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Perform aggregations with two tables with same structure

I have two tables that hold the same type of data, one with current day data and one with previous day data: Current: CREATE TABLE Current ( Col1 VARCHAR(50), Col2 VARCHAR(10), Col3 ...
iBeMeltin's user avatar
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Is it possible to query, alter, and update data in EF Core during a migration up and also to reverse that in migration down?

We want to modify a table in our database by adding a column and then updating all of the records in that table. For simplification, we are adding ValueB as the new column: ID ValueA ValueB (new ...
myermian's user avatar
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Can I use PIVOT or UNPIVOT to get the desired result and eliminate a slew of UNIONs?

I know I could easily use UNION ALL to get the results I want, but I have to generate 5 tables of each containing 15 rows of metrics/KPI. To simplify, I have data like this: user sex state race usr1 ...
DavidScherer's user avatar
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Validate an email address whether it is valid or invalid based on condition [duplicate]

I have a requirement to validate an email address whether it is valid or invalid based on one condition. ([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+)@((\[a-z]{1,3}\.[a-z]{1,3}\.[a-z]{1,3}\...
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What does "include step output in history"-setting control in SQL Server Agent for TSQL steps?

When you create a TSQL job step, there's an advanced setting called: "Include step output in history", but I don't understand what this setting controls: A sample job script: DECLARE @jobId ...
siggemannen's user avatar
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Need to retrieve SSIS variable value from SQL Server

I have a simple C# script task that sets the value of a variable. The goal is to retrieve this value from the SQL Server side when executing the package. Is it possible to expose that value without ...
smj7v3's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between float type and decimal type

In a SQL Server database, I have a value stored in a float column in my table, corresponding to a duration in the format "second.milliseconds", and I want the number of microseconds. I have ...
Jidé's user avatar
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Change from OLE DB to ODBC connection both connected to SQL Server?

I have an Excel file that was originally created with connection type being an OLE DB Query. This oledb connects to a SQL Server database and executes a stored procedure dbo.usp_GetEmployees which ...
fdkgfosfskjdlsjdlkfsf's user avatar
-3 votes
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Dynamic SQL Query in JasperReports Causes 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword null' Error, Works in SQL Engine [closed]

I am generating a dynamic SQL query in Java and passing it to a JasperReports .jrxml file through a parameter. The query runs fine when executed directly in my SQL engine (SQL Server), but in ...
Sarang S.'s user avatar
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Un-install and Re-install SSRS report server

I am having problems with my SSRS reports after recently downgrading it from Enterprise Edition to Standard Edition. So, when I say "Downgrading", I did not do the uninstall - reinstall. It ...
Rajath Savanth's user avatar
-4 votes
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SQL logic required [closed]

I have this initial data: id comment 1 1234_avc 2 234_abc 3 avc_789 How can i get the below output (numeric values) from the comment column in sql ? Output : id comment 1 1234 2 234 3 789 I ...
Gaurav Khanwalkar's user avatar
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Entity Framework not saving data into database

I made a simple app where you can give the program xml files and it pairs the products inside them by manufacturer part number, but it is not saving it into the db, however if the product is already ...
Indoraptor's user avatar
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SQL Error with Substring Invalid length parameter passed to SUBSTRING [duplicate]

I have the following 5 STRINGs that I am trying to parse for e.g: 1. Person is (Christopher Bowles known as Chris) 2. This is a test entry 3. Identified as Jonathan Sykes known as John) 4. Registered ...
Joe Bloggr's user avatar
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SQL Server Stored Procedure Exceution Taking time from Spring Data JPA

Not getting why its taking time. Tried many things parameter sniffing, WITH RECOMPILE but does not effect anything. SQL Server is in jumphost trying to access it. Simple select query able to get in ...
Nandita Sahu's user avatar
-2 votes
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Optimal way to measure efficiency of BulkAPI requests in Salesforce [closed]

In my org I have a lot of integrations using BulkAPI. I can get data about jobs, batches, number of processed records and monitor overall consumption per day, per user etc. Now I have to be able ...
Rustam Urusov's user avatar

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