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Polyfill warning from Google; PHPMailer and PHP dotenv affected [closed]

I got a warning from Google saying that my website is using Polyfill framework on Google Maps: "Notification Title: [Security Alert]: Issue for Google Maps Platform users". It ...
Linus's user avatar
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Yet another AdvancedMarkerElement marker question - They are not showing

Hi all new here and sort of new to JS. I have an app that's been in use for 10+years and still being used. It in PHP/Mysql/JS and uses GM for delivery locations. I thought I'd upgrade it to the ...
Tastech72's user avatar
-1 votes
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finding place id or gps coordinates with a google maps url

I've been looking at solutions to retrieve place_id or directly the gps coordinates of a place from a google maps shared url. I want my users to simple copy paste a location link and I retrieve the ...
Buddy's user avatar
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Capturing client IP addresses from the Google Maps API

I'm new to the Google Maps API (and KML processing in general); I have a set up on my website where I display a KML on my web server using the Google Maps API. I want to capture all client IP ...
nbdun24's user avatar
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using google maps api i need get longitude and latitude right after entering address/postalcode and pass on url

using google maps api i need get longitude and latitude right after entering address/postalcode or on submit form using jquery/ajax. once click submit button need to pass all 3 values in url join.php?...
user20834699's user avatar
-7 votes
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How to Check if Co-ordinates are within bounds object in PHP? [closed]

I have some co-ordinates and I want to check if these co-ordinates happens to be inside google map bounds (north-east and South-west). Example: Available Lat: 40.712776 Available Long: -74.005974 I ...
Roushan Choudhary's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can I properly access pictures hosted on google from my website?

Prior to writing this I have checked multiple threads but unfortunately nothing worked for what I would want to do. Problem summary - I can't remotely access pictures that are hosted on google. Each ...
Pawlisko's user avatar
-1 votes
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Putting multiple markers to google map, what might be the problem? [closed]

I'm trying to display markers for each address i have in my database. I'm storing the addresses in javascript array, and geocoding them, to display a marker on map for each of them. The addresses gets ...
strrr's user avatar
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Google Map Drawmap Doesnt Download the full Drawing using Javascript, PHP

I am using google map javascript to draw any shape, on the map and then download the drawing portion using the downloadmap javascript function. Everything works perfectly but the problem is the drawn ...'s user avatar
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remove google-assets completely from the wordpress-site to meet GDPR-regulations

update: good news: i contacted the developer and they replied - that they are currently working on a solution: concrete: the developer from sent me a mail: cit: We will be soon adding ...
zero's user avatar
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how to display data on google map info window from database using php mysqli

my sql query to fetch state count and state name that give me count and name of the state. my problem is that i wanted to display multiple markers on google map from database. I need to display the ...
PatelTausif's user avatar
-2 votes
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Google maps Multiple marker: setMap: not an instance of Map; and not an instance of StreetViewPanorama [duplicate]

I want to display Near by schools of my selected property in google maps API with marker, but it is showing me error, setMap: not an instance of Map; and not an instance of StreetViewPanorama. Below ...
Parteek Kumar Kherpa's user avatar
-2 votes
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google maps add markers from php source

I am trying to add an array of markers generated in php to a google map. Here is my map code (js): var map; var markers = []; var mapOptions = { //center: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[0].lat, ...
danyo's user avatar
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Google maps API use dragend to update one of multiple markers

I'm using google maps API with multiple equipment locations fed from a Mysql database. I can successfully show the markers on the map and make them draggable. If I drag any marker to a new location, ...
Chris Smith's user avatar
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"myMap is not a function" error when using the Google Maps API

I know this has been asked before. But the situation is that I'm referring the function before loading the map api. This was working a few days ago, and started giving me this error out of nowhere. I'...
Henrique Guimarães's user avatar

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