Originally made in Python as a final for my first semester of computer science, this is Escape from Kettuloch, a dungeon crawling game where you're slowly turning into a fox.

LynxSnowCat kindly offered some code adding a bunch of excellent features, dramatically improving the map (walls are now visible), footer (all information can be onscreen at once if your screen is large enough), and controls (you can now move with buttons in the sidebar)! You can find their Itch.io profile here: snow-cat.itch.io

8600 words, 14 (or more???) endings, 1 Gex reference.

While the game does feature in-game hints for puzzles, a dedicated hint guide and walkthrough are available in the downloads section! If you get stuck, those should be very helpful!

GitHub repository: https://github.com/SnepShark/Kettuloch

7/29/22 - Fixed a major bug (player had health beyond the displayed amount) and a smaller bug (the footer taunted players about being foxes, despite that not yet being true).
6/20/22 - Tons of QoL improvements written by LynxSnowCat, including easier navigation and a better map! (Plus a few major bugfixes, including the one that caused the player to lose a few fights despite having enough health)
4/11/22 - Even more typos fixed!
12/12/21 - Dramatically decreased the number of frustrating elements in the first section, along with a few other small changes.
10/9/21 - Corrected a bunch of typos, fixed one or two bugs, and added one more ending.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Offline Version 565 kB
Hints 1.3 kB
Walkthrough 5 kB
Original Python version 50 kB

Development log


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silly game, would reccommend playing, also great puzzles


Really enjoyed this.

Apparently I'm too uncultured to play this game, and so I'm currently looking up Roberta something, story

Oh my God it's sooo incredibly dumb and I hate myself for not getting it

Super secret ending... Unfinished... This was a really good game, but I went through all five stages of grief playing this game, I'm not nearly smart enough

(2 edits)

Glad you enjoyed it despite the frustration! I'm sure you can handle the rest though, the two puzzles at the start are easily the hardest part (which comes as a result of the fact that the original version of the game was made as a school project, and the graders needed to see the more complex rooms early in the game, haha)

(moving my other comment to the end of the thread):

There's a few other ways to get the solution to that puzzle! (Alternatively, the math-y puzzle that's the other direction from the entrance leads to the same location!)

In total, there are seven distinct correct solutions to get past the puzzles, though I'm not sure if the walkthrough has all of them listed. (If you haven't tried guessing incorrectly in both of them a few times, I suggest trying that, as they provide hints!)

You can (encoded with rot13.com, paste this there to see the solutions):

  • Uvtuyvtug gur "vaivfvoyr vax" ng gur obggbz bs gur cntr gung gur punenpgre uvagf ng, nyybjvat lbh gb ernq gur anzr. (Uvggvat PGEY-N vf na rnfl jnl gb svaq vg, ohg lbhe zbhfr jbexf gbb!)
  • Erpbtavmr gur "Ehzcyrfgvygfxva" snvel gnyr naq chg gbtrgure gung lbh arrq gb glcr uvf anzr onpxjneqf, yvxr va gur tnzr Xvat'f Dhrfg.
  • Erpbtavmr gur Xvat'f Dhrfg ersrerapr, naq ragre gur zvfcryyrq anzr hfrq va gung tnzr.
  • Gur cerivbhf gjb zrgubqf nyfb jbex vs lbh hfr n "onpxjneqf nycunorg" vafgrnq bs syvccvat gur jbeq, jvgu n=m, o=l, p=k, rgp.
  • Fbyir gur zngu chmmyr, ol rvgure hfvat zbqhyb be qenjvat vg bhg ba cncre.
  • Gel gur zngu chmmyr n srj gvzrf. Lbhe punenpgre jvyy oehgr sbepr gur fbyhgvba nsgre lbh trg vg jebat n pbhcyr gvzrf.
Deleted 237 days ago

The game was fun but I don't know how to get the three secret endings 😢

(4 edits)

There's secretly a fourth option for each of the questions at the end, though, having just replayed it now, the way it's coded really should be changed to allow for stuff other than 0 to trigger it, like in the python version.

 The secret combinations that currently work are 0,0,0 or 3,0,0: No mind or body, 3,1,0: Humanoid inflatable, 3,2,0: Fox fursuit, and 3,3,0: Fox plush.

(2 edits)

It was rather confusing, at first, but I get what you were getting at—I just have to look into what the dialogue is saying more closer.

By the way, neat game, and the endings are pretty amusing taking in the context from the final room.

how do you unlock the door that has a code in the start of the game?

(4 edits)

It's randomly generated on each playthrough. For clarity, it leads to the same location as the name guessing puzzle, so if you've already solved that one, you might not need to solve this one as well.

