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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (16)
My Bio

Current Residence: New York/Scotland/Florida... all at the same time!
Favourite genre of music: Anything that isn't country. Sweating a little...
Favourite photographer: Dave XD
Favourite style of art: All styles have their own strong points, and their own allure. Can't pick. ^_^
Operating System: ...Dell?
MP3 player of choice: o_o How random!
Shell of choice: I'm just going to say 'snail' to be pesky...
Wallpaper of choice: I prefer paint? (Ha.ha.ha. The bad jokes just keep on rolling in...)
Skin of choice: My own has done a pretty good job so far.
Favourite cartoon character: Velma. Because she always had a way of making things up, and having them be right. ESP!
Personal Quote: �Committing an act of bravery is a crime against nature and sense. Never claim to make sense.&a

Favourite Visual Artist
Mr. Giger
Favourite Movies
Moulin Rouge- sappy, but great. And Obi-Wan dances. Clearly, a winner!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
N/A, It runs the gamut.
Favourite Writers
Takashi Matsuoka
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy VIII. However, Toe Jam and Earl still has its charm.
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2 or Sega Gen. <3
Tools of the Trade
Cat nip, rubber bands, and pink ribbon. Watch out!
Other Interests
Flowers, Fencing, Dancing in the rain, Languages, The color green, 1,000 books, Apples, Fireflies
Hey Everyone!I know I have a lot of new watchers here, and thank you very much for taking them time to add me. Everyone else, who I know I haven&#039;t spoken to in a while; I hope you&#039;re faring well!I plan to use this site mainly for cosplay photography now, as I don&#039;t have quite the amount of time for art that I used to. Still, every now and again, I&#039;ll upload something more along those lines.Just giving a hello, and I hope everyone&#039;s safe &amp; happy.-Addy
anonymous's avatar
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Kiriban? 4,000.

0 min read
Wow... I can&#039;t even believe how near I am to 4,000 page views. I&#039;m... rather sure most of that occurred within the last few months, so really, a huge thank you to everyone who has been sticking by me, even when I don&#039;t have the time to view your galleries in return, or respond to all the comments. ^^; I appreciate the generosity and kindness tenfold, you guys.
anonymous's avatar
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Well, DeviantArt completely deleted my messages and all notifications of recent Deviations done by those I watch. (Has it been rampant with this lately, or... is that just bad luck having a laugh at my expense? I&#039;ll hope on the latter, and that none of you have also been having this unfortunate occurance.)So, I&#039;ve finally resorted to using this journal to say, please: If you&#039;ve updated art recently and would like me to check it out, link me.
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 480

anonymous's avatar
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fallenRazziel's avatar
Cosplays are great^^
I would like to ask if I can post some on my tumbr, with the link to your page of course ^^
quiteproustian's avatar
thanks for the fave! :iconlubplz:
seethroughcrew's avatar
Thank you for the Superhero favorite :) I really appreciate it :)
BloodlustDetox's avatar
Thanks for faving! Be sure to Watch for more!

Please VOTE for me in this cosplay contest! [link] Vote button is on the lower lefthand corner, thank you!

Just wanted to say I think you're a great artist and photographer. <3
EspressoPaints's avatar
Hey~ I found your profile on DA as a link from a certain LJ community. I wanted to say you have a very nice style and I can see definite improvement over time with your art. You've got a lot of potential and I hope you continue to draw. I also like your cosplays, I have to say your Jade is lovely.
sunnyshooshoo's avatar
u draw AWESOME!!!!
srsly, im jealous ! :shakefist:
i luv everything here :dummy: