Safety and Security | Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit
SMART Train crosses Haystack Bridge in Petaluma.

Safety & Security

Safety and security are top priorities at SMART.

If you see a suspicious package or activity on the platform, tell a conductor or a SMART employee, or call (888) 412-3330 to report it to the Operational Control Center.
In an emergency, call 911.

To report an emergency on the SMART railway or at a rail grade crossing, such as a stalled vehicle on the tracks or a crossing gate malfunction, call (888) 412-3330 (toll-free). Before you call, please locate the crossing ID number, which can be found on the blue and white Emergency Notification System (ENS) sign. The U.S. Department of Transportation assigns a unique number to every railroad crossing for easy identification. The ENS sign is located on the gate masts at each crossing. 

Quiet Zones

Most communities in Marin and Sonoma counties have established Quiet Zones, where train horns will not routinely sound as they travel through crossings. To assist local jurisdictions with their intent to establish Quiet Zones, SMART has installed supplemental safety features at each railroad crossing, such as additional crossing gates or medians to prevent cars from driving around gates. For more information on how a Quiet Zone is established, please view the fact sheet provided by the Federal Railroad Administration.

For your safety, please:

  • Don’t be distracted: Always be alert and aware around all railroad tracks and crossings.
  • Drivers should never stop on the railroad tracks, and never cross the tracks until you are sure you have enough room to make it safely through to the other side.
  • Do not drive around lowered crossing gates or attempt to beat a train through a crossing.
  • Always pay attention to the signs at signals at the railroad crossing.
  • Do not walk on the railroad tracks. Walking on the tracks is dangerous and illegal.

For more information on rail safety, visit