase = createClient('', 'public-anon-key')
TypeScript support
has TypeScript support for type inference, autocompletion, type-safe queries, and more.
With TypeScript, supabase-js
detects things like not null
constraints and generated columns. Nullable columns are typed as T | null
when you select the column. Generated columns will show a type error when you insert to it.
also detects relationships between tables. A referenced table with one-to-many relationship is typed as T[]
. Likewise, a referenced table with many-to-one relationship is typed as T | null
Generating TypeScript Types
You can use the Supabase CLI to generate the types. You can also generate the types from the dashboard.
These types are generated from your database schema. Given a table public.movies
, the generated types will look like:
_10create table public.movies (_10 id bigint generated always as identity primary key,_10 name text not null,_10 data jsonb null_10);
Using TypeScript type definitions
You can supply the type definitions to supabase-js
like so:
Helper types for Tables and Joins
You can use the following helper types to make the generated TypeScript types easier to use.
Sometimes the generated types are not what you expect. For example, a view's column may show up as nullable when you expect it to be not null
. Using type-fest, you can override the types like so:
You can also override the type of an individual successful response if needed:
_10const { data } = await supabase.from('countries').select().returns<MyType>()
The generated types provide shorthands for accessing tables and enums.
Response types for complex queries
always returns a data
object (for success), and an error
object (for unsuccessful requests).
These helper types provide the result types from any query, including nested types for database joins.
Given the following schema with a relation between cities and countries, we can get the nested CountriesWithCities
_10create table countries (_10 "id" serial primary key,_10 "name" text_10);_10_10create table cities (_10 "id" serial primary key,_10 "name" text,_10 "country_id" int references "countries"_10);
_17import { QueryResult, QueryData, QueryError } from '@supabase/supabase-js'_17_17const countriesWithCitiesQuery = supabase_17 .from("countries")_17 .select(`_17 id,_17 name,_17 cities (_17 id,_17 name_17 )_17 `);_17type CountriesWithCities = QueryData<typeof countriesWithCitiesQuery>;_17_17const { data, error } = await countriesWithCitiesQuery;_17if (error) throw error;_17const countriesWithCities: CountriesWithCities = data;
Fetch data
Perform a SELECT query on the table or view.
- By default, Supabase projects return a maximum of 1,000 rows. This setting can be changed in your project's API settings. It's recommended that you keep it low to limit the payload size of accidental or malicious requests. You can use
queries to paginate through your data. select()
can be combined with Filtersselect()
can be combined with Modifiersapikey
is a reserved keyword if you're using the Supabase Platform and should be avoided as a column name.
- columnsOptionalQuery
The columns to retrieve, separated by commas. Columns can be renamed when returned with
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()
Insert data
Perform an INSERT into the table or view.
- valuesRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The values to insert. Pass an object to insert a single row or an array to insert multiple rows.
- optionsOptionalobject
Named parameters
_10const { error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .insert({ id: 1, name: 'Denmark' })
Update data
Perform an UPDATE on the table or view.
should always be combined with Filters to target the item(s) you wish to update.
- valuesRequiredRow
The values to update with
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const { error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .update({ name: 'Australia' })_10 .eq('id', 1)
Upsert data
Perform an UPSERT on the table or view. Depending on the column(s) passed to onConflict
, .upsert()
allows you to perform the equivalent of .insert()
if a row with the corresponding onConflict
columns doesn't exist, or if it does exist, perform an alternative action depending on ignoreDuplicates
- Primary keys must be included in
to use upsert.
- valuesRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The values to upsert with. Pass an object to upsert a single row or an array to upsert multiple rows.
- optionsOptionalobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .upsert({ id: 1, name: 'Albania' })_10 .select()
Delete data
Perform a DELETE on the table or view.
should always be combined with filters to target the item(s) you wish to delete.- If you use
with filters and you have RLS enabled, only rows visible throughSELECT
policies are deleted. Note that by default no rows are visible, so you need at least oneSELECT
policy that makes the rows visible. - When using
, specify an array of values to target multiple rows with a single query. This is particularly useful for batch deleting entries that share common criteria, such as deleting users by their IDs. Ensure that the array you provide accurately represents all records you intend to delete to avoid unintended data removal.
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const response = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .delete()_10 .eq('id', 1)
Call a Postgres function
Perform a function call.
You can call Postgres functions as Remote Procedure Calls, logic in your database that you can execute from anywhere. Functions are useful when the logic rarely changes—like for password resets and updates.
_10create or replace function hello_world() returns text as $$_10 select 'Hello world';_10$$ language sql;
To call Postgres functions on Read Replicas, use the get: true
- fnRequiredFnName
The function name to call
- argsRequiredFn['Args']
The arguments to pass to the function call
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.rpc('hello_world')
Using filters
Filters allow you to only return rows that match certain conditions.
Filters can be used on select()
, update()
, upsert()
, and delete()
If a Postgres function returns a table response, you can also apply filters.
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('cities')_10 .select('name, country_id')_10 .eq('name', 'The Shire') // Correct_10_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('cities')_10 .eq('name', 'The Shire') // Incorrect_10 .select('name, country_id')
Column is equal to a value
Match only rows where column
is equal to value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredNonNullable
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .eq('name', 'Albania')
Column is not equal to a value
Match only rows where column
is not equal to value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .neq('name', 'Albania')
Column is greater than a value
Match only rows where column
is greater than value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .gt('id', 2)
Column is greater than or equal to a value
Match only rows where column
is greater than or equal to value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .gte('id', 2)
Column is less than a value
Match only rows where column
is less than value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .lt('id', 2)
Column is less than or equal to a value
Match only rows where column
is less than or equal to value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .lte('id', 2)
Column matches a pattern
Match only rows where column
matches pattern
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- patternRequiredstring
The pattern to match with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .like('name', '%Alba%')
Column matches a case-insensitive pattern
Match only rows where column
matches pattern
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- patternRequiredstring
The pattern to match with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .ilike('name', '%alba%')
Column is a value
Match only rows where column
IS value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .is('name', null)
Column is in an array
Match only rows where column
is included in the values
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- valuesRequiredArray<Row['ColumnName']>
The values array to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .in('name', ['Albania', 'Algeria'])
Column contains every element in a value
Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where column
contains every element appearing in value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('issues')_10 .select()_10 .contains('tags', ['is:open', 'priority:low'])
Contained by value
Only relevant for jsonb, array, and range columns. Match only rows where every element appearing in column
is contained by value
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The jsonb, array, or range column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The jsonb, array, or range value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('classes')_10 .select('name')_10 .containedBy('days', ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'friday'])
Greater than a range
Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column
is greater than any element in range
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The range column to filter on
- rangeRequiredstring
The range to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('reservations')_10 .select()_10 .rangeGt('during', '[2000-01-02 08:00, 2000-01-02 09:00)')
Greater than or equal to a range
Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column
is either contained in range
or greater than any element in range
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The range column to filter on
- rangeRequiredstring
The range to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('reservations')_10 .select()_10 .rangeGte('during', '[2000-01-02 08:30, 2000-01-02 09:30)')
Less than a range
Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column
is less than any element in range
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The range column to filter on
- rangeRequiredstring
The range to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('reservations')_10 .select()_10 .rangeLt('during', '[2000-01-01 15:00, 2000-01-01 16:00)')
Less than or equal to a range
Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where every element in column
is either contained in range
or less than any element in range
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The range column to filter on
- rangeRequiredstring
The range to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('reservations')_10 .select()_10 .rangeLte('during', '[2000-01-01 14:00, 2000-01-01 16:00)')
Mutually exclusive to a range
Only relevant for range columns. Match only rows where column
is mutually exclusive to range
and there can be no element between the two ranges.
