WELCOME TO ISSUE 2:bulletred: Welcome to the second edition of This... To That, showcasing stock, and the artwork produced with it :):bulletorange: Many thanks for all the stock providers and artists featured here, and to :devpiratelotus-stock: :devcharligal: & :devshelldevil: for their suggestions!:bulletyellow: If you would like to suggest artwork and stock to be featured in the next edition, please send me a NOTE with links and THIS TO THAT SUGGESTION in the subject line!:thumb268202367: --> :thumb275261413:
:thumb17913434: --> :thumb274155707:
:thumb147934607: --> :thumb274577790:
:gallery: Gallery | | :+fav: Favourites :+fav: | | Message Me:emailsend: WELCOMEWelcomeThank you for stopping by.
:icondance-4u:NEWSI am honoured to have received a Daily Deviation for this Stock Photo: :thumb264961197:
Many thanks to :devshelldevil: for featuring it. My :heart: is filled with joy.
Thank you for supporting the little guys. :blowkiss:Thank you for all of the wonderful compliments and congratulations.
:iconhiskitty:A big warm welcome to all of the new watchers!:iconbigheartplz:Stock Rules:iconteamoplz:****- Please... stock regarding any children -****:iconteamoplz:
NO erotic or violent arts.:iconiseeyouthereplz:...
:gallery: Gallery | | :+fav: Favourites :+fav: | | Message Me:emailsend: WelcomeThank you for stopping by.
:icondance-4u::new: News :new:I am honoured to have received a Daily Deviation for this Stock Photo: https://sbg-crewstock.deviantart.com/art/Ballerina-24-121173862
Many thanks to :devSenshiStock: for suggesting the photo and to :devHanratty-Stock: for featuring it.
My :heart: is filled with joy.
Thank you for supporting the little guys. :blowkiss:
:iconbigheartplz:Stock Rules:iconteamoplz:****- Please... stock regarding any children -****:iconteamoplz:
NO erotic or violent arts.:iconiseeyouthereplz: Keep them innocent!
WelcomeThank you for stopping by. :iconspinplz:Stock Rules:iconteamoplz:****- Please... stock regarding any children -****:iconteamoplz:
NO erotic or violent arts.:iconiseeyouthereplz: Keep them innocent!
:star:Rule 1 - Credit me on pic with : iconsbg-crewstock : or : devsbg-crewstock : without the spaces and link back IN A NOTE or COMMENT on the deviation stock. I will always fave the work.
:star:Rule 2 - Try to be creative as you can - have fun
do not resubmit unaltered to photography and stock.I hereby grant all DeviantArtists permission to use my stock in any and all Deviant Prints without restriction.
:iconvictorydanceplz:Take a peek ...
Just tried to browse your gallery, and I think your profile is affected by bugs. I can't see any of your images if I try navigating to subfolders. All I get is messed up CSS and text. Just thought you should know.