If you guess incorrectly, the game will give you more hints for how to do the math required to solve the puzzle.

The solution is (Number of turns) modulo (total number of notches) = (dial setting). Remember! The zero notch counts, so a 0-9 notched dial has 10 total notches. There are a few other ways to get to the right answer as well, but that's the easiest one to plug into a calculator.

(BTW, if you guess incorrectly a bunch of times your character will decide to just brute-force the combination, allowing you to pass the door without doing any math)

what is the code to like the door?

(3 edits)

Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. If you're talking about the final door, your character should open it automatically if you have all 3 secret keys in your inventory when entering the final room in the web version of the game.

(If you're playing the Python version instead of the web version, I'm pretty sure the command is "unlock," but I don't quite remember. The "help" command should list it though.)

how do you unlock the door after the exit?

(1 edit)

The door has holes for three keys, two of which are hidden a bit more than the rest of the game’s items.

Hints: Backtracking is required to get through the door! Mind the time limit, though.

Look at the map for any places you may have missed!

Ogollo (the shopkeeper) has a required item at both of their stalls.

Solutions: (Paste this into a ROT13 translator, or download the walkthrough.txt file from the downloads section) 

Gur svefg xrl vf va ebbz (2,5) oruvaq gur qbbe lbh jrera’g noyr gb bcra va gur obff ebbz (2,4). Btbyyb tvirf lbh gur xrl gb gung qbbe gur svefg gvzr lbh zrrg gurz.
Gur frpbaq xrl vf va gur ebbz jvgu gur guerr ybpxf (1,3). Lbh cvpx vg hc nhgbzngvpnyyl jura ragrevat gur ebbz. Vg’f nyfb gur xrl gb gur purfg Btbyyb unq ng gurve frpbaq fgnyy. Onpxgenpx gb ebbz (3,3) naq trg gur svany xrl!

thank you for the help

(1 edit) (+1)

Would like to add on a bit, I got into python because I saw your code and was like “oh my gawd what does that mean” and decided to code, and referred to some bits of your code to help with mine

your clear() function is so useful! I’m also speedrunning the game  to see how many minutes I can beat it in 

(1 edit)

Hearing stuff like this is always really cool, I'm super happy that the game has continued to help you!!!


Excellent little game, I got "being a fox is okay actually" and I found the exit too lol (might of done that on purpose :P) 

I found the dialogue really funny, I couldn't get the notch puzzle so I just left but the other one I eventually figured it out. Though... probably having knowledge of another game isn't the best way to do a puzzle it's on the bottom of every page so there's another way to do it.

All in all though I enjoyed and I'll probably try to get some more endings 

Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Once you know the route it won’t take a super long time to get back to the true ending, but the best way to see all the endings is definitely to make a save once you get to the final room so you can re-load there, or use the undo button at the top of the sidebar to select a new combination

That sounds good, I'll do just that.

Deleted 1 year ago

They're definitely not super easy! The puzzles will give you hints in the game each time you get them wrong, and there's a full walkthrough in the downloads section, but I can definitely give a few hints here too!

Paste these into https://rot13.com/ to decipher them. (Or you could do it by hand, with A=N, B=O, C=P. etc., but that's a bit tedious, haha)