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The range column to filter on
- rangeRequiredstring
The range to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('reservations')_10 .select()_10 .rangeAdjacent('during', '[2000-01-01 12:00, 2000-01-01 13:00)')
With a common element
Only relevant for array and range columns. Match only rows where column
and value
have an element in common.
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The array or range column to filter on
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The array or range value to filter with
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('issues')_10 .select('title')_10 .overlaps('tags', ['is:closed', 'severity:high'])
Match a string
Only relevant for text and tsvector columns. Match only rows where column
matches the query string in query
- For more information, see Postgres full text search.
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The text or tsvector column to filter on
- queryRequiredstring
The query text to match with
- optionsOptionalobject
Named parameters
_10const result = await supabase_10 .from("texts")_10 .select("content")_10 .textSearch("content", `'eggs' & 'ham'`, {_10 config: "english",_10 });
Match an associated value
Match only rows where each column in query
keys is equal to its associated value. Shorthand for multiple .eq()
- queryRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The object to filter with, with column names as keys mapped to their filter values
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select('name')_10 .match({ id: 2, name: 'Albania' })
Don't match the filter
Match only rows which doesn't satisfy the filter.
not() expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter values.
_10.not('id', 'in', '(5,6,7)') // Use `()` for `in` filter_10.not('arraycol', 'cs', '{"a","b"}') // Use `cs` for `contains()`, `{}` for array values
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- operatorRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The operator to be negated to filter with, following PostgREST syntax
- valueRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .not('name', 'is', null)
Match at least one filter
Match only rows which satisfy at least one of the filters.
or() expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter names and values.
_10.or(',6,7), arraycol.cs.{"a","b"}') // Use `()` for `in` filter, `{}` for array values and `cs` for `contains()`._10.or(',6,7),{"a","b"}') // Use `cd` for `containedBy()`
- filtersRequiredstring
The filters to use, following PostgREST syntax
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select('name')_10 .or('id.eq.2,name.eq.Algeria')
Match the filter
Match only rows which satisfy the filter. This is an escape hatch - you should use the specific filter methods wherever possible.
filter() expects you to use the raw PostgREST syntax for the filter values.
_10.filter('id', 'in', '(5,6,7)') // Use `()` for `in` filter_10.filter('arraycol', 'cs', '{"a","b"}') // Use `cs` for `contains()`, `{}` for array values
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to filter on
- operatorRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The operator to filter with, following PostgREST syntax
- valueRequiredunknown
The value to filter with, following PostgREST syntax
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .filter('name', 'in', '("Algeria","Japan")')
Using modifiers
Filters work on the row level—they allow you to return rows that only match certain conditions without changing the shape of the rows. Modifiers are everything that don't fit that definition—allowing you to change the format of the response (e.g., returning a CSV string).
Modifiers must be specified after filters. Some modifiers only apply for queries that return rows (e.g., select()
or rpc()
on a function that returns a table response).
Return data after inserting
Perform a SELECT on the query result.
- columnsOptionalQuery
The columns to retrieve, separated by commas
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .upsert({ id: 1, name: 'Algeria' })_10 .select()
Order the results
Order the query result by column
- columnRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The column to order by
- optionsOptionalobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select('id', 'name')_10 .order('id', { ascending: false })
Limit the number of rows returned
Limit the query result by count
- countRequirednumber
The maximum number of rows to return
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select('name')_10 .limit(1)
Limit the query to a range
Limit the query result by starting at an offset (from
) and ending at the offset (from + to
). Only records within this range are returned. This respects the query order and if there is no order clause the range could behave unexpectedly. The from
and to
values are 0-based and inclusive: range(1, 3)
will include the second, third and fourth rows of the query.
- fromRequirednumber
The starting index from which to limit the result
- toRequirednumber
The last index to which to limit the result
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select('name')_10 .range(0, 1)
Set an abort signal
Set the AbortSignal for the fetch request.
You can use this to set a timeout for the request.
- signalRequiredAbortSignal
The AbortSignal to use for the fetch request
_10const ac = new AbortController()_10ac.abort()_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('very_big_table')_10 .select()_10 .abortSignal(ac.signal)
Retrieve one row of data
Return data
as a single object instead of an array of objects.
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select('name')_10 .limit(1)_10 .single()
Retrieve zero or one row of data
Return data
as a single object instead of an array of objects.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .eq('name', 'Singapore')_10 .maybeSingle()
Retrieve as a CSV
Return data
as a string in CSV format.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .csv()
Override type of successful response
Override the type of the returned data
_10const { data } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .returns<MyType>()
Using explain
Return data
as the EXPLAIN plan for the query.
For debugging slow queries, you can get the Postgres EXPLAIN
execution plan of a query using the explain()
method. This works on any query, even for rpc()
or writes.
Explain is not enabled by default as it can reveal sensitive information about your database. It's best to only enable this for testing environments but if you wish to enable it for production you can provide additional protection by using a pre-request
Follow the Performance Debugging Guide to enable the functionality on your project.
