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PLEASE GO HERE FOR: Blakrye Rarity and Trait Chart

The page you are on now is only for information about their species, physiology, and how they interact with society!

Blakrye Info Sheet by Jotaku

"Blakryes are a race of lightning aligned creatures who specialize in rune magics. While all are skilled in the manipulation of black lightning, individuals usually only practice one or two different elements in addition. Blakryes are very passionate creatures. They have an inherent curiosity about the world and love to learn and see new things, though they can tend to be easily manipulated or gullible. These creatures love contact and closeness and are very cuddly. For these reasons, Blakryes are noted as a subservient race and are popular as "pets" within certain social circles. As their tails are made of lightning, they can be a bit abrasive and shock anyone who tries to touch it/them. Their tails only hurt those they wish it to, though; if allowed, touching a Blakrye's tail would be much like touching something that gives a pleasant tingle."

Please respect my creativity and business and do not make your own!

**Please remember that these are species canons, but you are free to ignore or go along with them as you please**
Also, my world is definitely fantasy--something more like an MMO type setting, so canons are also based on that.

Rarity & Trait Chart: Blakrye Rarity and Trait Chart



★Blakryes are high thinking mammals with bodies and lifespans similar to humans. They are shorter, though, averaging at around 5'2" by the top of their head--give or take a little. The females average a little shorter than the males, and also develop hips and breasts. Blakryes tend to develop less than humans; females are often slight w/ less obvious curves, and males sleek with less muscle bulk. Despite their slighter appearances, Blakryes are actually stronger than humans, though they prefer to rely on magical abilities over physical strength.

★They are covered in a very fine yet dense layer of fur (~1/16 to 1/8th inch long) that covers most areas of their bodies excluding nipples, paw pads, and parts of their genitals.

★For NSFW info and imagery regarding sex and genitalia, please click HERE

★Their tails, which are manifested electrical currents essentially like lightning, are constantly pulsing and alternating in shape. Blakryes CAN control the shape and movement to a certain extent, meaning they can force it to form vague shapes (such as the heart example).

★If a Blakrye becomes very sick, their ear and tail currents will start to "flicker" seemingly on and off. This is a very bad sign; their electrical currents only turn off at death.

★Blakryes are very sensitive to other electrical currents. They can "feel" when other Blakryes are around, for example. They are also very tuned in to the weather--if an electrical storm is coming they will be well aware of it before there are any signs.


Blakryes are a species marked by their open-mindedness and thirst for knowledge and experience. Typically they are exceptionally easy going, flexible, and difficult to anger. They enjoy affection and closeness to others. Instead of causing conflict, they would rather go with the flow and possibly learn and experience new things. A Blakrye's openness and curiosity can be a bit of a fault, though, as it is easy to use it against them and therefor manipulate them. 

Because of the Blakrye's lack of conquest, the species have been shoved into a subservient class. They are typically placed in jobs such as servants, errand runners, assistants, etc, or sometimes even purchased as "pets" within seedier social circles. If a Blakrye is stronger in magical abilities, it isn't unheard of to find them in more important jobs related to their specialty.


Pygmy Blakryes range in height from 3-4.5' (by the tops of their heads) but average around 4'. They have notably smaller ears and tails, and overall tend to have a "cuter" appearance. Although they are essentially the same as normal Blakryes, only smaller, they are more popular to be kept as "pets" due to their cute appearance.


Feral Blakryes are very uncommon to see, preferring to live in small tribes of their kind away from civilizations. They average over 6' (to the top of their head) and sport large, monstrous arms and claws.

Ferals have a reputation of being savage and are viewed more as animals than an intelligent race, but the truth is that they are merely secretive and cautious of outsiders. They retain all the curiosities of their more docile relatives, but with a healthy dose of suspicion. In reality, feral Blakryes are probably the /smartest/ strain of their species.

It is extremely difficult to gain recognition and respect from a feral Blakrye, but managing to do so gains you an ally and their loyalty for life.

Coupled with their fierce strength and wild magic, feral Blakryes are most commonly found in society as protectors, body guards, fighters, etc.


Albino Blakryes are the result of a mutation causing either white hair, or white hair + white electrical currents. This mutation is feared and if a Blakrye is born with it, they may be put down--especially if they are full albino. This mutation is rare to begin with, but because of this practice, makes living albinos few and far in between.

The fear comes from the abundant, uncontrollable magical powers albino Blakryes have. Their power is so great, that losing control for even an instant can result in a crazy amount of destruction. This does not mean albinos can never learn control--only that it can take decades to obtain it. The risk is often seen as too great.

Recently, though, advances in magic and science have begun to develop ways to suppress a Blakrye's magic, making it possible to give albinos control. The practice of killing albinos off at birth is becoming less and less in advanced cities.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask here! :)

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