  • Name puzzle (room 3,4):
    • Gurer ner gjb jnlf gb fbyir guvf chmmyr, ohg gur rnfvre bar vf svaqvat vg va gur ebbz. Vg'f jevggra va vaivfvoyr vax.
    • Gurer'f nyfb n frpbaq jnl gb fbyir gur chmmyr, juvpu vf n ersrerapr gb bar bs gur uneqrfg nqiragher tnzr chmmyrf, juvpu vf sebz Xvat'f Dhrfg.
    • Fryrpgvat vaivfvoyr grkg erirnyf vg.
    • Pyvpxvat naq qenttvat bire gur pbeerpg nern (be cerffvat pgey/pzq-N) jvyy erirny gur grkg.
    • Vg'f uvqqra haqrearngu gur qrfpevcgvba svryq.
    • Gur fbyhgvba vf avxfgyvgfyrczhe, gubhtu avxfgyvgfryczhe vf nyfb npprcgrq. (Ehzcryfgvygfxva onpxjneqf)
  • Notches puzzle (room 1,4):
    • Gur fbyhgvba gb guvf chmmyr vf enaqbzvmrq rnpu gvzr lbh cynl gur tnzr.
    • Qba'g sbetrg gung n qvny ahzorerq sebz 0-3 unf sbhe gbgny abgpurf ba vg!
    • Vg zvtug or urycshy gb qenj gur qvnyf (vs gurer'f bar cynpr va gur tnzr gung fhssref sebz n ynpx bs ivfhnyf, vg'f guvf).
    • Lbh pna fbyir guvf chmmyr jvgu gur zbqhyb bcrengvba, be ivn qvivfvba jvgu erznvaqre.
    • Zber fcrpvsvpnyyl, fvapr rnpu shyy ebgngvba bs n qvny ergheaf vgf inyhr gb 0, lbh pna qvivqr njnl gubfr shyy ebgngvbaf, fvapr gurl qba'g vzcnpg jung abgpu lbh jbhyq raq ba. Gur erznvaqre vf gur nafjre.
    • Rknzcyr: Qvny N: 0-9 unf 10 abgpurf. Vs jr jrer gb ghea vg ol 1333 abgpurf, vg jbhyq pbzcyrgr 133 shyy ebgngvbaf, naq gura trg ghearq ol nabgure 3, erfhygvat va hf frggvat gur qvny gb 3. (1333/10=133 erznvaqre 3, be 1333 zbqhyb 10=3)
    • Lbh'er noyr gb oehgr sbepr guvf chmmyr, trggvat vg jebat 4 gvzrf erfhygf va lbhe punenpgre gelvat nyy bs gur cbffvoyr pbzovangvbaf (nsgre nyy, gurer'f n znkvzhz bs whfg 100 pbzovangvbaf, fvapr gur znkvzhz ahzore bs abgpurf ba rvgure qvny vf 10), nyybjvat lbh gb cebterff jvgubhg fbyivat rvgure chmmyr.

fun game love the concept that you are turning into something but it could use some visuals

(1 edit)

I'm not planning on adding visuals to this one, but the long-ish-term project I'm currently working on and the game jam submission I'm planning out (which I need to finish before the end of the month) will both feature characters transforming with animations.

If you follow me on Itch you'll be notified once those are out, haha

ok Ill be sure to


It was fun for a bit but then it just got more frustrating than anything. Partly because I could never quite understand the notch puzzle. However the main frustration was dying to enemies that were doing less damage than I had health and yet it would still kill me so that's great. Also I'm not sure what sword your talking about in the guide since the shop keep has no sword.

(2 edits)
I could never quite understand the notch puzzle.

You're not alone on that one, that puzzle is responsible for like, half of the questions I've received on other sites, haha. Hmm... maybe I should add a visual representation of the dials to make that puzzle's description a bit more clear.

...dying to enemies that were doing less damage than I had health...

This one though? I haven't heard about anyone else experiencing that before, but if that’s happening, it needs to be fixed! (In the browser version, you should always have enough health to progress if you buy the armor and drink every potion) Do you remember which enemies or rooms caused this?

Also I'm not sure what sword your talking about in the guide since the shop keep has no sword

Yep, I'll fix that right now. I wrote the guide around the Python version, which had both a sword and armor in the store.

I've fixed the bug you encountered (if the player entered a fight on the same turn that the transformation progressed, the fight was triggered twice, once before and once after the transformation), plus, LynxSnowCat added a bunch of extra QoL features, like the ability to move with buttons in the sidebar!

I also updated the wording of the shop to make the sword/armor part of the walkthrough less different between the Python and HTML versions of the game.


This is really cool!

I think so too, but I'm biased, haha. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Had a blast with this game! Was really interesting exploring the various endings.

I might just check it out anyways, but Is it worth going back and giving the Python version a try at all?


If you'd like to see how the gameplay changed over time, it could be worth a look! There isn't a lot to see on the story front though, since the original doesn't have any new endings to read, just a few changed room descriptions and a lot of extra typos, haha.

The Twine version is definitely the better of the two as far as quality-of-life stuff goes (needing to fully replay the game for each ending to see them all doesn't exactly add to the experience, haha), and I haven't seen anyone crash the Twine version, but I still like the original combat and timer balancing from the Python version.

Oh, and thank you, I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed your time playing it!


Never thought I'd be able to self-learn python  with a TF game to such an extent I got selected into our school's infocomm team. Oh well. Thanks

(1 edit) (+3)

Congrats! I'm glad I could help, haha

dont work on google

On all the computers I have access to, it works fine on Chrome (along with Safari, Edge, and Firefox), but I'm definitely willing to help you troubleshoot it!

Two preliminary questions:

Does it work for you in other browsers?

Are you getting any sort of error message when you try to play it?


it works in microsoft edge idk why thx 4 the help