- optionsRequiredobject
Named parameters
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('countries')_10 .select()_10 .explain()
The auth methods can be accessed via the
namespace. -
By default, the supabase client sets
to true and attempts to store the session in local storage. When using the supabase client in an environment that doesn't support local storage, you might notice the following warning message being logged:No storage option exists to persist the session, which may result in unexpected behavior when using auth. If you want to set
to true, please provide a storage option or you may setpersistSession
to false to disable this warning.This warning message can be safely ignored if you're not using auth on the server-side. If you are using auth and you want to set
to true, you will need to provide a custom storage implementation that follows this interface. -
Any email links and one-time passwords (OTPs) sent have a default expiry of 24 hours. We have the following rate limits in place to guard against brute force attacks.
The expiry of an access token can be set in the "JWT expiry limit" field in your project's auth settings. A refresh token never expires and can only be used once.
_10import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'_10_10const supabase = createClient(supabase_url, anon_key)
Create a new user
Creates a new user.
- By default, the user needs to verify their email address before logging in. To turn this off, disable Confirm email in your project.
- Confirm email determines if users need to confirm their email address after signing up.
- If Confirm email is enabled, a
is returned butsession
is null. - If Confirm email is disabled, both a
and asession
are returned.
- If Confirm email is enabled, a
- When the user confirms their email address, they are redirected to the
by default. You can modify yourSITE_URL
or add additional redirect URLs in your project. - If signUp() is called for an existing confirmed user:
- When both Confirm email and Confirm phone (even when phone provider is disabled) are enabled in your project, an obfuscated/fake user object is returned.
- When either Confirm email or Confirm phone (even when phone provider is disabled) is disabled, the error message,
User already registered
is returned.
- To fetch the currently logged-in user, refer to
- credentialsRequiredUnion: expand to see options
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signUp({_10 email: '',_10 password: 'example-password',_10})
Listen to auth events
Receive a notification every time an auth event happens.
- Subscribes to important events occurring on the user's session.
- Use on the frontend/client. It is less useful on the server.
- Events are emitted across tabs to keep your application's UI up-to-date. Some events can fire very frequently, based on the number of tabs open. Use a quick and efficient callback function, and defer or debounce as many operations as you can to be performed outside of the callback.
- Important: A callback can be an
function and it runs synchronously during the processing of the changes causing the event. You can easily create a dead-lock by usingawait
on a call to another method of the Supabase library.- Avoid using
functions as callbacks. - Limit the number of
calls inasync
callbacks. - Do not use other Supabase functions in the callback function. If you must, dispatch the functions once the callback has finished executing. Use this as a quick way to achieve this:
_10supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => {_10setTimeout(async () => {_10// await on other Supabase function here_10// this runs right after the callback has finished_10}, 0)_10})
- Avoid using
- Emitted events:
- Emitted right after the Supabase client is constructed and the initial session from storage is loaded.
- Emitted each time a user session is confirmed or re-established, including on user sign in and when refocusing a tab.
- Avoid making assumptions as to when this event is fired, this may occur even when the user is already signed in. Instead, check the user object attached to the event to see if a new user has signed in and update your application's UI.
- This event can fire very frequently depending on the number of tabs open in your application.
- Emitted when the user signs out. This can be after:
- A call to
. - After the user's session has expired for any reason:
- User has signed out on another device.
- The session has reached its timebox limit or inactivity timeout.
- User has signed in on another device with single session per user enabled.
- Check the User Sessions docs for more information.
- A call to
- Use this to clean up any local storage your application has associated with the user.
- Emitted when the user signs out. This can be after:
- Emitted each time a new access and refresh token are fetched for the signed in user.
- It's best practice and highly recommended to extract the access token (JWT) and store it in memory for further use in your application.
- Avoid frequent calls to
for the same purpose.
- Avoid frequent calls to
- There is a background process that keeps track of when the session should be refreshed so you will always receive valid tokens by listening to this event.
- The frequency of this event is related to the JWT expiry limit configured on your project.
- Emitted each time the
method finishes successfully. Listen to it to update your application's UI based on new profile information.
- Emitted each time the
- Emitted instead of the
event when the user lands on a page that includes a password recovery link in the URL. - Use it to show a UI to the user where they can reset their password.
- Emitted instead of the
- callbackRequiredfunction
A callback function to be invoked when an auth event happens.
Return Type
_20const { data } = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => {_20 console.log(event, session)_20_20 if (event === 'INITIAL_SESSION') {_20 // handle initial session_20 } else if (event === 'SIGNED_IN') {_20 // handle sign in event_20 } else if (event === 'SIGNED_OUT') {_20 // handle sign out event_20 } else if (event === 'PASSWORD_RECOVERY') {_20 // handle password recovery event_20 } else if (event === 'TOKEN_REFRESHED') {_20 // handle token refreshed event_20 } else if (event === 'USER_UPDATED') {_20 // handle user updated event_20 }_20})_20_20// call unsubscribe to remove the callback_20data.subscription.unsubscribe()
Create an anonymous user
Creates a new anonymous user.
- Returns an anonymous user
- It is recommended to set up captcha for anonymous sign-ins to prevent abuse. You can pass in the captcha token in the
- credentialsOptionalSignInAnonymouslyCredentials
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInAnonymously({_10 options: {_10 captchaToken_10 }_10});
Sign in a user
Log in an existing user with an email and password or phone and password.
- Requires either an email and password or a phone number and password.
- credentialsRequiredUnion: expand to see options
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword({_10 email: '',_10 password: 'example-password',_10})
Sign in with ID Token
Allows signing in with an OIDC ID token. The authentication provider used should be enabled and configured.
- credentialsRequiredSignInWithIdTokenCredentials
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithIdToken({_10 provider: 'google',_10 token: 'your-id-token'_10})
Sign in a user through OTP
Log in a user using magiclink or a one-time password (OTP).
- Requires either an email or phone number.
- This method is used for passwordless sign-ins where a OTP is sent to the user's email or phone number.
- If the user doesn't exist,
will signup the user instead. To restrict this behavior, you can setshouldCreateUser
. - If you're using an email, you can configure whether you want the user to receive a magiclink or a OTP.
- If you're using phone, you can configure whether you want the user to receive a OTP.
- The magic link's destination URL is determined by the
. - See redirect URLs and wildcards to add additional redirect URLs to your project.
- Magic links and OTPs share the same implementation. To send users a one-time code instead of a magic link, modify the magic link email template to include
{{ .Token }}
instead of{{ .ConfirmationURL }}
. - See our Twilio Phone Auth Guide for details about configuring WhatsApp sign in.
- credentialsRequiredUnion: expand to see options
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp({_10 email: '',_10 options: {_10 emailRedirectTo: ''_10 }_10})
Sign in a user through OAuth
Log in an existing user via a third-party provider. This method supports the PKCE flow.
