
Eyeless Jack x Reader Ch. 1. Flashback

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Tears came running from your eyes, its like they wouldn't stop coming, memories flooded around, making you remember everything, you sat on the stairs, crying your eyes out.

The one you loved the most; was gone, the only person you had left, were missing, and they've searched for him in two weeks now. 
He was the closest person you had, he had always been there, loving you, caring for you, always... 

He held you when your parents were killed... He held you when your sister passed away, he had always been there.

You remember the night your parents died, like it happened only yesterday.


You and your boyfriend was standing outside the front of the door. You held hands as he kissed you lightly on the lips "see ya' angel" he smiled at you, you blushed a bit and hugged him "yeah"
Pulling away a bit you looked at him, smiling. You pulled all away and turned around grabbing the door, "bye" you said as you opened and he went towards the street.

Suddenly a loud scream and a bang was heard, you saw a shadow inside the house, the shadow had a human form. As your eyes got used to the darkness you could see the shadow better, it was a boy - around your age (unless you are under 13 i Guess...) - he had a white hoodie on, and mid long black messy hair, he turned around slowly.

You froze as he turned around, something told you to move, to run, run away as fast as you could but no... You just couldn't get your feet to move. 
He had a terrible face, his skin was all pale, white, his eyes looked like they were never to close again and his smile... A smile was cut through his cheeks, he looked insane, you just wanted to get away.

Thats when you noticed the knife in his hand, it was a big kitchen knife, just that, it was drenched in blood, the hoodie was as well. You felt tears come in your eyes as you looked at him, still too shocked to get out.

He ran at you, his knife ready to plung in you... "(Y/N)!!!" You heard before your boyfriend jumped at you from behind, making both you and him fall into the floor, with him on top. You looked up to see the mad man standing there's ready to kill both of you, but before he could do anything, your boyfriend hit him in his face, the boy was about to take him with the knife until he heard the sirens in the distance, before you knew it he was gone,

Your boyfriend slumped down holding his shoulder, "Damn" he said, he looked at you, "you ok, (Y/N)?" You looked at him and nodded, "Y-yes... B-but what a-about you?" You stuttered. "I'm alright" he chuckled before standing up.

You just remembered, your parents! "Wheres my sister, and my p-p-parents!?" He looked at you, he looked a bit around the room, his eyes going wide "(Y-Y/N)..." You looked to where he pointed, your eyes filled with water again as you saw the bodies of your mom and dad.

He carefully put his arms around you, he dragged you into his chest as you turned around, you cried hard in his chest as he held you tighter, you both sinking into the ground, you crying on him has he held you.

[flashback over]

More tears went down your cheeks, as you got weaker from the crying and started slowly to fall asleep, "J-jack......." You mumbled for yourself as you closed your eyes....


Chapter 1. .... You're here....?
Chapter 2. [link]
Chapter 3. [link]
Chapter 4. [link]
Chapter 5.[link]
Chapter 6.[link]
Chapter 7.[link]
Chapter 8.
.ANYWAYS did you like it? Cause this is chapter one and a new one might come up tomorrow :P 
I made a new one, YES, BUT i need something to lighten up my mood (not that i'm unhappy, i'm actually REALLY happy, to everyone that have been reading my stories!)
I donnu if you like it, hate it, or care to comment, but i would be happy if you did, ^^ but of course, i'm happy anyways~

:iconeyelessjackplz: belongs to Creepypasta i guess
you belongs to.. Jeff? Jack? Me? You? I DONNU
© 2013 - 2025 Prucanon
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