Frequently-asked questions

Previous jobsDB platform users
Why do I need to create a new account?
jobsDB has been relaunched as a fast and simple platform providing you with the power of browsing all jobs in one place. With that, there are some changes to your user experiences to reinforce the simplicity, including a 2 field account creation and the removal of your ‘myjobsDB’ account.


How do I create an account?

To create an account on jobsDB you need to click go to the “Sign Up” page enter your email address and a password in the Create an account form.

Can I delete my account?

As a job seeker, you can delete your account by signing in to your Account page

  1. Click the Delete account link.
  2. Enter “delete” to proceed.
  3. You will see a confirmation window. If you are certain that you would like to proceed, click on Delete. Please note that this is an irreversible action and cannot be undone.

Instead of deleting your account, you have the option to edit, pause or delete your alerts or unsubscribe in your email alerts that you are actively receiving. 

If you wish to use Jora again after deleting your account, you can create a new account using the same or any other email address, however, you will no longer have access to any of your original information.

If you do not see the option to delete your account, submit your request to our support team for further assistance.

I don’t remember my password. How can I reset?

As long as you already have an account with jobsDB you can easily reset your password by navigating to “Forgot your password?” and filling out the email textbox. After submitting the email address you will receive an email with further instructions on how to recover your password.

How can I edit my profile?

You can edit your profile by first going to “Your Account” page, you will be required to login before you can access any of your account details. From your account page you can easily navigate to the “edit profile” clicking this link will allow you to edit your email address and password associated with your account.

I did not receive confirmation instructions, how can I resend it?

You can manually request to resend a confirmation email by going to the “Email Confirmation” page and submit the form with your email address

How do I search for jobs in jobsDB?

From the jobsDB home page To find jobs, enter your search query and your location desired in the search bar and click on the “Search Jobs” button. After you click the “Search Jobs” button you will see a list of the search results your query and location has been matched with.

How can I save a job?

You can save the jobs they find interesting simply by clicking “Save Job” link that appears at the end of each of the job advertisements job details. This feature can also be used to keep track of the job advertisements that you have already applied to.

How can I view my list of previous searches?

To view your previous searches you may need to Sign In to the system to get an precise list of what previous searches you have performed. After signing you can visit “My Searches” which is inside the “My Account” section of jobsDB.

How do I create an email alert?

To create a job alert, enter a specific query into the search box and then click “Search Jobs”. In the search results page click on the link that says “create email alert for this search”, this link will only be available to you if you have logged into the jobsDB website with a valid account.

If you are not currently logged in you will have a textbox available to enter your email address, entering your email address in this textbox will send you job alerts but it is different to having a jobsDB account. You can remove email alerts at any time by going into your alert in your inbox and clicking the link “Cancel” which is situated at the bottom of the email alert.

How do I switch from daily to weekly alerts?

If you are logged into jobsDB and go to the My Jobs link, you should see your Job Alert link:

If you click on “Delete”, you get the message “Your job alert has been cancelled”.

….. but underneath that message it says:

“Switch to Weekly job alerts”

If you click on “Switch to Weekly job alerts” you will find that your job alert has been preserved but switched to weekly.

How do I cancel an email alert?

At any time you can edit, pause or cancel your email alerts by navigating to “My Alerts” section of your account page. The “My Alerts” section will provide you with a list of email alerts that have been associated with your account. When you cancel your alert, you are given the option to switch to weekly alerts.

If you have subscribed to email alerts and you have not yet registered an account with us, you can cancel your email alerts by scrolling to the bottom of your email alert and clicking the link " Cancel this email alert". You must do this for every email alert you have signed up for if you want to stop receving email alerts from us completely.

The job ad has offensive content, no longer exists or it’s a spam. How to proceed?

If you have found any abusive or fraudulent job advertisements, please send us a message via the “Contact Form” with the link (URL) and we will remove that particular job advertisement immediately.

If you have found a job advertisement that is no longer being published on our website it may be due to the fact that we have manually removed it from our system or it has been removed by the original publisher of the content. In any case we are not able to provide you with the job advertisement details and you may have to contact the publisher directly.

How can I get more details about a particular vacancy?

To get the most accurate and up to date details about a specific vacancy you need to contact the company or the author of the job advertisement. The majority of the job advertisements will redirect you to the appropriate website. jobsDB is limited to only displaying the job advertisements and we do not take ownership of the job advertisements.


What are the TAFEP Guidelines? What are the words and phrases I should avoid in job advertisement?

We would like to inform that any words/phrase related to “nationality, age, race, religion, gender and marital status” in job advertisement may be in violation of the principles of Fair Employment practices as promoted by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices.

For more information about TAFEP Guidelines for job advertisement, you refer to the following URL : or

How do I post a job advertisement?

jobsDB allows employers to publish individual job advertisements directly to our website. To post a job directly to our website you must navigate to “Post Job (free)” link, which is generally located in the top left hand side of the website, and complete the form. It may take some time for your job advertisement to be published because it has to go through some screening before it can be published, we screen the jobs so that we can minimise the amount of spam and fraudulent job advertisements that are posted to our free system.

The job advertisements that you post will stay live for 7 days or until you remove the ad. See the next question for how to edit or delete the ad.

If you already have a existing website or XML feed with a list of jobs we may be able to crawl your jobs automatically. To enable this please send through a link to your website or XML feed using the “Contact Us” form and we will get back to you with further details.

How do I edit or remove a job advertisement?

You can edit or delete the job advertisement using links that are included in the confirmation e-mail that jobsDB sends to confirm that your ad has been received.

How much does it cost to post a job advertisement?

All our services to post jobs directly or crawling job advertisements from your website is completely free.

How can I sponsor my job advertisements?

If you would like to sponsor your job advertisements that are already on our website please leave your company and contact details in our “Contact Us” form and we will forward your details to our sales department.

Why is my job on jobsDB?

jobsDB SG is a free job search engine which sources job ads from many different locations including: partner job boards; integrations with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS); and publicly accessible careers listings on companies’ websites. Listing your job on jobsDB SG is free of charge and can provide you with access to millions of incremental candidates. jobsDB SG typically redirects candidates to the original source of a job in order to apply. You can measure the value jobsDB SG is delivering through your ATS or web analytics platform. If you notice something about your ad on jobsDB SG which you would like to have changed, please get in touch with us - we are always happy to help.

I have posted a job ad but I can’t find it on jobsDB - where is my job ad?

There are four main reasons why you may not find your free job ad on jobsDB:

Your job ad is still being checked for quality. This process can take from five hours to 24 hours. You can check the current status of your ad in the Employer centre by logging in as an employer here For the same reason, the changes you make to ads may take up to four hours to go live.

Your ad has passed the duration limit. Your ad has expired and exceeded the ad duration limit. All self-posted ads remain active for a specified duration, and then they expire automatically.

Your ad has not passed our quality checking and will not be published. Typically, this is because the ad is for a business opportunity rather than for genuine paid employment or because the ad is from an agency collecting the details of prospective workers rather than advertising actual real jobs. Any ad that requires any payment from jobseekers is likely to be refused. Any sales or marketing job that does not state what product or service is being marketed or sold will also be refused.

The location associated with the job ad is different from your intended location. If you have multiple locations you need to register a business for each location and then associate the job ad with the correct business location. You can have many businesses registered with us, but one business cannot have many locations.

If you still have any concerns about why your ad did not get published, please contact us here -