- This method is used for signing in using a third-party provider.
- Supabase supports many different third-party providers.
- credentialsRequiredSignInWithOAuthCredentials
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({_10 provider: 'github'_10})
Sign in a user through SSO
Attempts a single-sign on using an enterprise Identity Provider. A successful SSO attempt will redirect the current page to the identity provider authorization page. The redirect URL is implementation and SSO protocol specific.
- Before you can call this method you need to establish a connection to an identity provider. Use the CLI commands to do this.
- If you've associated an email domain to the identity provider, you can use the
property to start a sign-in flow. - In case you need to use a different way to start the authentication flow with an identity provider, you can use the
property. For example:- Mapping specific user email addresses with an identity provider.
- Using different hints to identity the identity provider to be used by the user, like a company-specific page, IP address or other tracking information.
- paramsRequiredUnion: expand to see options
Return Type
_11 // You can extract the user's email domain and use it to trigger the_11 // authentication flow with the correct identity provider._11_11 const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithSSO({_11 domain: ''_11 })_11_11 if (data?.url) {_11 // redirect the user to the identity provider's authentication flow_11 window.location.href = data.url_11 }
Sign out a user
Inside a browser context, signOut()
will remove the logged in user from the browser session and log them out - removing all items from localstorage and then trigger a "SIGNED_OUT"
- In order to use the
method, the user needs to be signed in first. - By default,
uses the global scope, which signs out all other sessions that the user is logged into as well. - Since Supabase Auth uses JWTs for authentication, the access token JWT will be valid until it's expired. When the user signs out, Supabase revokes the refresh token and deletes the JWT from the client-side. This does not revoke the JWT and it will still be valid until it expires.
- optionsRequiredSignOut
Return Type
_10const { error } = await supabase.auth.signOut()
Send a password reset request
Sends a password reset request to an email address. This method supports the PKCE flow.
- The password reset flow consist of 2 broad steps: (i) Allow the user to login via the password reset link; (ii) Update the user's password.
- The
only sends a password reset link to the user's email. To update the user's password, seeupdateUser()
. - A
event will be emitted when the password recovery link is clicked. You can useonAuthStateChange()
to listen and invoke a callback function on these events. - When the user clicks the reset link in the email they are redirected back to your application. You can configure the URL that the user is redirected to with the
parameter. See redirect URLs and wildcards to add additional redirect URLs to your project. - After the user has been redirected successfully, prompt them for a new password and call
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.updateUser({_10 password: new_password_10})
- emailRequiredstring
The email address of the user.
- optionsRequiredobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.resetPasswordForEmail(email, {_10 redirectTo: '',_10})
Verify and log in through OTP
Log in a user given a User supplied OTP or TokenHash received through mobile or email.
- The
method takes in different verification types. If a phone number is used, the type can either besms
. If an email address is used, the type can be one of the following:email
types are deprecated). - The verification type used should be determined based on the corresponding auth method called before
to sign up / sign-in a user. - The
is contained in the email templates and can be used to sign in. You may wish to use the hash with Magic Links for the PKCE flow for Server Side Auth. See this guide for more details.
- paramsRequiredUnion: expand to see options
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.verifyOtp({ email, token, type: 'email'})
Retrieve a session
Returns the session, refreshing it if necessary.
- This method retrieves the current local session (i.e local storage).
- The session contains a signed JWT and unencoded session data.
- Since the unencoded session data is retrieved from the local storage medium, do not rely on it as a source of trusted data on the server. It could be tampered with by the sender. If you need verified, trustworthy user data, call
instead. - If the session has an expired access token, this method will use the refresh token to get a new session.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.getSession()
Retrieve a new session
Returns a new session, regardless of expiry status. Takes in an optional current session. If not passed in, then refreshSession() will attempt to retrieve it from getSession(). If the current session's refresh token is invalid, an error will be thrown.
- This method will refresh and return a new session whether the current one is expired or not.
- currentSessionOptionalobject
The current session. If passed in, it must contain a refresh token.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.refreshSession()_10const { session, user } = data
Retrieve a user
Gets the current user details if there is an existing session. This method performs a network request to the Supabase Auth server, so the returned value is authentic and can be used to base authorization rules on.
- This method fetches the user object from the database instead of local session.
- This method is useful for checking if the user is authorized because it validates the user's access token JWT on the server.
- Should always be used when checking for user authorization on the server. On the client, you can instead use
for faster results.getSession
is insecure on the server.
- jwtOptionalstring
Takes in an optional access token JWT. If no JWT is provided, the JWT from the current session is used.
Return Type
_10const { data: { user } } = await supabase.auth.getUser()
Update a user
Updates user data for a logged in user.
- In order to use the
method, the user needs to be signed in first. - By default, email updates sends a confirmation link to both the user's current and new email. To only send a confirmation link to the user's new email, disable Secure email change in your project's email auth provider settings.
- attributesRequiredUserAttributes
- optionsRequiredobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.updateUser({_10 email: ''_10})
Retrieve identities linked to a user
Gets all the identities linked to a user.
- The user needs to be signed in to call
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.getUserIdentities()
Link an identity to a user
Links an oauth identity to an existing user. This method supports the PKCE flow.
- The Enable Manual Linking option must be enabled from your project's authentication settings.
- The user needs to be signed in to call
. - If the candidate identity is already linked to the existing user or another user,
will fail. - If
is run in the browser, the user is automatically redirected to the returned URL. On the server, you should handle the redirect.
- credentialsRequiredSignInWithOAuthCredentials
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.linkIdentity({_10 provider: 'github'_10})
Unlink an identity from a user
Unlinks an identity from a user by deleting it. The user will no longer be able to sign in with that identity once it's unlinked.
- The Enable Manual Linking option must be enabled from your project's authentication settings.
- The user needs to be signed in to call
. - The user must have at least 2 identities in order to unlink an identity.
- The identity to be unlinked must belong to the user.
- identityRequiredUserIdentity
Return Type
_10// retrieve all identites linked to a user_10const identities = await supabase.auth.getUserIdentities()_10_10// find the google identity _10const googleIdentity = identities.find(_10 identity => identity.provider === 'google'_10)_10_10// unlink the google identity_10const { error } = await supabase.auth.unlinkIdentity(googleIdentity)
Send a password reauthentication nonce
Sends a reauthentication OTP to the user's email or phone number. Requires the user to be signed-in.
- This method is used together with
when a user's password needs to be updated. - If you require your user to reauthenticate before updating their password, you need to enable the Secure password change option in your project's email provider settings.
- A user is only require to reauthenticate before updating their password if Secure password change is enabled and the user hasn't recently signed in. A user is deemed recently signed in if the session was created in the last 24 hours.
- This method will send a nonce to the user's email. If the user doesn't have a confirmed email address, the method will send the nonce to the user's confirmed phone number instead.
Return Type
_10const { error } = await supabase.auth.reauthenticate()
Resend an OTP
Resends an existing signup confirmation email, email change email, SMS OTP or phone change OTP.
- Resends a signup confirmation, email change or phone change email to the user.
- Passwordless sign-ins can be resent by calling the
method again. - Password recovery emails can be resent by calling the
method again. - This method will only resend an email or phone OTP to the user if there was an initial signup, email change or phone change request being made.
- You can specify a redirect url when you resend an email link using the
- credentialsRequiredUnion: expand to see options
Return Type
_10const { error } = await supabase.auth.resend({_10 type: 'signup',_10 email: '',_10 options: {_10 emailRedirectTo: ''_10 }_10})
Set the session data
Sets the session data from the current session. If the current session is expired, setSession will take care of refreshing it to obtain a new session. If the refresh token or access token in the current session is invalid, an error will be thrown.
- This method sets the session using an
. - If successful, a
event is emitted.
- currentSessionRequiredobject
The current session that minimally contains an access token and refresh token.
Return Type
_10 const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.setSession({_10 access_token,_10 refresh_token_10 })
Exchange an auth code for a session
Log in an existing user by exchanging an Auth Code issued during the PKCE flow.
- Used when
is set topkce
in client options.
- authCodeRequiredstring
Return Type
Start auto-refresh session (non-browser)
Starts an auto-refresh process in the background. The session is checked every few seconds. Close to the time of expiration a process is started to refresh the session. If refreshing fails it will be retried for as long as necessary.
- Only useful in non-browser environments such as React Native or Electron.
- The Supabase Auth library automatically starts and stops proactively refreshing the session when a tab is focused or not.
- On non-browser platforms, such as mobile or desktop apps built with web technologies, the library is not able to effectively determine whether the application is focused or not.
- To give this hint to the application, you should be calling this method when the app is in focus and calling
when it's out of focus.
Return Type
_10import { AppState } from 'react-native'_10_10// make sure you register this only once!_10AppState.addEventListener('change', (state) => {_10 if (state === 'active') {_10 supabase.auth.startAutoRefresh()_10 } else {_10 supabase.auth.stopAutoRefresh()_10 }_10})
Stop auto-refresh session (non-browser)
Stops an active auto refresh process running in the background (if any).
- Only useful in non-browser environments such as React Native or Electron.
- The Supabase Auth library automatically starts and stops proactively refreshing the session when a tab is focused or not.
- On non-browser platforms, such as mobile or desktop apps built with web technologies, the library is not able to effectively determine whether the application is focused or not.
- When your application goes in the background or out of focus, call this method to stop the proactive refreshing of the session.
Return Type
_10import { AppState } from 'react-native'_10_10// make sure you register this only once!_10AppState.addEventListener('change', (state) => {_10 if (state === 'active') {_10 supabase.auth.startAutoRefresh()_10 } else {_10 supabase.auth.stopAutoRefresh()_10 }_10})
Auth MFA
This section contains methods commonly used for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and are invoked behind the supabase.auth.mfa
Currently, there is support for time-based one-time password (TOTP) and phone verification code as the 2nd factor. Recovery codes are not supported but users can enroll multiple factors, with an upper limit of 10.
Having a 2nd factor for recovery frees the user of the burden of having to store their recovery codes somewhere. It also reduces the attack surface since multiple recovery codes are usually generated compared to just having 1 backup factor.
Enroll a factor
Starts the enrollment process for a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) factor. This method creates a new unverified
factor. To verify a factor, present the QR code or secret to the user and ask them to add it to their authenticator app. The user has to enter the code from their authenticator app to verify it.
- Use
as thefactorType
and use the returnedid
to create a challenge. - To create a challenge, see
. - To verify a challenge, see
. - To create and verify a TOTP challenge in a single step, see
. - To generate a QR code for the
secret in Next.js, you can do the following:
_10<Image src={data.totp.qr_code} alt={data.totp.uri} layout="fill"></Image>
- The
steps are separated when using Phone factors as the user will need time to receive and input the code obtained from the SMS in challenge.
- paramsRequiredMFAEnrollParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.mfa.enroll({_10 factorType: 'totp',_10 friendlyName: 'your_friendly_name'_10})_10_10// Use the id to create a challenge._10// The challenge can be verified by entering the code generated from the authenticator app._10// The code will be generated upon scanning the qr_code or entering the secret into the authenticator app._10const { id, type, totp: { qr_code, secret, uri }, friendly_name } = data_10const challenge = await supabase.auth.mfa.challenge({ factorId: id });
Create a challenge
Prepares a challenge used to verify that a user has access to a MFA factor.
- An enrolled factor is required before creating a challenge.
- To verify a challenge, see
. - A phone factor sends a code to the user upon challenge. The channel defaults to
unless otherwise specified.
- paramsRequiredMFAChallengeParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.mfa.challenge({_10 factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225'_10})
Verify a challenge
Verifies a code against a challenge. The verification code is provided by the user by entering a code seen in their authenticator app.
- To verify a challenge, please create a challenge first.
- paramsRequiredMFAVerifyParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.mfa.verify({_10 factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',_10 challengeId: '4034ae6f-a8ce-4fb5-8ee5-69a5863a7c15',_10 code: '123456'_10})
Create and verify a challenge
Helper method which creates a challenge and immediately uses the given code to verify against it thereafter. The verification code is provided by the user by entering a code seen in their authenticator app.
- Intended for use with only TOTP factors.
- An enrolled factor is required before invoking
. - Executes
in a single step.
- paramsRequiredMFAChallengeAndVerifyParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.mfa.challengeAndVerify({_10 factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',_10 code: '123456'_10})
Unenroll a factor
Unenroll removes a MFA factor. A user has to have an aal2
authenticator level in order to unenroll a verified
- paramsRequiredMFAUnenrollParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.mfa.unenroll({_10 factorId: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',_10})
Get Authenticator Assurance Level
Returns the Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL) for the active session.
- Authenticator Assurance Level (AAL) is the measure of the strength of an authentication mechanism.
