Current Residence: New York/Scotland/Florida... all at the same time!
Favourite genre of music: Anything that isn't country.

Favourite photographer: Dave XD
Favourite style of art: All styles have their own strong points, and their own allure. Can't pick. ^_^
Operating System: ...Dell?
MP3 player of choice: o_o How random!
Shell of choice: I'm just going to say 'snail' to be pesky...
Wallpaper of choice: I prefer paint? (Ha.ha.ha. The bad jokes just keep on rolling in...)
Skin of choice: My own has done a pretty good job so far.
Favourite cartoon character: Velma. Because she always had a way of making things up, and having them be right. ESP!
Personal Quote: �Committing an act of bravery is a crime against nature and sense. Never claim to make sense.&a