I originally had a slightly different need and was given a great answer: Prepend Git commit message with partial branch name
However, my needs have changed a bit and the regex I have is not working as intended, I'm hoping someone can give me a little guidance.
My current branch naming convention is: bug/ab-123/branch-description
What I need to do is prepend every git commit message with the values in between each forward slash, so in this case ab-123
. Additionally, I'd like it capitalized as AB-123
The end result I'm looking for is:
AB-123 my commit message goes here
My current prepare-commit-message regex is:
branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
trimmed=$(echo "$branch" | sed -e 's:^[a-z]+\/\([a-z]{2,}-\d+\):\1:' -e \
echo $trimmed | sed -e 's/f/b/' | tr [a-z] [A-Z] | awk '{print("ls " $1)}'
This does nothing however. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!