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The Futuristic Samurai DJ!!!

Frontera: Flash of Dawn - Really cool looking sci-fi western comic series! Check out more info here -…

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Hey guys! Here it is, the first issue of the Interactive Motion Comic, The OsteoCorps, a ground-breaking educational series about medicine, science, and heroes fighting disease and injury. Issue #1 of the app brings the hard copy to life with fluid animation, interactivity, and sound effects to create a never before seen digital learning platform. The app is available now in the App Store for iPad and iPhone here: and on Google Play here: #theosteocorps

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1st place: $200 
2nd place: $150 
3rd place: $100
4th place: $50

The Rules: Easy! Draw any character from The OsteoCorps Universe (all artwork and the logo on their chest can be found right here).

What to draw: Well, you're the artist... so I'm leaving that choice to your imagination (i.e. sketch card, pin-up, sequential art, versus, group shot, animations, etc). 

The Deadline: September 7, 2015!

Rules Part 2: There are NO RULES... okay, maybe a few... "note" me a link to your image (I will upload your art to its own OsteoCorps Contest Entry folder), please no "mature content", give a link back to this contest page, and only one entry per contestant.

Well, hopefully I've covered everything? Oh yeah, one more thing... GOOD LUCK!!!!! :D

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The OsteoCorps, the first "edutainment" comic book series about superheroes battling disease and injury, now has an official Twitter account! Be sure to follow it for all the latest updates and upcoming contest/giveaways -

The OsteoCorps' Twitter - @TheOsteoCorps by Shwann

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Hey guys, I've recently gone ahead and created a fan page for The OsteoCorps! Please feel free to "like" this new page (either click the link above or the image below) to keep up with everything the OsteoCorps Universe has to offer - including "exclusive" content and contests you'll only find at this new page!

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Frontera: Flash of Dawn by Shwann, journal

OsteoCorps Interactive Motion Comic Out Now by Shwann, journal


The OsteoCorps' Twitter Account!!! by Shwann, journal

The OsteoCorps Fan Page Now Online! by Shwann, journal