- In Supabase, having an AAL of
refers to having the 1st factor of authentication such as an email and password or OAuth sign-in whileaal2
refers to the 2nd factor of authentication such as a time-based, one-time-password (TOTP) or Phone factor. - If the user has a verified factor, the
field will returnaal2
, else, it will returnaal1
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.mfa.getAuthenticatorAssuranceLevel()_10const { currentLevel, nextLevel, currentAuthenticationMethods } = data
Auth Admin
- Any method under the
namespace requires aservice_role
key. - These methods are considered admin methods and should be called on a trusted server. Never expose your
key in the browser.
_11import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'_11_11const supabase = createClient(supabase_url, service_role_key, {_11 auth: {_11 autoRefreshToken: false,_11 persistSession: false_11 }_11})_11_11// Access auth admin api_11const adminAuthClient = supabase.auth.admin
Retrieve a user
Get user by id.
- Fetches the user object from the database based on the user's id.
- The
method requires the user's id which maps to
- uidRequiredstring
The user's unique identifier
This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your
key in the browser.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.getUserById(1)
List all users
Get a list of users.
- Defaults to return 50 users per page.
- paramsOptionalPageParams
An object which supports
as numbers, to alter the paginated results.
Return Type
_10const { data: { users }, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.listUsers()
Create a user
Creates a new user. This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your service_role
key in the browser.
- To confirm the user's email address or phone number, set
to true. Both arguments default to false. createUser()
will not send a confirmation email to the user. You can useinviteUserByEmail()
if you want to send them an email invite instead.- If you are sure that the created user's email or phone number is legitimate and verified, you can set the
param totrue
- attributesRequiredAdminUserAttributes
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.createUser({_10 email: '',_10 password: 'password',_10 user_metadata: { name: 'Yoda' }_10})
Delete a user
Delete a user. Requires a service_role
- The
method requires the user's ID, which maps to
- idRequiredstring
The user id you want to remove.
- shouldSoftDeleteRequiredboolean
If true, then the user will be soft-deleted (setting
to the current timestamp and disabling their account while preserving their data) from the auth schema. Defaults to false for backward compatibility.This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your
key in the browser.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.deleteUser(_10 '715ed5db-f090-4b8c-a067-640ecee36aa0'_10)
Send an email invite link
Sends an invite link to an email address.
- Sends an invite link to the user's email address.
- The
method is typically used by administrators to invite users to join the application. - Note that PKCE is not supported when using
. This is because the browser initiating the invite is often different from the browser accepting the invite which makes it difficult to provide the security guarantees required of the PKCE flow.
- emailRequiredstring
The email address of the user.
- optionsRequiredobject
Additional options to be included when inviting.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.inviteUserByEmail('')
Generate an email link
Generates email links and OTPs to be sent via a custom email provider.
- The following types can be passed into
. generateLink()
only generates the email link foremail_change_email
if the Secure email change is enabled in your project's email auth provider settings.generateLink()
handles the creation of the user forsignup
- paramsRequiredGenerateLinkParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.generateLink({_10 type: 'signup',_10 email: '',_10 password: 'secret'_10})
Update a user
Updates the user data.
- uidRequiredstring
- attributesRequiredAdminUserAttributes
The data you want to update.
This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your
key in the browser.
Return Type
_10const { data: user, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.updateUserById(_10 '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111',_10 { email: '' }_10)
Delete a factor for a user
Deletes a factor on a user. This will log the user out of all active sessions if the deleted factor was verified.
- paramsRequiredAuthMFAAdminDeleteFactorParams
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.admin.mfa.deleteFactor({_10 id: '34e770dd-9ff9-416c-87fa-43b31d7ef225',_10 userId: 'a89baba7-b1b7-440f-b4bb-91026967f66b',_10})
Invokes a Supabase Edge Function.
Invokes a function
Invoke a Supabase Edge Function.
- Requires an Authorization header.
- Invoke params generally match the Fetch API spec.
- When you pass in a body to your function, we automatically attach the Content-Type header for
. If it doesn't match any of these types we assume the payload isjson
, serialize it and attach theContent-Type
header asapplication/json
. You can override this behavior by passing in aContent-Type
header of your own. - Responses are automatically parsed as
depending on theContent-Type
header sent by your function. Responses are parsed astext
by default.
- functionNameRequiredstring
The name of the Function to invoke.
- optionsRequiredFunctionInvokeOptions
Options for invoking the Function.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase.functions.invoke('hello', {_10 body: { foo: 'bar' }_10})
Subscribe to channel
Creates an event handler that listens to changes.
- By default, Broadcast and Presence are enabled for all projects.
- By default, listening to database changes is disabled for new projects due to database performance and security concerns. You can turn it on by managing Realtime's replication.
- You can receive the "previous" data for updates and deletes by setting the table's
). - Row level security is not applied to delete statements. When RLS is enabled and replica identity is set to full, only the primary key is sent to clients.
- typeRequiredUnion: expand to see options
- filterRequiredUnion: expand to see options
- callbackRequiredfunction
_13const channel ="room1")_13_13channel.on("broadcast", { event: "cursor-pos" }, (payload) => {_13 console.log("Cursor position received!", payload);_13}).subscribe((status) => {_13 if (status === "SUBSCRIBED") {_13 channel.send({_13 type: "broadcast",_13 event: "cursor-pos",_13 payload: { x: Math.random(), y: Math.random() },_13 });_13 }_13});
Unsubscribe from a channel
Unsubscribes and removes Realtime channel from Realtime client.
- Removing a channel is a great way to maintain the performance of your project's Realtime service as well as your database if you're listening to Postgres changes. Supabase will automatically handle cleanup 30 seconds after a client is disconnected, but unused channels may cause degradation as more clients are simultaneously subscribed.
- channelRequired@supabase/realtime-js.RealtimeChannel
The name of the Realtime channel.
Return Type
Unsubscribe from all channels
Unsubscribes and removes all Realtime channels from Realtime client.
- Removing channels is a great way to maintain the performance of your project's Realtime service as well as your database if you're listening to Postgres changes. Supabase will automatically handle cleanup 30 seconds after a client is disconnected, but unused channels may cause degradation as more clients are simultaneously subscribed.
Return Type
Retrieve all channels
Returns all Realtime channels.
Return Type
_10const channels = supabase.getChannels()
Broadcast a message
Sends a message into the channel.
Broadcast a message to all connected clients to a channel.
