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CloudFormation : How to parse mutiples key from secretmanager to container task definition?

I want to define multiple AWS Batch jobs that all use the same environment variables defined in Secrets Manager. I understand CloudFormation does not supports YAML anchors and aliases. Is there a way ...
luan nguyen's user avatar
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Step function CFT error, Getting error "variable SubnetsParameter in Fn::Sub expression doesn't resolve to string

Below is my statemachine resource template. Failing with template failed variable SubnetsParameter in Fn::Sub expression doesn't resolve to string. Any help would be appreciated. DefinitionString: !...
wlg's user avatar
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Cloudformation to Terraform migration along with gitlab with 5 stages to trigger separately [closed]

Migrating CloudFormation to Terraform in GitLab CI/CD – Best Approach? We are migrating our infrastructure automation from Jenkins + CloudFormation to GitLab CI/CD + Terraform and need guidance on the ...
HEMANTH KISHORE's user avatar
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Use !ImportValue together with !Sub in a yaml template

I have a CF template where I export a value like this: Outputs: LambdaLogGroup: Value: !Ref LambdaLogGroup Export: Name: !Sub "LambdaLogGroup-${EnvironmentName}${EnvironmentId}" ...
Timothy Clotworthy's user avatar
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Calling a separate cloudformation template in a template

I am very new to all this, but I will try my best to be clear. Example: I have 3 different cloudformation templates. These templates are all different as a whole, but they are identical in parts of ...
user29837119's user avatar
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Why do CloudFormation stack dependencies report UPDATE_COMPLETE in reverse order?

I have multiple CloudFormation stacks with serial dependencies (Stack A2 depends on Stack A1, etc.). I've noticed a pattern during stack updates where CloudFormation appears to report the ...
Varun Gawande's user avatar
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Using ForEach Loop Within CloudFormation Resource to Create List of Objects

I'm trying to dynamically create a Glue crawler in CloudFormation with the sources based on a list of S3 paths that are passed into me. I've tried dozens of different ways, but I can't seem to get it ...
Dave McGinnis's user avatar
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#/VectorIngestionConfiguration: extraneous key [customTransformationConfiguration] is not permitted using CDK

I am seeing below error while creating customTransformationConfigurationProperty in Datasource using CfnDatasource to process documents with a Lambda function after it parsed and converted into chunks....
Priya Rani's user avatar
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Does AWS CloudFormation provide a one-level map?

I'm aware of Fn::FindInMap, which provides a two-level map. Consider this example from a Mappings section: ShortNames: us-east-1: '753': us '426': us eu-west-1: ...
davidvandebunte's user avatar
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Local dev quick iteration for serverless lambda using CDK and SAM

Could someone please help out on how they are approaching local dev with CDK and SAM? I'm trying to assist our devs to improve the local development experience and iteration of Lambda code. Previously ...
wired00's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify what module version to use in the Cloudformation template?

If a module is registered in CloudFormation with a default version, is there a way to specify a different version in the CF YAML file? For instance, if the default version is '000002' but I want to ...
Steyn van Wyk's user avatar
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AWS Instance scheduler remote cloud formation template deployment

I had deployed instance scheduler service to aws my hub account and remote template to aws spoke accounts nearly a year ago. The template versions were v1.5.4. Now, I want to deploy another remote ...
MoonHorse's user avatar
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Enable "Include sub domains" in an AWS CloudWatch RUM monitor using CDK?

CloudWatch RUM in the AWS UI console has a field for "Application domain" and a separate checkbox for "Include sub domains". However, there is no corresponding boolean field in ...
Antrikshy's user avatar
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Updating CloudFormation modules

I have been able to initialize and register a module using the Cloudformation CLI tool. >> cfn init Initializing new project Do you want to develop a new resource(r) or a module(m)?. >> m ...
Steyn van Wyk's user avatar
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AWS Cloudformation : Fn::ForEach on empty CommaDelimitedList

I need to create AWS Cloudfront distributions in a ForEach loop based on the strings coming in a parameter named UnauthDomains of type CommaDelimitedList.So 5 comma seperated strings in the list and ...
Amol Kshirsagar's user avatar

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