Office of Neighborhood Services

Responsibilities & Services

The Shelby County Mayor's Action Center is a branch of the Mayor's Office which serves as your point of contact for Shelby County services.

The Mayor’s Action center (MAC) is a call center providing constituents of Shelby County one place to request services, get information, or give feedback. It serves as the central bureau for information and complaints about Shelby County Government. The center is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the investigation of citizen complaints
  • Providing on-site visits (may attend meetings at faith-based organizations, civic clubs, and neighborhood associations)
  • Notifying the appropriate department to provide assistance

To report an issue, dial the MAC Hotline: 901-222-2300

Another way to reach the MAC is by clicking the Report a Concern

Examples of Requests

  • High Grass on County Lots or Privately Owned Lots
  • Trash And Liter on Property
  • Rodent Control
  • Illegal Dumping in Shelby County Unincorporated
  • Repairing Of Potholes 
  • Mosquito Control

For Driver’s License information:

For City of Memphis information:

Gun Lock Request Form: Form Center • Gun Lock Request Form (