- When using REST you don't need to subscribe to the channel
- REST calls are only available from 2.37.0 onwards
- argsRequiredobject
Arguments to send to channel
- optsRequired{ [key: string]: any }
Options to be used during the send process
Return Type
_11supabase_11 .channel('room1')_11 .subscribe((status) => {_11 if (status === 'SUBSCRIBED') {_11 channel.send({_11 type: 'broadcast',_11 event: 'cursor-pos',_11 payload: { x: Math.random(), y: Math.random() },_11 })_11 }_11 })
Create a bucket
Creates a new Storage bucket
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions:insert
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- idRequiredstring
A unique identifier for the bucket you are creating.
- optionsRequiredobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .createBucket('avatars', {_10 public: false,_10 allowedMimeTypes: ['image/png'],_10 fileSizeLimit: 1024_10 })
Retrieve a bucket
Retrieves the details of an existing Storage bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions:select
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- idRequiredstring
The unique identifier of the bucket you would like to retrieve.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .getBucket('avatars')
List all buckets
Retrieves the details of all Storage buckets within an existing project.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions:select
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .listBuckets()
Update a bucket
Updates a Storage bucket
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions:select
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- idRequiredstring
A unique identifier for the bucket you are updating.
- optionsRequiredobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .updateBucket('avatars', {_10 public: false,_10 allowedMimeTypes: ['image/png'],_10 fileSizeLimit: 1024_10 })
Delete a bucket
Deletes an existing bucket. A bucket can't be deleted with existing objects inside it. You must first empty()
the bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions:select
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- idRequiredstring
The unique identifier of the bucket you would like to delete.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .deleteBucket('avatars')
Empty a bucket
Removes all objects inside a single bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions:select
table permissions:select
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- idRequiredstring
The unique identifier of the bucket you would like to empty.
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .emptyBucket('avatars')
Upload a file
Uploads a file to an existing bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions: onlyinsert
when you are uploading new files andselect
when you are upserting files
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- For React Native, using either
does not work as intended. Upload file usingArrayBuffer
from base64 file data instead, see example below.
- pathRequiredstring
The file path, including the file name. Should be of the format
. The bucket must already exist before attempting to upload. - fileBodyRequiredFileBody
The body of the file to be stored in the bucket.
- fileOptionsOptionalFileOptions
Return Type
_10const avatarFile =[0]_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .upload('public/avatar1.png', avatarFile, {_10 cacheControl: '3600',_10 upsert: false_10 })
Download a file
Downloads a file from a private bucket. For public buckets, make a request to the URL returned from getPublicUrl
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:select
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathRequiredstring
The full path and file name of the file to be downloaded. For example
. - optionsOptionalobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .download('folder/avatar1.png')
List all files in a bucket
Lists all the files within a bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:select
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathOptionalstring
The folder path.
- optionsOptionalSearchOptions
- parametersOptionalFetchParameters
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .list('folder', {_10 limit: 100,_10 offset: 0,_10 sortBy: { column: 'name', order: 'asc' },_10 })
Replace an existing file
Replaces an existing file at the specified path with a new one.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:update
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- For React Native, using either
does not work as intended. Update file usingArrayBuffer
from base64 file data instead, see example below.
- pathRequiredstring
The relative file path. Should be of the format
. The bucket must already exist before attempting to update. - fileBodyRequiredUnion: expand to see options
The body of the file to be stored in the bucket.
- fileOptionsOptionalFileOptions
Return Type
_10const avatarFile =[0]_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .update('public/avatar1.png', avatarFile, {_10 cacheControl: '3600',_10 upsert: true_10 })
Move an existing file
Moves an existing file to a new path in the same bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:update
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- fromPathRequiredstring
The original file path, including the current file name. For example
. - toPathRequiredstring
The new file path, including the new file name. For example
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .move('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png')
Copy an existing file
Copies an existing file to a new path in the same bucket.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:insert
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- fromPathRequiredstring
The original file path, including the current file name. For example
. - toPathRequiredstring
The new file path, including the new file name. For example
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .copy('public/avatar1.png', 'private/avatar2.png')
Delete files in a bucket
Deletes files within the same bucket
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:delete
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathsRequiredArray<string>
An array of files to delete, including the path and file name. For example [
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .remove(['folder/avatar1.png'])
Create a signed URL
Creates a signed URL. Use a signed URL to share a file for a fixed amount of time.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:select
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathRequiredstring
The file path, including the current file name. For example
. - expiresInRequirednumber
The number of seconds until the signed URL expires. For example,
for a URL which is valid for one minute. - optionsOptionalobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .createSignedUrl('folder/avatar1.png', 60)
Create signed URLs
Creates multiple signed URLs. Use a signed URL to share a file for a fixed amount of time.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:select
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathsRequiredArray<string>
The file paths to be downloaded, including the current file names. For example
['folder/image.png', 'folder2/image2.png']
. - expiresInRequirednumber
The number of seconds until the signed URLs expire. For example,
for URLs which are valid for one minute. - optionsOptionalobject
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .createSignedUrls(['folder/avatar1.png', 'folder/avatar2.png'], 60)
Create signed upload URL
Creates a signed upload URL. Signed upload URLs can be used to upload files to the bucket without further authentication. They are valid for 2 hours.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:insert
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathRequiredstring
The file path, including the current file name. For example
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .createSignedUploadUrl('folder/cat.jpg')
Upload to a signed URL
Upload a file with a token generated from createSignedUploadUrl
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathRequiredstring
The file path, including the file name. Should be of the format
. The bucket must already exist before attempting to upload. - tokenRequiredstring
The token generated from
- fileBodyRequiredFileBody
The body of the file to be stored in the bucket.
- fileOptionsOptionalFileOptions
Return Type
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('avatars')_10 .uploadToSignedUrl('folder/cat.jpg', 'token-from-createSignedUploadUrl', file)
Retrieve public URL
A simple convenience function to get the URL for an asset in a public bucket. If you do not want to use this function, you can construct the public URL by concatenating the bucket URL with the path to the asset. This function does not verify if the bucket is public. If a public URL is created for a bucket which is not public, you will not be able to download the asset.
- The bucket needs to be set to public, either via updateBucket() or by going to Storage on, clicking the overflow menu on a bucket and choosing "Make public"
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions: none
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathRequiredstring
The path and name of the file to generate the public URL for. For example
. - optionsOptionalobject
Return Type
_10const { data } = supabase_10 .storage_10 .from('public-bucket')_10 .getPublicUrl('folder/avatar1.png')
Release Notes
Supabase.js v2 release notes.
