Radar 风控团队版支持对 Radar 规则进行微调,您能针对可疑付款获得洞察,并在一体化管理平台查看防欺诈风控效果。
从编写规则到审核付款,所有操作均可在管理平台中进行,无需添加代码或进行繁琐设置即可开始。您也可以用 Webhooks 和实时通知,将其轻松集成到现有的工作流程中。
根据您的业务模式选择合适的防欺诈策略, 并根据自身风险承受能力调整阻止可疑付款的力度。
根据银行卡号码、邮箱或 IP 地址等属性来设置阻止和允许列表。
使用数百种规则属性,包括 IP 地址、银行卡详情、行为信号和元数据,利用规则构建定向欺诈保护。
使用人工智能驱动的 Radar 助手轻松地将自然语言提示翻译成规则。
经 Stripe 优化的工作流程大大缩短了审核付款的时间,在为您提高欺诈模式检测能力的同时,让您加快行动速度,
与合法的购买行为相比,欺诈性的购买行为往往显得不正常。利用我们的欺诈洞察功能,可非常容易地识别欺诈趋势的根本原因并识别与欺诈相关的共同属性。风险分值提供交易级别的详细信息,帮助您执行手动审查。例如,您可以比较地理位置的 IP 地址和信用卡地址,或者查看结账时间等行为信息,将其与您的合法买家进行比较。您还可以用 Stripe Data Pipeline 在您的数据仓库中组合您的数据与 Radar 的数据,以此构建一体化的欺诈模型。
我们分析了数十亿次支付尝试,对 2500 名商业领袖进行了问卷调查,从中揭示出全球欺诈趋势,敬请阅读详情。
Read the full storyWe’ve been able to keep our fraud rate below our target thanks to Stripe. Radar for Fraud Teams also comes with built-in analytics that help us understand our fraud performance without needing to do time-consuming manual analysis. That’s been a game-changer, as we rely on payments and fraud data to inform our company’s decision-making.
Read the full storyWithout our partnership with Stripe, we wouldn’t have been able to detect this fraud in the first place. Using Stripe Radar for Fraud Teams with SnowCloud’s resort operating software, we can recognise and combat fraud in ways that were never before possible, giving us a distinct advantage over the criminals
Read the full storyWith Radar’s ML, Stripe sends early fraud warnings to alert us to suspicious patterns of activity. Radar for Fraud Teams enables us to keep pace with fraudsters by leveraging trends to inform our own fraud rules, meaning we can spot fraud in near real time and prevent it from happening. If it wasn’t for the Radar Dashboard, the early fraud warnings, the customization, and more, our fraud team would need to be triple the size it is today—if not bigger.
Read the full storySince fraudsters are always evolving and innovating, it’s important that we are able to react quickly and be proactive where we can be. With Radar rules and 3DS, we can block, review, and allow payments based on predefined criteria—significantly reducing fraud on our platform.
专为风控专业人士设计的高级欺诈保护产品,可增强控制自由度,进行自定义规则设置。这一切,在 Stripe 管理平台中即可实现。
额外验证有助于区分真实客户和诈骗者。阅读我们的指南,了解新版 3DS 验证如何在不损害用户体验的情况下减少欺诈行为。