
A Zettelkasten mode leveraging Org.

#1 404 when visiting documentation URL

~ymherklotz commented on org-zettelkasten todo

15 days ago

#1 404 when visiting documentation URL

Yann Herklotz commented on org-zettelkasten todo

15 days ago

Zettelkasten for Org

Zettelkasten is a note-taking technique designed to keep, and create new links between all the notes as they are written. This allows them to develop over time, link to various different topics and allow the notes to grow into a network over time. This helps draw connections between different fields.

The idea of this mode is to integrate fully into Emacs Org mode, trying to leverage most of its preexisting features.

More documentation can be found here:

How to use org-zettelkasten

The method implemented in org-zettelkasten has been described in detail in a blog article. It leverages Org features such as CUSTOM_ID.

Manual Installation

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/org-zettelkasten.el")
(require 'org-zettelkasten)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-zettelkasten-mode)

use-package from Melpa

(use-package org-zettelkasten
  :ensure t
  (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-zettelkasten-mode))