Install the latest version of @supabase/supabase-js
Explicit constructor options
All client specific options within the constructor are keyed to the library.
See PR:
_19 const supabase = createClient(apiURL, apiKey, {_19 db: {_19 schema: 'public',_19 },_19 auth: {_19 storage: AsyncStorage,_19 autoRefreshToken: true,_19 persistSession: true,_19 detectSessionInUrl: true,_19 },_19 realtime: {_19 channels,_19 endpoint,_19 },_19 global: {_19 fetch: customFetch,_19 headers: DEFAULT_HEADERS,_19 },_19 })
TypeScript support
The libraries now support typescript.
Types can be generated via the CLI:
Data operations return minimal
/ .upsert()
/ .update()
/ .delete()
don't return rows by default: PR.
Previously, these methods return inserted/updated/deleted rows by default (which caused some confusion), and you can opt to not return it by specifying returning: 'minimal'
. Now the default behavior is to not return rows. To return inserted/updated/deleted rows, add a .select()
call at the end, e.g.:
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('my_table')_10 .delete()_10 .eq('id', 1)_10 .select()
New ordering defaults
now defaults to Postgres’s default: PR.
Previously nullsFirst
defaults to false
, meaning null
s are ordered last. This is bad for performance if e.g. the column uses an index with NULLS FIRST
(which is the default direction for indexes).
Cookies and localstorage namespace
Storage key name in the Auth library has changed to include project reference which means that existing websites that had their JWT expiry set to a longer time could find their users logged out with this upgrade.
_10const defaultStorageKey = `sb-${new URL(this.authUrl).hostname.split('.')[0]}-auth-token`
New Auth Types
Typescript typings have been reworked. Session
interface now guarantees that it will always have an access_token
, refresh_token
and user
New Auth methods
We're removing the signIn()
method in favor of more explicit function signatures:
, signInWithOtp()
, and signInWithOAuth()
New Realtime methods
There is a new channel()
method in the Realtime library, which will be used for our Multiplayer updates.
We will deprecate the .from().on().subscribe()
method previously used for listening to postgres changes.
_21supabase_21 .channel('any_string_you_want')_21 .on('presence', { event: 'track' }, (payload) => {_21 console.log(payload)_21 })_21 .subscribe()_21_21supabase_21 .channel('any_string_you_want')_21 .on(_21 'postgres_changes',_21 {_21 event: 'INSERT',_21 schema: 'public',_21 table: 'movies',_21 },_21 (payload) => {_21 console.log(payload)_21 }_21 )_21 .subscribe()
Deprecated setAuth()
Deprecated and removed setAuth()
. To set a custom access_token
jwt instead, pass the custom header into the createClient()
method provided: (PR)
All changes
has been removed until all the client libraries support this option (PR).
- TypeScript typings have been reworked PR
- Use
instead ofnull
for function params, types, etc. ( - Some features are now obsolete: (
- filter shorthands (e.g.
) body
in response (
ing through the.insert()
method onPostgrestClient
- client-level
- filter shorthands (e.g.
client allows passing astorageKey
param which will allow the user to set the key used in local storage for storing the session. By default, this will be namespace-d with the supabase project ref. (PR)signIn
method is now split intosignInWithPassword
(PR)- Deprecated and removed
in favour of usinggetSession()
will always return a valid session if a user is already logged in, meaning no more random logouts. (PR) - Deprecated and removed setting for
support becausegetSession()
and gotrue’s reuse interval setting takes care of session management across multiple tabs (PR) - No more throwing of random errors, gotrue-js v2 always returns a custom error type: (PR)
- Indicates that a session is expected but missing
- Indicates that a cookie is expected but missing
- Indicates that the incorrect credentials were passed
- Renamed the
namespace toadmin
, theadmin
namespace will only contain methods that should only be used in a trusted server-side environment with the service role key - Moved
to theGoTrueClient
which means they will be accessible from thesupabase.auth
namespace insupabase-js
instead of having to dosupabase.auth.api
to access them - Removed
in favor ofsignInWithOtp
- Removed
in favor ofsignInWithPassword
- Removed
in favor ofsignUp
- Replaced
- Return types are more strict. Functions types used to indicate that the data returned could be null even if there was no error. We now make use of union types which only mark the data as null if there is an error and vice versa. (PR)
- The
function returns the path of the object uploaded as thepath
parameter. Previously the returned value had the bucket name prepended to the path which made it harder to pass the value on to other storage-js methods since all methods take the bucket name and path separately. We also chose to call the returned valuepath
instead ofKey
(PR) getPublicURL
only returns the public URL inside the data object. This keeps it consistent with our other methods of returning only within the data object. No error is returned since this method cannot does not throw an error (PR)- signed urls are returned as
instead ofsignedURL
in bothcreateSignedUrl
(PR) - Encodes URLs returned by
(PR) createsignedUrl
used to return a url directly and and within the data object. This was inconsistent. Now we always return values only inside the data object across all methods. (PR)createBucket
returns a data object instead of the name of the bucket directly. (PR)- Fixed types for metadata (PR)
- Better error types make it easier to track down what went wrong quicker.
is no longer exported. UseStorageClient
instead. (PR).
class no longer exists and replaced byRealtimeChannel
method now returns type ofvoid
. It used to return type ofPromise<{ error: Error | null; data: boolean }
.- Removed
methods fromSupabaseClient
class. - Removed
class. - Removed
class. - Removed
type.- Thinking about renaming this to something like
and moving it torealtime-js
- Thinking about renaming this to something like
- Removed
.from(’table’).on(’INSERT’, () ⇒ {}).subscribe()
in favor of new Realtime client API.
- supabase-js v1 only threw an error if the fetch call itself threw an error (network errors, etc) and not if the function returned HTTP errors like 400s or 500s. We have changed this behaviour to return an error if your function throws an error.
- We have introduced new error types to distinguish between different kinds of errors. A
error is returned if your function throws an error,FunctionsRelayError
if the Supabase Relay has an error processing your function andFunctionsFetchError
if there is a network error in calling your function. - The correct content-type headers are automatically attached when sending the request if you don’t pass in a
header and pass in an argument to your function. We automatically attach the content type forBlob
. If it doesn’t match any of these we assume the payload isjson
, we serialise the payload as JSON and attach the content type asapplication/json
. responseType
does not need to be explicitly passed in. We parse the response based on theContent-Type
response header sent by the function. We support parsing the responses astext
and are parsed astext
by default.