memory #1
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She stares out across the ocean, longing for the sun to rise.
She’s forgotten how long she’s been here, idling up at the moon by the waters edge. Centuries, maybe. Perhaps eons. She thinks that Izanagi and Izanami were cruel to make them eternal like so, so cruel she wonders how she used to call them mother and father. So cruel, she wonders if that were the reason they created tasselbuns, as loyal and loving as they were, from nothing - to repent. No matter. This year was a year like any other. Or so she thought.
Across the dunes, over an outcrop of rock, a body. People would come to transcribe this encounter, etch it in stone, then scrolls, then books - and then it would be forgotten.
She tows the body onto land, and breathes life back into her the way only gods can. Maybe out of curiosity. She waits. And she waits. Until the body splutters back to life, hacking and coughing as she rises.
She had eyes like the sea; blue and speckled with bits of grey. Surely one day it will become a lost memory, but despite it all, an introduction is made.
“My name? Chinami. It’s the name my parents gave me. Well? What about you?”
A name given by her parents? Funny. “You can call me Tsukuyomi.”