Compliance is key in the maritime industry. It ensures the smooth operation of ships and safety of the crew. With solutions in safety, service and data, we provide maximal compliance for ships and shipping companies. Browse the categories below to find all the products & services we offer.

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New Garbage Record Book requirements for vessels below 400 GT per 1st of May 2024.
New Garbage Record Book requirements for vessels below 400 GT per 1st of May 2024.
On May 1st, 2024, a significant regulatory shift comes into effect for vessels embarking on international voyages with a 100 gross tonnage or above: they are now obligated to maintain a garbage record...
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Red Ensign Mark certification - UK vessels
Red Ensign Mark certification - UK vessels

Red Ensign: all marine products used onboard UK vessels must carry the Red Ensign mark.


Starting in 2023, there have been alterations to the certification process for marine equipment utilized on ...

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Legislation update April 2024
Legislation update April 2024

Pre announcement: PFAS ban foam extinguishers 2026.


MSC 107 adopted amendments to SOLAS chapter II-2 to prohibit the use of fire-fighting foams containing PFAS. This means that in the upcoming...

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Introducing: Fire Isolator, the solution to control EV car fires onboard
Introducing: Fire Isolator, the solution to control EV car fires onboard
The Fire Isolator is an innovative solution that addresses the growing concern over the safety of electric vehicles (EVs) on board of ships. This comprehensive kit is designed to isolate and fight EV ...
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RACA step by step: how to perform a remote assisted compass adjustment
RACA step by step: how to perform a remote assisted compass adjustment
Previously, compasses needed to be adjusted with an onboard adjuster. However, RACA has created a new possibility: remote assisted compass adjustment out at sea or after leaving a port. What are the d...
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